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CONSECRATION or 'inn NEW WAUDSAVOEXH LODCE ( NO . 1011 ) . On Wednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., tho New AVandsworth Lodge ( No . 1011 ) ivas solemnly consecrated at tho Freemasons' Hotel , New AVandsworth , by Bro . AA'illiam AVatson , Past Grand Ste-Avard . The following brethren were present : — -II . AVilson , W . M .
designate ; R . Collard , E . Spooner , H . Hawkins , C . AA all , AV . F . Smith , R . Orel , J . F . Brown , H . Dowell , J . Ralph . Visitors : — AV . Watson , P . G . Steward ; Jas . Brett , P . M . 177 and SG 4 ; Matthew Cooke , P . M . 905 ancl Sec . 23 ; G . H . Oliver , 925 ; S . Hardcastlo , 374 ; C . F . Hill , 1160 ; J . Nickisson , Dobie Lodge ; and T . Buckton .
At seven o'clock punctually Bro . AV . AA ' atson assumed the chair of AV . M ., Bro . Bretfc acting as S . AA ' ., and Bro . Collard as J . AA ., and the ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . AA . Watson Avith more than his usual care , rendering it a most impressive and much admired performance . Bro . Matthew Cooke took his place at the harmonium , and
sang the appropriate music for the occasion . The consecration ceremony concluded , a board of Installed Masters was formed , ancl Bro . H . AVilson , AV . M . designate , a P . M . of No . 176 , was then inducted into the chair of the new lodge by Bro . AVatson , ivho performed the duties of Installing Muster . i
The officers were then apjiointed and invested as follows : — Bros . Collard , S . W . ; E . Spooner , J . AV . ; Treasurer , left open ; , E . Spooner , Sec ; H . Hawkins , S . D . ; the J . D . 's collar being reserved for Bro . Newins , Avho was absent on account of a family bereavement the previous clay ; and C . AA ' all , I . G . There would have been several initiations , as a number of gentlemen are anxious to be made in the lodge ; but , for the
first time , it has been decided thafc every brother for joining , and all for initiation , must be proposed afc a regular loclge meeting , and thafc ifc is illegal to make any one ivho could have been , according to the custom of the Craft for more than three-quarters of a century , nominated in tho summons by fiat of the AV . M . ; and , although this stretch of the letter
of the law and contraction of its spirit were first brought into operation on this occasion—whether with a desire of counteracting the success of the lodge , or not , is immaterial—tlie Secretary gave notice that no less than six brethren were proposed , aud duly seconded , as joining members , and thirteen gentlemen were duly proposed and seconded for initiation in tho
loclge . By unanimous resolution a committee was formed to frame a code of by-laws , consisting of the AA' . M ., his two ll'ardeus , and
four other brethren , who cheerfully undertook the task . A vote of the lodge was unanimously ordered to be entered on the minutes , thanking Bros . W . AVutson and M . Cooke for so promptly coming forward , at a shorfc notice , to consecrate the lodge on the day fixed and give ifc a legal existence , without delay ancl inconvenience to tho brethren . Under the new ruling
no other business coulcl be done , ancl the lodgo was closed , tlie brethren adjourning to a very , ne < it and pleasant cold collation , where good things , good wine , and good harmony prevailed . After the cloth had been removed , Tho W . MASTER gave , tersely , but effectively , the customary loyul and Masonic toasts , and with that of the Deputy Grand Master ancl Past and Present Grand Officers he coupled the name
of Bro . AVatson , P . G . Steward . Bro . WATSON AVUS sure that hacl the Deputy Grand Master been present he ivould have been much pleased by the complimentary terms in which tlie AVorshipful Master had proposed the toast . It was almost needless to observe that the Deputy Grand Master , from his courteous demeanour ancl his skill und judgment , ivas universally regarded as the right man in the right place . ( Hear , hear . ) For himself , he ( Bro . Watson ) congratulated them on adding another branch to the great tree , and long
might it flourish with tho vigour of the parent stem . Seven years since he had consecrated another lodge , which was then numbered 1044 , and that day ho hud done Avhat he believed no one else ever had done before , consecrated a second 1044 . They AA'ere nofc likely to go wrong in their career , for they hacl the experience of three old P . M . 's as their principal officers to fall back upon , and with such experience at hand the younger members hacl no uncertain guide , and the new 1044 AVUS , he relfc sure ,
destined to bo as prosperous as the old lodgo of the same number had proved . ( Hear , hear . ) AA'ith thanks for tho toast he resumed his seat . Bro . AA' . AA ' ATSON again rose to propose the health of the AV . M . He ivas pleased to be able to say thut he thought it did great credit to the petitioners to ask for such an experienced brother to be appointed their first W . M . Bro . AA'ilson ivas esteemed for his good feelinghis leasant and agreeable
man-, p ners , and conhl not fail to make the loclge a success and its members happy . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA ' atson hacl seen him in that office before , ancl then the AA ' . M . brought so much earnestness , was so well versed in all he did , that it was a guarantee for his conduct in the chair of their loclge . He ivas one ivho , from his position , would grace the chair , bring honour to the lodge , and be to it a most valuable and indefatigable first AV . M .
( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA ' atson hoped to be present at its first anniversary , and bear witness to the prosperity of the lodge ¦ under the rule of its first W . M ., whose health he proposed with great certainty of his being all they could desire . ( Cheers . ) Bro . AA ' IJ-SON , AA . M ., was very much obliged to Bro . Watson and all present for the manner in Avhich his health had been proposed and responded to . He ivas sure thafc ivas one of the proudest moments in his lifeand if he had riot paid attention
, to his duties in a largo loclge , he should never have been in the proud position of first AA ' . M . of theirs . There had been two warrants granted for lodges in that neighbourhood , but , from certain circumstances , those ivho had obtained the first nei'er opened a loclge , but they had succeeded where others failed , and he was sure they could not fail , or , if they did , they would only have themselves to blame . AA'hen he looked round on those
who ivere joined with him he was proud and confident of success ( hear , hear ) , and he could assure them it ivas his intention to do his utmost for the prosperity of the New AVandsworth Lodge . The AV . MASTER proposed the healths of the visitors , paying some some neat compliments to each in turn . Bro . MATTHEW COOKE replied . The AA ' . MASTER called for a bumper in honour of the officers of the locl . Everyone for knew the value of their S . AV .
ge years , Bro . Collard , who was active as ever , but not in such good health as they wished to see him . Bro . Spooner , J . AV ., ivas a hard ivorker in lodges of instruction , ancl a brother who , once known , was sure to be liked . In Bro . Hawkins they hacl one of the right stuff , whose sterling qualities ivould be sure to tell in their favour . Bro . Newins , who was absent , from the loss of a deeply cherished sister the previous evening , they coulcl all sympathise
with , ancl Bro . Wall , the right man in the right place , ivould always be the same wherever lie was . Bro . COLIARD , S . W ., said they were all exceedingly obliged by the Master's proposal of their names , and the cordial response the toast hud elicited . He ivas happy to say thafc they all intended to use their best endeavours to secure the prosperity of tlie New AVandsworth Loclancl nothing should be ivauting
ge , in their zeal and their best ability to do honour ancl credit to it . ( Hear , hoar . ) From their position and quarters he augured well , and know they had all determined the loclge should be such that no one could disdain to be a member of it . As long as life and health lasted , they would take a pleasure in doing their best for 1044 , and pledged themselves to a faithful performance of their duties .
Bro , SPOONER , J . W ., hud neon requested by the junior officers to suy on their and his own behalf how gratified they would all be to clo their best . He was sorry to see Bro . Collard suffering bufc , as he progressed towards improved health , it was to be hoped he would afford them the benefit of his long experience . They , the junior officers , would always look to the AV . M . and S . AV ., and unite in one cause to do their utmost for the lodge . Bro . BUCKIONin a excellent speechproposed " Success
, very , to the New Wandsworth Lodge , " which the AV . M . gratefully acknowledged . Shortly after the brethren dispersed , many expressing their gratification at the favourable circumstances under which the loclge had been opened , and looking forward to a large sphere of utility and prosperity in the future .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CONSECRATION or 'inn NEW WAUDSAVOEXH LODCE ( NO . 1011 ) . On Wednesday , tho 3 rd inst ., tho New AVandsworth Lodge ( No . 1011 ) ivas solemnly consecrated at tho Freemasons' Hotel , New AVandsworth , by Bro . AA'illiam AVatson , Past Grand Ste-Avard . The following brethren were present : — -II . AVilson , W . M .
