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the sun sets in the west to close the day , so may the S . AV ., at the close of our periodical labours , not only see that every brother has his due , but also that he may be improved , and his mind enlightened , by Masonic instruction from the chair . Grant , 0 Thou Most High , that the chief corner-stone of this , our building ; , may be holiness to the Lord ; and whenever we assemble here for the sacred purposes of Masonry , may we be guided by the rules and precepts contained in Thy holy tracing board ;
and may they lend us , through all the devious scenes of this chequered state of existence , to a homo not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . Then will Freemasonry be made ^ subservient to the practice ot our religious duties , and help us forward towards that Grand Lodgo above , where we hopo to meet our Christian and Masonic brethren in perfect happiness , when the scenes of this world shall be closed , and the pass-word of Fidelity , Fidelity , Fidelity shall for the last time be pronounced
over our graves . " Musical response , " So mote it bo !" The Prov . G . Master then seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Leviticus ii . 13 ];— "And every oblation of thy meat offering thou shalt season with salt ; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to bo lacking from thy meat offering : with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt . " The Prov . G . Master then declared the hall duly consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form . The creinony concluded with the followinar anthem : —
Revelations xv . 3 . " Great and marvellous are Thy works , Lord God Almighty ! Just and true are Thy works , 0 King of Saints . Thou art worthy , 0 Lord , to receive glory , and honour , and power ; for Thou hast created all things , and for Thy pleasure they are and were created . Hallelujah !" The Prov . G . M . then vacated tho chair , and the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge resumed it .
The AV . M . having been re-elected for the second year , all the brethren saluted him , and he was proclaimed according to ancient form by the D . Prov . G . M . The W . Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year as follows -. — Bro . D . G . Brnce-Gardyne , Trinity College S . AV . „ T . F . Dallin , i ? . ^ ., FellowofQueen'sCollege ... J . AV .
„ Rev . J . Cattlow , 31 . A ., Fellow of St . John's ... Chaplain . „ W . Thompson , P . M Treasurer . „ AA . AV . Harrison , P . M ., M . A ., Brasenose Col .... Organist . „ B . A . Galland , Lincoln College Secretary . „ P . A . Latham , Brasenose College S . I ) . „ E . Hamhoy , Magdalen College J . D . „ L . G . Robbins , Trinity College S . M . of Cers . „ P . B . Bernard , Oriel College J . M . of Cers .
„ J . Bradford , New College I . G . „ Green ~ * | „ Smith-Barry „ Hardy „ Holden „ Stewart „ Bayle ,., , )¦ Stewards . Beal
„ „ Reiss „ Voulcs „ Tetley „ Savile J „ AV . Stephenson and W . T . Bacon Tylers .
Charges were then delivered by the D . Prov . G . M . to tho Wardens , and to the brethren . The lodge was then closed in duo form and order . The anniversary festival was then celebrated with a banquet in tho Clarendon Assembly Room , the AA . M . presiding over a party numbering about 130 , and including Bros . Sir John Warren Hayes , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . G . E . Robbins , Rev . T . F . Ravenshaw , Capt . Peyton , and many other old members of the lodge ; also Bro . Clarke , of St . John ' s College , Cambridge , and a large assemblage of Oxford brethren .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . ABEJBAYON . —Afan , Lodye ( No . 833 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present Bros . II . LI . Prichard , W . M . ; W . LI . Powell , P . M . ; Edward J . Morris , P . M . ; D . Longdon , S . W . ; Jno . Felton , J . AA . ; Jno . Jones , jun ., Sec . ; M . Tcnnant , S . D . ;
T . Daniel , J . D . ; AV . E . Chalinder , Dir . of Cers . ; McOwen , Org . ; Ed . Jones , I . G . ; Smith , Jones , Morgan , Davies , AA elsh , AA illiams , Jenkins , Presse , Hopkins , and others . After confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Lewis , of Bridgend , as a candidate for admission , which resulted in his election ; after which Messrs . Robert Evans and Thomas Popkin were initiated by the AV . M . into the mysteries of the Orderand Mr . John Lewis was afterwards initiated by Bro .
