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order that he might have opportunities of satisfying himself on these points , and , notwithstanding the difficulties presented by the adoption of a language not so familiar to him as his own , he ultimately joined La Cesaree . He freely acknowledged that he had every reason to be satisfied with his choice , and though unable as formerly , in England , to take an active part in the ceremonies when required , and also in the discussions , he had ht and found other means of usefulnessespecially in
consoug , nexion with the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE and the local press , his knowledge of French enabling him to understand and translate into English all that occurred . He congratulated the lodge on the lead it had taken in the erection of a Masonic Temple , for the W . M . of another lodge had confessed to him , that had it "been otherwise , the object would not have been in a fair way for lishmentas it is at present . The truth of this was
accomp , farther shown by the fact that by far the majority of the shares had been taken by members of La Cesaree . The brethren were aware that he had published in a local paper a history of the temple from the time when the idea was first broached . He had taken care that the merits and efforts of the lodge in this respect should be made known ; subsequently he had drawn up for the Jersey Express , reports of the proceedings at the ceremony
of December 17 th , and had sent these accounts with more extended details to THE F REEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Considering that from the prominent part it had taken , the lodge ought to posssess a permanent record of these events , he had made up these documents in tbe form of a book , and had appended to them that contained in another local newspaper the Lndependent , which was hihly creditable to the authorwho was not a
g , Mason ; hound up with them was a copy of his lectures on Freemasonry , and one of his biography of the late Bro . John Asplet . He now desired to present the volume to the lodge for its library , as well as the drawings alluded to by the W . M ., a portion of which were in the hands of an engraver for publication in THE FBEEMASOSVS' MAGAZIXE *; he mentioned this that the brethren might have an opportunity of obtaining copies for
themselves . He expressed his thanks to the architect , Bro . Gallichan , for his courtesy in lending him the original plans , and to Bro . La Sueur for the assistance he had rendered in completing two of the drawings . On tbe proposition of Bro . Schmitt , who made some complimentary remarks on the occasion , seconded by Bro . P . Le Sueur ; it was resolved that these presents be thankfully accepted , that the drawings be framed , and that the W . M . with the Secretary and another brother be requested to
have it done . The W . M . then presented to the lodge a framed copy of the inscription engraved on the plate placed within the foundation stone of the Temple , which was formally and thankfully accepted by a resolution to that effect . Bros . Hanau and Mullen were then raised to the sublime rank of Master Mason by the W . M ., assisted in the latter part by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., Bro . Binet taking the chair
of J . W . Bro . Rondeaux , acting as Orator , gave an interesting and pbilosphical address to Bro . Hanau and Muller , which was listened to by the lodge with marked attention , and at its close elicited a hearty manifestation of approbation . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Bro . Du Jardin proposed and Bro . Thomas Gallichan seconded the nomination of a candidate for initiation at the next meeting . A long discussion ensued on a
matter of business connected with the sepulchral monument erected by the lodge in the general cemetery , as well as on several other subjects , so that the lodge was not closed till ten o ' clock ; this protraction of the sitting was much regretted to many , as preparations bad been made at the social hoard by celebrate the goiclen wedding of the Tyler , Bro . H . Du Jardin , it heing the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage . Some of the
brethren who duly appreciate the importance of keeping up the credit of Freemasonry , by never allowing themselves to infringe on domestic comfort , thus enabling the Craft to have "the tongue of good report" among the ladies of their families , necessarily left at the conclusion of the duties of the evening , and , therefore , the muster on proceeding from labour to refreshment was not so strong as usual .
CHESHIRE . CHESTEE . —Cestrian Lodge ( No . 815 . )—This lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John ' s Day in their lodge room , at the Royal Hotel , Chester , on Monday , December 29 th . The newly-elected W . M . for the year , Bro . Edward Cuzner , was duly installed in his office , and the following appointments were
made : —Bros . T . Wilcock , S . W . ; Captain Mawdsley , J . W . ; E . Minshull , Treas . ; F . Butt , S . D . ; J . Trevor , J . D . ; and W . Hunt , I . G . At the close of tbe Masonic business a sumptuous banquet was served to the brethren . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Hon . Col . Cotton , took the chair , supported by Bros . Lord de Tahley , Sir Watkins Williams Wynn , Bart ., the Master and Officers of the lodge , and Bros . Butler , Pigot , E . G . Willoughby , C . Button , J . D . Weaver , A . Dickson , J . Ralph , W . Bulley , J . P . Piatt , Gittins , J . Huxley , H . Piatt , Wigan , C . H . Kitchen , B . Owen , D . McGregor , & c .
