Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ASYLUM FOR AGED MASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS. Page 1 of 1 Article A CASE OF DISTRESS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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Knights Templar.
besides higher than that , but which has been lost , or is dormant in the south , connected with the K . T . degree purely and solely . But as all Grand Masters have , and daily exercise their inherent rig ht of deputing some high officer to install a Knt . Commander or G . C , so the G . M . of K . T . legally exercises that right , and I doubt if Sir Knt . "J . - . " can
call the G . M . to account for such exercise of his perogative . I thinkyour correspondent , in replying to " Sir Knt . Groves , " —which was a nom deplume ancl not your correspondent ' s name—has fallen into another error , which he brings two examples by analog } - viz , that of 1 st Captain installing an E . G ., or a S . AV . " installing a AY . M . elect . There is no analogy , as your correspondent and his colleagues were not
inferiors , or Prov . G . Officers , but were equals—Grand Officers of the Grand Conclave of England . "Your Correspondent in the North . " Newcastle ou Tync . —j
TO TEE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR SIR , —Will you kindly give us your opinion as to who is qualified to consecrate an Encampment , and install a Prov . G . Commander , as I see in your last issued report that ceremonies ivere undertaken by Sir Knt . Sliuttleworth G . Y . C . The Statutes , p . 17 , sec . 4 , provide that the Grand
Chancellor "shall perform the functions of a Prov . G . Commander of such counties , " referring to those over which no Prov . has been appointed . It is to be hoped that , as far as possible , no irregularity should be permitted for the future , as surely , in thc event of the Grand Chancellor not being able to attend , some one of the Prov . G . Commanders ivould willingly undertake the duty . Yours trull-, JUSTUS .
The Asylum For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC . MIRROR . SIR AXD BROTHER , —I have just seen the balloting papei for the election of twenty Annuitants for the Aged Masons ' Institution' and find in tho paper a proposal for supplying the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon with coals , at thc rate of two cwt ., per week from the 30 th September to 30 th April . This period of time includes thirty weeks , therefore
the quantity of coals will be 60 cwt ., or throe tons . This quantity is much more than they need in tho time , and ivould be better divided throu ghout the year , as follows : — three sacks per month for six months from October to March and two sacks per month from April to September , to be delivered , as heretofore , the first Monday in each month . This will be found the same quantity as proposed to bo given
during seven winter months to each inmate . Your consideration to this and consulting the Committee on the subject , will much benefit the inmates . I remain yours & . c . Ax OLD SUBSCRIBER .
A Case Of Distress.
DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —On behalf of Mrs . Evans , and with her most heartfelt thanks , I beg to acknowledge the receipt ofthe folloiving sums of money : — £ s . d . Amount acknowledged last week 6 10 0 Bro . Newall ... ... ... .,, ,,, 1 17 0 Somers 0 5 0
„ Egyptian Lodge ( Xo . 20 ) , per liro . Buss ... 2 2 0 Subscriptions received by—Bro . Isaacs , P . G . Sec . Kent 3 0 0 Col . Burltcin , P . P . G . M . Bernini 2 0 0 J . AV . English T ... . ;; o 5 0 St . Helen's Lodge ( Xo . 771 ) , per Bro . Hammarborn 0 10 G AVilliam
Bro . John Gaskell 0 10 0 Bro . AV . C . Sleigh 0 10 0 Per Bro . C . Sherry , P . M . ( 190 ) , AVinchester 1 11 0 Bro . T . B . Moutrie 0 5 0 T £ 21 5 6 I remain , dear Sir and Brother , fraternally yours , '
JOJIX MOTT THEARLE . •¦ % Fleet-street , May 8 , 1861 .
The Masonic Mirror.
The Prov . Grand Lodge of ATest Yorkshire , for the installation of the new Prov . G . Master , the Right Hon . Earl cle Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., is to be held in the Town Hall , Leeds , at ten o ' clock , on the 22 nd inst . AA e observe that the Lodge of Truth is to be opened first , ancl then the Prov . G . Lodge opened within it . The practice of opening the major body within a minor is decidedly wrong , and we trust the Pi . AV . JD . G . JI . will at once amend it within his province .