, Edward J . Morris , P . M . In the course of the evening Bro . Edward J . Morris , P . M ., made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , informing them that he had accepted the office of Steward , ( the first from this province ) for the approaching anniversary festival , with a view of inducing increased support , and of strengthening tho voting power of the district . The brethren responded
liberally to the appeal ; and on the motion of Bro . M . Tennan t , S . D ., ably seconded by the AV . M ., it was resolved to subscribe LS 2 2 S . annually from this lodge , in addition to private contributions . Bro . Morris stated that the Swansea and Cardiff lodges had contributed most handsomely to his list , ashad also the P . G . M . and D . P . G . M ., and added that he anticipated a most successful termination to his exertions . The lodge being closed , the brethren , as usual , adjourned to supper at the Walnut Tree Hotol , where a pleasant evening was passed .
CAKDIM . —Bute Lodge ( No . 9 G 0 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this large and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Bute Docks , on Tuesday , the 7 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . II . Martin , was supported bv Bros . Jno . AA'illans , S . W . j M . Davies , J . AV . ; P . Bird , Treas . ; AA . H . Moreton , P . M ., Sec ; B . Jenkins , S . D . ; II . Allen , J . D . ; T . G . Glass , I . G . ; R . S . Fisher , Org . ; R . Evans , D . Davies , J . Dalziel , F . Ware ,
& c . The minutes of the preceding lodge having been read and confirmed , the WM . brought under the notice of the brethren the case of Edwin Price Jones , a candidate for election into the Boys' School in April next , the first nominee from this province . His father , Bro . Captain Matthew -Tones , was very well known to many brethren of the lodge , a P . AI . of the Lodge of Benevolence ( No . 489 ) , and at the time of his death an officer in the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) and of the chapter
, attached thereto . So great is the interest felt in the case , that for the first time in the history of the province a Steward was sent up to the Festival on AVednesday last , a precedent which it is hoped and intended , however , to follow for many years to come . The AV . M . read a communication from the Steward , Bro . E . J . Morris , P . M . 237 , P . Prov . G . D ., acknowledging the receipt of twenty-two guineas , the contribution of
the brethren of this lodge to his list , aud announcing that the total amount received by him up to that time was nearly £ 180 , a result considered highly satisfactory for the first attempt . Ballots were taken for Messrs . Husman and Coleman , both of which proved satisfactory , and the former being in attendance , was initiated into the E . A . degree in due form and according to ancient custom . The ceremony was carefully conducted by the AA . M ., and the charge eloquently delivered by the S . W Two applicants for charity having been relieved , and a candidate proposed , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony shortlyafter nine o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . AA AKEElELD . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 15-1 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Zetlandstreet , on Monday evening , the 6 th inst ., at seven o'clock . The Rev . Charles Camidge , M . A ., AV . M ., presided , assisted by his officers , and Past Masters John Gill , Frederick Lumb , AV . W . Glover , Martin E . Naylor , J . L . Fernandes , jun ., and Henry
Smith , of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , who filled the Junior Warden's chair , in the absence of that officer . Bro . Thomas Aked , Ensign in the 4 th AA ' est India Regiment , was examined in the first degree , and for his proficiency therein was ordered to be passed to the second degree , which ceremony was performed by Bros . John Gill and Martin E . Naylor , P . M . 's , Bro . E . P . Shaw giving the working tools . Bro . Fernandes , Sec ., was o .-dered to apply to Grand Lodge for an F . C . certificate
for B .-o . Ensign Aked , his E . C . certificate having been lost , with all his effects , on board the Armenian screw steamer , on the Arklow Bank , on the night of January 24-th . It will he remembered that Bro . Aked and some forty others were hanging on to the rigging of the unfortunate ship during the whole night , after the ship had settled down into fifty feet of water , and the breakers constantly endangering their being washed