CORNWALL . CAHJNGTOH' . — Loyal Victoria Lodge ( No . 815 ) . — The brethren of . this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , at their lodge room at the Bull's Head Inn , Callington , on Tuesday , Dec . 30 fch , when Bro . Trenaman , who had been elected at the previous lodge meeting , was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of which was ably performed by the Installing Master , Bro . Pearce . The W . M .
then invested the following brethren as his officers , viz .: — Taylor , P . M . ; Hancock , S . W . ; Michell , J . W . ; Peavee , P . M ., Treas . ; Mason , P . M ., Sec ; Venning , S . D . ; Broad , J . D . ; Harper , I . G . ; and Henwood , Tyler ; after which the brethren , having been called from labour to refreshment , sat down to an excellent dinner ( provided by their host , Mr . Brown ) . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts having been given and responded tothe brethren separated in the eveninggreatly pleased with
, , the proceedings of the day . FAUTOTITH . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 89 ) . —This loclge held their annual festival of St . John the Evangelist at the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , on Monday , Dec . 29 th . There were upwards of 50 brethren present . Bro . Capt . H . A . Sleeman was installed as W . M . by Bro . T . H . Lanyon , P . M . The following officers were appointed by the newly-installed Master r Bros . James RusdenS . W . ; J . VivianJ . W . ; William Kella way ,
, , S . D . ; E . C . Carne , J . D . ; G . A . Jenkins and W . E . Tucker , Stewards ; Sharpe , I . G . ; William Rusden , O . G . ; Reginald Rogers , Prov . G . Treas ; Captain F . Pender , of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Essex ; Captain Cardew , one of the Alma heroes ; Captain Coope ; Blight , of Helston ; and several visiting brethren of distinction were present . The financial state of this loclge , the oldest and one of the most flourishing iu the
county , is in a very satisfactory condition . The banquet , supplied by Mr . Middleton , of the Royal Hotel , which was well attended , was of the most sumptuous kind . PENZANCE . —Lodge Momvt Sinai ( No . 142 ) . —This lodge held its annual festival on Wednesday , Dec . 31 st , when Bro . Israel Levin , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year , was duly installed , and the other officers were appointecl and invested with their respective jewels , viz .: —Bros . Maxwell , P . M . ; W . H . Wright ,
G . Chap . ; W . H . Blight , S . W . ; F . Berringer , J . W . ; William Gurney , S . D . ; T . W . Pengelly , J . D . ; H . Runnalls , I . G . ; P . Curnow , Dir . of Cers . ; Earle and W . D . Mathews , jun ., Stewards ; and E . Gay , Tyler ; F . Trounson and Denbigh , P . M . ' s , were respectively appointed Treas . and Sec . This lodge has , during tbe past year , under the presidency of Bro . Maxwell , received a considerable accession in numbers and respectability , whilst it has had to lament the loss by death of two of its most
distinguished and valued members , Bros . Curnow and Pearce . It now numbers about 40 members , and its financial report , presented by the retiring Treasurer , Bro . Ball , showed it to be in a very flourishing condition . At the conclusion of business in the lodge room , the brethren , 28 in number , adjourned to the Banqueting Hall , where a sumptuous repast in Bro . Ball ' s best style awaited them . After dinner , the usual loyal toasts were iven and received with great applausewhen tbe lodge was
g , close tyled , and the toasts peculiar to the Craft were given with Masonic honours . The usual invitation to neighbouring lodges to attend this festival was kindly responded to by Bros . Mills , Hocking , and Bray , ofthe Druid's Lodge , Redruth . The lodge was closed about ten p . m ., when the brethren separated , having enjoyed a meeting replete with all that harmony and good feeling which distinguish the Craft .
