Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
tiling less than break up the entire system of the income tai . As to Ireland the case was different , as originally the income tax did not exist in that country . On a division the bill was rejected by 146 to 78 . The County Voters ( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time , and the Tramway ( Scotland ) Bill passed through committee . GENKBAI . HOME NEWS . —The ungenial weather of the past week , so unlike what poetry and tradition ascribe to the month of Jlayseems to have told with baneful effect on the public
, health , at least in the metropolis . By the mortality returns for that period there is shown an increase in the number of deaths over the previous week from 1182 to 1261 . Of births there were registered 2008 , 951 boys , and 1057 girls . The metropolitan corps of volunteer rifles will have an opportunity of undergoing review by the Commander in Chief in the month of July next . His Royal Hihness has intimated his willingness to inspect such
g companies as may be sufficiently advanced in batallion drill by the ¦ appointed time , the place of meeting to be Wimbledon Common . —• On AVednesday , the Lord JIayor entertained Lord Elgin at a banquet . The annual meeting of the London City Jlission has been held . This association is engaged in a work of really practical benevolence—labouring as it does among the very outcasts of societythose who fear neither God nor man . The court expressed
, thc opinion that the Sunday evening services at the theatres had rendered this unfortunate class more accessible to the missionaries . The Commissioners for the International Exhibition of 1862 have addressed a circular to all mayors , provosts , and Chambers of Commerce throughout the { United Kingdom , urging them to form local committees , so that there may be some recognised medium of communication with the commissioners in every
district . The Exhibition of the Royal Academy was opened for the private view on the 1 st Jlay . The pictures ancl sculpture , on the whole , reflect great credit upon British art . It appears from a statement made by the Lord JIayor , at tho meeting of the Indian Famine Committee , which was held yesterday , that by this time the sum of £ 100 , 000 has been transmitted from this country to India . It is obvious , however , that to effectually grapple with
thisgreatcalamity , averymuchlarger sum will be needed . Sir Charles Trevelyan gave a distressing account of the state of things in Travancore . —At the Central Criminal Court , James Hogg , and Caroline , his wife , were indicted for stealing handkerchiefs and other property , to the value of £ 200 . As it was believed tho woman had acted ¦ under the coercion of her husband in what she had clone , it was agreed to discharge her . The male prisoner , pleading guilty , was sentenced to three years' penal servitude . James Beasley was
charged with misdemeanor in keeping an enclosed ground for the practice of rifle shooting , which was so constructed as to be a source of danger to the public . The grounds in question are situated at Old Ford , Strati ' ord-le-Bow , and it was proved in evidence that bullets had passed through the window of a neighbouring house , ancl frequently they strayed into the public thoroughfare when people were on the road . A plea of guilty was put in after some
witnesses hacl been examined , and the defendant was ordered to enter into his own recognizances to appear when called upon , with the understanding that this would not be required if he made the place perfectly safe . -The remarkable charge against a lady named Jlrs . AVilson , of having [ conspired with others to pass off a child as her own , wliich was alleged to be in reality her sister ' s , in order to deceive her husband , Captain AA ilson , was to have come on for trial in order , but an application was made by counsel for its postponement to next sessions , on account of the absence of certain
material witnesses . The application was granted . On AVednesday , the young men , Strugnell , Quilter , and Liney , charged with the robbery and murderous assault in Chapel-street , Islington , were brought before the magistrate at Clerkenwell , ancl again remanded . A certificate from the surgeon was put in , certifying that the poor woman , JIary Ann Redkison , was progressing very favourably , but that she would not be in a condition to attend the court for nearly a fortniht . A charge of intimidation has been heard at the
g JJIarlborough-street police court . It appears that there is a strike among the workmen of a company engaged in the manufacture of silver spoons and forks , and that some of these men used threats and violence towards another of the workmen , who refused to join " the society . " Jlr . Tyrwhitt , who made some severe remarks upon this system of terrorism , sent the principal offender to prison for a month . The Vice-Chancellor gave judgment on Saturday , in the
case of the Emperor of Austria against Louis Kossuth , to restrain the issue of 21 millions of Hungarian notes . The decision is that Jlessrs . Day and Son , the lithographers , are to deliver up the plate and notes for the purpose of being cancelled , within one month . Application has , however , been made for liberty to appeal , so that the order ofthe Court will not be carried into effect for some time yet . No costs were applied for hy the plaintiff . At the annual meeting of the National Provincial Bank of England a dividend equal to 18 per cent , per annum was declared .
