Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINVIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Kennedy and George Gurton , " the Treasurers of the Lodge and of the Benevolent Fund . —Bro . KENNEDY , P . M ., returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him in the appointment of him as their Treasurer for the nineteenth time , and he took their re-election of him as a renewal of their esteem . He trusted that next year their funds would be in as prosperous a condition as they were at the present time , and under the careful management of their W . M . that they would come out under
flying colours . —Bro . GUETOX , P . M ., said it was gratifying to see by the balance-sheet that a sum of £ 300 had been collected in the lodge , independently of what they had given away ; the Benevolent Fund only having commenced in 1855 .- —The W . M . said the toast he was about to give he considered to he the most important of the evening , which was that of " The Officers of the Lodge , " and he trusted that the high eulogium their
immediate P . M . had passed upon them would he an incentive to them to continue in the satisfactory performance of their duties . —Bro . HOGG , S . W ., said he wished it had fallen on one more gifted than himself to return thanks on the part of the officers , but they hoped to merit what had been said of them by deeds and not words , and at the end of his year of office the W . M . might be able to say that they had done their duty . — The W . M . said the next toast , and the last on the list , was " Success to the New Concord Lodge , " which had sprung from
them , and which emulated the success and prosperity of the Old Concord Lodge . It had been suggested and promoted hy their respected friend Bro . Emmens , who , when difficulties or dangers presented themselves , or dark clouds hung over the Old Concord Lodge , was ever its guiding and directing star . After a lew jocose remarks , he gave " The New Concord Lodge and the Health of Bro . Emmens , its first Master . "—Bro . EMMEXS , P . M . and Secretary , said it was hardly necessary to say much
in reply to the kind manner in which the W . M . had proposed his health , as he could only state how sincerely he thanked them . He had then been twenty-nine years a member of the Old Concord Lodge , and of that time he had been twenty-one years their Secretary , and during the whole of that period , although there might be a difference of opinion , there had never been any ill-feeling on the part of any member towards him . He had endeavoured to do his best to benefit the lodge , and should
continue to do so . He should never forget the Old Concord Lodge , if he were only to call to mind what was done for him two years ago . He thanked them cordially for the manner in which they had drunk his health in connection with the New Concord Lodge . The business of the evening was agreeably diversified by some excellent songs by Bros . Wollams , Banks , Champion , Tate , and Hollingsworth , Bro . Amos presiding at the pianoforte , and the brethren separated at eleven o'clock , delighted at the truly Masonic treat they had received .
YAEBOEOUGII LODGE ( NO . 812 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , Jan . 2 , at the George Hotel , Commercial-road East . The lodge was opened at 4 P . M . by the Rev . Bro . D . Shaboe , W . M ., and after confirmation of the minutes , Mr . Henry Mosley was initiated into Masonry , Bros . Peacock and Wright passed to the second degree , and Bro . Gaswell raised to the third degree . The W . M . resigned the
chair to Bro . J . H . Wynne , P . M ., aud presented Bro . T . J . Middleton . W . M . elect , for installation , which ceremony was performed in the presence of several Past Masters . Among the visitors were Bros . Peter Matthews , No . 830 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Essex ; Rev . Bro . J . AV . Laughleu , No . 201 , Prov . G . Chap . Herts ; F . Binckes , No . 11 ; Thompson and Grumbridge , No . 63 ; AV . Knapping , No . 1 S 6 ; Bro . Thomas Johns , W . M . No . 23 ,
and others . The W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in thesever . il degrees , and at the close , Bro . J . Kindred , P . M ., most ably addressed the brethren . The officers for the year are Bros . J . R . Carr , S . W . ; W . Hamilton , J . W . ; J . H . Wynne , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Vasey , P . M ., Sec . ; John Simonds , S . B . ; Joseph Hudson , J . D . ; F . B . Read , I . G . ; Clark and Ohlson , Stewards ; Spreight , Tyler . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and at S P . sr . forty brethren gathered around the W . M . at the banquet , which was of the usual excellent quality that characterises Bro . Williams' establishment .
INSTRUCTION . ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 85 ) . —The weekly meeting of this excellent lod ge was held on Sunday evening , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , Bro . Gilchrist presided as W . M ., and the
ceremony of raising was performed in a most impressive manner . In the course of the evening it was announced that Bro . Hart , AV . M . of No . 165 , who was present , would serve as Steward at the Festival for the benefit of Aged Freemasons on the 22 th of January , and several brethren became subscribers and placed their contributions in his hands . It was also announced that Bro . Hart would preside at the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , held at the Duke of Kent , Old'Kent-road , on the last AVednesday in the present month , and put the questions in the fifteen sections .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BEKKHAMPSTEAD . —Berkhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , January 1 , at the King's Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , but owing to its falling on New Year's Day , was not so numerously attended as usual . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . G . Lane , AV . M ., Prov . J . G . D . of the province . A ballot was taken for
Broil . L . P . Gentile as a joining member . The AV . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . Jeremiah How , P . Prov . G . D . C , and Bro . James Burton , P . M : No . 202 , and P . Prov . G . D . The W . M .. elect was presented and duly installed in the chair . The AV . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the year ensuing -. - Bros . George Lambert , P . M . of 234-, S . AV . ; J . B . Newall , J . AA . ; Rev . T . B . Harvey , Chap . ; J . E . Lane , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Richards , Prov . G . S . B ., Sec , and S . D . ; Wm . Limiley , J . D . ; H . L . P . Gentile , Dir . of Cers . ; J . L . A . Clen , I . G . ; Thomas , Tyler ; James Burton jun ., No . 9 , and F . How , No . 861 ., were visitors .
