Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grecian columns Cfir . 'hi gh , each earring a moon light , stand out significantly amidst the surrounding colours , and the AA'holc forms one harmonious and complete ensemble , each article being specially designed for the purpose appears to fit its place and add to the general tone and completeness of the whole , emblematic ol tho principals of Masonry , whose harmonious parts blend together with that beauty v / hich alone is the property of truth , and whose principals being eternal ivill endure when time shall bo no more , for its foundations are in the hills and its help in the Most High .
Royal Arch.
BERKS AND BUCKS . AVINDSOR . —Castle Chapter ( No . 771 ) . —The consecration of this chapter took place on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at AVindsor , in the beautiful hall lately erected by the lodge to which it is attached . This chapter ivas first opened by Comps . Joseph Cotterell , P . Z . Lily Chapter ; Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . for
Surrey ; JoshuaNunn , Z . Lily Chapter ; and Piatt , Z . Mount Sinai Chapter , in due form . Comp . Joshua Nunn then installed Comps . Joseph Cotterell as Firsfc Principal ; Joseph Devereux , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks , and Comp . AA'iggingfcon , as Third Principals ; Comp . Devereux being afterwards installed as Second Principal , by Comp . Cotterell , Z-, their names having been returned on the Avarrant . And in the unavoidable absence of the Acting' Grand Superintendentancl with his
sanc-, , tion , the chapter was consecrated by Comps . Cotterell , Devereux , and Nunn , assisted in the musical arrangements by Comps . Folley , Prov . G . Org . Berks ancl Bucks , AVhitehouse , and Marriott . The ceremony having been composed and arranged ^ by Comp . Devereux , was certainly one ol the most perfect ancl impressive ceremonies ever introduced into Masonry ; the Scriptural passages and the choral accompanyments being both
appropriate and effective . ( We hope to have the opportunity of publishing it at some future day . ) The beautiful consecration vessels belonging to the Grand Lodge of England were kindly lent to assist in the imposing ceremony . After the consecration and proclamation ivere completed , the ballot Avas taken for the following brethren , and being found unanimous in their favour , they Avere introduced and exalted : —Bros , the Rev . R . J .
Simpson , Prov . G . Chap . Berks and Bucks ; Capt . Hartopp , Royal Horse Guards ; C . Palmer ; C . Holden , Prov . G . Treas . Berks aud Bucks ; R . B . Body , C . P . Barrett , AA . Croydon , J . Alston , R . Martin , H . Demster , E . A . Layton , P . AA ' atson , and
J . AVhitehouse . This beautiful ceremony was rendered in the most perfect manner by tho Principals , assisted by Comp . Goring , as P . Z . and the choir , and left nothing to be desired . AA ' e cau only hope that other chapters of far older date will copy from this , the youngest of their number . The ballot was also taken for Bros . A ' ansittarfc , M . P ., Col Lloyd Lindsay , C . S . A ' oules , It . Little , AV . Gochlard , Dr . Byrne , G . H . Boorn , and A . AV . Cooper , nearly all members of the Cnstle Locl
ge ( No . 771 ) Windsor . The convocation being closed in due form , the companions adjourned to the AVhite Hurt Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet hud been prepared , and to which ample justice was paid . The clofch being removed , Comp . Cotterell , Z ., gave the accustomed toasts in his usual happy manner . To the toast of the visitors , Bro . Col . Lloyd Liudscy responded , aud gave an anecdote of the advantages of Masonry that had
occurred to his father ivhen in the Peninsular war , whereby his life had been spared by a brother of the Jewish persuasion , thus adding another illustration lo the ninny advantages of our ancient and honourable institution . Comp . the Rev . ]! . J . Simpson , Prov . G . Chap . Berks and Bucks , iu responding to the toast of the Scribes , in very earnest and touching language , briefly described the beauties of tho several parts of the
ceremony that he hacl that clay been introduced to , and expressed a hope that it would reach the hearts of all that participated in its excellencies , not only as an inspiration for the present , but as a guide to their future actions ancl course of life , ns he ivas sure if they ivould but adhere to its principles , it must . ' " The Masonic Charities" and other toasts having been duly acknowledged , and the evening pleasantly enlightened by the charming assortment of music rendered by Comps . Tolley , AVhitehouse , Marriott , and John Lane , the companions separated , well pleased ivith the inauguration of the Castle Chapter .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LiA ERPO 0 l » . —Sacred Delia Chapter ( No . 210 ) . —This chapter was opened in due form on Thursday , April 27 th , by M . E . P . Z . Laidlaw , and other chiefs . The ballot was taken for Bros . Ferry and Brooks , of Lodge 216 , and duly elected , and being in attendance , ivere duly exulted to the degree of 1-I . li . A . Freemasons , Comp . M . E . P . Z . Laidlaw duly installed Comps .
