Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
have been made the emblem of fraud , and superstition , and moral darkness , yet its significance still remains as the bad ge of a Christian warrior . It calls to mind Gethsemane and its sorrowful garden ; the judgment-hall of Pilate , and the pitiless crown of thorns ; Golgotha and Calvary and their untold
agonies , that fallen man mi ght live and inherit everlasting life . If an inspired Apostle was not ashamed of the Cross , neither should we be ; if he gloried in the significance of the truths it shadowed forth , so ought we to rejoice in it as the speaking witness of our reliance beyond the grave . May this hope of the
living have been the anchor to the soul of our departed brother— -the token to admit him to that peaceful haven ' where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest . ' "Besponse . Amen , and Amen , and Amen ! " Tho Prelate then casts the Cross into the grave , and
continues" Prelate . The orders of Christian Kni ghthood were instituted iu a dark period of the world ' s history , but their mission was high and holy . To succour and protect the sorrowing and destitute , the innocent and oppressed , was their vow and their life-long labour and duty . Eor long , long years they well and nobly
performed their vows and did their devoirs . In those rude ages the steel-blade was oftener the arbiter of justice , than the judgments of judicial tribunals or the decrees of magistrates . So long as the Templars adhered to their vows of poverty , they were virtuous and innocentand their language wasin truth' Silver
, , , and gold have I none , but such as I have , give I unto thee . ' But , with the accession of wealth and civil power , they were tempted and fell from their high estate , and their possessions attracted the cupidity and their prowess incurred the hatred of the despots of those times . When the martyred De Molay had
perished , and the Order was proscribed , they united with the fraternity of Eree and A ccepted Masons , and returned to their primitive simplicity of manners , and a rough habit , coarse diet , and severe duty , was all that was offered to their votaries . " In our land , we have perpetuated only the
distinctive rites , with the appellations au # regulations of the defenders of the Holy Sepulchre—the early champions and soldiers of the Cross—and this as a guerdon of merit , not a badge of rank . The sword in our hands is more as a symbol of the duties we are vowed to fulfil , than as an instrument of assault or defence . "We claim to exercise practical virtues in the holy
bonds of our confraternity , in humble imitation of those renowned knights of the olden time ; for there is still , in this refined age , innocence to be guarded , widowed hearts to be relieved of their burdens , and orphanage to be protected from the chill blasts of a wintry world . And to be true and courteous is not
limited to any age or clime . " Our brother , whose cold and lifeless remains have just been committed to the earth , was one of our fraternal band , bound by the same ties and pledged to the same duties . To his bereaved and mourning friends and relativeswe ' have but little of worldly
, consolation to offer , hut we do tender to them our heartfelt sympathies . And if the solemn and interesting ceremonies in which we have been engaged have not pointed to them a higher hope and a better consolation , then all our condolences would be in vain .
" Sir Knight Companions , let us pray : " Almighty and most merciful God ! we adore Thee as the Sovereign Ruler of all events , both in time and for eternity . As it hath pleased Thee to take from our ranks one dear to our hearts , we beseech Thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dispensation of Thy providence . Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on
hi gh , that we may glorify Thee in all our ways . May we have Thy divine assistance , 0 most merciful God ! to redeem our misspent time ; and in the discharge of the important duties Thou hast assigned us in our moral warfare here below , we may be guided by faith and humility , courage and constancy , to perform our
allotted p ilgrimage acceptable in Thy sight , without asking a remission of years from Thee . And when our career on earth is finished , and the sepulchre appointed for all living receives our mortal bodies , may our souls , disengaged from their cumbrous dust , flourish and bloom in eternal day , and enjoy that rest
which Thou hast prepared for Thy good and faithful servants in Thy blessed Asylum of peace beyond the vails of earth . All which we ask through the mediation of our Redeemer , King of kings , and Lord of lords . Amen ! " Besponse . Amen , and Amen , and Amen ! " JE . Commander . Attention , Sir Knights : " The lines are then formed , and the cross of steel made over the grave , and the following hymn is sung : —
'" Christian warriors at the pealing Of the solemn vesper bell , Round the tri-form altar kneeling , Whisper each ' Emanuel 1 ' " W hen the watch aud ward are over , Guarding the Asylum well , Smiles of peace around them hover ,
At Thy name , Emanuel ! " When the matin-notes are ringing , Cheerfully from mount and dell , Strength for warfare still is springing From Thy name , Emanuel 1 " When some deed of emprise sharing
, Deed like those traditions tell , Prompts each Knight to noble daring'Tis for Thee , Emanuel ! " When tho storm-clouds darkly lower On our pathway dark and fell , Knight heroic will not cower ,
Cheered by Thee , Emanuel ! " When death ' s fearful damps are stealing , And is breathed the last' Farewell 1 ' All the brighter world revealing , Thou shalfc come , Emanuel ! " The Sir Knights may then escort the friends of the deceased to their home , or return to their Asylum , as may be expedient . " ]
WAITT OF SCIENCE I 1 T THE CBAFT . I have long regretted that our lodges seem entirely to have ceased being aids to scientific knowledge . The only matter beyond the ceremonies which is to be heard in them is a system of lectures which convey nothing but what every ordinarily-educated man knows . In the " Pocket Companion for Ereemasons "
the preface concludes with these remarkable words , showing that in 1735 the instruction was being deteriorated : — " Let it never be said that , as our numbers increase , the sciences decrease , but let our knowledge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
