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connection with his hotel , Foregate-streot , Chester . At three o ' clock tho AV . M ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , Past S . G . AV . of England , assisted by the immediate P . M ., Bro . Watts ; Bro . AV . R . Bainbridge , S . AA . ; Bro . Capt . Gwynne , J . W . ; Bro . Ellis , S . D . ; Bro . Harrison , J . D . ; Bro . Bainbridge , jun ., acting I . G ., opened the lodge with the usual forms and ceremonies . His lordship having consented , and being previously accepted
unanimously by ballot , the form of installation was dispensed with . The installing P . M ., Bra . Lyon , having delivered the working tools , & c , the usual proclamations and honours were given . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year as follows-. —Bros . Gwynne , S . W . ; Ellis , , T . A \ . ; Gerrard , Treas . ; Lyon , Sec ; Harrison , S . D . ; Parry , J . D . ; Capt . Davis , I . G . ; Duke , Tyler ; Southern , Steward . Bro . Lyon , P . M ., afterwards delivered an impressive address to each on the duties
of his office , and an oration on Masonry . The brethren then proceeded to the banquett ' mg-room , where a magnificent dinner was laid out . Nearly fifty sat down . Lord Richard Grosvenor occupied the chair , supported on his right by Bro . AA . T . Roper , P . M . St . George Lodge , S 07 , Bombay ; Bro . Truss , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Bro . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . 537 ; Bro . H . Bulley , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Pnrst , 537 ; Bro . Sheriff Butt , AV . M . 425 ; Bro . DuttonP . M . and P Prov . G . S . I ) . On his lordshi's left
, p were the immediate P . M ., Bro . Watts , 721 ; the installing P . M ., Tiro . Lyon , 721 ; Bro . S . Brown , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . \\ inlow , P . M . 363 , P . Prov . G . J . D . of Northumberland ; Bro . J . D , Notts , of Ireland ; Bro . Gerrard , P . M . and Treas . There w ero also present the following members and visitors : —Bros . AV . R . Bainbridge , P . S . W . 721 ; Capt . Gwynne , W . Ellis , J . Harrison , R . Parry , Capt . Davis , W . Bainbridge , jun ., J .
Lansdale , E . Williams , W . Williams , J . L . Sellers , E . Tasker , W . Daine , A . J . Brereton , J . M'Evoy , AV . Brown , T . Horabin , Asst . Sec ; T . Dod . l , F . Green , A . Alsop , AV . C . Hunt , 425 ; J . Salmon , 425 ; Capt . Hitchin , 615 ; AV . Woods , 14 S ; T . Wood , J . D . 425 ; T . Wilcock , P . S . W . 425 ; J . S . Berrington , J 82 ; S . Sapio , P . M ., H . Piatt , 425 , & c . Grace having been pronounced , the following loyal and Masonic toasts were delivered from the chair : — "The Queen and the Craft , " which was received with due honours ; "The Prince and Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " The Army , Navy , and A olunteers , " responded to by
Capt . Gwynne , & . W ., for the Army , and by Bro . Quartermaster Dutton most eloquently on behalf of the A olunteers ; "The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , and his Deputy , " -with the customary honours ; "The Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire , F . M . A iscoi ! iit Combermere , and bis Deputy , Colonel Cotton . " The noble lord , in feeling and glowing terms , alluded to the Cheshire hero's long and valuable services as a soldier , and the groat good be had rendered to the Craft bthe zeal
y , -md attention he had always paid to the duties of bis high office . Grand honours and applause . "Sir AV . W . Wynne , P . G . M ., and his Deputy , Bro . Dymock , and the Brethren of North AA ales and Salop , " with Masonic honours . —Bro . AA ATTS , in an excellent speech , gave " The AA orshipful Master of the lodge , Lord Richard Grosvenor , observing how much the brethren were indebted to his lordship for kindly consenting to
take the chair for another twelve-months . It was a further proof ( if any were wanting ) to show his zeal and interest for the welfare of tbe Lodge 731 , and his attachment to Freemasonry generally . ( Masonic honours . )—In responding to tbe ¦ toast , his lordship begged to thank tho brethren for a second time placing him in the chair , and to assure them that he should take every opportunity of attending to his duties as the Worshipful Master when his Parliamentary ongngements did not
prevent him . He was very proud to see so many of the Cestrian ( No . 425 ) present ; ho felt honoured on the occasion , and he hoped it was a type of the olive branch that was to bind the two lodges in the bond of pence and harmony . " Bro . AV . T . Roper , P . M . St . George Lodge ( No . S 07 ) , Bombay . " —Bro . ROPER responded , in an intoresHng speech ., and stated that ho had found Freemasonry invaluable in his travels through