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the sun sets in the west to close the day , so may the S . AV ., at the close of our periodical labours , not only see that every brother has his due , but also that he may be improved , and his mind enlightened , by Masonic instruction from the chair . Grant , 0 Thou Most High , that the chief corner-stone of this , our building ; , may be holiness to the Lord ; and whenever we assemble here for the sacred purposes of Masonry , may we be guided by the rules and precepts contained in Thy holy tracing board ;
and may they lend us , through all the devious scenes of this chequered state of existence , to a homo not made with hands , eternal in the heavens . Then will Freemasonry be made ^ subservient to the practice ot our religious duties , and help us forward towards that Grand Lodgo above , where we hopo to meet our Christian and Masonic brethren in perfect happiness , when the scenes of this world shall be closed , and the pass-word of Fidelity , Fidelity , Fidelity shall for the last time be pronounced
over our graves . " Musical response , " So mote it bo !" The Prov . G . Master then seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Leviticus ii . 13 ];— "And every oblation of thy meat offering thou shalt season with salt ; neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to bo lacking from thy meat offering : with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt . " The Prov . G . Master then declared the hall duly consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form . The creinony concluded with the followinar anthem : —
Revelations xv . 3 . " Great and marvellous are Thy works , Lord God Almighty ! Just and true are Thy works , 0 King of Saints . Thou art worthy , 0 Lord , to receive glory , and honour , and power ; for Thou hast created all things , and for Thy pleasure they are and were created . Hallelujah !" The Prov . G . M . then vacated tho chair , and the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge resumed it .
The AV . M . having been re-elected for the second year , all the brethren saluted him , and he was proclaimed according to ancient form by the D . Prov . G . M . The W . Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year as follows -. — Bro . D . G . Brnce-Gardyne , Trinity College S . AV . „ T . F . Dallin , i ? . ^ ., FellowofQueen'sCollege ... J . AV .
„ Rev . J . Cattlow , 31 . A ., Fellow of St . John's ... Chaplain . „ W . Thompson , P . M Treasurer . „ AA . AV . Harrison , P . M ., M . A ., Brasenose Col .... Organist . „ B . A . Galland , Lincoln College Secretary . „ P . A . Latham , Brasenose College S . I ) . „ E . Hamhoy , Magdalen College J . D . „ L . G . Robbins , Trinity College S . M . of Cers . „ P . B . Bernard , Oriel College J . M . of Cers .
„ J . Bradford , New College I . G . „ Green ~ * | „ Smith-Barry „ Hardy „ Holden „ Stewart „ Bayle ,., , )¦ Stewards . Beal
„ „ Reiss „ Voulcs „ Tetley „ Savile J „ AV . Stephenson and W . T . Bacon Tylers .
Charges were then delivered by the D . Prov . G . M . to tho Wardens , and to the brethren . The lodge was then closed in duo form and order . The anniversary festival was then celebrated with a banquet in tho Clarendon Assembly Room , the AA . M . presiding over a party numbering about 130 , and including Bros . Sir John Warren Hayes , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . G . E . Robbins , Rev . T . F . Ravenshaw , Capt . Peyton , and many other old members of the lodge ; also Bro . Clarke , of St . John ' s College , Cambridge , and a large assemblage of Oxford brethren .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . ABEJBAYON . —Afan , Lodye ( No . 833 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., when there were present Bros . II . LI . Prichard , W . M . ; W . LI . Powell , P . M . ; Edward J . Morris , P . M . ; D . Longdon , S . W . ; Jno . Felton , J . AA . ; Jno . Jones , jun ., Sec . ; M . Tcnnant , S . D . ;
T . Daniel , J . D . ; AV . E . Chalinder , Dir . of Cers . ; McOwen , Org . ; Ed . Jones , I . G . ; Smith , Jones , Morgan , Davies , AA elsh , AA illiams , Jenkins , Presse , Hopkins , and others . After confirmation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Lewis , of Bridgend , as a candidate for admission , which resulted in his election ; after which Messrs . Robert Evans and Thomas Popkin were initiated by the AV . M . into the mysteries of the Orderand Mr . John Lewis was afterwards initiated by Bro .