FOUEION INTELLIGENCE . —The speech of the Emperor of Austria at the opening of the Council of the Empire appears to have created a favourable impression in A'ienna . The city was illuminated , ancl the Emperor drove through the streets in a carriage , receiving a greeting everywhere which is represented b y the Viennese papers as enthusiastic , The official journal of Tnrin announces that the reactionary movement has been suppressed in all the Neapolitan provincesand only exists now on the Roman
, frontier . Some of the reactionary gangs are said to have committed several murders before the Italian forces arrived to disperse them . The Italian Parliament seem resolved to inaugurate their rule by a series of measures which , more than almost any others , will tend to the unity and the prosperity of Italy . Schemes have been prepared , and some contracts already entered into , for the construction of a network of railwayswhich will bring the present
, capital of the new kingdom into immediate connection with the city destined to be its future capital , and with every important town throughout the Peninsula . AVithin six years the whole system of railways , traversing every part of Italy , from the Alps to the Straits of Messina , ancl covering Sicily as well , is to he completed . The Italian Jlinister of Public AVorks has just submitted to the Chamber of Deputies at Turin the details of the
scheme , and the contracts await the approval of tbe assembly . A terrible fire broke out on Jlonday at Limoges , by which a whole quarter of the town was destroyed . At AA arsaw the Russian millitary are taking increased precautionary measures in consequence of the Russian Easter holidays , which have been thought likely to afford opportunities for Polish insurrectionary movements . Among other steps cannon have been laced
p in front ofthe cathedral . In Hungary , great agitation begins to prevail in consequence of the threatened measures for the coercive collectionof the taxes . The Comitats , in a body , are said to have entered thoir ^ protests against ] the forcible levying ofthe imposts before the Diet of Hungary has formally consented to their existence . One of the most mysterious and mournful events made known for many years has been announced by the telegraph .
Count Teloky , 'tne leader ofthe advanced Hungarian party , waj , on Wednesday , found murdered in his own residence . The rumour ran through Festh at an early hour , but was not fully confirmed until the meeting of theLoworllungai-ian Chamber ( in which Count Teleky , although a magnate , hacl accepted a representative place ) when the President announced that the horrible report was but too true . The announcement created , as may be easily imagined , a shock through the chamber such as a representative assemblhas
y rarely felt . JIany members expressed their emotions in loud cries of grief , and several ladies were borne fainting from the galleries . JI . Deak , the leader ofthe moderate nationalists , proposed the adjournment of the Chamber for some days , which was agreed to . The Ottoman Government has signified its assent to the union of the Danubian Principalities , but only , it would appear , during the life of the present Hospodar . According to the semi-official
organ ofthe Spanish Government , a circular has heen addressed by tbe Jlinister of Spain to all their diplomatic agents in foreign countries , declaringjthat Spain is a complete stranger to the annexation of St . Domingo , but that as the spontaneous and general wish of the Dominicans , which the circular alleges to be beyond a doubt , is in favour of a full union with the mother country , it ivould be unbecoming and unworthy on the part of . Spain to repel such a desire . The Plenipotentiaries of France and Belgium have signed a treaty of commerce , a convention concerning navigation , and a
convention for guaranteeing literary , artistic , ancl industrial copyrights . — The accounts received from the southern departments of France bring unpleasant tidings with regard to the spring crops , which are considerably endangered by tho continuous frosts lately prevailing . The case against the publisher and printer of the Due d'Aumale ' spamphlet , "A Letter on the History of France , " was tried in Paris on Saturday . Thu publisher was sentenced to pay a fine of 6000 francsand to be imprisoned for one year . The printer
, , was condemned to five months' imprisonment . The French Senate have just had under their consideration a great number of petitions praying that some decisive measures may be taken to prevent any further massacres in Syria . The report of the committee appointed to examine the petitions recommends that thoy be rejected bypassing to the order of the day—meaning , we presume , that the Senate prefer to leave the arrangement of the Syrian
question in the hands of the Government . AMEBICA , —AVe are iu receipt of intelligence from New York to tho 25 th ult . The point of danger upon which all eyes were concentrated was the national capital . Defences had been thrown up around the city , and troops were being hurried on for its protection as rapidly as possible . President Davis and General Beauregard are both said to be in Virginia preparing for the assault . Baltimore was under the domination of a mob , and every northerner placed under strict surveillance . At the Norfolk naw yard , Virginia ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