India . — "The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Cestrian Lodgo ( No . 4-25 ) . —Bro . SirEim < F BUTT , the W . M ., acknowledged the compliment in a neat speech . — "The Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers of the Province of Cheshire . "Bro . BUTTON , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . D ,, responded , and pointed out tho difficult duties some of the Provincial Grand Officers had to perform , but be believed th ? ir conduct had met witli the
approbation of tho brethren upon ail occasions .- — " Bro . Piatt , and Success to the Masonic Charities and Schools in Cheshire . " —The worthy brother who was the promoter of these schools returned thanks , and stated that the schools were in a most
prosperous state , and working well . — " The Past and Present Officers of the Lodge , coupling tbe name of Bro . Bainbridge , P . S . W . "—Bro . BAINBEIDGE returned thanks for the handsome manner his lordship had mentioned his name , and the brethren for tbe manner they had received it , in connection with the past and present officers of the lodge , and stated his endeavours had ever been and should be to promote the harmony of the
lodge . —Bro . Capt . GWVNNE , S . AV ., also returned thanks for the rest of the officers . — Three gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and Bro . Tasker having been highly complimented for the liberal and excellent banquet he had provided , the meeting was brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast , with the usual form and ceremonies , the brethren separating highly delighted with the proceedings of the day . Before concluding it is necessary to say something of this very commodious hotel . About
twelvemonths since Bro . Tasker stated to the lodge that he would build an hotel with every convenience for lodge purposes , regardless of expense , and he certainly has exceeded the expectation of the brethren . It is clear that lie has not only a large heart , but a very large purse , for the banquetting and lodge rooms alone must have cost several hundred pounds . The banquetting room is fiftfeet long by thirtfeet widewith
y y , ante-rooms in proportion . The decorations are most elaborate , in the Italian style , consisting of medallions with sculptured life-sized busts issuing therefrom , being faithful likenesses of eminent men in history . They were modelled expressly for this room . Tho remaining easts consist of allegorical subjects . The whole have been Bro . Tasker ' s own design , and reflect the greatest credit upon him as his own architect .
DEA ONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Auhjn ( No . 954 ) . — This lodge was summoned by command of the W . M . at seven o ' clock , p . m ., on the 30 th ult ., in consequence of a proposition under the hands of Bro . J . Hawton and Bro . M . Paul proposing and secouding respectively Mr . Daniel Augustus Cochrane , and also a similar proposition from Bro . B . Trounce , sen .,
proposer , and Bro . M . Paul , seconder , in favour of Mr . Charle 3 Snell , and in each case the proposers asked for lodges of emergency , as both candidates were certain to leave the port in a few days . The balloting-box having been passed round to the brethren , was shown to the AV . M ., who pronounced the result of the ballot to be in favour of initiating both these gentlemen . The AA . M . ( Bro . Horace B . Kant ) then initiated into the first degree these two candidates , aud each expressed his desire to be
enrolled as a member of the lodge . Bro . S . AV . Chen delivered the charge in a masterly manner , the W . Bro . R , II . Rae , W . M . of Lodge Sincerity , explaining the mystic nature of the tools . The lodge was closed by the AA . M . at nine o'clock , p . m ., with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to the festive board . On the toast of the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , H . A ., Past Grand Chaplain ) Bro . Rae , as a Provincial Grand Officer , returned thanks , assuring the brethren that he was a pattern for Masons and a pattern for men , at the same time informing tho brethren that , in whatever laudatory terms he
might speak of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . for Devon , all his efforts would fall short in conveying to them the high opinion he was not only held in Devonshire , but also in the Grand Lodge itself . Bro . J . B , W . Spry , S . \ A ., in proposing tho health of the AV . Bro . II . B . Kent , W . M ., said that one fact must be patent to all , that the worshipful brother shrank from no duty , however arduous , and that every brother , whether a member of that lodge or any othermust feel convinced that
, their W . M . was one who not only did his own duty , but also saw that his officers did theirs also , and he ( Bro . Spry ) believed that to this fact , as well as to the punctual manner in which the W . M . attended to the duties of the lodge , as regards time , never summoning the lodge at half-past six p . m . to moan seven , but that the hour called was the hour . meant , —to this fact lis thought may be traced one reason of tho prompt attention of .
