Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
T . Wilson , 21 ; J . Hart , 22 ; C . G . Prideaux , P . M . 1 G 5 ; R . G . Griffiths , P . M . 171 ; H . Robinson , AV . M . ISO ; Dr . Staples , 1 S 6 ; J . Dyer , P . M . 201 ; P . AV . Griffiths , 218 ; J . Hill , 404 ; S . Rosenthal , AV . M . 435 ; Twinberrow , 556 ; II . Sutlow , 857 ; Matthew Cooke , AV . M . 905 and Sec . 23 ; H . Mahomed , 969 ; R . E . Van Noorden , 1017 , and J . de Vries , St . John ' s , New Brunswick . The business of the evening was undertaken by BroJMessentP . M . and Treas . whose performance of the
. . , , ceremonies of installation was so graceful , gentlemanly , and excellent as to win the approval of every one present . Bro . AV . " H . AA ' arr , P . M ., presented Bro . F . Joseph Cronin , J . AV ., and W . M . elect , and he was installed by Bro . Messent in a board of no less than twenty P . M . ' s ; and , when seated in the chair , Bro . Messent invested him with the very appropriate jewel of the lodge , which had been presented to it by Bro . B . West , P . M .,
always to be worn by its AV . M . The W . M . was no novice at his duties , and , although brief in his addresses , was to the point . He invested the following brethren as his officers for the year . AVilliam Shakespeare AVebster , son of Bro . Benjamin AA'ebster , P . G . W ., S . AV . ; Dr . Richardson , J . AV . ; J . Messent , P . M ., reinvested Treas . ; R . Mills , P . M ., reinvested Sec . ; Henry Brown , S . D . ; — Hersee , J . D . ; Aubrey Brown , I . G ., and Longstaff , Tler . The lodge being closedsome fifty-six brethren
ady , journed to the banquet , which reflected much credit on Messrs . Shrewsbury and Co . for its excellence and profusion . After the cloth had been removed the AV . MASTER gave in rapid succession the toasts of "The Queen ; " "The M . W . G . M . ; " "The D . G . M . and GrandOfficers , " remarking that they were honoured by the presence of two that evening , Bro . S . B . AVilson , P . G . D ., and Bro . Dickie , G . Purst ., and thanking them for their company . —Bro . S . B . AA 7 ILSO "" , P . G . D ., thought those in harness should return thanks ,
and so left the honour in Bro . Dickie ' s hands . — Bro . DICKIE , G . Purst ., said all that could be said for the Grand Officers , complimented the lodge on its working and hospitality , and thanked the brethren for the toast . —Bro . FREDERICK JOSEPH CRONES , AA 7 . M ., was sure that if tho lodge possessed one viriue more than another it was in the cordiality with which they always welcomed their visitors . That evening they were favoured with the attendance of twenty or five-and-twenty , and with whom to associate the toast he was at a loss , but would
couple it with the name of Bro . A an Noorden . —Bro . A Air NOORDEN was rather taken by surprise , because there were so many present better known and higher than himself in the Craft for whom he was unable to do justice . He felt proud of his own reception there , and supposed that because he had known the AV . M . previous to his becoming a brother , be had been selected to return thanks . He felt sure the W . M . would make an excellent Masterand in the name of the visitors he
, gratefully acknowledged the toast . —Bro . CURTIS , I . P . M ., had the gratification to propose the next toast . He had no cause , for himself , to regret his own appointment to that high office he had just departed from , and he was sure that the lodge could have none at its selection of their new AV . M ., who was possessed of the necessary talent and ability to win golden opinions from all , and he was sure the lodge ought to be congratulated in
securing such a AV . M ., whose health he begged to propose . —The AV . M ., Bro . FEEDEBICK JOSEPH CBONIN , deeply felt the honour the lodge had done him , and , as far as his ability extended , be hoped to acquit himself with satisfaction to the lodge aud credit for his good intentions . —The AA . MASTER said the next toast was always received with great cordiality because of the many kindnesses the P . M . 's conferred on the lodge and its individual
members . For his own part he had to acknowledge his personal obligations to Bro . Messent , who had initiated him , and that day installed him in a way that had won deserved praise from all . He then gave the toast of the P . M . 's of the lodge . —Bro . CCTTIS , I . P . M ., said , as usual , it generally fell to the lot of the most incompetent to return thanks , and for that reason , he presumed , they had delegated him to say that they were hapnv to render service "
any they could ; and there were some ofthe the P . M . ' s who could render any services that might be required of them . —Bro . PIERCE EOAN , P . M ., wished to draw their attention to the Boys' School Festival , on the 8 th of March , at which he had undertaken to represent the lod ge as its steward . He Avas speaking to the members of the lod ge , and not to the visitors—unless any of the latter were so won b his eloquence
y that they chose to add their donations to the list . He had had the honour to represent them at the Girls' School Festival , and was handsomel y supported by the lodge then , and hoped his list on the forthcoming occasion would certainly not be less . He should like every brother to come forward and put a guinea
The Masonic Mirror.