designate ; R . Collard , E . Spooner , H . Hawkins , C . AA all , AV . F . Smith , R . Orel , J . F . Brown , H . Dowell , J . Ralph . Visitors : — AV . Watson , P . G . Steward ; Jas . Brett , P . M . 177 and SG 4 ; Matthew Cooke , P . M . 905 ancl Sec . 23 ; G . H . Oliver , 925 ; S . Hardcastlo , 374 ; C . F . Hill , 1160 ; J . Nickisson , Dobie Lodge ; and T . Buckton .
At seven o'clock punctually Bro . AV . AA ' atson assumed the chair of AV . M ., Bro . Bretfc acting as S . AA ' ., and Bro . Collard as J . AA ., and the ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . AA . Watson Avith more than his usual care , rendering it a most impressive and much admired performance . Bro . Matthew Cooke took his place at the harmonium , and
sang the appropriate music for the occasion . The consecration ceremony concluded , a board of Installed Masters was formed , ancl Bro . H . AVilson , AV . M . designate , a P . M . of No . 176 , was then inducted into the chair of the new lodge by Bro . AVatson , ivho performed the duties of Installing Muster . i
The officers were then apjiointed and invested as follows : — Bros . Collard , S . W . ; E . Spooner , J . AV . ; Treasurer , left open ; , E . Spooner , Sec ; H . Hawkins , S . D . ; the J . D . 's collar being reserved for Bro . Newins , Avho was absent on account of a family bereavement the previous clay ; and C . AA ' all , I . G . There would have been several initiations , as a number of gentlemen are anxious to be made in the lodge ; but , for the
first time , it has been decided thafc every brother for joining , and all for initiation , must be proposed afc a regular loclge meeting , and thafc ifc is illegal to make any one ivho could have been , according to the custom of the Craft for more than three-quarters of a century , nominated in tho summons by fiat of the AV . M . ; and , although this stretch of the letter
of the law and contraction of its spirit were first brought into operation on this occasion—whether with a desire of counteracting the success of the lodge , or not , is immaterial—tlie Secretary gave notice that no less than six brethren were proposed , aud duly seconded , as joining members , and thirteen gentlemen were duly proposed and seconded for initiation in tho
loclge . By unanimous resolution a committee was formed to frame a code of by-laws , consisting of the AA' . M ., his two ll'ardeus , and
four other brethren , who cheerfully undertook the task . A vote of the lodge was unanimously ordered to be entered on the minutes , thanking Bros . W . AVutson and M . Cooke for so promptly coming forward , at a shorfc notice , to consecrate the lodge on the day fixed and give ifc a legal existence , without delay ancl inconvenience to tho brethren . Under the new ruling
no other business coulcl be done , ancl the lodgo was closed , tlie brethren adjourning to a very , ne < it and pleasant cold collation , where good things , good wine , and good harmony prevailed . After the cloth had been removed , Tho W . MASTER gave , tersely , but effectively , the customary loyul and Masonic toasts , and with that of the Deputy Grand Master ancl Past and Present Grand Officers he coupled the name
of Bro . AVatson , P . G . Steward . Bro . WATSON AVUS sure that hacl the Deputy Grand Master been present he ivould have been much pleased by the complimentary terms in which tlie AVorshipful Master had proposed the toast . It was almost needless to observe that the Deputy Grand Master , from his courteous demeanour ancl his skill und judgment , ivas universally regarded as the right man in the right place . ( Hear , hear . ) For himself , he ( Bro . Watson ) congratulated them on adding another branch to the great tree , and long
might it flourish with tho vigour of the parent stem . Seven years since he had consecrated another lodge , which was then numbered 1044 , and that day ho hud done Avhat he believed no one else ever had done before , consecrated a second 1044 . They AA'ere nofc likely to go wrong in their career , for they hacl the experience of three old P . M . 's as their principal officers to fall back upon , and with such experience at hand the younger members hacl no uncertain guide , and the new 1044 AVUS , he relfc sure ,
destined to bo as prosperous as the old lodgo of the same number had proved . ( Hear , hear . ) AA'ith thanks for tho toast he resumed his seat . Bro . AA' . AA ' ATSON again rose to propose the health of the AV . M . He ivas pleased to be able to say thut he thought it did great credit to the petitioners to ask for such an experienced brother to be appointed their first W . M . Bro . AA'ilson ivas esteemed for his good feelinghis leasant and agreeable
man-, p ners , and conhl not fail to make the loclge a success and its members happy . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA ' atson hacl seen him in that office before , ancl then the AA ' . M . brought so much earnestness , was so well versed in all he did , that it was a guarantee for his conduct in the chair of their loclge . He ivas one ivho , from his position , would grace the chair , bring honour to the lodge , and be to it a most valuable and indefatigable first AV . M .