the officers and brethren . The W . M . stated , in reply , hii desire to deserve the good opinion of his brethren ; and now , believing he had obtained their good opinion , he would strive hard to retain it . He assured the brethren that he was delighted to meet them there whenever the business of the lodge called them together . He trusted that the same harmony and good feeling which was happily marked iu Lodge St . Aubyn would continue until time shall be no more . The AV . M . concluded by
thanking the brethren for their kindness in drinking the toast of the health of the W . M . so cordially . The brethren shortly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
connection with his hotel , Foregate-streot , Chester . At three o ' clock tho AV . M ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , Past S . G . AV . of England , assisted by the immediate P . M ., Bro . Watts ; Bro . AV . R . Bainbridge , S . AA . ; Bro . Capt . Gwynne , J . W . ; Bro . Ellis , S . D . ; Bro . Harrison , J . D . ; Bro . Bainbridge , jun ., acting I . G ., opened the lodge with the usual forms and ceremonies . His lordship having consented , and being previously accepted
unanimously by ballot , the form of installation was dispensed with . The installing P . M ., Bra . Lyon , having delivered the working tools , & c , the usual proclamations and honours were given . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers for the ensuing year as follows-. —Bros . Gwynne , S . W . ; Ellis , , T . A \ . ; Gerrard , Treas . ; Lyon , Sec ; Harrison , S . D . ; Parry , J . D . ; Capt . Davis , I . G . ; Duke , Tyler ; Southern , Steward . Bro . Lyon , P . M ., afterwards delivered an impressive address to each on the duties
of his office , and an oration on Masonry . The brethren then proceeded to the banquett ' mg-room , where a magnificent dinner was laid out . Nearly fifty sat down . Lord Richard Grosvenor occupied the chair , supported on his right by Bro . AA . T . Roper , P . M . St . George Lodge , S 07 , Bombay ; Bro . Truss , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Bro . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . 537 ; Bro . H . Bulley , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Pnrst , 537 ; Bro . Sheriff Butt , AV . M . 425 ; Bro . DuttonP . M . and P Prov . G . S . I ) . On his lordshi's left
, p were the immediate P . M ., Bro . Watts , 721 ; the installing P . M ., Tiro . Lyon , 721 ; Bro . S . Brown , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; Bro . \\ inlow , P . M . 363 , P . Prov . G . J . D . of Northumberland ; Bro . J . D , Notts , of Ireland ; Bro . Gerrard , P . M . and Treas . There w ero also present the following members and visitors : —Bros . AV . R . Bainbridge , P . S . W . 721 ; Capt . Gwynne , W . Ellis , J . Harrison , R . Parry , Capt . Davis , W . Bainbridge , jun ., J .
Lansdale , E . Williams , W . Williams , J . L . Sellers , E . Tasker , W . Daine , A . J . Brereton , J . M'Evoy , AV . Brown , T . Horabin , Asst . Sec ; T . Dod . l , F . Green , A . Alsop , AV . C . Hunt , 425 ; J . Salmon , 425 ; Capt . Hitchin , 615 ; AV . Woods , 14 S ; T . Wood , J . D . 425 ; T . Wilcock , P . S . W . 425 ; J . S . Berrington , J 82 ; S . Sapio , P . M ., H . Piatt , 425 , & c . Grace having been pronounced , the following loyal and Masonic toasts were delivered from the chair : — "The Queen and the Craft , " which was received with due honours ; "The Prince and Princess of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " " The Army , Navy , and A olunteers , " responded to by
Capt . Gwynne , & . W ., for the Army , and by Bro . Quartermaster Dutton most eloquently on behalf of the A olunteers ; "The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , and his Deputy , " -with the customary honours ; "The Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire , F . M . A iscoi ! iit Combermere , and bis Deputy , Colonel Cotton . " The noble lord , in feeling and glowing terms , alluded to the Cheshire hero's long and valuable services as a soldier , and the groat good be had rendered to the Craft bthe zeal
y , -md attention he had always paid to the duties of bis high office . Grand honours and applause . "Sir AV . W . Wynne , P . G . M ., and his Deputy , Bro . Dymock , and the Brethren of North AA ales and Salop , " with Masonic honours . —Bro . AA ATTS , in an excellent speech , gave " The AA orshipful Master of the lodge , Lord Richard Grosvenor , observing how much the brethren were indebted to his lordship for kindly consenting to
take the chair for another twelve-months . It was a further proof ( if any were wanting ) to show his zeal and interest for the welfare of tbe Lodge 731 , and his attachment to Freemasonry generally . ( Masonic honours . )—In responding to tbe ¦ toast , his lordship begged to thank tho brethren for a second time placing him in the chair , and to assure them that he should take every opportunity of attending to his duties as the Worshipful Master when his Parliamentary ongngements did not
prevent him . He was very proud to see so many of the Cestrian ( No . 425 ) present ; ho felt honoured on the occasion , and he hoped it was a type of the olive branch that was to bind the two lodges in the bond of pence and harmony . " Bro . AV . T . Roper , P . M . St . George Lodge ( No . S 07 ) , Bombay . " —Bro . ROPER responded , in an intoresHng speech ., and stated that ho had found Freemasonry invaluable in his travels through
