Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
either case they had got the right man . The manner in which the " United Strength Lodge had been conducted for some years past , had reflected credit upon each successive W . M ., and bad gained for the lodge a great reputation for their style of working . And astlie lodge had gained so good a reputation , they could not afford to lose it by placing hi the chair any brother not qualified to perforin the duties . Therefore , whoever expected to pass the chair in that lodcould onldo so bdint of close
attenge y y tion and hard work . That their W . M . would do so to their satisfaction , his performance of the ceremony of initiation that evening was sufficient proof , and he was sure that he would nphold the credit of the lodge . He , therefore , called upon the brethren to drink heartily to the health of the W . M . —The W . MASTEB said he could scarcely find words to express the gratification he felt at the honour the brethren had ' just done him .
He had arrived at the summit of his ambition , and he would endeavour to perform his duties to the satisfaction of the lodge . His predecessor , Bro . Terry , had set him a good example ; he found him always ready and willing to assist whenever he required instruction . He should ever have Bro . Terry ' s working before his eyes as a standard to work up to , and with his high example before him , he felt that with attention to bis duties he should be able to ive satisfaction . He knew he could the
g manage working of the three degrees , but in the fourth he must acknowledge his deficiency . However , he would do his best , and the brethren must not look for long or eloquent speeches from him . Having again expressed his gratitude for the honour done him , he begged to propose the toast of " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge . " There was on his left Bros . Frost , Cowdery , Winsland , Cotterell , and Crump—all of whom had passed the chair , aud each of
whom had added lustre to the fair fame of the lodge . He would couple with the toast the name of the Immediate Past . Master , Bro . Terry , whose masterly performance had called forth praise on all bands , and when they heard such brethren as S . B . Wilson speak in laudatory terms , excellent , indeed , must be the talent of their Immediate Past Master . He held in his hand a Past Master's jewel and a collar , which he would feel obliged if Bro . Frost ( who had initiated both himself and Bro . Terry ) , would invest their Past Master with . —Bro . FKOST , P . M ., had very great pleasure in presenting , on
behalf of the members of the lodge , the handsome Past Master ' s jewel and collar to Bro . Terry , in acknowledgment , not only of his excellent working , but also for his great zeal and anxiety at all times to forward the interests of the lodge . He had still greater pleasure in making the presentation from the fact that Bro . Terry was the first candidate he had initiated . For the information of those brethren who had not inspected in , he would read the inscription on the jewelwhich was : — "
Pre-, sented by the brethren , and the Lodge of United Strength ( Ho . 228 ) , to Bro . James Terry , as a mark of their high esteem , notonly of the great talent displayed by him in the onerous duties of the chair , but of the zeal he has at all times erinced in the interests of the lodge . 9 th February , 1894 . " In affixing the jewel to his breast , he hoped he might live long to wear it , and continue to lend his valuable assistance to the lodge . —•
Bro . TEBET , P . M ., desired to return his heartfelt thanks , but ho could scarcely find words to give utterance to his feelings . He hardly knew what he had done to merit the splendid testimonials that had just beeu presented to him . When he first entered the lodge he found it under the able management of Bro . Frost , and as that brother had set so good an example , he had endeavoured to follow in his footsteps . When he took the office of W . M . he determined that the lod should not loose
, ge any of its high character under his rule , so he had laboured bard to that end . . Ami as he had seen each succeeding Master install his successor , he ivas determined that he would not bo the first to deviate from what seemed to be the rule in the lodge . If lie had performed bis duties to the satisfaction of thebrethren , lie felt himself amply rewarded , and he should at all times be happy to render any assistance or afford any instruction to any young Mason who desired it . He concluded by wishing
longcontinued success and prosperity to the United Strength Lodge . Bro . COWDEBY , P . M ., also responded . The W . M . then proposed " The Officers of the Lodge , " which was replied to by Bros . Waterhouso , S . W . ; Stewart , J . W . ; Coulston , S . D . ; Fisher , J . D . ; Crump , Sec ; Humphreys , I . G . ; Davies , Dir . of Cers . ; Harris , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; and Dickie , Steward . The toasts of " The Host , Bro . Wickens , " ami" The Masonic Press " having been given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion one of the most pleasant Masonic reunions , at which it has ever been our lot to be present .
