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G . M . of Ayrshire ; Hugh Conn , Dep . Master ; John Barr , Provost of Ardrossan , Substitute Master ; George Johnston , Redburn , P . M ., and as such Past Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire ; R . SheddenPatrick , Proxy Master ; James Hendrie , S . AV . ; John Meikle , J . W . ; Revs . Dr . Campbell , D . A " . Thomson , George Corsan , and Robert Murray , . Chaplains ; J . Whinton , Treas . ; Robert Wylie , Sec ; Adam Young and John Carruthers , J . D . ; David GemmelS . S . ; Thomas YoungTler . After the election
, , y the lodge dined together in their own hall , and in the evening met for the celebration of the Festival of St . Thomas—the Proxy Master in the chair , supported right and left by Bros . Dep . Master Conn , the Revs . D . V . Thomson , G . Corsan , and R . Murray ; Bros . Orr , Copeland , Wylie , Sec .: Donaldson , Master of the Glasgow Lodge of Instruction ; Whinton , Treas . ; Lyon . Past J . AV . ; Kerr , Blair of Irvine , A . Hepburn , T . Conn , & c .,
—the duties of S . and AV . being efficiently performed hy Bros . Hendrie and Meikle , and the orchestra , occupied by the masonic band , was ably led by Bro . T . IConn . There were deputations from lodges No . 22 , S 6 , 124 , 126 , 149 , 157 , 169 , 290 , and 320—represented by Bros . Brown of Bellsbrae , J . Steven , John Imrie , David Hutcheson , A . Guthrie , Duncan Brown , William Caldwell , H . Shaw , James Stirrat , David Brown , R . K . Barbour , Dr . Gray , J . A . Campbell , J . Dick , Scott , Love , J . Craig ,
& c . Previous to harmonising in the " light , " the Secretary , at the request of the A . G . M ., Bro . Shedden Patrick , Edinburgh , read to the meeting a telegram which he had received that day from Sir James Fergusson , begging the brethren to excuse his absence , as he had been kicked on the head by a horse on Monday , and the doctor forbade his travelling . In our opinion the speech of the evening was that of the Acting Master of Irvine St . Andrew-, Bro . J . A . Campbellwhoin a few eloquently expressed
, , sentences , took first a retrospective view of masonry , and then a prospective ; in which he was followed by Bro . Craig of Bcith St . John , who , in alluding to the antiquity of the order , referred to the exhumation of Nineveh by Lay ard , when the F . C . and other marks were discovered upon many slabs found in the ruins of that ancient city . Among the toasts given during the night were— " Grand Lodge of Scotland , " " Prov . Grand Lodge
of Ayrshire , and Sir James Fergnsson , " ' The Proxy Master , " " Dep . Master Conn , " " Bro . C . M . Donaldson , of Glasgow St . Marks , " & c . ; and after an agreeable evening had been spent the deputation retired , and the lodge was thereafter closedevery one , for many reasons , regretting the absence of the M . AV . M . The meeting was one of the largest we have witnessed . The hall was elegantly decorated for the occasion , the walls being tastefully festooned with evergreens , which reflected the greatest praise on Mr . Sharp , gardener to the Earl of Eglington .
MAYBOLE ROYAL AECH LODGE ( NO . 198 ) , celebrated the annual festival of St . John , on Friday evening Dec . 27 th , in the Carrick Academy . The meeting was presided over by Bro . T . Jack , R . AV . M . After the usual loyal , patriotic , and brotherly toasts , deputations , some of them very large , were received from the following lodges —Nos . 124 , 126 , 138 , 165 , 204 . Song , toast , and sentiment , filled up the pleasant passing hours , the Sons of Light rejoicing in harmony and true brotherly love . But even craftsmen's joys must end , and high twelve being proclaimed from the East , the RW . M . gave " Happy to meet , and sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
AYE ST . PAUL . —Bro . AYilliam Livingston has been elected R . AV . M . of this Lodge , and is supported by the principal past office-bearers . Robert Stevenson is S . AV . ; Thomas Watson , J . W . ; Robert AVintor , Treas .,- J . C . M'Phie , Sec ; Rev . Francis Rae , Chaplain ; Andrew Tait , S . D . ; Samuel Buchanan , J . D . ; S . Cameron , I . G . ; A . Haddow , B . B . ; Hugh Muir , S . B . ; J . Sharp , Decorator ; A . Martin , Tyler . This election excited great interest , and took place in as large a meeting of members
as we ever recollect seeing under St . Paul ' s roof . A . Hunter and D . M . Lyonwevcappointed Tellers , andassisteel the Secretary in conducting the election . Among those supporting Bro . Livingston ' s claims to the chair were three Past Masters of the lodge , viz ., Bros . John Lauchlan ( the father of the lodge ) , Captain Eullarton . and Andrew Glass , and the major portion of last year ' s office-bearers . A special general meeting of the lodge was held on the 1 st Januarywhen an inquiry was made into the
, circumstances under which Bro . D . Murray Lyon had been initiated into that lodge . Bro . Andrew M'Gaan , D . M . of Ayr Kilwinning , having read f he remit from the quarterly communication , parties wereheard—after which , on the motion of Bro . Andrew Hunter , Depute Master of Ayr Royal Arch , it was unani-
mously resolvedto exonerate Bro . Lyon from the charge brought against him—that of being indebted to his mother lodge . It was also , on the motion of the S . W . ( Bro . Wm . Chambers ) unanimously agreed to grant the lodge diploma to Bro . Lyon . .