have been made the emblem of fraud , and superstition , and moral darkness , yet its significance still remains as the bad ge of a Christian warrior . It calls to mind Gethsemane and its sorrowful garden ; the judgment-hall of Pilate , and the pitiless crown of thorns ; Golgotha and Calvary and their untold
agonies , that fallen man mi ght live and inherit everlasting life . If an inspired Apostle was not ashamed of the Cross , neither should we be ; if he gloried in the significance of the truths it shadowed forth , so ought we to rejoice in it as the speaking witness of our reliance beyond the grave . May this hope of the
living have been the anchor to the soul of our departed brother— -the token to admit him to that peaceful haven ' where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest . ' "Besponse . Amen , and Amen , and Amen ! " Tho Prelate then casts the Cross into the grave , and
continues" Prelate . The orders of Christian Kni ghthood were instituted iu a dark period of the world ' s history , but their mission was high and holy . To succour and protect the sorrowing and destitute , the innocent and oppressed , was their vow and their life-long labour and duty . Eor long , long years they well and nobly
performed their vows and did their devoirs . In those rude ages the steel-blade was oftener the arbiter of justice , than the judgments of judicial tribunals or the decrees of magistrates . So long as the Templars adhered to their vows of poverty , they were virtuous and innocentand their language wasin truth' Silver
, , , and gold have I none , but such as I have , give I unto thee . ' But , with the accession of wealth and civil power , they were tempted and fell from their high estate , and their possessions attracted the cupidity and their prowess incurred the hatred of the despots of those times . When the martyred De Molay had
perished , and the Order was proscribed , they united with the fraternity of Eree and A ccepted Masons , and returned to their primitive simplicity of manners , and a rough habit , coarse diet , and severe duty , was all that was offered to their votaries . " In our land , we have perpetuated only the
distinctive rites , with the appellations au # regulations of the defenders of the Holy Sepulchre—the early champions and soldiers of the Cross—and this as a guerdon of merit , not a badge of rank . The sword in our hands is more as a symbol of the duties we are vowed to fulfil , than as an instrument of assault or defence . "We claim to exercise practical virtues in the holy
bonds of our confraternity , in humble imitation of those renowned knights of the olden time ; for there is still , in this refined age , innocence to be guarded , widowed hearts to be relieved of their burdens , and orphanage to be protected from the chill blasts of a wintry world . And to be true and courteous is not
limited to any age or clime . " Our brother , whose cold and lifeless remains have just been committed to the earth , was one of our fraternal band , bound by the same ties and pledged to the same duties . To his bereaved and mourning friends and relativeswe ' have but little of worldly
, consolation to offer , hut we do tender to them our heartfelt sympathies . And if the solemn and interesting ceremonies in which we have been engaged have not pointed to them a higher hope and a better consolation , then all our condolences would be in vain .
" Sir Knight Companions , let us pray : " Almighty and most merciful God ! we adore Thee as the Sovereign Ruler of all events , both in time and for eternity . As it hath pleased Thee to take from our ranks one dear to our hearts , we beseech Thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dispensation of Thy providence . Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on
hi gh , that we may glorify Thee in all our ways . May we have Thy divine assistance , 0 most merciful God ! to redeem our misspent time ; and in the discharge of the important duties Thou hast assigned us in our moral warfare here below , we may be guided by faith and humility , courage and constancy , to perform our
allotted p ilgrimage acceptable in Thy sight , without asking a remission of years from Thee . And when our career on earth is finished , and the sepulchre appointed for all living receives our mortal bodies , may our souls , disengaged from their cumbrous dust , flourish and bloom in eternal day , and enjoy that rest
which Thou hast prepared for Thy good and faithful servants in Thy blessed Asylum of peace beyond the vails of earth . All which we ask through the mediation of our Redeemer , King of kings , and Lord of lords . Amen ! " Besponse . Amen , and Amen , and Amen ! " JE . Commander . Attention , Sir Knights : " The lines are then formed , and the cross of steel made over the grave , and the following hymn is sung : —
'" Christian warriors at the pealing Of the solemn vesper bell , Round the tri-form altar kneeling , Whisper each ' Emanuel 1 ' " W hen the watch aud ward are over , Guarding the Asylum well , Smiles of peace around them hover ,
At Thy name , Emanuel ! " When the matin-notes are ringing , Cheerfully from mount and dell , Strength for warfare still is springing From Thy name , Emanuel 1 " When some deed of emprise sharing
, Deed like those traditions tell , Prompts each Knight to noble daring'Tis for Thee , Emanuel ! " When tho storm-clouds darkly lower On our pathway dark and fell , Knight heroic will not cower ,
Cheered by Thee , Emanuel ! " When death ' s fearful damps are stealing , And is breathed the last' Farewell 1 ' All the brighter world revealing , Thou shalfc come , Emanuel ! " The Sir Knights may then escort the friends of the deceased to their home , or return to their Asylum , as may be expedient . " ]
WAITT OF SCIENCE I 1 T THE CBAFT . I have long regretted that our lodges seem entirely to have ceased being aids to scientific knowledge . The only matter beyond the ceremonies which is to be heard in them is a system of lectures which convey nothing but what every ordinarily-educated man knows . In the " Pocket Companion for Ereemasons "
the preface concludes with these remarkable words , showing that in 1735 the instruction was being deteriorated : — " Let it never be said that , as our numbers increase , the sciences decrease , but let our knowledge