in his hand , for which , he could assure them , they would not only deserve but have his most grateful thanks . —The W . MASTER gave "The Masonic Charities , " which was replied to by Bro . F . Binckes , who most zealously advocated the cause of his more immediate institution . The AV . M . knew that the officers had the laudable ambition to do credit to the working of the lodge , and he was proud to say they were quite up to their work , and would deserve to be advanced . The two senior
officers were hard-working brethren , and the three juniors were very effectively treading in their steps . From that he augured much credit to the lodge , and concluded by proposing the toast of the officers of the lodge . —Bro . AV . S . AA ' EBSTER , S . W ., was sure , from the examples they had before them , they would all endeavour to do credit to their position , and , for himself , it would be his desire to do his best throughout the ensuing year . —Br . EICHAEDSON , J . W ., did not feel the time had come
to accept thanks for his services , because he could only make promises ; hut when he remembered that Freemasonry was founded on masonic art , that it was the offspring of practical men , such as erected King ' s College Chapel at Cambridge , they must be awaro that its entire usefulness had changed . They came there to meet society ; and though their ceremonies were most engaging , yet to rub off the asperities of lifeas they did in their lodgeswas to him
, , the true end and aim of Masonry in the present age . AVith such views he entered upon his post , and would strive with sincerity and anxiety to carry out his duties ; and if he were successful in so doing , then he should be glad to say more on the subject . —Bro . BROWN , S . D ., expressed his hope to progress and go on to higher office . —Bro . HERSEE , J . D ., felt grateful for his share of the toast . He could not receive it as a mere compliment , but as an expression of sympathy and goodwill . He
reminded them that he was diffident , hut would try to do his best , and he hoped the lodge would not suffer from any default of bis . —Bro . ATJBRET BEOWN , I . G ., had to thank them for his official position , which , by careful conduct , he hoped to merit . — The AV . MASTER next gave "The Masonic Press , " to which Bro . MATTHEW COOKE replied . There was some very excellent singing by Bros . St . Aubyn , A an Noorden , Matthew Cooke , J . Messent , Pierce Egan , and others , and the lodge broke up at a reasonable hour .
BERKSHIRE . NEAVBTJEV . —Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope ( No . 574 ) . — This lodge held its installation meeting at the Town Hall , Newbury , on Friday , the 3 rd inst .: present , B . Hall , AV . M . ; Geo . Boyer , AV . M . elect , S . W . ; Robert A . Ryott , J . W . ; T . Deller , P . M ., Treasurer ; AV . AV . King , P . M ., Sec . ; — bland , S . D ., and several others . Visitors—Bros . C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D .
Herts , P . M . 201 and 869 , and J . Welsh . The chair was token by Bro . Hall , the AV . M ., and after the minutes of the former meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Swan took the chair and proceeded to install Bro . Geo . Boyer , the S . AV . of the lodge , as AV . M . for the year ensuing . The W . M . then appointed Bros . R . A . Ryott , S . W . ; Bland , J . AV . ; J . Deller , Treas . and I . G . j AV . jW . KingP . M . Sec ; SbadwellTler—the
ad-, , , y , dresses to those officers being delivered by Bro . Swan , the Installing Master . After this ceremony was completed , Bro . King rose and said , that with the W . M . 's permission he must propose that a vote of thanks he recorded on the minutes of this lodge to Bro . Swan for his readiness to come down and perform the ceremony which he had done , and at so short a notice ; and they hoped they should have his services for many
years to come for the same ceremony . This , after being duly seconded by Bro . Hall , P . M ., was carried unanimously . There being no further business , tho lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , where a first-rate repast was provided , to which the brethren did ample justice , and the evening was passed in a highly social manner . CHESHIRE .
CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —CEEEBRATKW OF THE FESTIVAL OF ST . JOHN . —The annual festival of the patron saint was celebrated by the brethren of tho Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at their splendid new lodge rooms , latelv erected by Bro . Tucker in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
T . Wilson , 21 ; J . Hart , 22 ; C . G . Prideaux , P . M . 1 G 5 ; R . G . Griffiths , P . M . 171 ; H . Robinson , AV . M . ISO ; Dr . Staples , 1 S 6 ; J . Dyer , P . M . 201 ; P . AV . Griffiths , 218 ; J . Hill , 404 ; S . Rosenthal , AV . M . 435 ; Twinberrow , 556 ; II . Sutlow , 857 ; Matthew Cooke , AV . M . 905 and Sec . 23 ; H . Mahomed , 969 ; R . E . Van Noorden , 1017 , and J . de Vries , St . John ' s , New Brunswick . The business of the evening was undertaken by BroJMessentP . M . and Treas . whose performance of the
. . , , ceremonies of installation was so graceful , gentlemanly , and excellent as to win the approval of every one present . Bro . AV . " H . AA ' arr , P . M ., presented Bro . F . Joseph Cronin , J . AV ., and W . M . elect , and he was installed by Bro . Messent in a board of no less than twenty P . M . ' s ; and , when seated in the chair , Bro . Messent invested him with the very appropriate jewel of the lodge , which had been presented to it by Bro . B . West , P . M .,
always to be worn by its AV . M . The W . M . was no novice at his duties , and , although brief in his addresses , was to the point . He invested the following brethren as his officers for the year . AVilliam Shakespeare AVebster , son of Bro . Benjamin AA'ebster , P . G . W ., S . AV . ; Dr . Richardson , J . AV . ; J . Messent , P . M ., reinvested Treas . ; R . Mills , P . M ., reinvested Sec . ; Henry Brown , S . D . ; — Hersee , J . D . ; Aubrey Brown , I . G ., and Longstaff , Tler . The lodge being closedsome fifty-six brethren
ady , journed to the banquet , which reflected much credit on Messrs . Shrewsbury and Co . for its excellence and profusion . After the cloth had been removed the AV . MASTER gave in rapid succession the toasts of "The Queen ; " "The M . W . G . M . ; " "The D . G . M . and GrandOfficers , " remarking that they were honoured by the presence of two that evening , Bro . S . B . AVilson , P . G . D ., and Bro . Dickie , G . Purst ., and thanking them for their company . —Bro . S . B . AA 7 ILSO "" , P . G . D ., thought those in harness should return thanks ,
and so left the honour in Bro . Dickie ' s hands . — Bro . DICKIE , G . Purst ., said all that could be said for the Grand Officers , complimented the lodge on its working and hospitality , and thanked the brethren for the toast . —Bro . FREDERICK JOSEPH CRONES , AA 7 . M ., was sure that if tho lodge possessed one viriue more than another it was in the cordiality with which they always welcomed their visitors . That evening they were favoured with the attendance of twenty or five-and-twenty , and with whom to associate the toast he was at a loss , but would
couple it with the name of Bro . A an Noorden . —Bro . A Air NOORDEN was rather taken by surprise , because there were so many present better known and higher than himself in the Craft for whom he was unable to do justice . He felt proud of his own reception there , and supposed that because he had known the AV . M . previous to his becoming a brother , be had been selected to return thanks . He felt sure the W . M . would make an excellent Masterand in the name of the visitors he
, gratefully acknowledged the toast . —Bro . CURTIS , I . P . M ., had the gratification to propose the next toast . He had no cause , for himself , to regret his own appointment to that high office he had just departed from , and he was sure that the lodge could have none at its selection of their new AV . M ., who was possessed of the necessary talent and ability to win golden opinions from all , and he was sure the lodge ought to be congratulated in
securing such a AV . M ., whose health he begged to propose . —The AV . M ., Bro . FEEDEBICK JOSEPH CBONIN , deeply felt the honour the lodge had done him , and , as far as his ability extended , be hoped to acquit himself with satisfaction to the lodge aud credit for his good intentions . —The AA . MASTER said the next toast was always received with great cordiality because of the many kindnesses the P . M . 's conferred on the lodge and its individual
members . For his own part he had to acknowledge his personal obligations to Bro . Messent , who had initiated him , and that day installed him in a way that had won deserved praise from all . He then gave the toast of the P . M . 's of the lodge . —Bro . CCTTIS , I . P . M ., said , as usual , it generally fell to the lot of the most incompetent to return thanks , and for that reason , he presumed , they had delegated him to say that they were hapnv to render service "
any they could ; and there were some ofthe the P . M . ' s who could render any services that might be required of them . —Bro . PIERCE EOAN , P . M ., wished to draw their attention to the Boys' School Festival , on the 8 th of March , at which he had undertaken to represent the lod ge as its steward . He Avas speaking to the members of the lod ge , and not to the visitors—unless any of the latter were so won b his eloquence
y that they chose to add their donations to the list . He had had the honour to represent them at the Girls' School Festival , and was handsomel y supported by the lodge then , and hoped his list on the forthcoming occasion would certainly not be less . He should like every brother to come forward and put a guinea
The Masonic Mirror.