India . — "The Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Cestrian Lodgo ( No . 4-25 ) . —Bro . SirEim < F BUTT , the W . M ., acknowledged the compliment in a neat speech . — "The Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers of the Province of Cheshire . "Bro . BUTTON , P . M . and P . Prov . J . G . D ,, responded , and pointed out tho difficult duties some of the Provincial Grand Officers had to perform , but be believed th ? ir conduct had met witli the
approbation of tho brethren upon ail occasions .- — " Bro . Piatt , and Success to the Masonic Charities and Schools in Cheshire . " —The worthy brother who was the promoter of these schools returned thanks , and stated that the schools were in a most
prosperous state , and working well . — " The Past and Present Officers of the Lodge , coupling tbe name of Bro . Bainbridge , P . S . W . "—Bro . BAINBEIDGE returned thanks for the handsome manner his lordship had mentioned his name , and the brethren for tbe manner they had received it , in connection with the past and present officers of the lodge , and stated his endeavours had ever been and should be to promote the harmony of the
lodge . —Bro . Capt . GWVNNE , S . AV ., also returned thanks for the rest of the officers . — Three gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and Bro . Tasker having been highly complimented for the liberal and excellent banquet he had provided , the meeting was brought to a close by the Tyler ' s toast , with the usual form and ceremonies , the brethren separating highly delighted with the proceedings of the day . Before concluding it is necessary to say something of this very commodious hotel . About
twelvemonths since Bro . Tasker stated to the lodge that he would build an hotel with every convenience for lodge purposes , regardless of expense , and he certainly has exceeded the expectation of the brethren . It is clear that lie has not only a large heart , but a very large purse , for the banquetting and lodge rooms alone must have cost several hundred pounds . The banquetting room is fiftfeet long by thirtfeet widewith
y y , ante-rooms in proportion . The decorations are most elaborate , in the Italian style , consisting of medallions with sculptured life-sized busts issuing therefrom , being faithful likenesses of eminent men in history . They were modelled expressly for this room . Tho remaining easts consist of allegorical subjects . The whole have been Bro . Tasker ' s own design , and reflect the greatest credit upon him as his own architect .
DEA ONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWN , DEVONPOET . —Lodge St . Auhjn ( No . 954 ) . — This lodge was summoned by command of the W . M . at seven o ' clock , p . m ., on the 30 th ult ., in consequence of a proposition under the hands of Bro . J . Hawton and Bro . M . Paul proposing and secouding respectively Mr . Daniel Augustus Cochrane , and also a similar proposition from Bro . B . Trounce , sen .,
proposer , and Bro . M . Paul , seconder , in favour of Mr . Charle 3 Snell , and in each case the proposers asked for lodges of emergency , as both candidates were certain to leave the port in a few days . The balloting-box having been passed round to the brethren , was shown to the AV . M ., who pronounced the result of the ballot to be in favour of initiating both these gentlemen . The AA . M . ( Bro . Horace B . Kant ) then initiated into the first degree these two candidates , aud each expressed his desire to be
enrolled as a member of the lodge . Bro . S . AV . Chen delivered the charge in a masterly manner , the W . Bro . R , II . Rae , W . M . of Lodge Sincerity , explaining the mystic nature of the tools . The lodge was closed by the AA . M . at nine o'clock , p . m ., with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to the festive board . On the toast of the D . Prov . G . M . ( Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , H . A ., Past Grand Chaplain ) Bro . Rae , as a Provincial Grand Officer , returned thanks , assuring the brethren that he was a pattern for Masons and a pattern for men , at the same time informing tho brethren that , in whatever laudatory terms he
might speak of the R . W . D . Prov . G . M . for Devon , all his efforts would fall short in conveying to them the high opinion he was not only held in Devonshire , but also in the Grand Lodge itself . Bro . J . B , W . Spry , S . \ A ., in proposing tho health of the AV . Bro . II . B . Kent , W . M ., said that one fact must be patent to all , that the worshipful brother shrank from no duty , however arduous , and that every brother , whether a member of that lodge or any othermust feel convinced that
, their W . M . was one who not only did his own duty , but also saw that his officers did theirs also , and he ( Bro . Spry ) believed that to this fact , as well as to the punctual manner in which the W . M . attended to the duties of the lodge , as regards time , never summoning the lodge at half-past six p . m . to moan seven , but that the hour called was the hour . meant , —to this fact lis thought may be traced one reason of tho prompt attention of .
the officers and brethren . The W . M . stated , in reply , hii desire to deserve the good opinion of his brethren ; and now , believing he had obtained their good opinion , he would strive hard to retain it . He assured the brethren that he was delighted to meet them there whenever the business of the lodge called them together . He trusted that the same harmony and good feeling which was happily marked iu Lodge St . Aubyn would continue until time shall be no more . The AV . M . concluded by
thanking the brethren for their kindness in drinking the toast of the health of the W . M . so cordially . The brethren shortly