Article MASONIC FACTS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Facts.
22 . The Tau cross T , was in use in the 10 th century before Christ , as a mystic symbol among the religious devotees of India and China . It occurs in very early Christian remains , and is found , according to Mr . Waller , on the girdle of a priest of the date of 1011 . It is also in the centre compartment of the two great Welsh crosses at Carew and Neverne ( 9 th or
10 th century ); also in the beautiful circlet of gilt metal found at Brougham , between the forks of the beard of one of the angels ; also on the tesselated page opposite the commencement of St . John ' s Gospel in the Gospels of Lindisfame . —Areltmological Journal , vol . x ., p . 286 .
23 . The circlet above mentioned is of Saxon date ; and the mark referred to is thus drawn , £ j ^ . This properly belongs to the Eastern Church , and was designated by the term gammadion , being compounded of the letter gamma several times repeated . It was frequently introduced in the decorations and
vestments of the Greek Church , as also occasionally in our own—see the fine effigy of Bishop Edyndon at Winchester . It is also the sacred cross of the Buddhists . —See the Asiatic Journals . 24 . In the churchyard at Lantwit Major , Glamorganshire , is a curious stone of Saxon workmanship ,
evidently the foot of a cross about 4 it . high , of an oblong square form , with a parallel longitudinal opening or well in the middle of it . The outside is covered with interlaced sculpture work and inscriptions , and near the base the Tau cross is frequently repeated in this manner . There are three of these compartments on two sides of the stone . —Arclusologia , vol . vi ., p . 22 . —( Fig . 7 . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
HIGH GBADES . I am a young Arch Mason and am anxious to work up into the higher degrees , but am so jiuzzled by the variety of names that constantly appear in your MAGAZINE that I am quite ignorant as to what are really the recognised " high degrees . " Are there any besides Royal Arch , Mark , Kniht Templar 18 ° 30 ° 31 ° 32 ° and 33 ° ? Are there
g , , , , , any degrees peculiar to Scotland , and if ' so what ? I often hear of Knights of Malta—can the degree betaken only in that Island ? "What are Chapters of St . John of Jerusalem ? Pray pardon my trespassing with so many questions but , by kindly answering the foregoing you will oblige myself and several others who are—CONSTANT SUBSCRIBERS . —[ The Royal Arch degree , as practised in
England , is part of Craft Masonry , vide Booh of Constitutions , sub tit . " Regulations for the Government of the Craft , " where , in the first paragraph , it is admitted as part of " pure Ancient Masonry . " In the Ancient and Accepted Rite , i . e ., the series properly called the " high grades , " the Royal Arch is a different degree to that in use amongst us , aud is the 13 th of the series . It is also
known as that of " Knight of the Ninth Arch . " The Supreme Council , ever ready to guard against what might be deemed an interference with Craft Masonry , do not work this degree on account of its similarity of name . Both in Scotland and Ireland there are great differences in the Royal Arch degree . The Mark degree is , at present , a kind of nondescript in England- The
Grand Lodge repudiate it , and it is given under the authority of the Grand Chapter of Scotland until some competent system shall be determined on . The Ancient and Accepted Rite does not include it by name , but the
Supreme Council have the power of adopting it , as it already forms a part of certain degrees which they can confer . The Order of Knights Templar is a distinct series of itself composed of several degrees . The 18 ° , called Rose Croix ; the 30 ° , Grand Knight elect K—h , are both under the Supreme Grand Council with this difference , that the latter is the Ae plus ultra of
Templarism and the Encampments can confer it if they choose . There is an anomaly about this which wants rectifying , for two distinct authorities ought not each to claim the right of conferring the 30 ° . The 31 ° Grand Inquisitor Commanders , 32 ° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret , and 33 ° Sovereign Grand Inspector General , are all under the Supreme Grand Council . There are several
degrees peculiar to Scotland , the most valuableb eingthat of the Royal Order of Scotland , which is divided into two parts . The degree of Knight of Malta can be taken in most Encampments of Knights Templar in England , Ireland , and Scotland . They are identical with the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , or Hospitallers of St . John , afterwards termed Knights of Rhodes and Palestine , and subsequently known as Knights of Malta . The Chapters of St . John of Jerusalem are connected with the Rosy-Cross , or Royal Order of Scotland . ]
THE OLDEST LODGE MINUTE BOOK . Resuming the extracts in our last volume we find that Thomas Barton and John Atwood Esqre . had been thrice summoned and had not attended or paid their arrears and notice was given that they be expelled at the next meeting . On the meeting of the 25 th of August , 1726 , the President informed them that in of a
pursuance Resolution of the 7 th of July ( that one hundred pounds be borrowed for the use of the society for one year repayable with interest ) he had found two persons willing to advance the money in his own sisters , Mrs . Anne and Mrs . Francis Jones , upon which it was ordered that Mr . President receive said hundred pounds of the ladies above mentioned and that Brother Charles Cotton do get
a proper bond for the President Censors . and Directors to sign at the next public meeting . Bro . Cotton was ordered to be paid his law charges in ReiFers affair . ( 21 . 5 s ) Mr . Thomas Shuttleworth 8 L 17 0 for copying music . John Mercer for a Presidents chair 4 Z . 11 0 . Bro William Gulston 3 Z . 13 6 which he had paid Barrett and Aleers for cases , bows , and repairs of instruments . Bro . Oliverson ' s bill for a private night 11 . 10 8 aud his bill for this night 11 . 9 10 .