KENT . CEOYDOX . —Hast Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 6 S 0 , Instruction ) . —This lodge of Instruction ( which has not met for-some time ) was , by the unanimous consent of the mother lodge , removed from the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , to Bro . Clemishaw's Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , where the first regular meeting under the dispensation was held on Tuesday
last , the 7 th inst ., when Bro . Anslow , P . M ., in his usual impressive manner , installed Bro . Goodwin , the W . M . of No . 680 , as first W . M . of this lodge of instruction . The brethren of the province , and some from London , to the number of nearly twenty , enrolled themselves as annual members . The bye-laws wereframed , and Bro . C H . Woodward , through whose exertions , assisted by the AV . M ., Thomas Goodwin , this lodge of instruction has been reseuscitated , elected Secretary and Treasurer . There
are several good working Masons among them , and we heartily wish them success . A vote of thanks to Bro . Anslow for his kindness in attending , and the very efficient manner in which he worked the installation , was accompanied by an invitation to accept an honorary membership , which Bro . Anslow feelingly and appropriately acknowledged and accepted . Bro . Harris , P . M . ( an inmate of the Asylum at Croydon ) , and nearly blind , was likewise elected an honorary member . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to Tuesday , the 21 st Jan . The meetings are to be held fortnightly .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) BLACEETJEN . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel , on the evening of Friday , 27 th December , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., and celebrating the Festival of St . John . The lodge was opened in the first degree at five o ' clock , and subsequently in the second degree , when the ancient charges
were read to the W . M . elect ( Bro . Charles Tiplady ) , who assented to the same in the usual manner . The W . M . elect was next presented to a hoard of Installed Masters , when Bro . Clough , P . M ., installed Bro . Tiplady into the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being performed in such a manner that may be equalled , but could not be excelled , and though we have been accustomed to see Bro . Clough go through the ceremony for several years past , on this occasion we think he outshone him-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kennedy and George Gurton , " the Treasurers of the Lodge and of the Benevolent Fund . —Bro . KENNEDY , P . M ., returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him in the appointment of him as their Treasurer for the nineteenth time , and he took their re-election of him as a renewal of their esteem . He trusted that next year their funds would be in as prosperous a condition as they were at the present time , and under the careful management of their W . M . that they would come out under
flying colours . —Bro . GUETOX , P . M ., said it was gratifying to see by the balance-sheet that a sum of £ 300 had been collected in the lodge , independently of what they had given away ; the Benevolent Fund only having commenced in 1855 .- —The W . M . said the toast he was about to give he considered to he the most important of the evening , which was that of " The Officers of the Lodge , " and he trusted that the high eulogium their
immediate P . M . had passed upon them would he an incentive to them to continue in the satisfactory performance of their duties . —Bro . HOGG , S . W ., said he wished it had fallen on one more gifted than himself to return thanks on the part of the officers , but they hoped to merit what had been said of them by deeds and not words , and at the end of his year of office the W . M . might be able to say that they had done their duty . — The W . M . said the next toast , and the last on the list , was " Success to the New Concord Lodge , " which had sprung from
them , and which emulated the success and prosperity of the Old Concord Lodge . It had been suggested and promoted hy their respected friend Bro . Emmens , who , when difficulties or dangers presented themselves , or dark clouds hung over the Old Concord Lodge , was ever its guiding and directing star . After a lew jocose remarks , he gave " The New Concord Lodge and the Health of Bro . Emmens , its first Master . "—Bro . EMMEXS , P . M . and Secretary , said it was hardly necessary to say much
in reply to the kind manner in which the W . M . had proposed his health , as he could only state how sincerely he thanked them . He had then been twenty-nine years a member of the Old Concord Lodge , and of that time he had been twenty-one years their Secretary , and during the whole of that period , although there might be a difference of opinion , there had never been any ill-feeling on the part of any member towards him . He had endeavoured to do his best to benefit the lodge , and should
continue to do so . He should never forget the Old Concord Lodge , if he were only to call to mind what was done for him two years ago . He thanked them cordially for the manner in which they had drunk his health in connection with the New Concord Lodge . The business of the evening was agreeably diversified by some excellent songs by Bros . Wollams , Banks , Champion , Tate , and Hollingsworth , Bro . Amos presiding at the pianoforte , and the brethren separated at eleven o'clock , delighted at the truly Masonic treat they had received .