DEVONSHIRE . MomCE Towy , DEVOOTOET . —Lodge St . Attogn ( No . 954 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 9 th inst ., at five o ' clock p . m ., the duties being to raise one , to pass four , and to install two . Those duties were performed by the W . M ., who so ably occupies the regal chair of this lodge . The W . M . announced that he had ordered the payment of 20 s .
in a case of distress which called for immediate aid , and asked their sanction for the deed , which was at once given . A letter was also read from the Secretary on behalf of the Committee of fclie Girls' School , soliciting the aid of this lodge , the consideration of which was deferred until the next meeting . The ceremonies of the evening having terminated , the lodge was closed after the proposal of four gentlemen as candidates for initiation . Tho brethren then adjourned for a sliht refreshment in the
g adjoining saloon . Among the toasts responded to were " The Visitors , " by several brethren hailing from various quarters of the globe . "The W . M . " was proposed by the S . W ., and the toast suitably acknowledged by Bro . Chappie , who , in reply , said that he could not take the full credit to himself for the working of the lodge ; it was like a piece of machinery , if one bolt or cog is defective , it could not be expected to perform its work well ; so with a lodge , if any of its officers are not up to
their duties , it frequently marred and disturbed the attention of the others . He , however , was fortunate in having efficient officers , as it greatly eased the duties of his office , and lie begged to propose " The Healths of the Senior and Junior Wardens and the other Officers of Lodge St . Aubyn . " Bro . Kent , S . W ., replied in a most effective speech , and returned thanks for himself and brother officers . The brethren shortly after withdrew , after spending a very happy evening .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoETHAMriou-. — Fomfret Lodge ( No . 360 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 4 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . George Cotton , the W . M . The minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Charles Green , P . M . who thenwith his accustomed abilitypassed his son
, , , , Bro . John Townley Green , from the first to the second degree . The W . M . having resumed the chair , Bro . W . Thomas Higgins proposed Bro . C . W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . of Warwickshire , as an honorary member of No . 360 . Bro . Elkington is a P . M . of this lodge , and was to a great extent the founder of the Northampton Chapter . Bro . Higgins ' s proposition having been duly seconded , was carried unanimously , and the lodge adjourned .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXFOBD . —Apollo Universitg Lodge ( No . 357 ) . —The installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . F . A . Cave-Browne-Cave , of Brasenose College , took place at the Masonic Lodge , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., when the ceremony of installation was admirably fulfilled by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Rev . W . Ryland Bedford , M . A ., of Brasenose College , and P . G . Chap , of England . The ceremony was rendered the more imposing and effective by the
vocal assistance of Bros . Dyson , Harriot , liridgewater , and Kingsbury , of the Royal Chapels of St . George , Windsor , and Eton College . Bro . F . Kingsbury presiding at the organ with considerable ability . On the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his officers for the year as follows : —Bros . Short , S . W . ; H . Latham , J . W . ; Rev . J . S . Catlow , Chap . ; Bruce Gardyne , Sec ; T . H . G . Wyndham , S . D . ; Fraser Campbell , J . D . ; W . W . Harrison , Org . ; G . E . Gardner , I . G . ; C .
Bill and B . A . Galland , M . C . ' s ; P . C . Edwards , E . Handley , F . J . Iluysbe , Viscount Kenlis , C . C . Macrae , J . Mure , J . E . Parker , C . W . Spencer-Stanhope , F . H . Walker , and F . E . Winslow , Stewards ; Stephens , Tyler . In the evening thebrethren , about 80 , sat down to a sumptuous banquet . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bros . Col . Bowyer and Binekes ; Bros . Bedford , RedleyHarrisonAid . RandallHoughtonOwenMartin
, , , , , , Bruton , Griffin , P . M . ' s ; Bros . Rev . J . S . Catlow , Rev . Short , Blandy Jenkins , Spencer Stanhope , Robbins , Campbell , Hetlierington , Mure , Hamilton , Rainey , Green , Bill , Bradford , Galland , Donaldson , Legard , Hardy , Handley , Hardy , jun ., Stogden , Walker , Wilson , Illingworth , Prowse , Tufson , Bruce-Gardyne , Edlmann , Carson , Edwards , H . Latham , Smith , Barry , Henrv , Honey , Dowdeswell , Holden , Stratter , Thomp-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
either case they had got the right man . The manner in which the " United Strength Lodge had been conducted for some years past , had reflected credit upon each successive W . M ., and bad gained for the lodge a great reputation for their style of working . And astlie lodge had gained so good a reputation , they could not afford to lose it by placing hi the chair any brother not qualified to perforin the duties . Therefore , whoever expected to pass the chair in that lodcould onldo so bdint of close
attenge y y tion and hard work . That their W . M . would do so to their satisfaction , his performance of the ceremony of initiation that evening was sufficient proof , and he was sure that he would nphold the credit of the lodge . He , therefore , called upon the brethren to drink heartily to the health of the W . M . —The W . MASTEB said he could scarcely find words to express the gratification he felt at the honour the brethren had ' just done him .
