Article PROVINVIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINVIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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prayer , shortly after eleven o'clock . The evening ' s proceedings -were much enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Greenwood , Haydock , Garsden , Clayton , Eastwood , Duckworth , Bertwistle , AYhewell , Briggs , Crankshaw and Hilton . The brethren present were P . M . 's Clough , Bell , Eadcliffe , Thomas , Greenwood , Bertwistle , and Pearson , Bros . Tiplady , W . M .,-Hartley , S . W . ; Heath , J . W . ; Garsden , S . D . ; Duckworth , J . D . ; Abbott , Sec . ; Robinson and Taylor , Stewards ; Astley , I . G . ; and
following brethren , R . Hoyle , AV . Haydock , B . Sandford , J . Bolton , W . Clayton , J . AVoodfall , AV . " Peel , E . Eastwood , T . Hilton , S . Banister , R . Orankshaw , and AV . Hirst . The visiting brethren were Bros , the Rev . G . Preston , 434 , Dean , AYhewell , Hargreaves , Brigars , aud Latterthwaite 481 , Sheppard « and Towuley 336 , Eadcliffe 534 , Gill and Henderson 676 , and Fletcher . SUSSEX ,
Bmawzox . —Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on the 7 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Curtis , who very ably initiated Messrs . Stride and Wren ginto the mysteries of the Craft , and also passed Bros . Edmondstone and J . Curtis to the degree of F . C The lodge , notwithstanding the forming of new lodges , continues gradually toincrease in its number of membersand its meetings throughout the past
, year have been characterized by the prevalence of friendly feeling and the efficiency of its officers . At its last meeting on Tuesday , the support of the lodge was unanimously accorded to a petition which will reach the Board of Benevolence . The election of W M . will take place hi February .
WARWICKSHIRE . BiEMiifGHA 3 r . —Athol Lodge ( No . 8 S ) . —The installation of the Master for the year ensuing took place on Wednesday , Jan . 1 st , in the splendid lodge room belonging to the members , when a very large attendance of brethren were present . Amongst the visitors were the W . Bro . Chas . AV . Elkiugton , P . G . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Kittoe , Prov . G . Chap . ; Harrison , Prov .
G . A . D . C ; Hudson , Prov . G . Reg . ; Purs .-dl , Prov . G . Org . ; Orford , McC'racken , Bragg , Best , & c The ceremony was very beautifully performed by Bro . George Hudson . Mr . J . A . Langford , of Aston Hall , and Mr , Stimpson were initiated prior to to the installation . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Acorn Hotel , where a splendid banquet was provided by Bro . James W . Clements . The Worshipful Master , Bro . A aughan , gave " The Queen" in a most feeling speechand never was a
, , more earnest " The Queen , God bless her , " ever repeated than by the eighty assembled brethren ; , - " The Prince of AVales" was next given , after which the chairman gave "Lord Zetland , the M . AV . G . M . ; The Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . ; and the Grand Lodge , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Elkiugton , P . G . S . B . —Bro . ELKINGTON , in reply , alluded to the intention of Grand Lodge to vote an address of condolence to our beloved Queen on her and the nation's great loss in the
good Prince Consort . —The next toast was " Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Chas . W . Elkiugton , D . Prov . G . M . ; and the Prov . Grand Lodge . " The Worshipful Master assured Bro . Elkiugton how much pleasure it gave him and the brethren to see him again amongst them , he had a high regard for the brother , and all were delighted to see the manner in which he was performing his duty as D , Prov . G . M . ; in former years they only knew of the appointment by name , but now they often had
their excellent D . Prov . G . M . amongst them . —Bro . ELKINGTON assured the brethren how glad he was to be present upon this occasion ; had he consulted his own feelings he should not have been there , but he felt it his duty to visit the lodges , and having been quite unequal for some months past to do so , he was really gratef ' uf for the kind reception he received on this occasion . Bro . Elkington then alluded to the good Masonry was doing , and the noble way the Charities were being supported bthis
