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oft ' . So narrow was the escape of Bro . Aked that , when the fore part of the ship broke up , the foremast fell , dragging the topmast of the mainmast with it , which struck him on the chest , severing his pencil-caso in the centre . At nine in the morning they sighted a steamer , hut were mistaken for a schooner , having only two masts left and all sails set . Happily this steamer came across one of the boats , and finding they had left about fort creatures to perishthe captain humanel
y poor , y resolved to try and save them . Happily he was in time . Having got so far away , it was not till three in the afternoon ( ten hours they had been clinging to the rigging ) when the first boat reached the sufferers . Happily , the boat was enabled to return safely twice , and rescued the whole of the party . An hour after the mast had disappeared . Bro . Aken sails for his station ou the Coast of Africa again on the 24 th proximo . He
has the sympathy and good wish of all . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and at nine the brethren mustered in the banquet-room , where an excellent supper was served , and at half-past ten they retired .
TZRAST 0-RD . —Peniatpli . 7 , Lodge ( Xo . 974 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the rooms of the Lodge of Hopo ( No . 302 ) , on Thursday evening , the 2 nd inst ., at seven o'clock . Present —Bros . Arthur Briggs , W . M . ; W . Gath , P . M . as S . AA' ' . ; J . F . Leeson , J . W . ; Rev . H . J . Burfield , M . A ., Chap . ; II . 0 . Mawson , P . M . Treas . ; Goldsclmudt , S . D . ; E . Carbutt , J . D . ; Richard AVrigley , I . G . ; AVatson , O . G . ; Michael Rogerson , C . H . Taylor ,
M . D ., Mar . oah Rhodes , P . M . 's ; Henry Smith , P . Prov . G . D . ; Richard Reed Nelson ,-Prov . G . Sec ; Charles Semon , Joshua AA almsley , and George Bc-mland . The Secretary read several communications and an apology from Bro . D . Little , S . W . Bro . Walmsley passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree , and was afterwards passed to the second degree , in which ceremony the W . M . was assisted by Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M ., Bro .
Henry Smith explaining the working tools . Bro . Charles Lees of the Lodge of Hope , was proposed as a joining member . A beautifully illuminated parchment scroll was exhibited for approval , it being intended as a testimonial to Bro . AVilliam Foster , P . AI . of Hornby Castle , as an acknowledgment of his munificence in furnishing the lodge at its formation . A letter of thanks was ordered to be written to BroEdward Walker Shaw
. , on his leaving Bradford for an appointment in Torquay . The business being ended , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at nine o ' clock , ' / 'he greater part of the brethren then adjoueneil to the refreshment room , where an excellent supper was served , and on the cloth being removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROSE OE DENJIAHIC CHAPTER ( No . 975 ) . —The consecration meeting of the above new chapter was held at the AA hite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., E . Comp . Savage , P . G . S . B ., officiating as consecrating Z ., assisted by Comps . AVatson , P . Z ., as II . ; Cottebrune , as J . ; Buss and
Cotterell , P . Z . 's , and several other Past and Present Principals . The companions below the chairs having been admitted , the M . E . Z . called upon the acting S . E ., Comp . Little , to read the petition , and also the charter of constitution , which was accordingly done , and the minutes of two preliminary meetings of the petitioning companions also read and approved by Comp .
Savage . The consecration ceremony was then proceeded with by the Eminent Companion iu the chair , and was rendered throughout by Comp . Savage with that solemnity and impressiveness for which he is justly famed . He was worthily seconded in the course of the ceremony by the Eminent Companions filling the subordinate chairs . The M . E . Z . then requested the companions who were not installed Z . 's to retire , when Comp . J . BrettP . Z . 177 was dulinstalled into the
, , y 1 st Principal's chair . Comps . AV . H . Hubbard and R . AV . Little were then introduced , and severally installed into the chair of J . ; after which the former retired , and Comp . J . Little was installed as the 1 st II . of the new chapter . The other companions being then admitted , ballots were taken for nineteen brethren to be exalted , and for two joining members ,
Royal Arch.
