Article THE WEEK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the Federal officers destroyed several vessels of war , together with all the arms , munitions , shiphouses , and storehouses—spoil which would otherwise have faUen into the hands of the Secessionists . The telegraph communication between New York ancl Washington had been cut off by the order of the Government , in order to prevent their plans from being made too soon public A mass meeting in support of the Government was held at New York on the 22 nd ult . It was a demonstration such as was never previously equalled
in the history of the United States . A committee of twenty-five was appointed to collect funds ancl to transact other necessary business . In many places the municipalities are voluntarily taxing themselves , and many wealthy individuals are making liberal contributions towards defraying the expenses ofthe war . Later news states that an impending attack on Washington has led to all the public buildings in the ital being barricadedancl meanwhile the
cap , Southern troops are advancing on the city in detachments . Fort Smith has been captured by the State troops with 800 , 000 dollars . The Governor of NewY ' ork has called out 21 additional regiments , and the Governor of Delaware has responded to thc President ' s call for troops , which the Federal Government is also chartering every available steamer . The internecine quarrel is thus evidently growing more fierce , ancl one necessary consequence is that planting is being
neglected , while the growing crops are in clanger from want of cultivation . An important item of the latest news will excite great attention here , viz ., that dispatches have been forwarded to the British Government . INDIA .- —The intelligence brought by the Bombay mail is satisfactory . India was perfectly tranquil , even the Sikkim little affair having ended in the submission ofthe rajah . The accounts of the
famine are not so disheartening , ancl the liberal subscriptions that had been raised had afforded a large amount of relief . The issue of the order for the amalgamation of the two armies was anxiously expected . It was supposed to be in the hands of the Governor-General . The £ 50 pension proposed by Sir Charles Wood is greatly derided by the army . Prince Kutbob Ood has been murdered in Calcutta .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Jliss Stabbach , one of our most accomplished and popular singers , who has been repeatedly heard at our various JIasonie festivals , gave her annual concert at the Hanover Square Rooms on Jlay 1 , when she sang a waltz by Schira , "Ah no spiegar non so ; " a new ballad by Langton AA'illiams , " Old Familiar Things ; " another new song by the same author , " The Days of Chivalry ; " and a duet
with Signor Gardoni , " Un tenero core , " besides taking part in two concerted pieces , and in every instance honourably distinguished herself . Jliss Stabbach was heartily applauded in all her efforts . The fair concert-giver was assisted by Signor Gardoni , Jliss Theresa . Tefferys , and Jlr . Lewis Thomas ; whilst for the instrumental performance the services of those celebrated players , JI . Sainton , Herr
Oberthiir , ancl JI . Paque , were called into requisition ; the solo pianist being a debutante in London—JI . Lazare , who showed himself to be an accomplished musician . AA e have heard that Bro . C . Horsley's Oratorio , " Gideon , " may , possibly , be produced in London during the season . JI . Boscovitch , a new pianist , advertised as a pupil of Dr . Liszt ,
is expected immediately in London . L ' - ltnivers Musical announces that JI . Jleyerbeer is composing choruses to a drama b y JI . Henri Blaze , entitled " Goethe , " which will shortly be produced at the Ocleon Theatre , Paris . Young Auer , the Hungarian violinist , has been playing in Paris at a concert of the Soeiete des Jeunes Artistes with great success .
A new singer , JIdlle . cle Taisy , has appeared at the Grand Opera of Paris . JI . Berlioz describes her as having a true and pure voice , which she manages with sufficient art , an elegant figure , and that her action is quiet ancl appropriate . AVliat makes this debut something remarkable , he adds , are the facts that JIdlle . de Taisy hacl never before appeared on any stage , nor hacl sung with an orchestra —and more , that she appeared in the first two acts of " Lucia " without rehearsal .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The Sing-Academic , of A'ienna , is about to revive Palestrina's mass , "Assumpta est , " in St . Augustine ' s Church . JI . Gounod ' s "Faust" has been given at JIayence , with great success . A new one-act comedy in verse , by JI . Legouve , " Un Jeune Homme qui ne fait rien , " has been played with success at the Theatre
Francais . Drury Lane Theatre is again closed , aud is advertised to be let for a term of months . An advertisement invites dramatists to send thither spectacle plays , in two or three acts , before the 1 st of October ; the selected ones to be purchased at the price of £ 200 each .
The Theatre des Eouveaides , at Brussels , was entirely destroyed by fire a few nights ago . JI . Eicquier , to whom every frequenter of the Opera Comique , ol Paris , owes many a hearty laugh , for his dry , hardened comedy , and who , for years , was indispensable to every drollery produced there , died the other day of gout .