Moore as IL , ancl Sedgwick as J . The chapter being closed , the companions adjourned to the banquet . Tho M . E . Z . proposed "The Health of the two newly-installed Chiefs , " ivhich ivas duly responded to by M . E . J . Sedgwick . Comp . M . E . Z . Laidlaw returned thanks on behalf of the First Principal , and proposed "The Health of the newly-exalted Companions , " ivhich was suitably acknowledged by Comps . Ferry ancl Brooks . The health of theA'isitors having been proposed , ivas duly responded to by M . E . P . Z . ' s Hamer aucl Marsh . This chapter is one of tho most flourishing in Liverpool .
SOUTH AA'ALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . SWANSEA . —Chapter Virtue and Hope ( So . 237 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 19 th ult ., ivhen the members mustered in strong force . Comps . E . J . Morris , P . Z . presided as M . E . Z . ; J . G . Hall , as IL ; and F . D . Michael , as J . Bro . AV . H . Essery , of the Indefatigable Lod was balloted for as a candidate for Eoyal Arch Masonry
ge , , and being elected was exalted to tho supreme degree by the Acting M . E . Z ; the lectures being carefully given from the three chairs as usual . The companions having retired , Comp . AA ' m . Cox , P . H . ivas duly installed M . E . Z . of this chapter for the ensuing year , by Comp . E . J . Morris , P . Z . The M . E . Z . then invested Comps . J . G . Hall and E . J . Morris to the second and third chairs ; D . AVilliams , Scribe E . ; G . Allen , Scribe N . ;
P . H . Rowland , P . Soj . ; J . D . Michael , Treas . ; R . Phillips , Dir . of Cers . ; ancl J . Probett , J . TAVO brethren ivere proposed for exaltation at the next chapter meeting iu May , ancl the companions , after closing the chapter , adjourned to the Mackworth Arms Hotel to dinner , afc which M . E . Z . Comp . Cox presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given and heartily responded to , and a most agreeable evening ivas spent . Comp . E . J . Morris , at the removal of the cloth , announced amidst loud cheers that the candidate from this province for election to the Boys' School had been returned , fifth on the list , having received 700 votes .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hull ; . —Ancient York Conclave of Redemption . —The annual meeting of this conclave for the installation of E . C . officers ivas held on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., in the Hall of the Minerva Lodge , Prince-street . The encampment was opened at four o'clock by the E . G ., Sir Knt . AValter Reynolds , 18 ° , assisted by Sir Knts . M . C . Feck , IS , 1 st Capt . ; G . AA'ilkinson , 18 ° ,
2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . O . Browne , M . A ., Prolate ; B . G . Smith , IS" , Expert ; F . Jackson , 18 ° , as Cnpt . of Lines ; George Fox , Org . ; Prater AA'm . Johnson , Equerry . There ivere also present Sir Knts . Thomas AA'alton , J . F . Holden , R . E . Harrison , Charles AA ' ells , Tnomas Dale , T . Manis , 11 . A ' . Allison , & c . Visitors : Sir Knts . AVilliam AVhite , 30 ' , P . E . C ; Eiisa Drury , IS , P . E . C . ; Joseph Rogers , 18 ° , De Fin-nival Encampment , Sheffield . The conclave having been opened in ancient form ,