He had arrived at the summit of his ambition , and he would endeavour to perform his duties to the satisfaction of the lodge . His predecessor , Bro . Terry , had set him a good example ; he found him always ready and willing to assist whenever he required instruction . He should ever have Bro . Terry ' s working before his eyes as a standard to work up to , and with his high example before him , he felt that with attention to bis duties he should be able to ive satisfaction . He knew he could the
g manage working of the three degrees , but in the fourth he must acknowledge his deficiency . However , he would do his best , and the brethren must not look for long or eloquent speeches from him . Having again expressed his gratitude for the honour done him , he begged to propose the toast of " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge . " There was on his left Bros . Frost , Cowdery , Winsland , Cotterell , and Crump—all of whom had passed the chair , aud each of
whom had added lustre to the fair fame of the lodge . He would couple with the toast the name of the Immediate Past . Master , Bro . Terry , whose masterly performance had called forth praise on all bands , and when they heard such brethren as S . B . Wilson speak in laudatory terms , excellent , indeed , must be the talent of their Immediate Past Master . He held in his hand a Past Master's jewel and a collar , which he would feel obliged if Bro . Frost ( who had initiated both himself and Bro . Terry ) , would invest their Past Master with . —Bro . FKOST , P . M ., had very great pleasure in presenting , on
behalf of the members of the lodge , the handsome Past Master ' s jewel and collar to Bro . Terry , in acknowledgment , not only of his excellent working , but also for his great zeal and anxiety at all times to forward the interests of the lodge . He had still greater pleasure in making the presentation from the fact that Bro . Terry was the first candidate he had initiated . For the information of those brethren who had not inspected in , he would read the inscription on the jewelwhich was : — "
Pre-, sented by the brethren , and the Lodge of United Strength ( Ho . 228 ) , to Bro . James Terry , as a mark of their high esteem , notonly of the great talent displayed by him in the onerous duties of the chair , but of the zeal he has at all times erinced in the interests of the lodge . 9 th February , 1894 . " In affixing the jewel to his breast , he hoped he might live long to wear it , and continue to lend his valuable assistance to the lodge . —•
Bro . TEBET , P . M ., desired to return his heartfelt thanks , but ho could scarcely find words to give utterance to his feelings . He hardly knew what he had done to merit the splendid testimonials that had just beeu presented to him . When he first entered the lodge he found it under the able management of Bro . Frost , and as that brother had set so good an example , he had endeavoured to follow in his footsteps . When he took the office of W . M . he determined that the lod should not loose
, ge any of its high character under his rule , so he had laboured bard to that end . . Ami as he had seen each succeeding Master install his successor , he ivas determined that he would not bo the first to deviate from what seemed to be the rule in the lodge . If lie had performed bis duties to the satisfaction of thebrethren , lie felt himself amply rewarded , and he should at all times be happy to render any assistance or afford any instruction to any young Mason who desired it . He concluded by wishing
longcontinued success and prosperity to the United Strength Lodge . Bro . COWDEBY , P . M ., also responded . The W . M . then proposed " The Officers of the Lodge , " which was replied to by Bros . Waterhouso , S . W . ; Stewart , J . W . ; Coulston , S . D . ; Fisher , J . D . ; Crump , Sec ; Humphreys , I . G . ; Davies , Dir . of Cers . ; Harris , Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; and Dickie , Steward . The toasts of " The Host , Bro . Wickens , " ami" The Masonic Press " having been given and responded to , the Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion one of the most pleasant Masonic reunions , at which it has ever been our lot to be present .