in his hand , for which , he could assure them , they would not only deserve but have his most grateful thanks . —The W . MASTER gave "The Masonic Charities , " which was replied to by Bro . F . Binckes , who most zealously advocated the cause of his more immediate institution . The AV . M . knew that the officers had the laudable ambition to do credit to the working of the lodge , and he was proud to say they were quite up to their work , and would deserve to be advanced . The two senior
officers were hard-working brethren , and the three juniors were very effectively treading in their steps . From that he augured much credit to the lodge , and concluded by proposing the toast of the officers of the lodge . —Bro . AV . S . AA ' EBSTER , S . W ., was sure , from the examples they had before them , they would all endeavour to do credit to their position , and , for himself , it would be his desire to do his best throughout the ensuing year . —Br . EICHAEDSON , J . W ., did not feel the time had come
to accept thanks for his services , because he could only make promises ; hut when he remembered that Freemasonry was founded on masonic art , that it was the offspring of practical men , such as erected King ' s College Chapel at Cambridge , they must be awaro that its entire usefulness had changed . They came there to meet society ; and though their ceremonies were most engaging , yet to rub off the asperities of lifeas they did in their lodgeswas to him
, , the true end and aim of Masonry in the present age . AVith such views he entered upon his post , and would strive with sincerity and anxiety to carry out his duties ; and if he were successful in so doing , then he should be glad to say more on the subject . —Bro . BROWN , S . D ., expressed his hope to progress and go on to higher office . —Bro . HERSEE , J . D ., felt grateful for his share of the toast . He could not receive it as a mere compliment , but as an expression of sympathy and goodwill . He
reminded them that he was diffident , hut would try to do his best , and he hoped the lodge would not suffer from any default of bis . —Bro . ATJBRET BEOWN , I . G ., had to thank them for his official position , which , by careful conduct , he hoped to merit . — The AV . MASTER next gave "The Masonic Press , " to which Bro . MATTHEW COOKE replied . There was some very excellent singing by Bros . St . Aubyn , A an Noorden , Matthew Cooke , J . Messent , Pierce Egan , and others , and the lodge broke up at a reasonable hour .
BERKSHIRE . NEAVBTJEV . —Loyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope ( No . 574 ) . — This lodge held its installation meeting at the Town Hall , Newbury , on Friday , the 3 rd inst .: present , B . Hall , AV . M . ; Geo . Boyer , AV . M . elect , S . W . ; Robert A . Ryott , J . W . ; T . Deller , P . M ., Treasurer ; AV . AV . King , P . M ., Sec . ; — bland , S . D ., and several others . Visitors—Bros . C . Swan , P . Prov . G . D .
Herts , P . M . 201 and 869 , and J . Welsh . The chair was token by Bro . Hall , the AV . M ., and after the minutes of the former meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Swan took the chair and proceeded to install Bro . Geo . Boyer , the S . AV . of the lodge , as AV . M . for the year ensuing . The W . M . then appointed Bros . R . A . Ryott , S . W . ; Bland , J . AV . ; J . Deller , Treas . and I . G . j AV . jW . KingP . M . Sec ; SbadwellTler—the
ad-, , , y , dresses to those officers being delivered by Bro . Swan , the Installing Master . After this ceremony was completed , Bro . King rose and said , that with the W . M . 's permission he must propose that a vote of thanks he recorded on the minutes of this lodge to Bro . Swan for his readiness to come down and perform the ceremony which he had done , and at so short a notice ; and they hoped they should have his services for many
years to come for the same ceremony . This , after being duly seconded by Bro . Hall , P . M ., was carried unanimously . There being no further business , tho lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet-room , where a first-rate repast was provided , to which the brethren did ample justice , and the evening was passed in a highly social manner . CHESHIRE .
CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —CEEEBRATKW OF THE FESTIVAL OF ST . JOHN . —The annual festival of the patron saint was celebrated by the brethren of tho Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., at their splendid new lodge rooms , latelv erected by Bro . Tucker in