GRAND LODGE . PRESENTATION TO BEO . L . H . DEEEING . On Thursday , Jan . 2 , at the ordinary meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , the Right Worshipful J . P . Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M ., on the Throne , after disposing of the routine business , the following address was read from the Chair , and presented to L . H . Deering , Esq .:
—" To the Hight Worshipful Lucius H . Deering , Hepresentative of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Sec-etary General of the Grand Council of Biles of Ireland-. : . " Right AA orshipful Sir and Brother , —AVhen you retired from the office of Deputy Grand Secretary of the Masonic Order in Irelandthe brethren who were entrusted with some of its most
, important offices expressed , both frequently and publicly , their acknowledgments of the services you had rendered to the society ; and we believe that their opinion has been confirmed by the assent of all our brethren wherever the Grand Lodge of Ireantl has its dependents and correspondents . Your faithful and zealous discharge of the duties of the Grand Secretary's officeduring the latter period of the life of the venerable John
Fowler , convinced your brethren of your ability and industry so that on his removal from amongst ns your nomination to the place he left vacant was expected as the just reward of your exertions , and your appointment to it was hailed with satisfaction by all who had any experince . Nor were our anticipationsdisappointed , for all your brethren have felt and appreciated the efficiency , integrity , and courtesy with which you fulfilled the
duties of our Deputy Grand Secretary during the long period while yon retained that office . But the expression of our good opinion is not the best proof of your activity and ability . Your services will be best evinced by the precision with which you carried on the correspondence of the Order , by the improvements you effected in its internal arrangement , and by the impetus and energy given to it throughout this country since the time conducted its affairs : and we are convinced that yon
you will deem these results of your exertions higher rewards than any in our power to bestow-. Yet we desire thus to record our appreciation of your services , and our respect for your individual character , as well as our fraternal kindness and good will to one so deserving of those generous feelings , the bond of our ancient fraternity . AVe therefore pray you to accept the service of late which wo present to you herewithassuring yon of our
p , best wishes for your welfare and prosperity . Signed on behalf of the Committee , " J . T . TOWNSEND , Chairman . GEOHGEHEPBTJEN , ] „ g HENEYRICHAEDS J J 10 n - & ecs - " January 2 , 1862 . "
The testimonial , which consisted of a magnificent tea service and cake basket , from the eminent house of Bro . Thomas Drunker , of Grafton-street , Dublin , was then handed to Bro . Deering amidst great demonstrations of approval on the part of an unusually large assemblage of the brethren , who were present to witness the interesting ceremony . Bro . Deering then , in a very feeling manner , replied in the following terms : —
"Right Worshipful Sir and Brother . —For the kind and flattering address just read I beg you will accept my sincereand heartfelt thanks . It is true that at the time I was induced by our illustrious brethren , B .. W . George Hoyte , then Deputy Grand Master , and Sir J . W . Hort , then Grand Secretary , to assist them in carrying out the duties appertaining to the Grand Secretary ' s officemany things were found to be in
, an unsatisfactory state . Our venerable and beloved brother John Fowler , being in the vale of years , was , through infirmity , unable to take an active part in the conduct of the affairs of the Order . He was shortly afterw ards removed from amongst us , and having been called on to take his place , I then un-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
G . M . of Ayrshire ; Hugh Conn , Dep . Master ; John Barr , Provost of Ardrossan , Substitute Master ; George Johnston , Redburn , P . M ., and as such Past Prov . G . M . of Ayrshire ; R . SheddenPatrick , Proxy Master ; James Hendrie , S . AV . ; John Meikle , J . W . ; Revs . Dr . Campbell , D . A " . Thomson , George Corsan , and Robert Murray , . Chaplains ; J . Whinton , Treas . ; Robert Wylie , Sec ; Adam Young and John Carruthers , J . D . ; David GemmelS . S . ; Thomas YoungTler . After the election