Comps . Gratton and Dixon , all of which proved unanimous . The following brethren were then regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry : —Bros . J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; A . A . Pendlebury , 174 ; T . Peters , J . W . 907 ; C . AVillcox , C . Page , J . D . ; A . Squire , E . Gocdall , all of 975 ; and J . A . R . AVhite , 177 . The election of officers was the next business , when Comp . Terry was chosen as S . E . ; AVilson , N . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Oliver , P . S . ; Fredk . Smith , 1 st Assist . Soj . ;
Pendlebury , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Gratton , Dir . of Cers . ; and Peters , Wine Steward . Several propositions were then made for the next meeting , after which the M . E . Z . proposed a vote of thanks to Comp . John Savage for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of consecration and installation . This being seconded was carried by acclamation . The chapter was then closed according to ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Newly-Exalted Companions , " to which Comp . TEIIEV , S . E ., responded in a very appropriate speech . " The Health of the Visitors" followed . Comp . \ A ATSON , in thanking the companions , expressed the-great gratification he had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of the three chairs that evening . Everyone knew how beautifully Comp . Brett carried out his duties , but he ( Comp . Watson ) was not prepared to find such efficiency as had been evinced by
Comps . Little and Hubbard , and he must therefore congratulate the Rose of Denmark Chapter on having three such Principals . —• Comp . LITTLE , H ., then rose and called upon the companion to join him in drinking " The Health of their M . E . Z ., " who , notwithstanding a severe cold , had so well and worthily fulfilled the duties of his high position both in the chapter and at the banquet . —The companions having cordially responded to the toast , the M . E . Z . thanked them for the complimentand expressed his
, regret that through indisposition he was not able to enjoy himielf so thoroughly as he could wish ; at the same time he thanked them one and all for the kindness and good feeling shown toward him , and wished health and prosperity to all . —The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Health of the 2 nd and 3 rd Principals , " warmly expressing his admiration of their proficiency , the more
especially as he could claim both as his pupils in Royal Arch Masonry , and he felt sure that every member of the chapter was proud of the way in which they performed their respective duties . Comp . LITTLE , H ., expressed his grateful acknowledgments to the M . E . Z . and companions , and rejoiced to see so many healthy shoots of the Rose of Denmark Lodge transplanted and thriving in the Rose of Denmark Chapter . He sincci ely trusted that no thorns might spring up among them ,
no elements of dissension or discord check their growth , or mar the beauty of the mystic structure which they had that day raised , but that every companion in the chapter would cultivate the glorious principle of Freemasonry , by practising one to another kindness and brotherly love .- —Comp . HUBBAED , J ., also thanked the companions , assuring them that , although not so well known to some , he hoped to merit the approbation of all by carefully and conscientiously discharging the duties
of his office . — "The Health of Comp . Buss , P . Z . and Treas ., " wns the next given , and elicited the applause of the brethren . —Comp . Buss replied , and expressed his gratification at the confidence evinced by the members in electing him to the position of Treasurer of the chapter . It would be his constant care to promote their comfort in every way consistently with economy , as , ol course , every one knew there were many expenses to bo met in a new body , whether a lodge or chapter ;
and ho , therefore , trusted to have the support of every companion in the performance of the responsible duties attached to his office . —The toast of the Officers was responded to by Comp . OLIVEII , P . S ., who in the course of his remarks stated his belief that the chapter would prove to be one of the happiest in the Order , as the right men were in the right place ; but hoped it would never become a numerous chapter . There were at present on the list for exaltation as many as would place
the chapter upon a prosperous footing ; and he sincerely trusted that a careful selection of candidates would be made , so that the members might never become so numerous as to forget one another ' s faces —( laughter)— which he knew was often the case in large lodges and chapters . — " The Health of Comp . AVillcox , " the host , was then given ; and the Janitor's toast brought this happy meeting to an end . The visitors were Comps . AVilson , P . Z . 25 ; J . Cotterell , P . Z . 820 ; C . A .