tiling less than break up the entire system of the income tai . As to Ireland the case was different , as originally the income tax did not exist in that country . On a division the bill was rejected by 146 to 78 . The County Voters ( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time , and the Tramway ( Scotland ) Bill passed through committee . GENKBAI . HOME NEWS . —The ungenial weather of the past week , so unlike what poetry and tradition ascribe to the month of Jlayseems to have told with baneful effect on the public
, health , at least in the metropolis . By the mortality returns for that period there is shown an increase in the number of deaths over the previous week from 1182 to 1261 . Of births there were registered 2008 , 951 boys , and 1057 girls . The metropolitan corps of volunteer rifles will have an opportunity of undergoing review by the Commander in Chief in the month of July next . His Royal Hihness has intimated his willingness to inspect such
g companies as may be sufficiently advanced in batallion drill by the ¦ appointed time , the place of meeting to be Wimbledon Common . —• On AVednesday , the Lord JIayor entertained Lord Elgin at a banquet . The annual meeting of the London City Jlission has been held . This association is engaged in a work of really practical benevolence—labouring as it does among the very outcasts of societythose who fear neither God nor man . The court expressed
, thc opinion that the Sunday evening services at the theatres had rendered this unfortunate class more accessible to the missionaries . The Commissioners for the International Exhibition of 1862 have addressed a circular to all mayors , provosts , and Chambers of Commerce throughout the { United Kingdom , urging them to form local committees , so that there may be some recognised medium of communication with the commissioners in every
district . The Exhibition of the Royal Academy was opened for the private view on the 1 st Jlay . The pictures ancl sculpture , on the whole , reflect great credit upon British art . It appears from a statement made by the Lord JIayor , at tho meeting of the Indian Famine Committee , which was held yesterday , that by this time the sum of £ 100 , 000 has been transmitted from this country to India . It is obvious , however , that to effectually grapple with
thisgreatcalamity , averymuchlarger sum will be needed . Sir Charles Trevelyan gave a distressing account of the state of things in Travancore . —At the Central Criminal Court , James Hogg , and Caroline , his wife , were indicted for stealing handkerchiefs and other property , to the value of £ 200 . As it was believed tho woman had acted ¦ under the coercion of her husband in what she had clone , it was agreed to discharge her . The male prisoner , pleading guilty , was sentenced to three years' penal servitude . James Beasley was
charged with misdemeanor in keeping an enclosed ground for the practice of rifle shooting , which was so constructed as to be a source of danger to the public . The grounds in question are situated at Old Ford , Strati ' ord-le-Bow , and it was proved in evidence that bullets had passed through the window of a neighbouring house , ancl frequently they strayed into the public thoroughfare when people were on the road . A plea of guilty was put in after some
witnesses hacl been examined , and the defendant was ordered to enter into his own recognizances to appear when called upon , with the understanding that this would not be required if he made the place perfectly safe . -The remarkable charge against a lady named Jlrs . AVilson , of having [ conspired with others to pass off a child as her own , wliich was alleged to be in reality her sister ' s , in order to deceive her husband , Captain AA ilson , was to have come on for trial in order , but an application was made by counsel for its postponement to next sessions , on account of the absence of certain
material witnesses . The application was granted . On AVednesday , the young men , Strugnell , Quilter , and Liney , charged with the robbery and murderous assault in Chapel-street , Islington , were brought before the magistrate at Clerkenwell , ancl again remanded . A certificate from the surgeon was put in , certifying that the poor woman , JIary Ann Redkison , was progressing very favourably , but that she would not be in a condition to attend the court for nearly a fortniht . A charge of intimidation has been heard at the
g JJIarlborough-street police court . It appears that there is a strike among the workmen of a company engaged in the manufacture of silver spoons and forks , and that some of these men used threats and violence towards another of the workmen , who refused to join " the society . " Jlr . Tyrwhitt , who made some severe remarks upon this system of terrorism , sent the principal offender to prison for a month . The Vice-Chancellor gave judgment on Saturday , in the
case of the Emperor of Austria against Louis Kossuth , to restrain the issue of 21 millions of Hungarian notes . The decision is that Jlessrs . Day and Son , the lithographers , are to deliver up the plate and notes for the purpose of being cancelled , within one month . Application has , however , been made for liberty to appeal , so that the order ofthe Court will not be carried into effect for some time yet . No costs were applied for hy the plaintiff . At the annual meeting of the National Provincial Bank of England a dividend equal to 18 per cent , per annum was declared .