y province , in 1 S 59 be , as Steward , took £ 252 to the Festival for Aged Masons and Widows ; in 1 S 60 he took £ 432 as Steward to the Girl ' s Festival , and on each occasion their noble Prov . G . M ., who presided , was supported by fifty brethren from the province , and now he called upon them , as he did at the Prov . Grand Meeting , to rally again round Lord Leigh at the Boy ' s Festival ; nobly had they responded to his application for Stewards , for
with the name of Bro . AVilliam Clements , who had just consented to act as a Steward , there numbered thirty from this jjrovince ; he was not asking them too much when he hoped that with such a list they would be able to make their subscriptions exceed £ 1000 . Well would Bro . Binckes' happy allusion be carried out , the third year would be the combination of the two previous years , and in the three degrees or the three years , nearly £ 2000 "
would then have been subscribed to the charities from this province alone . Again he thanked the brethren for the high compliment paid to him . Before sitting down he would call upon them to drink in a bumper toast the health of their AV . M ., Bro . A aughan , atrnlygoodmanandagoodMason . He ( Bro . Elkington ) , had known him for some years , and he could not but congratulate the Athol Lodge upon the choice they had made ; as a
working Mason , Bro . Vaughan was perfection , and he was quite sure he would give all satisfaction ; he knew he had a difficult task in succeeding their excellent Bro . Pursall , who perhaps , as a working Mason and a good brother was unsurpassed , but he felt sure he would do all that was in his power and he wished him a happynew year , and a prosperous one . —Bro . A ^ AUGHAN thanked the brethren for the way his health had been drunk , he only hoped he might he able to realise all Bro . Elkington had so kindl
y said of him , he assured the brethren he wuold try and do his best . — "The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . HABEISON , who thanked the brethren for their great hospitality and welcome , it was a treat to visit the Athol Lodge to see their excellent working . Bro . BEST also replied . — " The newly Initiated Brethren " was also responded to b y Bro . LANGPOED . —The AV . M . proposed the Past Masters , paying them a due praise for their regular attendance during the past and their readiness at all times
year , to do their duty . —Bro . MCCKACKEN , as the senior , responded , and Bro . PUESALL , the immediate P . M ., went fully into the state of the Lodge , giving an account of his year of office , and stating that he had initiated 26 members during the year . "The Senior AVarden , Bro . Bragg , " " The Junior Wardeu , " Bro . Lee , " and " The Officers , " were responded to in a humourous speech by Bro . BBAGG . — " The Father and Treasurer of the Lod
ge , Bro . Penn , " "The Host , Bro . Clements , " "The Ladies , " and the Tyler ' s toast followed , and were duly responded to . Some beautiful singing in part and solo , by Bro . Pursall , Bro . Glaydon , and others , very much added to the enjoyment of this very pleasant gathering .
YOKKSHIRE ( WEST . ) HUDDEESPIELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday last , the 3 rd inst . The AV . M ., Bro . J . AV . Tempest , in the chair . Mr . AVm . Smith Gill was introduced in due form and duly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The charge to the newly initiated brother was abl iven b respected Past MasterBro
y g y our , . J . T . A . Hardy . Bro . J . K . Lawton , having given satisfactory proofs of proficiency , was regularly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Other business of a private nature was amicably discussed and settled . The lodge was closed in concord at 9 p . m . Amongst the visiting brethren were the WM . and AV . M . elect of No . 90 , Economy , A \ inchester ; and seveial from Harmony , No . 342 , Hudclersfield .