DEVON . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Biunswieh ( No . 185 ) . —The meeting for installing the W . M ., Bro . James , was held at the Masonic Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , on the 29 th ult ., at three o'clock . On the afternoon , punctual ot thetime tbe brethren assembled , and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . James was installed as Master
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order that he might have opportunities of satisfying himself on these points , and , notwithstanding the difficulties presented by the adoption of a language not so familiar to him as his own , he ultimately joined La Cesaree . He freely acknowledged that he had every reason to be satisfied with his choice , and though unable as formerly , in England , to take an active part in the ceremonies when required , and also in the discussions , he had ht and found other means of usefulnessespecially in
consoug , nexion with the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE and the local press , his knowledge of French enabling him to understand and translate into English all that occurred . He congratulated the lodge on the lead it had taken in the erection of a Masonic Temple , for the W . M . of another lodge had confessed to him , that had it "been otherwise , the object would not have been in a fair way for lishmentas it is at present . The truth of this was
accomp , farther shown by the fact that by far the majority of the shares had been taken by members of La Cesaree . The brethren were aware that he had published in a local paper a history of the temple from the time when the idea was first broached . He had taken care that the merits and efforts of the lodge in this respect should be made known ; subsequently he had drawn up for the Jersey Express , reports of the proceedings at the ceremony
of December 17 th , and had sent these accounts with more extended details to THE F REEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Considering that from the prominent part it had taken , the lodge ought to posssess a permanent record of these events , he had made up these documents in tbe form of a book , and had appended to them that contained in another local newspaper the Lndependent , which was hihly creditable to the authorwho was not a
g , Mason ; hound up with them was a copy of his lectures on Freemasonry , and one of his biography of the late Bro . John Asplet . He now desired to present the volume to the lodge for its library , as well as the drawings alluded to by the W . M ., a portion of which were in the hands of an engraver for publication in THE FBEEMASOSVS' MAGAZIXE *; he mentioned this that the brethren might have an opportunity of obtaining copies for
themselves . He expressed his thanks to the architect , Bro . Gallichan , for his courtesy in lending him the original plans , and to Bro . La Sueur for the assistance he had rendered in completing two of the drawings . On tbe proposition of Bro . Schmitt , who made some complimentary remarks on the occasion , seconded by Bro . P . Le Sueur ; it was resolved that these presents be thankfully accepted , that the drawings be framed , and that the W . M . with the Secretary and another brother be requested to
have it done . The W . M . then presented to the lodge a framed copy of the inscription engraved on the plate placed within the foundation stone of the Temple , which was formally and thankfully accepted by a resolution to that effect . Bros . Hanau and Mullen were then raised to the sublime rank of Master Mason by the W . M ., assisted in the latter part by Bro . Schmitt , P . M ., Bro . Binet taking the chair
of J . W . Bro . Rondeaux , acting as Orator , gave an interesting and pbilosphical address to Bro . Hanau and Muller , which was listened to by the lodge with marked attention , and at its close elicited a hearty manifestation of approbation . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Bro . Du Jardin proposed and Bro . Thomas Gallichan seconded the nomination of a candidate for initiation at the next meeting . A long discussion ensued on a
matter of business connected with the sepulchral monument erected by the lodge in the general cemetery , as well as on several other subjects , so that the lodge was not closed till ten o ' clock ; this protraction of the sitting was much regretted to many , as preparations bad been made at the social hoard by celebrate the goiclen wedding of the Tyler , Bro . H . Du Jardin , it heing the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage . Some of the
brethren who duly appreciate the importance of keeping up the credit of Freemasonry , by never allowing themselves to infringe on domestic comfort , thus enabling the Craft to have "the tongue of good report" among the ladies of their families , necessarily left at the conclusion of the duties of the evening , and , therefore , the muster on proceeding from labour to refreshment was not so strong as usual .
CHESHIRE . CHESTEE . —Cestrian Lodge ( No . 815 . )—This lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John ' s Day in their lodge room , at the Royal Hotel , Chester , on Monday , December 29 th . The newly-elected W . M . for the year , Bro . Edward Cuzner , was duly installed in his office , and the following appointments were
made : —Bros . T . Wilcock , S . W . ; Captain Mawdsley , J . W . ; E . Minshull , Treas . ; F . Butt , S . D . ; J . Trevor , J . D . ; and W . Hunt , I . G . At the close of tbe Masonic business a sumptuous banquet was served to the brethren . The R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., the Hon . Col . Cotton , took the chair , supported by Bros . Lord de Tahley , Sir Watkins Williams Wynn , Bart ., the Master and Officers of the lodge , and Bros . Butler , Pigot , E . G . Willoughby , C . Button , J . D . Weaver , A . Dickson , J . Ralph , W . Bulley , J . P . Piatt , Gittins , J . Huxley , H . Piatt , Wigan , C . H . Kitchen , B . Owen , D . McGregor , & c .