On August 26 th , 1726 , they got the money and gave a Receipt " for it in these words— " Received of Mrs . Anne and Mrs . Francis Jones one hundred Pounds for the use of this Right Worshipful and highly esteemed Society " ' " "Wm . Jones , Prseses " Wm . Gulston C . lmus . and Regist . " E . Papillon Ball , Censor 2 ndus .
The next meeting was on the loth of September 1726 when it was Resolved that Thomas Barton and John Atwood Esqr . be deemed guilty of scandalous and unbrotherly actions towards the society , and it was further ordered , that they be no longer permitted to have any rig ht or title either as members or visitors ever to this Riht worshiful and hihly esteemed Society
g p g out of which they are expelled for their misbehaviour before recorded with the utmost contempt . —It was also Resolved " That a Ticket in | the present State Lottery be bought for the use of the Society to be paid for out of the public Treasury—Ordered , that the President do buy the same and send the Registrar notice thereof , as likewise the number of said Ticketon or before the 19 th
, instant and that said Registrar do registrar the same in this book of Records . Bro . Joseph Murden was elected a Director and notice was given to the President and Director to attend at 4 o'clock on the 29 th to invest him with the token of distinction and choose a new President . The letter about the Lottery Ticket is as follows "To
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
22 . The Tau cross T , was in use in the 10 th century before Christ , as a mystic symbol among the religious devotees of India and China . It occurs in very early Christian remains , and is found , according to Mr . Waller , on the girdle of a priest of the date of 1011 . It is also in the centre compartment of the two great Welsh crosses at Carew and Neverne ( 9 th or
10 th century ); also in the beautiful circlet of gilt metal found at Brougham , between the forks of the beard of one of the angels ; also on the tesselated page opposite the commencement of St . John ' s Gospel in the Gospels of Lindisfame . —Areltmological Journal , vol . x ., p . 286 .
23 . The circlet above mentioned is of Saxon date ; and the mark referred to is thus drawn , £ j ^ . This properly belongs to the Eastern Church , and was designated by the term gammadion , being compounded of the letter gamma several times repeated . It was frequently introduced in the decorations and
vestments of the Greek Church , as also occasionally in our own—see the fine effigy of Bishop Edyndon at Winchester . It is also the sacred cross of the Buddhists . —See the Asiatic Journals . 24 . In the churchyard at Lantwit Major , Glamorganshire , is a curious stone of Saxon workmanship ,
evidently the foot of a cross about 4 it . high , of an oblong square form , with a parallel longitudinal opening or well in the middle of it . The outside is covered with interlaced sculpture work and inscriptions , and near the base the Tau cross is frequently repeated in this manner . There are three of these compartments on two sides of the stone . —Arclusologia , vol . vi ., p . 22 . —( Fig . 7 . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
HIGH GBADES . I am a young Arch Mason and am anxious to work up into the higher degrees , but am so jiuzzled by the variety of names that constantly appear in your MAGAZINE that I am quite ignorant as to what are really the recognised " high degrees . " Are there any besides Royal Arch , Mark , Kniht Templar 18 ° 30 ° 31 ° 32 ° and 33 ° ? Are there
g , , , , , any degrees peculiar to Scotland , and if ' so what ? I often hear of Knights of Malta—can the degree betaken only in that Island ? "What are Chapters of St . John of Jerusalem ? Pray pardon my trespassing with so many questions but , by kindly answering the foregoing you will oblige myself and several others who are—CONSTANT SUBSCRIBERS . —[ The Royal Arch degree , as practised in
England , is part of Craft Masonry , vide Booh of Constitutions , sub tit . " Regulations for the Government of the Craft , " where , in the first paragraph , it is admitted as part of " pure Ancient Masonry . " In the Ancient and Accepted Rite , i . e ., the series properly called the " high grades , " the Royal Arch is a different degree to that in use amongst us , aud is the 13 th of the series . It is also