YAEBOEOUGII LODGE ( NO . 812 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , Jan . 2 , at the George Hotel , Commercial-road East . The lodge was opened at 4 P . M . by the Rev . Bro . D . Shaboe , W . M ., and after confirmation of the minutes , Mr . Henry Mosley was initiated into Masonry , Bros . Peacock and Wright passed to the second degree , and Bro . Gaswell raised to the third degree . The W . M . resigned the
chair to Bro . J . H . Wynne , P . M ., aud presented Bro . T . J . Middleton . W . M . elect , for installation , which ceremony was performed in the presence of several Past Masters . Among the visitors were Bros . Peter Matthews , No . 830 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Essex ; Rev . Bro . J . AV . Laughleu , No . 201 , Prov . G . Chap . Herts ; F . Binckes , No . 11 ; Thompson and Grumbridge , No . 63 ; AV . Knapping , No . 1 S 6 ; Bro . Thomas Johns , W . M . No . 23 ,
and others . The W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in thesever . il degrees , and at the close , Bro . J . Kindred , P . M ., most ably addressed the brethren . The officers for the year are Bros . J . R . Carr , S . W . ; W . Hamilton , J . W . ; J . H . Wynne , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Vasey , P . M ., Sec . ; John Simonds , S . B . ; Joseph Hudson , J . D . ; F . B . Read , I . G . ; Clark and Ohlson , Stewards ; Spreight , Tyler . All business ended , the lodge was closed , and at S P . sr . forty brethren gathered around the W . M . at the banquet , which was of the usual excellent quality that characterises Bro . Williams' establishment .
INSTRUCTION . ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 85 ) . —The weekly meeting of this excellent lod ge was held on Sunday evening , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , Bro . Gilchrist presided as W . M ., and the
ceremony of raising was performed in a most impressive manner . In the course of the evening it was announced that Bro . Hart , AV . M . of No . 165 , who was present , would serve as Steward at the Festival for the benefit of Aged Freemasons on the 22 th of January , and several brethren became subscribers and placed their contributions in his hands . It was also announced that Bro . Hart would preside at the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , held at the Duke of Kent , Old'Kent-road , on the last AVednesday in the present month , and put the questions in the fifteen sections .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BEKKHAMPSTEAD . —Berkhampstead Lodge ( No . 742 . )—The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , January 1 , at the King's Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , but owing to its falling on New Year's Day , was not so numerously attended as usual . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . G . Lane , AV . M ., Prov . J . G . D . of the province . A ballot was taken for
Broil . L . P . Gentile as a joining member . The AV . M . then resigned the chair to Bro . Jeremiah How , P . Prov . G . D . C , and Bro . James Burton , P . M : No . 202 , and P . Prov . G . D . The W . M .. elect was presented and duly installed in the chair . The AV . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the year ensuing -. - Bros . George Lambert , P . M . of 234-, S . AV . ; J . B . Newall , J . AA . ; Rev . T . B . Harvey , Chap . ; J . E . Lane , P . M ., Treas . ; J . G . Richards , Prov . G . S . B ., Sec , and S . D . ; Wm . Limiley , J . D . ; H . L . P . Gentile , Dir . of Cers . ; J . L . A . Clen , I . G . ; Thomas , Tyler ; James Burton jun ., No . 9 , and F . How , No . 861 ., were visitors .
KENT . CEOYDOX . —Hast Surrey Lodge of Concord ( No . 6 S 0 , Instruction ) . —This lodge of Instruction ( which has not met for-some time ) was , by the unanimous consent of the mother lodge , removed from the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , to Bro . Clemishaw's Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , where the first regular meeting under the dispensation was held on Tuesday
last , the 7 th inst ., when Bro . Anslow , P . M ., in his usual impressive manner , installed Bro . Goodwin , the W . M . of No . 680 , as first W . M . of this lodge of instruction . The brethren of the province , and some from London , to the number of nearly twenty , enrolled themselves as annual members . The bye-laws wereframed , and Bro . C H . Woodward , through whose exertions , assisted by the AV . M ., Thomas Goodwin , this lodge of instruction has been reseuscitated , elected Secretary and Treasurer . There
are several good working Masons among them , and we heartily wish them success . A vote of thanks to Bro . Anslow for his kindness in attending , and the very efficient manner in which he worked the installation , was accompanied by an invitation to accept an honorary membership , which Bro . Anslow feelingly and appropriately acknowledged and accepted . Bro . Harris , P . M . ( an inmate of the Asylum at Croydon ) , and nearly blind , was likewise elected an honorary member . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned to Tuesday , the 21 st Jan . The meetings are to be held fortnightly .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST . ) BLACEETJEN . —Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Bull Hotel , on the evening of Friday , 27 th December , for the purpose of installing the AV . M ., and celebrating the Festival of St . John . The lodge was opened in the first degree at five o ' clock , and subsequently in the second degree , when the ancient charges
were read to the W . M . elect ( Bro . Charles Tiplady ) , who assented to the same in the usual manner . The W . M . elect was next presented to a hoard of Installed Masters , when Bro . Clough , P . M ., installed Bro . Tiplady into the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being performed in such a manner that may be equalled , but could not be excelled , and though we have been accustomed to see Bro . Clough go through the ceremony for several years past , on this occasion we think he outshone him-