, , y the lodge dined together in their own hall , and in the evening met for the celebration of the Festival of St . Thomas—the Proxy Master in the chair , supported right and left by Bros . Dep . Master Conn , the Revs . D . V . Thomson , G . Corsan , and R . Murray ; Bros . Orr , Copeland , Wylie , Sec .: Donaldson , Master of the Glasgow Lodge of Instruction ; Whinton , Treas . ; Lyon . Past J . AV . ; Kerr , Blair of Irvine , A . Hepburn , T . Conn , & c .,
—the duties of S . and AV . being efficiently performed hy Bros . Hendrie and Meikle , and the orchestra , occupied by the masonic band , was ably led by Bro . T . IConn . There were deputations from lodges No . 22 , S 6 , 124 , 126 , 149 , 157 , 169 , 290 , and 320—represented by Bros . Brown of Bellsbrae , J . Steven , John Imrie , David Hutcheson , A . Guthrie , Duncan Brown , William Caldwell , H . Shaw , James Stirrat , David Brown , R . K . Barbour , Dr . Gray , J . A . Campbell , J . Dick , Scott , Love , J . Craig ,
& c . Previous to harmonising in the " light , " the Secretary , at the request of the A . G . M ., Bro . Shedden Patrick , Edinburgh , read to the meeting a telegram which he had received that day from Sir James Fergusson , begging the brethren to excuse his absence , as he had been kicked on the head by a horse on Monday , and the doctor forbade his travelling . In our opinion the speech of the evening was that of the Acting Master of Irvine St . Andrew-, Bro . J . A . Campbellwhoin a few eloquently expressed
, , sentences , took first a retrospective view of masonry , and then a prospective ; in which he was followed by Bro . Craig of Bcith St . John , who , in alluding to the antiquity of the order , referred to the exhumation of Nineveh by Lay ard , when the F . C . and other marks were discovered upon many slabs found in the ruins of that ancient city . Among the toasts given during the night were— " Grand Lodge of Scotland , " " Prov . Grand Lodge
of Ayrshire , and Sir James Fergnsson , " ' The Proxy Master , " " Dep . Master Conn , " " Bro . C . M . Donaldson , of Glasgow St . Marks , " & c . ; and after an agreeable evening had been spent the deputation retired , and the lodge was thereafter closedevery one , for many reasons , regretting the absence of the M . AV . M . The meeting was one of the largest we have witnessed . The hall was elegantly decorated for the occasion , the walls being tastefully festooned with evergreens , which reflected the greatest praise on Mr . Sharp , gardener to the Earl of Eglington .
MAYBOLE ROYAL AECH LODGE ( NO . 198 ) , celebrated the annual festival of St . John , on Friday evening Dec . 27 th , in the Carrick Academy . The meeting was presided over by Bro . T . Jack , R . AV . M . After the usual loyal , patriotic , and brotherly toasts , deputations , some of them very large , were received from the following lodges —Nos . 124 , 126 , 138 , 165 , 204 . Song , toast , and sentiment , filled up the pleasant passing hours , the Sons of Light rejoicing in harmony and true brotherly love . But even craftsmen's joys must end , and high twelve being proclaimed from the East , the RW . M . gave " Happy to meet , and sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
AYE ST . PAUL . —Bro . AYilliam Livingston has been elected R . AV . M . of this Lodge , and is supported by the principal past office-bearers . Robert Stevenson is S . AV . ; Thomas Watson , J . W . ; Robert AVintor , Treas .,- J . C . M'Phie , Sec ; Rev . Francis Rae , Chaplain ; Andrew Tait , S . D . ; Samuel Buchanan , J . D . ; S . Cameron , I . G . ; A . Haddow , B . B . ; Hugh Muir , S . B . ; J . Sharp , Decorator ; A . Martin , Tyler . This election excited great interest , and took place in as large a meeting of members
as we ever recollect seeing under St . Paul ' s roof . A . Hunter and D . M . Lyonwevcappointed Tellers , andassisteel the Secretary in conducting the election . Among those supporting Bro . Livingston ' s claims to the chair were three Past Masters of the lodge , viz ., Bros . John Lauchlan ( the father of the lodge ) , Captain Eullarton . and Andrew Glass , and the major portion of last year ' s office-bearers . A special general meeting of the lodge was held on the 1 st Januarywhen an inquiry was made into the
, circumstances under which Bro . D . Murray Lyon had been initiated into that lodge . Bro . Andrew M'Gaan , D . M . of Ayr Kilwinning , having read f he remit from the quarterly communication , parties wereheard—after which , on the motion of Bro . Andrew Hunter , Depute Master of Ayr Royal Arch , it was unani-
mously resolvedto exonerate Bro . Lyon from the charge brought against him—that of being indebted to his mother lodge . It was also , on the motion of the S . W . ( Bro . Wm . Chambers ) unanimously agreed to grant the lodge diploma to Bro . Lyon . .