known as that of " Knight of the Ninth Arch . " The Supreme Council , ever ready to guard against what might be deemed an interference with Craft Masonry , do not work this degree on account of its similarity of name . Both in Scotland and Ireland there are great differences in the Royal Arch degree . The Mark degree is , at present , a kind of nondescript in England- The
Grand Lodge repudiate it , and it is given under the authority of the Grand Chapter of Scotland until some competent system shall be determined on . The Ancient and Accepted Rite does not include it by name , but the
Supreme Council have the power of adopting it , as it already forms a part of certain degrees which they can confer . The Order of Knights Templar is a distinct series of itself composed of several degrees . The 18 ° , called Rose Croix ; the 30 ° , Grand Knight elect K—h , are both under the Supreme Grand Council with this difference , that the latter is the Ae plus ultra of
Templarism and the Encampments can confer it if they choose . There is an anomaly about this which wants rectifying , for two distinct authorities ought not each to claim the right of conferring the 30 ° . The 31 ° Grand Inquisitor Commanders , 32 ° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret , and 33 ° Sovereign Grand Inspector General , are all under the Supreme Grand Council . There are several
degrees peculiar to Scotland , the most valuableb eingthat of the Royal Order of Scotland , which is divided into two parts . The degree of Knight of Malta can be taken in most Encampments of Knights Templar in England , Ireland , and Scotland . They are identical with the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem , or Hospitallers of St . John , afterwards termed Knights of Rhodes and Palestine , and subsequently known as Knights of Malta . The Chapters of St . John of Jerusalem are connected with the Rosy-Cross , or Royal Order of Scotland . ]
THE OLDEST LODGE MINUTE BOOK . Resuming the extracts in our last volume we find that Thomas Barton and John Atwood Esqre . had been thrice summoned and had not attended or paid their arrears and notice was given that they be expelled at the next meeting . On the meeting of the 25 th of August , 1726 , the President informed them that in of a
pursuance Resolution of the 7 th of July ( that one hundred pounds be borrowed for the use of the society for one year repayable with interest ) he had found two persons willing to advance the money in his own sisters , Mrs . Anne and Mrs . Francis Jones , upon which it was ordered that Mr . President receive said hundred pounds of the ladies above mentioned and that Brother Charles Cotton do get
a proper bond for the President Censors . and Directors to sign at the next public meeting . Bro . Cotton was ordered to be paid his law charges in ReiFers affair . ( 21 . 5 s ) Mr . Thomas Shuttleworth 8 L 17 0 for copying music . John Mercer for a Presidents chair 4 Z . 11 0 . Bro William Gulston 3 Z . 13 6 which he had paid Barrett and Aleers for cases , bows , and repairs of instruments . Bro . Oliverson ' s bill for a private night 11 . 10 8 aud his bill for this night 11 . 9 10 .
On August 26 th , 1726 , they got the money and gave a Receipt " for it in these words— " Received of Mrs . Anne and Mrs . Francis Jones one hundred Pounds for the use of this Right Worshipful and highly esteemed Society " ' " "Wm . Jones , Prseses " Wm . Gulston C . lmus . and Regist . " E . Papillon Ball , Censor 2 ndus .
The next meeting was on the loth of September 1726 when it was Resolved that Thomas Barton and John Atwood Esqr . be deemed guilty of scandalous and unbrotherly actions towards the society , and it was further ordered , that they be no longer permitted to have any rig ht or title either as members or visitors ever to this Riht worshiful and hihly esteemed Society
g p g out of which they are expelled for their misbehaviour before recorded with the utmost contempt . —It was also Resolved " That a Ticket in | the present State Lottery be bought for the use of the Society to be paid for out of the public Treasury—Ordered , that the President do buy the same and send the Registrar notice thereof , as likewise the number of said Ticketon or before the 19 th
, instant and that said Registrar do registrar the same in this book of Records . Bro . Joseph Murden was elected a Director and notice was given to the President and Director to attend at 4 o'clock on the 29 th to invest him with the token of distinction and choose a new President . The letter about the Lottery Ticket is as follows "To