FOUEION INTELLIGENCE . —The speech of the Emperor of Austria at the opening of the Council of the Empire appears to have created a favourable impression in A'ienna . The city was illuminated , ancl the Emperor drove through the streets in a carriage , receiving a greeting everywhere which is represented b y the Viennese papers as enthusiastic , The official journal of Tnrin announces that the reactionary movement has been suppressed in all the Neapolitan provincesand only exists now on the Roman
, frontier . Some of the reactionary gangs are said to have committed several murders before the Italian forces arrived to disperse them . The Italian Parliament seem resolved to inaugurate their rule by a series of measures which , more than almost any others , will tend to the unity and the prosperity of Italy . Schemes have been prepared , and some contracts already entered into , for the construction of a network of railwayswhich will bring the present
, capital of the new kingdom into immediate connection with the city destined to be its future capital , and with every important town throughout the Peninsula . AVithin six years the whole system of railways , traversing every part of Italy , from the Alps to the Straits of Messina , ancl covering Sicily as well , is to he completed . The Italian Jlinister of Public AVorks has just submitted to the Chamber of Deputies at Turin the details of the
scheme , and the contracts await the approval of tbe assembly . A terrible fire broke out on Jlonday at Limoges , by which a whole quarter of the town was destroyed . At AA arsaw the Russian millitary are taking increased precautionary measures in consequence of the Russian Easter holidays , which have been thought likely to afford opportunities for Polish insurrectionary movements . Among other steps cannon have been laced
p in front ofthe cathedral . In Hungary , great agitation begins to prevail in consequence of the threatened measures for the coercive collectionof the taxes . The Comitats , in a body , are said to have entered thoir ^ protests against ] the forcible levying ofthe imposts before the Diet of Hungary has formally consented to their existence . One of the most mysterious and mournful events made known for many years has been announced by the telegraph .
Count Teloky , 'tne leader ofthe advanced Hungarian party , waj , on Wednesday , found murdered in his own residence . The rumour ran through Festh at an early hour , but was not fully confirmed until the meeting of theLoworllungai-ian Chamber ( in which Count Teleky , although a magnate , hacl accepted a representative place ) when the President announced that the horrible report was but too true . The announcement created , as may be easily imagined , a shock through the chamber such as a representative assemblhas
y rarely felt . JIany members expressed their emotions in loud cries of grief , and several ladies were borne fainting from the galleries . JI . Deak , the leader ofthe moderate nationalists , proposed the adjournment of the Chamber for some days , which was agreed to . The Ottoman Government has signified its assent to the union of the Danubian Principalities , but only , it would appear , during the life of the present Hospodar . According to the semi-official
organ ofthe Spanish Government , a circular has heen addressed by tbe Jlinister of Spain to all their diplomatic agents in foreign countries , declaringjthat Spain is a complete stranger to the annexation of St . Domingo , but that as the spontaneous and general wish of the Dominicans , which the circular alleges to be beyond a doubt , is in favour of a full union with the mother country , it ivould be unbecoming and unworthy on the part of . Spain to repel such a desire . The Plenipotentiaries of France and Belgium have signed a treaty of commerce , a convention concerning navigation , and a
convention for guaranteeing literary , artistic , ancl industrial copyrights . — The accounts received from the southern departments of France bring unpleasant tidings with regard to the spring crops , which are considerably endangered by tho continuous frosts lately prevailing . The case against the publisher and printer of the Due d'Aumale ' spamphlet , "A Letter on the History of France , " was tried in Paris on Saturday . Thu publisher was sentenced to pay a fine of 6000 francsand to be imprisoned for one year . The printer
, , was condemned to five months' imprisonment . The French Senate have just had under their consideration a great number of petitions praying that some decisive measures may be taken to prevent any further massacres in Syria . The report of the committee appointed to examine the petitions recommends that thoy be rejected bypassing to the order of the day—meaning , we presume , that the Senate prefer to leave the arrangement of the Syrian
question in the hands of the Government . AMEBICA , —AVe are iu receipt of intelligence from New York to tho 25 th ult . The point of danger upon which all eyes were concentrated was the national capital . Defences had been thrown up around the city , and troops were being hurried on for its protection as rapidly as possible . President Davis and General Beauregard are both said to be in Virginia preparing for the assault . Baltimore was under the domination of a mob , and every northerner placed under strict surveillance . At the Norfolk naw yard , Virginia ,