A defence of royal and noble musicians ancl amateurs , by JI . cle Berlioz , in reference to the opera by Jlesgrigny aud M . de JIassa , just given at the Opera Comique , is worth paraphrasing as a morsel of humour . The opera , he says , had been objected to because of its aristocratic parentage : — " AVliy [ asks he ] should a de before a composer ' s name be held to indicate
mediocrity ? The author of " Fidelio" signed himself van Beethoven—he of "Der Freischiitz" von AVeber . The number of titled great players is considerable . JUL X > 'Orus and De Jlersemann are none the worse players on the flute for the nobility . Debureau was , they say , a rare clown in spite of his name . AVe know two faultless trumpeters named i ? ij-bois , a celebrated director of the Court ball-orchestra , one Du , Fresne . The name of de Garande is eminent in the roll of singing-masters . The charming songstress , JIadp . me Charton de Jleur , is the idol of Jladrid .
At her last appearance at the Oriente , neither bouquets , bracelets , cloves let loose , frantic plaudits , nor recalls were wanting . The admirable first violoncello at the Grand Opera has not found it necessary to change his paternal name of Xtesmarets . . . . And when we speak of rich amateurs—doubtless wealth does not make talent , hut contributes to it in a formidable manner—JI .
Jleyerbeer is a rich amateur , Mendelssohn was a rich amateur . AA ' e have even amateurs rich , titled and crowned—the Duke of Saxe-Gotha , the Prince Albert , the King of Hanover , the Ex-Emperor Don Pedro , the Baroness de JIaistre ancl the Prince Poniatowski . . . . Then [ he concludes sardonically ] we have amateurs who are neither rich nor titled , ancl who have not the least talent . These criticise
and condemn everybody and everything . JI . Jleyerbeer for them is only a musical poacher making bis ragout with the hares which he has killed on the Rossini , Handel , Jlozart manors . —Yes , " The Huguenots , " say they . — " Pooh ! I could make as goocl if I pleased ! " Happily they don't please , for if they clid make such masterpieces they would have to undergo the contempt of public
admiration , whereas the public makes a great point of not enduring that which they do make . There is no proof , then , that " Royal-C'ravate " must be a bad comic opera , because it is by JIM . de Messriarnv and de JIassa . "
To Correspondents.
JAS . BOLTON . —AVe have nothing to do with any American publication . Bro . FINDEL , Leipsig . —The first part of your history has been received . OMEGA . —You have thoroughly misunderstood the article read it again .
E . B . GOULD . —Your communication shall appear next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the Federal officers destroyed several vessels of war , together with all the arms , munitions , shiphouses , and storehouses—spoil which would otherwise have faUen into the hands of the Secessionists . The telegraph communication between New York ancl Washington had been cut off by the order of the Government , in order to prevent their plans from being made too soon public A mass meeting in support of the Government was held at New York on the 22 nd ult . It was a demonstration such as was never previously equalled
in the history of the United States . A committee of twenty-five was appointed to collect funds ancl to transact other necessary business . In many places the municipalities are voluntarily taxing themselves , and many wealthy individuals are making liberal contributions towards defraying the expenses ofthe war . Later news states that an impending attack on Washington has led to all the public buildings in the ital being barricadedancl meanwhile the
cap , Southern troops are advancing on the city in detachments . Fort Smith has been captured by the State troops with 800 , 000 dollars . The Governor of NewY ' ork has called out 21 additional regiments , and the Governor of Delaware has responded to thc President ' s call for troops , which the Federal Government is also chartering every available steamer . The internecine quarrel is thus evidently growing more fierce , ancl one necessary consequence is that planting is being
neglected , while the growing crops are in clanger from want of cultivation . An important item of the latest news will excite great attention here , viz ., that dispatches have been forwarded to the British Government . INDIA .- —The intelligence brought by the Bombay mail is satisfactory . India was perfectly tranquil , even the Sikkim little affair having ended in the submission ofthe rajah . The accounts of the
famine are not so disheartening , ancl the liberal subscriptions that had been raised had afforded a large amount of relief . The issue of the order for the amalgamation of the two armies was anxiously expected . It was supposed to be in the hands of the Governor-General . The £ 50 pension proposed by Sir Charles Wood is greatly derided by the army . Prince Kutbob Ood has been murdered in Calcutta .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Jliss Stabbach , one of our most accomplished and popular singers , who has been repeatedly heard at our various JIasonie festivals , gave her annual concert at the Hanover Square Rooms on Jlay 1 , when she sang a waltz by Schira , "Ah no spiegar non so ; " a new ballad by Langton AA'illiams , " Old Familiar Things ; " another new song by the same author , " The Days of Chivalry ; " and a duet
with Signor Gardoni , " Un tenero core , " besides taking part in two concerted pieces , and in every instance honourably distinguished herself . Jliss Stabbach was heartily applauded in all her efforts . The fair concert-giver was assisted by Signor Gardoni , Jliss Theresa . Tefferys , and Jlr . Lewis Thomas ; whilst for the instrumental performance the services of those celebrated players , JI . Sainton , Herr
Oberthiir , ancl JI . Paque , were called into requisition ; the solo pianist being a debutante in London—JI . Lazare , who showed himself to be an accomplished musician . AA e have heard that Bro . C . Horsley's Oratorio , " Gideon , " may , possibly , be produced in London during the season . JI . Boscovitch , a new pianist , advertised as a pupil of Dr . Liszt ,
is expected immediately in London . L ' - ltnivers Musical announces that JI . Jleyerbeer is composing choruses to a drama b y JI . Henri Blaze , entitled " Goethe , " which will shortly be produced at the Ocleon Theatre , Paris . Young Auer , the Hungarian violinist , has been playing in Paris at a concert of the Soeiete des Jeunes Artistes with great success .