Cottebrune , Z . 177 ; Dickie , Z . elect 177 , and H . 742 ; Sisson , H . elect 177 ; B . P . Todd , J . 382 ; C . P . Payne , N . elect 177 ; R . Daly , 188 ; Dr . Dalton , 25 ; T . \ A escome and F . J . Cox , 657 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
oft ' . So narrow was the escape of Bro . Aked that , when the fore part of the ship broke up , the foremast fell , dragging the topmast of the mainmast with it , which struck him on the chest , severing his pencil-caso in the centre . At nine in the morning they sighted a steamer , hut were mistaken for a schooner , having only two masts left and all sails set . Happily this steamer came across one of the boats , and finding they had left about fort creatures to perishthe captain humanel
y poor , y resolved to try and save them . Happily he was in time . Having got so far away , it was not till three in the afternoon ( ten hours they had been clinging to the rigging ) when the first boat reached the sufferers . Happily , the boat was enabled to return safely twice , and rescued the whole of the party . An hour after the mast had disappeared . Bro . Aken sails for his station ou the Coast of Africa again on the 24 th proximo . He
has the sympathy and good wish of all . The lodge was closed at half-past eight , and at nine the brethren mustered in the banquet-room , where an excellent supper was served , and at half-past ten they retired .
TZRAST 0-RD . —Peniatpli . 7 , Lodge ( Xo . 974 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held in the rooms of the Lodge of Hopo ( No . 302 ) , on Thursday evening , the 2 nd inst ., at seven o'clock . Present —Bros . Arthur Briggs , W . M . ; W . Gath , P . M . as S . AA' ' . ; J . F . Leeson , J . W . ; Rev . H . J . Burfield , M . A ., Chap . ; II . 0 . Mawson , P . M . Treas . ; Goldsclmudt , S . D . ; E . Carbutt , J . D . ; Richard AVrigley , I . G . ; AVatson , O . G . ; Michael Rogerson , C . H . Taylor ,
M . D ., Mar . oah Rhodes , P . M . 's ; Henry Smith , P . Prov . G . D . ; Richard Reed Nelson ,-Prov . G . Sec ; Charles Semon , Joshua AA almsley , and George Bc-mland . The Secretary read several communications and an apology from Bro . D . Little , S . W . Bro . Walmsley passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree , and was afterwards passed to the second degree , in which ceremony the W . M . was assisted by Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M ., Bro .
Henry Smith explaining the working tools . Bro . Charles Lees of the Lodge of Hope , was proposed as a joining member . A beautifully illuminated parchment scroll was exhibited for approval , it being intended as a testimonial to Bro . AVilliam Foster , P . AI . of Hornby Castle , as an acknowledgment of his munificence in furnishing the lodge at its formation . A letter of thanks was ordered to be written to BroEdward Walker Shaw
. , on his leaving Bradford for an appointment in Torquay . The business being ended , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at nine o ' clock , ' / 'he greater part of the brethren then adjoueneil to the refreshment room , where an excellent supper was served , and on the cloth being removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROSE OE DENJIAHIC CHAPTER ( No . 975 ) . —The consecration meeting of the above new chapter was held at the AA hite Hart Tavern , Barnes , Surrey , on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., E . Comp . Savage , P . G . S . B ., officiating as consecrating Z ., assisted by Comps . AVatson , P . Z ., as II . ; Cottebrune , as J . ; Buss and
Cotterell , P . Z . 's , and several other Past and Present Principals . The companions below the chairs having been admitted , the M . E . Z . called upon the acting S . E ., Comp . Little , to read the petition , and also the charter of constitution , which was accordingly done , and the minutes of two preliminary meetings of the petitioning companions also read and approved by Comp .
Savage . The consecration ceremony was then proceeded with by the Eminent Companion iu the chair , and was rendered throughout by Comp . Savage with that solemnity and impressiveness for which he is justly famed . He was worthily seconded in the course of the ceremony by the Eminent Companions filling the subordinate chairs . The M . E . Z . then requested the companions who were not installed Z . 's to retire , when Comp . J . BrettP . Z . 177 was dulinstalled into the
, , y 1 st Principal's chair . Comps . AV . H . Hubbard and R . AV . Little were then introduced , and severally installed into the chair of J . ; after which the former retired , and Comp . J . Little was installed as the 1 st II . of the new chapter . The other companions being then admitted , ballots were taken for nineteen brethren to be exalted , and for two joining members ,
Royal Arch.