( Hear , hear . ) Bro . AA ' atson hoped to be present at its first anniversary , and bear witness to the prosperity of the lodge ¦ under the rule of its first W . M ., whose health he proposed with great certainty of his being all they could desire . ( Cheers . ) Bro . AA ' IJ-SON , AA . M ., was very much obliged to Bro . Watson and all present for the manner in Avhich his health had been proposed and responded to . He ivas sure thafc ivas one of the proudest moments in his lifeand if he had riot paid attention
, to his duties in a largo loclge , he should never have been in the proud position of first AA ' . M . of theirs . There had been two warrants granted for lodges in that neighbourhood , but , from certain circumstances , those ivho had obtained the first nei'er opened a loclge , but they had succeeded where others failed , and he was sure they could not fail , or , if they did , they would only have themselves to blame . AA'hen he looked round on those
who ivere joined with him he was proud and confident of success ( hear , hear ) , and he could assure them it ivas his intention to do his utmost for the prosperity of the New AVandsworth Lodge . The AV . MASTER proposed the healths of the visitors , paying some some neat compliments to each in turn . Bro . MATTHEW COOKE replied . The AA ' . MASTER called for a bumper in honour of the officers of the locl . Everyone for knew the value of their S . AV .
ge years , Bro . Collard , who was active as ever , but not in such good health as they wished to see him . Bro . Spooner , J . AV ., ivas a hard ivorker in lodges of instruction , ancl a brother who , once known , was sure to be liked . In Bro . Hawkins they hacl one of the right stuff , whose sterling qualities ivould be sure to tell in their favour . Bro . Newins , who was absent , from the loss of a deeply cherished sister the previous evening , they coulcl all sympathise
with , ancl Bro . Wall , the right man in the right place , ivould always be the same wherever lie was . Bro . COLIARD , S . W ., said they were all exceedingly obliged by the Master's proposal of their names , and the cordial response the toast hud elicited . He ivas happy to say thafc they all intended to use their best endeavours to secure the prosperity of tlie New AVandsworth Loclancl nothing should be ivauting
ge , in their zeal and their best ability to do honour ancl credit to it . ( Hear , hoar . ) From their position and quarters he augured well , and know they had all determined the loclge should be such that no one could disdain to be a member of it . As long as life and health lasted , they would take a pleasure in doing their best for 1044 , and pledged themselves to a faithful performance of their duties .
Bro , SPOONER , J . W ., hud neon requested by the junior officers to suy on their and his own behalf how gratified they would all be to clo their best . He was sorry to see Bro . Collard suffering bufc , as he progressed towards improved health , it was to be hoped he would afford them the benefit of his long experience . They , the junior officers , would always look to the AV . M . and S . AV ., and unite in one cause to do their utmost for the lodge . Bro . BUCKIONin a excellent speechproposed " Success
, very , to the New Wandsworth Lodge , " which the AV . M . gratefully acknowledged . Shortly after the brethren dispersed , many expressing their gratification at the favourable circumstances under which the loclge had been opened , and looking forward to a large sphere of utility and prosperity in the future .