A new singer , JIdlle . cle Taisy , has appeared at the Grand Opera of Paris . JI . Berlioz describes her as having a true and pure voice , which she manages with sufficient art , an elegant figure , and that her action is quiet ancl appropriate . AVliat makes this debut something remarkable , he adds , are the facts that JIdlle . de Taisy hacl never before appeared on any stage , nor hacl sung with an orchestra —and more , that she appeared in the first two acts of " Lucia " without rehearsal .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The Sing-Academic , of A'ienna , is about to revive Palestrina's mass , "Assumpta est , " in St . Augustine ' s Church . JI . Gounod ' s "Faust" has been given at JIayence , with great success . A new one-act comedy in verse , by JI . Legouve , " Un Jeune Homme qui ne fait rien , " has been played with success at the Theatre
Francais . Drury Lane Theatre is again closed , aud is advertised to be let for a term of months . An advertisement invites dramatists to send thither spectacle plays , in two or three acts , before the 1 st of October ; the selected ones to be purchased at the price of £ 200 each .
The Theatre des Eouveaides , at Brussels , was entirely destroyed by fire a few nights ago . JI . Eicquier , to whom every frequenter of the Opera Comique , ol Paris , owes many a hearty laugh , for his dry , hardened comedy , and who , for years , was indispensable to every drollery produced there , died the other day of gout .
A defence of royal and noble musicians ancl amateurs , by JI . cle Berlioz , in reference to the opera by Jlesgrigny aud M . de JIassa , just given at the Opera Comique , is worth paraphrasing as a morsel of humour . The opera , he says , had been objected to because of its aristocratic parentage : — " AVliy [ asks he ] should a de before a composer ' s name be held to indicate
mediocrity ? The author of " Fidelio" signed himself van Beethoven—he of "Der Freischiitz" von AVeber . The number of titled great players is considerable . JUL X > 'Orus and De Jlersemann are none the worse players on the flute for the nobility . Debureau was , they say , a rare clown in spite of his name . AVe know two faultless trumpeters named i ? ij-bois , a celebrated director of the Court ball-orchestra , one Du , Fresne . The name of de Garande is eminent in the roll of singing-masters . The charming songstress , JIadp . me Charton de Jleur , is the idol of Jladrid .
At her last appearance at the Oriente , neither bouquets , bracelets , cloves let loose , frantic plaudits , nor recalls were wanting . The admirable first violoncello at the Grand Opera has not found it necessary to change his paternal name of Xtesmarets . . . . And when we speak of rich amateurs—doubtless wealth does not make talent , hut contributes to it in a formidable manner—JI .
Jleyerbeer is a rich amateur , Mendelssohn was a rich amateur . AA ' e have even amateurs rich , titled and crowned—the Duke of Saxe-Gotha , the Prince Albert , the King of Hanover , the Ex-Emperor Don Pedro , the Baroness de JIaistre ancl the Prince Poniatowski . . . . Then [ he concludes sardonically ] we have amateurs who are neither rich nor titled , ancl who have not the least talent . These criticise
and condemn everybody and everything . JI . Jleyerbeer for them is only a musical poacher making bis ragout with the hares which he has killed on the Rossini , Handel , Jlozart manors . —Yes , " The Huguenots , " say they . — " Pooh ! I could make as goocl if I pleased ! " Happily they don't please , for if they clid make such masterpieces they would have to undergo the contempt of public
admiration , whereas the public makes a great point of not enduring that which they do make . There is no proof , then , that " Royal-C'ravate " must be a bad comic opera , because it is by JIM . de Messriarnv and de JIassa . "
To Correspondents.
JAS . BOLTON . —AVe have nothing to do with any American publication . Bro . FINDEL , Leipsig . —The first part of your history has been received . OMEGA . —You have thoroughly misunderstood the article read it again .
E . B . GOULD . —Your communication shall appear next week .