AYR . MOTHEII KILWINNING . —This ancient lodge held the annual meeting oil the afternoon of Dec . 31 st . Much disappointment was felt at the absence of Bro . Sir James Ferguson , who had made special arrangements for being present ; but when the cause of the Most A \ . M . ' s non-appearance became known , the sympathy of the brethren was loudly manifested , and the hope
frequently expressed that he might soon recover from the effects of the untoward accident which had overtaken him . The chair was taken by Bro . Shedden Patrick , Esq ., Proxy-Master . Bros . R . K . Barbour , aud D . Murray Lyon having resigned the offices held by them respectively in the Mother Lodge—viz ., Substitute-Master , and J . W ., —the election of office-bearers was proceded with , and resulted as follows : —Sir James Ferguson , Bart , M . F ., M . AV . G . M ,, and as such Prov
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
prayer , shortly after eleven o'clock . The evening ' s proceedings -were much enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Greenwood , Haydock , Garsden , Clayton , Eastwood , Duckworth , Bertwistle , AYhewell , Briggs , Crankshaw and Hilton . The brethren present were P . M . 's Clough , Bell , Eadcliffe , Thomas , Greenwood , Bertwistle , and Pearson , Bros . Tiplady , W . M .,-Hartley , S . W . ; Heath , J . W . ; Garsden , S . D . ; Duckworth , J . D . ; Abbott , Sec . ; Robinson and Taylor , Stewards ; Astley , I . G . ; and
following brethren , R . Hoyle , AV . Haydock , B . Sandford , J . Bolton , W . Clayton , J . AVoodfall , AV . " Peel , E . Eastwood , T . Hilton , S . Banister , R . Orankshaw , and AV . Hirst . The visiting brethren were Bros , the Rev . G . Preston , 434 , Dean , AYhewell , Hargreaves , Brigars , aud Latterthwaite 481 , Sheppard « and Towuley 336 , Eadcliffe 534 , Gill and Henderson 676 , and Fletcher . SUSSEX ,
Bmawzox . —Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Old Ship Hotel , Brighton , on the 7 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . AV . Curtis , who very ably initiated Messrs . Stride and Wren ginto the mysteries of the Craft , and also passed Bros . Edmondstone and J . Curtis to the degree of F . C The lodge , notwithstanding the forming of new lodges , continues gradually toincrease in its number of membersand its meetings throughout the past
, year have been characterized by the prevalence of friendly feeling and the efficiency of its officers . At its last meeting on Tuesday , the support of the lodge was unanimously accorded to a petition which will reach the Board of Benevolence . The election of W M . will take place hi February .
WARWICKSHIRE . BiEMiifGHA 3 r . —Athol Lodge ( No . 8 S ) . —The installation of the Master for the year ensuing took place on Wednesday , Jan . 1 st , in the splendid lodge room belonging to the members , when a very large attendance of brethren were present . Amongst the visitors were the W . Bro . Chas . AV . Elkiugton , P . G . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Kittoe , Prov . G . Chap . ; Harrison , Prov .
G . A . D . C ; Hudson , Prov . G . Reg . ; Purs .-dl , Prov . G . Org . ; Orford , McC'racken , Bragg , Best , & c The ceremony was very beautifully performed by Bro . George Hudson . Mr . J . A . Langford , of Aston Hall , and Mr , Stimpson were initiated prior to to the installation . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Acorn Hotel , where a splendid banquet was provided by Bro . James W . Clements . The Worshipful Master , Bro . A aughan , gave " The Queen" in a most feeling speechand never was a
, , more earnest " The Queen , God bless her , " ever repeated than by the eighty assembled brethren ; , - " The Prince of AVales" was next given , after which the chairman gave "Lord Zetland , the M . AV . G . M . ; The Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . ; and the Grand Lodge , " coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Elkiugton , P . G . S . B . —Bro . ELKINGTON , in reply , alluded to the intention of Grand Lodge to vote an address of condolence to our beloved Queen on her and the nation's great loss in the
good Prince Consort . —The next toast was " Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Chas . W . Elkiugton , D . Prov . G . M . ; and the Prov . Grand Lodge . " The Worshipful Master assured Bro . Elkiugton how much pleasure it gave him and the brethren to see him again amongst them , he had a high regard for the brother , and all were delighted to see the manner in which he was performing his duty as D , Prov . G . M . ; in former years they only knew of the appointment by name , but now they often had
their excellent D . Prov . G . M . amongst them . —Bro . ELKINGTON assured the brethren how glad he was to be present upon this occasion ; had he consulted his own feelings he should not have been there , but he felt it his duty to visit the lodges , and having been quite unequal for some months past to do so , he was really gratef ' uf for the kind reception he received on this occasion . Bro . Elkington then alluded to the good Masonry was doing , and the noble way the Charities were being supported bthis