CORNWALL . CAHJNGTOH' . — Loyal Victoria Lodge ( No . 815 ) . — The brethren of . this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , at their lodge room at the Bull's Head Inn , Callington , on Tuesday , Dec . 30 fch , when Bro . Trenaman , who had been elected at the previous lodge meeting , was installed as the W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony of which was ably performed by the Installing Master , Bro . Pearce . The W . M .
then invested the following brethren as his officers , viz .: — Taylor , P . M . ; Hancock , S . W . ; Michell , J . W . ; Peavee , P . M ., Treas . ; Mason , P . M ., Sec ; Venning , S . D . ; Broad , J . D . ; Harper , I . G . ; and Henwood , Tyler ; after which the brethren , having been called from labour to refreshment , sat down to an excellent dinner ( provided by their host , Mr . Brown ) . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts having been given and responded tothe brethren separated in the eveninggreatly pleased with
, , the proceedings of the day . FAUTOTITH . —Lodge of Love and Honour ( No . 89 ) . —This loclge held their annual festival of St . John the Evangelist at the Masonic Hall , Falmouth , on Monday , Dec . 29 th . There were upwards of 50 brethren present . Bro . Capt . H . A . Sleeman was installed as W . M . by Bro . T . H . Lanyon , P . M . The following officers were appointed by the newly-installed Master r Bros . James RusdenS . W . ; J . VivianJ . W . ; William Kella way ,
, , S . D . ; E . C . Carne , J . D . ; G . A . Jenkins and W . E . Tucker , Stewards ; Sharpe , I . G . ; William Rusden , O . G . ; Reginald Rogers , Prov . G . Treas ; Captain F . Pender , of the Provincial Grand Lodge , Essex ; Captain Cardew , one of the Alma heroes ; Captain Coope ; Blight , of Helston ; and several visiting brethren of distinction were present . The financial state of this loclge , the oldest and one of the most flourishing iu the
county , is in a very satisfactory condition . The banquet , supplied by Mr . Middleton , of the Royal Hotel , which was well attended , was of the most sumptuous kind . PENZANCE . —Lodge Momvt Sinai ( No . 142 ) . —This lodge held its annual festival on Wednesday , Dec . 31 st , when Bro . Israel Levin , the W . M . elect for the ensuing year , was duly installed , and the other officers were appointecl and invested with their respective jewels , viz .: —Bros . Maxwell , P . M . ; W . H . Wright ,
G . Chap . ; W . H . Blight , S . W . ; F . Berringer , J . W . ; William Gurney , S . D . ; T . W . Pengelly , J . D . ; H . Runnalls , I . G . ; P . Curnow , Dir . of Cers . ; Earle and W . D . Mathews , jun ., Stewards ; and E . Gay , Tyler ; F . Trounson and Denbigh , P . M . ' s , were respectively appointed Treas . and Sec . This lodge has , during tbe past year , under the presidency of Bro . Maxwell , received a considerable accession in numbers and respectability , whilst it has had to lament the loss by death of two of its most
distinguished and valued members , Bros . Curnow and Pearce . It now numbers about 40 members , and its financial report , presented by the retiring Treasurer , Bro . Ball , showed it to be in a very flourishing condition . At the conclusion of business in the lodge room , the brethren , 28 in number , adjourned to the Banqueting Hall , where a sumptuous repast in Bro . Ball ' s best style awaited them . After dinner , the usual loyal toasts were iven and received with great applausewhen tbe lodge was
g , close tyled , and the toasts peculiar to the Craft were given with Masonic honours . The usual invitation to neighbouring lodges to attend this festival was kindly responded to by Bros . Mills , Hocking , and Bray , ofthe Druid's Lodge , Redruth . The lodge was closed about ten p . m ., when the brethren separated , having enjoyed a meeting replete with all that harmony and good feeling which distinguish the Craft .
DEVON . PLYMOUTH . —Lodge Biunswieh ( No . 185 ) . —The meeting for installing the W . M ., Bro . James , was held at the Masonic Hall , Union-road , Plymouth , on the 29 th ult ., at three o'clock . On the afternoon , punctual ot thetime tbe brethren assembled , and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . James was installed as Master