Comps . Gratton and Dixon , all of which proved unanimous . The following brethren were then regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry : —Bros . J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; A . A . Pendlebury , 174 ; T . Peters , J . W . 907 ; C . AVillcox , C . Page , J . D . ; A . Squire , E . Gocdall , all of 975 ; and J . A . R . AVhite , 177 . The election of officers was the next business , when Comp . Terry was chosen as S . E . ; AVilson , N . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; Oliver , P . S . ; Fredk . Smith , 1 st Assist . Soj . ;
Pendlebury , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; Gratton , Dir . of Cers . ; and Peters , Wine Steward . Several propositions were then made for the next meeting , after which the M . E . Z . proposed a vote of thanks to Comp . John Savage for the admirable manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of consecration and installation . This being seconded was carried by acclamation . The chapter was then closed according to ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts , the M . E . Z . proposed "The Newly-Exalted Companions , " to which Comp . TEIIEV , S . E ., responded in a very appropriate speech . " The Health of the Visitors" followed . Comp . \ A ATSON , in thanking the companions , expressed the-great gratification he had experienced in witnessing the excellent working of the three chairs that evening . Everyone knew how beautifully Comp . Brett carried out his duties , but he ( Comp . Watson ) was not prepared to find such efficiency as had been evinced by
Comps . Little and Hubbard , and he must therefore congratulate the Rose of Denmark Chapter on having three such Principals . —• Comp . LITTLE , H ., then rose and called upon the companion to join him in drinking " The Health of their M . E . Z ., " who , notwithstanding a severe cold , had so well and worthily fulfilled the duties of his high position both in the chapter and at the banquet . —The companions having cordially responded to the toast , the M . E . Z . thanked them for the complimentand expressed his
, regret that through indisposition he was not able to enjoy himielf so thoroughly as he could wish ; at the same time he thanked them one and all for the kindness and good feeling shown toward him , and wished health and prosperity to all . —The M . E . Z . then proposed " The Health of the 2 nd and 3 rd Principals , " warmly expressing his admiration of their proficiency , the more
especially as he could claim both as his pupils in Royal Arch Masonry , and he felt sure that every member of the chapter was proud of the way in which they performed their respective duties . Comp . LITTLE , H ., expressed his grateful acknowledgments to the M . E . Z . and companions , and rejoiced to see so many healthy shoots of the Rose of Denmark Lodge transplanted and thriving in the Rose of Denmark Chapter . He sincci ely trusted that no thorns might spring up among them ,
no elements of dissension or discord check their growth , or mar the beauty of the mystic structure which they had that day raised , but that every companion in the chapter would cultivate the glorious principle of Freemasonry , by practising one to another kindness and brotherly love .- —Comp . HUBBAED , J ., also thanked the companions , assuring them that , although not so well known to some , he hoped to merit the approbation of all by carefully and conscientiously discharging the duties
of his office . — "The Health of Comp . Buss , P . Z . and Treas ., " wns the next given , and elicited the applause of the brethren . —Comp . Buss replied , and expressed his gratification at the confidence evinced by the members in electing him to the position of Treasurer of the chapter . It would be his constant care to promote their comfort in every way consistently with economy , as , ol course , every one knew there were many expenses to bo met in a new body , whether a lodge or chapter ;
and ho , therefore , trusted to have the support of every companion in the performance of the responsible duties attached to his office . —The toast of the Officers was responded to by Comp . OLIVEII , P . S ., who in the course of his remarks stated his belief that the chapter would prove to be one of the happiest in the Order , as the right men were in the right place ; but hoped it would never become a numerous chapter . There were at present on the list for exaltation as many as would place
the chapter upon a prosperous footing ; and he sincerely trusted that a careful selection of candidates would be made , so that the members might never become so numerous as to forget one another ' s faces —( laughter)— which he knew was often the case in large lodges and chapters . — " The Health of Comp . AVillcox , " the host , was then given ; and the Janitor's toast brought this happy meeting to an end . The visitors were Comps . AVilson , P . Z . 25 ; J . Cotterell , P . Z . 820 ; C . A .
Cottebrune , Z . 177 ; Dickie , Z . elect 177 , and H . 742 ; Sisson , H . elect 177 ; B . P . Todd , J . 382 ; C . P . Payne , N . elect 177 ; R . Daly , 188 ; Dr . Dalton , 25 ; T . \ A escome and F . J . Cox , 657 .