y province , in 1 S 59 be , as Steward , took £ 252 to the Festival for Aged Masons and Widows ; in 1 S 60 he took £ 432 as Steward to the Girl ' s Festival , and on each occasion their noble Prov . G . M ., who presided , was supported by fifty brethren from the province , and now he called upon them , as he did at the Prov . Grand Meeting , to rally again round Lord Leigh at the Boy ' s Festival ; nobly had they responded to his application for Stewards , for
with the name of Bro . AVilliam Clements , who had just consented to act as a Steward , there numbered thirty from this jjrovince ; he was not asking them too much when he hoped that with such a list they would be able to make their subscriptions exceed £ 1000 . Well would Bro . Binckes' happy allusion be carried out , the third year would be the combination of the two previous years , and in the three degrees or the three years , nearly £ 2000 "
would then have been subscribed to the charities from this province alone . Again he thanked the brethren for the high compliment paid to him . Before sitting down he would call upon them to drink in a bumper toast the health of their AV . M ., Bro . A aughan , atrnlygoodmanandagoodMason . He ( Bro . Elkington ) , had known him for some years , and he could not but congratulate the Athol Lodge upon the choice they had made ; as a
working Mason , Bro . Vaughan was perfection , and he was quite sure he would give all satisfaction ; he knew he had a difficult task in succeeding their excellent Bro . Pursall , who perhaps , as a working Mason and a good brother was unsurpassed , but he felt sure he would do all that was in his power and he wished him a happynew year , and a prosperous one . —Bro . A ^ AUGHAN thanked the brethren for the way his health had been drunk , he only hoped he might he able to realise all Bro . Elkington had so kindl
y said of him , he assured the brethren he wuold try and do his best . — "The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . HABEISON , who thanked the brethren for their great hospitality and welcome , it was a treat to visit the Athol Lodge to see their excellent working . Bro . BEST also replied . — " The newly Initiated Brethren " was also responded to b y Bro . LANGPOED . —The AV . M . proposed the Past Masters , paying them a due praise for their regular attendance during the past and their readiness at all times
year , to do their duty . —Bro . MCCKACKEN , as the senior , responded , and Bro . PUESALL , the immediate P . M ., went fully into the state of the Lodge , giving an account of his year of office , and stating that he had initiated 26 members during the year . "The Senior AVarden , Bro . Bragg , " " The Junior Wardeu , " Bro . Lee , " and " The Officers , " were responded to in a humourous speech by Bro . BBAGG . — " The Father and Treasurer of the Lod
ge , Bro . Penn , " "The Host , Bro . Clements , " "The Ladies , " and the Tyler ' s toast followed , and were duly responded to . Some beautiful singing in part and solo , by Bro . Pursall , Bro . Glaydon , and others , very much added to the enjoyment of this very pleasant gathering .
YOKKSHIRE ( WEST . ) HUDDEESPIELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday last , the 3 rd inst . The AV . M ., Bro . J . AV . Tempest , in the chair . Mr . AVm . Smith Gill was introduced in due form and duly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . The charge to the newly initiated brother was abl iven b respected Past MasterBro
y g y our , . J . T . A . Hardy . Bro . J . K . Lawton , having given satisfactory proofs of proficiency , was regularly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . Other business of a private nature was amicably discussed and settled . The lodge was closed in concord at 9 p . m . Amongst the visiting brethren were the WM . and AV . M . elect of No . 90 , Economy , A \ inchester ; and seveial from Harmony , No . 342 , Hudclersfield .
AYR . MOTHEII KILWINNING . —This ancient lodge held the annual meeting oil the afternoon of Dec . 31 st . Much disappointment was felt at the absence of Bro . Sir James Ferguson , who had made special arrangements for being present ; but when the cause of the Most A \ . M . ' s non-appearance became known , the sympathy of the brethren was loudly manifested , and the hope
frequently expressed that he might soon recover from the effects of the untoward accident which had overtaken him . The chair was taken by Bro . Shedden Patrick , Esq ., Proxy-Master . Bros . R . K . Barbour , aud D . Murray Lyon having resigned the offices held by them respectively in the Mother Lodge—viz ., Substitute-Master , and J . W ., —the election of office-bearers was proceded with , and resulted as follows : —Sir James Ferguson , Bart , M . F ., M . AV . G . M ,, and as such Prov