, Edward J . Morris , P . M . In the course of the evening Bro . Edward J . Morris , P . M ., made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , informing them that he had accepted the office of Steward , ( the first from this province ) for the approaching anniversary festival , with a view of inducing increased support , and of strengthening tho voting power of the district . The brethren responded
liberally to the appeal ; and on the motion of Bro . M . Tennan t , S . D ., ably seconded by the AV . M ., it was resolved to subscribe LS 2 2 S . annually from this lodge , in addition to private contributions . Bro . Morris stated that the Swansea and Cardiff lodges had contributed most handsomely to his list , ashad also the P . G . M . and D . P . G . M ., and added that he anticipated a most successful termination to his exertions . The lodge being closed , the brethren , as usual , adjourned to supper at the Walnut Tree Hotol , where a pleasant evening was passed .
CAKDIM . —Bute Lodge ( No . 9 G 0 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this large and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Bute Docks , on Tuesday , the 7 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . II . Martin , was supported bv Bros . Jno . AA'illans , S . W . j M . Davies , J . AV . ; P . Bird , Treas . ; AA . H . Moreton , P . M ., Sec ; B . Jenkins , S . D . ; II . Allen , J . D . ; T . G . Glass , I . G . ; R . S . Fisher , Org . ; R . Evans , D . Davies , J . Dalziel , F . Ware ,
& c . The minutes of the preceding lodge having been read and confirmed , the WM . brought under the notice of the brethren the case of Edwin Price Jones , a candidate for election into the Boys' School in April next , the first nominee from this province . His father , Bro . Captain Matthew -Tones , was very well known to many brethren of the lodge , a P . AI . of the Lodge of Benevolence ( No . 489 ) , and at the time of his death an officer in the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) and of the chapter
, attached thereto . So great is the interest felt in the case , that for the first time in the history of the province a Steward was sent up to the Festival on AVednesday last , a precedent which it is hoped and intended , however , to follow for many years to come . The AV . M . read a communication from the Steward , Bro . E . J . Morris , P . M . 237 , P . Prov . G . D ., acknowledging the receipt of twenty-two guineas , the contribution of
the brethren of this lodge to his list , aud announcing that the total amount received by him up to that time was nearly £ 180 , a result considered highly satisfactory for the first attempt . Ballots were taken for Messrs . Husman and Coleman , both of which proved satisfactory , and the former being in attendance , was initiated into the E . A . degree in due form and according to ancient custom . The ceremony was carefully conducted by the AA . M ., and the charge eloquently delivered by the S . W Two applicants for charity having been relieved , and a candidate proposed , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony shortlyafter nine o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . AA AKEElELD . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 15-1 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Zetlandstreet , on Monday evening , the 6 th inst ., at seven o'clock . The Rev . Charles Camidge , M . A ., AV . M ., presided , assisted by his officers , and Past Masters John Gill , Frederick Lumb , AV . W . Glover , Martin E . Naylor , J . L . Fernandes , jun ., and Henry
Smith , of the Lodge of Hope ( No . 302 ) , who filled the Junior Warden's chair , in the absence of that officer . Bro . Thomas Aked , Ensign in the 4 th AA ' est India Regiment , was examined in the first degree , and for his proficiency therein was ordered to be passed to the second degree , which ceremony was performed by Bros . John Gill and Martin E . Naylor , P . M . 's , Bro . E . P . Shaw giving the working tools . Bro . Fernandes , Sec ., was o .-dered to apply to Grand Lodge for an F . C . certificate
for B .-o . Ensign Aked , his E . C . certificate having been lost , with all his effects , on board the Armenian screw steamer , on the Arklow Bank , on the night of January 24-th . It will he remembered that Bro . Aked and some forty others were hanging on to the rigging of the unfortunate ship during the whole night , after the ship had settled down into fifty feet of water , and the breakers constantly endangering their being washed