DEVONSHIRE . MomCE Towy , DEVOOTOET . —Lodge St . Attogn ( No . 954 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 9 th inst ., at five o ' clock p . m ., the duties being to raise one , to pass four , and to install two . Those duties were performed by the W . M ., who so ably occupies the regal chair of this lodge . The W . M . announced that he had ordered the payment of 20 s .
in a case of distress which called for immediate aid , and asked their sanction for the deed , which was at once given . A letter was also read from the Secretary on behalf of the Committee of fclie Girls' School , soliciting the aid of this lodge , the consideration of which was deferred until the next meeting . The ceremonies of the evening having terminated , the lodge was closed after the proposal of four gentlemen as candidates for initiation . Tho brethren then adjourned for a sliht refreshment in the
g adjoining saloon . Among the toasts responded to were " The Visitors , " by several brethren hailing from various quarters of the globe . "The W . M . " was proposed by the S . W ., and the toast suitably acknowledged by Bro . Chappie , who , in reply , said that he could not take the full credit to himself for the working of the lodge ; it was like a piece of machinery , if one bolt or cog is defective , it could not be expected to perform its work well ; so with a lodge , if any of its officers are not up to
their duties , it frequently marred and disturbed the attention of the others . He , however , was fortunate in having efficient officers , as it greatly eased the duties of his office , and lie begged to propose " The Healths of the Senior and Junior Wardens and the other Officers of Lodge St . Aubyn . " Bro . Kent , S . W ., replied in a most effective speech , and returned thanks for himself and brother officers . The brethren shortly after withdrew , after spending a very happy evening .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoETHAMriou-. — Fomfret Lodge ( No . 360 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 4 th instant , under the presidency of Bro . George Cotton , the W . M . The minutes of the last lodge night having been read and confirmed , the W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Charles Green , P . M . who thenwith his accustomed abilitypassed his son
, , , , Bro . John Townley Green , from the first to the second degree . The W . M . having resumed the chair , Bro . W . Thomas Higgins proposed Bro . C . W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . of Warwickshire , as an honorary member of No . 360 . Bro . Elkington is a P . M . of this lodge , and was to a great extent the founder of the Northampton Chapter . Bro . Higgins ' s proposition having been duly seconded , was carried unanimously , and the lodge adjourned .
OXFORDSHIRE . OXFOBD . —Apollo Universitg Lodge ( No . 357 ) . —The installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . F . A . Cave-Browne-Cave , of Brasenose College , took place at the Masonic Lodge , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., when the ceremony of installation was admirably fulfilled by the retiring W . M ., Bro . Rev . W . Ryland Bedford , M . A ., of Brasenose College , and P . G . Chap , of England . The ceremony was rendered the more imposing and effective by the
vocal assistance of Bros . Dyson , Harriot , liridgewater , and Kingsbury , of the Royal Chapels of St . George , Windsor , and Eton College . Bro . F . Kingsbury presiding at the organ with considerable ability . On the conclusion of the ceremony the W . M . appointed his officers for the year as follows : —Bros . Short , S . W . ; H . Latham , J . W . ; Rev . J . S . Catlow , Chap . ; Bruce Gardyne , Sec ; T . H . G . Wyndham , S . D . ; Fraser Campbell , J . D . ; W . W . Harrison , Org . ; G . E . Gardner , I . G . ; C .
Bill and B . A . Galland , M . C . ' s ; P . C . Edwards , E . Handley , F . J . Iluysbe , Viscount Kenlis , C . C . Macrae , J . Mure , J . E . Parker , C . W . Spencer-Stanhope , F . H . Walker , and F . E . Winslow , Stewards ; Stephens , Tyler . In the evening thebrethren , about 80 , sat down to a sumptuous banquet . The W . M . presided , and was supported by the Prov . G . M . of Oxfordshire , Bros . Col . Bowyer and Binekes ; Bros . Bedford , RedleyHarrisonAid . RandallHoughtonOwenMartin
, , , , , , Bruton , Griffin , P . M . ' s ; Bros . Rev . J . S . Catlow , Rev . Short , Blandy Jenkins , Spencer Stanhope , Robbins , Campbell , Hetlierington , Mure , Hamilton , Rainey , Green , Bill , Bradford , Galland , Donaldson , Legard , Hardy , Handley , Hardy , jun ., Stogden , Walker , Wilson , Illingworth , Prowse , Tufson , Bruce-Gardyne , Edlmann , Carson , Edwards , H . Latham , Smith , Barry , Henrv , Honey , Dowdeswell , Holden , Stratter , Thomp-