GRAND LODGE . PRESENTATION TO BEO . L . H . DEEEING . On Thursday , Jan . 2 , at the ordinary meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , the Right Worshipful J . P . Townsend , LL . D ., D . G . M ., on the Throne , after disposing of the routine business , the following address was read from the Chair , and presented to L . H . Deering , Esq .:
—" To the Hight Worshipful Lucius H . Deering , Hepresentative of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Sec-etary General of the Grand Council of Biles of Ireland-. : . " Right AA orshipful Sir and Brother , —AVhen you retired from the office of Deputy Grand Secretary of the Masonic Order in Irelandthe brethren who were entrusted with some of its most
, important offices expressed , both frequently and publicly , their acknowledgments of the services you had rendered to the society ; and we believe that their opinion has been confirmed by the assent of all our brethren wherever the Grand Lodge of Ireantl has its dependents and correspondents . Your faithful and zealous discharge of the duties of the Grand Secretary's officeduring the latter period of the life of the venerable John
Fowler , convinced your brethren of your ability and industry so that on his removal from amongst ns your nomination to the place he left vacant was expected as the just reward of your exertions , and your appointment to it was hailed with satisfaction by all who had any experince . Nor were our anticipationsdisappointed , for all your brethren have felt and appreciated the efficiency , integrity , and courtesy with which you fulfilled the
duties of our Deputy Grand Secretary during the long period while yon retained that office . But the expression of our good opinion is not the best proof of your activity and ability . Your services will be best evinced by the precision with which you carried on the correspondence of the Order , by the improvements you effected in its internal arrangement , and by the impetus and energy given to it throughout this country since the time conducted its affairs : and we are convinced that yon
you will deem these results of your exertions higher rewards than any in our power to bestow-. Yet we desire thus to record our appreciation of your services , and our respect for your individual character , as well as our fraternal kindness and good will to one so deserving of those generous feelings , the bond of our ancient fraternity . AVe therefore pray you to accept the service of late which wo present to you herewithassuring yon of our
p , best wishes for your welfare and prosperity . Signed on behalf of the Committee , " J . T . TOWNSEND , Chairman . GEOHGEHEPBTJEN , ] „ g HENEYRICHAEDS J J 10 n - & ecs - " January 2 , 1862 . "
The testimonial , which consisted of a magnificent tea service and cake basket , from the eminent house of Bro . Thomas Drunker , of Grafton-street , Dublin , was then handed to Bro . Deering amidst great demonstrations of approval on the part of an unusually large assemblage of the brethren , who were present to witness the interesting ceremony . Bro . Deering then , in a very feeling manner , replied in the following terms : —
"Right Worshipful Sir and Brother . —For the kind and flattering address just read I beg you will accept my sincereand heartfelt thanks . It is true that at the time I was induced by our illustrious brethren , B .. W . George Hoyte , then Deputy Grand Master , and Sir J . W . Hort , then Grand Secretary , to assist them in carrying out the duties appertaining to the Grand Secretary ' s officemany things were found to be in
, an unsatisfactory state . Our venerable and beloved brother John Fowler , being in the vale of years , was , through infirmity , unable to take an active part in the conduct of the affairs of the Order . He was shortly afterw ards removed from amongst us , and having been called on to take his place , I then un-