The AThittington Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 16-1 ) will ] be causecrated by Bro , Henry Muggeridge , at the AVhittington Club , Ariiudel-street , Strand , on Monday , the 20 th inst . The following notices of motion stand for discussion at the General Meeting of the P . oyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons
and their AVidows on Friday next : — On the recommendation of the COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT—1 st . " That Article 4 , page 17 , of the Bules and Begluations for the AA idows' Fund be altered as follows ; viz ., to omit the word , ' not exceeding the age of 65 years , £ 15 / ancl ' from 65 to 70 years , £ 20 ; ' ancl insert in place thereof ' from the age of 55 to 70 years , £ 20 . '
2 nd . " That Article 4 , page 17 , be suspended , so far as relates to Female Annuitants at present receiving £ 15 ; and that , for the future , their Annuities be increased to £ 20 . " By A \ . Bro . SAMUEL- ALDRICH—• 3 rd . " That Article 37 , page 11 , of the Bules ancl Begulations of the Institution be amended , by adding , ' And that each Annuitant residing therein be supplied with 2 cwt . of coals ancl 1 lb . of candles
weekly , in addition to his or her Annuity , from the 30 th of September to the 30 th of April , both inclusive , in each year . '" By AA . Bro . H ENRY G EORGE AV ARREN — 1 th . " That henceforth the pension of a male annuitant , upon his election , shall be at the uniform rate of £ 26 , subject to the following augmentations : —
"If a subscriber of 5 * . a year to either fund for a period of seven years £ 1 O 0 per an . "And a like amount for every 5 * . regularly subscribed for the said period of seven years ' ¦ 'And for every five years' additional subscription , a like amount of £ 1 0 0 per an . " That every Life Subscriber of £ 5 be taken to be in the position
_ of a subscriber of £ 1 per annum , for seven years ; provided always , that the said subscription ivas paid at least five years prior to the application to be placed on the list of candidates ; and a like privilege be granted for every £ 5 so subscribed . Provided always , that no pension shall exceed £ 10 per annum . 5 th . ' ' That henceforth the pension of a widow elected on the funds shall be at the uniform rate of £ 20 per annum , subject to
augmentation to the extent of one half her husband would have been entitled to by his subscriptions , had he become an annuitant . But should her husband have been an annuitant , then only to half the amount he would be entitled to as a subscriber to the widow's fund ; and , " Should a widow have been a subscriber to either fund , in her own name , she shall become entitled to the full rate of £ 1 per annum , for subscriptions paid in accordance with the mimliei- of years recited in the foregoing resolution . Provided always , that no such pension shall exceed £ 30 per annum . "
FREEMASONS' GIBLS' SCHOOL . The anniversary festival of this institution was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday last , the Bight Hon . Bro . Lord Leigh ., Prov . Grand Master for Warwickshire , presiding , supported by Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . JI ., Hampshire ; Bro . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk ; Bro . Stuart , Prov . G . M ., Herts ; Col . Bnrlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; Dr . Kent , P . Prov . G . M . ' , Australia ; Lord Grosvenor , S . G . AV . ; Bros . Novell ! , J . G . AV . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
besides higher than that , but which has been lost , or is dormant in the south , connected with the K . T . degree purely and solely . But as all Grand Masters have , and daily exercise their inherent rig ht of deputing some high officer to install a Knt . Commander or G . C , so the G . M . of K . T . legally exercises that right , and I doubt if Sir Knt . "J . - . " can
call the G . M . to account for such exercise of his perogative . I thinkyour correspondent , in replying to " Sir Knt . Groves , " —which was a nom deplume ancl not your correspondent ' s name—has fallen into another error , which he brings two examples by analog } - viz , that of 1 st Captain installing an E . G ., or a S . AV . " installing a AY . M . elect . There is no analogy , as your correspondent and his colleagues were not
inferiors , or Prov . G . Officers , but were equals—Grand Officers of the Grand Conclave of England . "Your Correspondent in the North . " Newcastle ou Tync . —j
TO TEE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR SIR , —Will you kindly give us your opinion as to who is qualified to consecrate an Encampment , and install a Prov . G . Commander , as I see in your last issued report that ceremonies ivere undertaken by Sir Knt . Sliuttleworth G . Y . C . The Statutes , p . 17 , sec . 4 , provide that the Grand
Chancellor "shall perform the functions of a Prov . G . Commander of such counties , " referring to those over which no Prov . has been appointed . It is to be hoped that , as far as possible , no irregularity should be permitted for the future , as surely , in thc event of the Grand Chancellor not being able to attend , some one of the Prov . G . Commanders ivould willingly undertake the duty . Yours trull-, JUSTUS .
The Asylum For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC . MIRROR . SIR AXD BROTHER , —I have just seen the balloting papei for the election of twenty Annuitants for the Aged Masons ' Institution' and find in tho paper a proposal for supplying the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon with coals , at thc rate of two cwt ., per week from the 30 th September to 30 th April . This period of time includes thirty weeks , therefore
the quantity of coals will be 60 cwt ., or throe tons . This quantity is much more than they need in tho time , and ivould be better divided throu ghout the year , as follows : — three sacks per month for six months from October to March and two sacks per month from April to September , to be delivered , as heretofore , the first Monday in each month . This will be found the same quantity as proposed to bo given
during seven winter months to each inmate . Your consideration to this and consulting the Committee on the subject , will much benefit the inmates . I remain yours & . c . Ax OLD SUBSCRIBER .
A Case Of Distress.
DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —On behalf of Mrs . Evans , and with her most heartfelt thanks , I beg to acknowledge the receipt ofthe folloiving sums of money : — £ s . d . Amount acknowledged last week 6 10 0 Bro . Newall ... ... ... .,, ,,, 1 17 0 Somers 0 5 0
„ Egyptian Lodge ( Xo . 20 ) , per liro . Buss ... 2 2 0 Subscriptions received by—Bro . Isaacs , P . G . Sec . Kent 3 0 0 Col . Burltcin , P . P . G . M . Bernini 2 0 0 J . AV . English T ... . ;; o 5 0 St . Helen's Lodge ( Xo . 771 ) , per Bro . Hammarborn 0 10 G AVilliam
Bro . John Gaskell 0 10 0 Bro . AV . C . Sleigh 0 10 0 Per Bro . C . Sherry , P . M . ( 190 ) , AVinchester 1 11 0 Bro . T . B . Moutrie 0 5 0 T £ 21 5 6 I remain , dear Sir and Brother , fraternally yours , '
JOJIX MOTT THEARLE . •¦ % Fleet-street , May 8 , 1861 .
The Masonic Mirror.
The Prov . Grand Lodge of ATest Yorkshire , for the installation of the new Prov . G . Master , the Right Hon . Earl cle Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., is to be held in the Town Hall , Leeds , at ten o ' clock , on the 22 nd inst . AA e observe that the Lodge of Truth is to be opened first , ancl then the Prov . G . Lodge opened within it . The practice of opening the major body within a minor is decidedly wrong , and we trust the Pi . AV . JD . G . JI . will at once amend it within his province .
The AThittington Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 16-1 ) will ] be causecrated by Bro , Henry Muggeridge , at the AVhittington Club , Ariiudel-street , Strand , on Monday , the 20 th inst . The following notices of motion stand for discussion at the General Meeting of the P . oyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons
and their AVidows on Friday next : — On the recommendation of the COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT—1 st . " That Article 4 , page 17 , of the Bules and Begluations for the AA idows' Fund be altered as follows ; viz ., to omit the word , ' not exceeding the age of 65 years , £ 15 / ancl ' from 65 to 70 years , £ 20 ; ' ancl insert in place thereof ' from the age of 55 to 70 years , £ 20 . '
2 nd . " That Article 4 , page 17 , be suspended , so far as relates to Female Annuitants at present receiving £ 15 ; and that , for the future , their Annuities be increased to £ 20 . " By A \ . Bro . SAMUEL- ALDRICH—• 3 rd . " That Article 37 , page 11 , of the Bules ancl Begulations of the Institution be amended , by adding , ' And that each Annuitant residing therein be supplied with 2 cwt . of coals ancl 1 lb . of candles
weekly , in addition to his or her Annuity , from the 30 th of September to the 30 th of April , both inclusive , in each year . '" By AA . Bro . H ENRY G EORGE AV ARREN — 1 th . " That henceforth the pension of a male annuitant , upon his election , shall be at the uniform rate of £ 26 , subject to the following augmentations : —
"If a subscriber of 5 * . a year to either fund for a period of seven years £ 1 O 0 per an . "And a like amount for every 5 * . regularly subscribed for the said period of seven years ' ¦ 'And for every five years' additional subscription , a like amount of £ 1 0 0 per an . " That every Life Subscriber of £ 5 be taken to be in the position
_ of a subscriber of £ 1 per annum , for seven years ; provided always , that the said subscription ivas paid at least five years prior to the application to be placed on the list of candidates ; and a like privilege be granted for every £ 5 so subscribed . Provided always , that no pension shall exceed £ 10 per annum . 5 th . ' ' That henceforth the pension of a widow elected on the funds shall be at the uniform rate of £ 20 per annum , subject to
augmentation to the extent of one half her husband would have been entitled to by his subscriptions , had he become an annuitant . But should her husband have been an annuitant , then only to half the amount he would be entitled to as a subscriber to the widow's fund ; and , " Should a widow have been a subscriber to either fund , in her own name , she shall become entitled to the full rate of £ 1 per annum , for subscriptions paid in accordance with the mimliei- of years recited in the foregoing resolution . Provided always , that no such pension shall exceed £ 30 per annum . "
FREEMASONS' GIBLS' SCHOOL . The anniversary festival of this institution was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday last , the Bight Hon . Bro . Lord Leigh ., Prov . Grand Master for Warwickshire , presiding , supported by Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Prov . G . JI ., Hampshire ; Bro . B . Cabbell , Prov . G . M ., Norfolk ; Bro . Stuart , Prov . G . M ., Herts ; Col . Bnrlton , P . Prov . G . M ., Bengal ; Dr . Kent , P . Prov . G . M . ' , Australia ; Lord Grosvenor , S . G . AV . ; Bros . Novell ! , J . G . AV . '