tho minutes of tho last conclave ivere read and confirmed . The ballot box wns then prepared for Comps . J . AA ' . Pease and \ A' . AA' . Batty , both of [ whom were unanimously accepted as candidates for this degree . Comps . J . T . Drake , A . E . Hargrove , J . Brooh , R . AV . Ilolloii , J . AV . Pease , and AA ' . AV . Batty were then severally admitted , and installed Knights Templar by the E . C . Sir Knts . M . C . Peck and Thomas AA ' alton then presented Sir Knt . Gilbert AA'ilkinson , the E . C . elect , for installation ,
who was regularly installed by Sir Knt . AA ' m . AVhite , 30 ° , P . E . C , assisted by the other P . E . C . ' s present . The B . C . then appointed his officers , viz ., —Sir Knts . Thomas AA ' alton , P . Prov . G . Purst ., 1 st Capt . ; R . E . Harrison , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . O . Browne , P . G . Purst ., Prelate ; AA ' alter Reynolds , P . G . C , P . E . C , Reg . ; J . N . Scherling , Expert ; F . Jackson , Capt . of Lines ; Geo . Fox , Herald ; M . C . Peck , P . G . Chancellor , Org . ; Prater AA ' m , Johnson , Equerry . A vote of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grecian columns Cfir . 'hi gh , each earring a moon light , stand out significantly amidst the surrounding colours , and the AA'holc forms one harmonious and complete ensemble , each article being specially designed for the purpose appears to fit its place and add to the general tone and completeness of the whole , emblematic ol tho principals of Masonry , whose harmonious parts blend together with that beauty v / hich alone is the property of truth , and whose principals being eternal ivill endure when time shall bo no more , for its foundations are in the hills and its help in the Most High .
Royal Arch.
BERKS AND BUCKS . AVINDSOR . —Castle Chapter ( No . 771 ) . —The consecration of this chapter took place on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at AVindsor , in the beautiful hall lately erected by the lodge to which it is attached . This chapter ivas first opened by Comps . Joseph Cotterell , P . Z . Lily Chapter ; Dr . Harcourt , D . Prov . G . M . for
Surrey ; JoshuaNunn , Z . Lily Chapter ; and Piatt , Z . Mount Sinai Chapter , in due form . Comp . Joshua Nunn then installed Comps . Joseph Cotterell as Firsfc Principal ; Joseph Devereux , P . G . S . Berks and Bucks , and Comp . AA'iggingfcon , as Third Principals ; Comp . Devereux being afterwards installed as Second Principal , by Comp . Cotterell , Z-, their names having been returned on the Avarrant . And in the unavoidable absence of the Acting' Grand Superintendentancl with his
sanc-, , tion , the chapter was consecrated by Comps . Cotterell , Devereux , and Nunn , assisted in the musical arrangements by Comps . Folley , Prov . G . Org . Berks ancl Bucks , AVhitehouse , and Marriott . The ceremony having been composed and arranged ^ by Comp . Devereux , was certainly one ol the most perfect ancl impressive ceremonies ever introduced into Masonry ; the Scriptural passages and the choral accompanyments being both
appropriate and effective . ( We hope to have the opportunity of publishing it at some future day . ) The beautiful consecration vessels belonging to the Grand Lodge of England were kindly lent to assist in the imposing ceremony . After the consecration and proclamation ivere completed , the ballot Avas taken for the following brethren , and being found unanimous in their favour , they Avere introduced and exalted : —Bros , the Rev . R . J .
Simpson , Prov . G . Chap . Berks and Bucks ; Capt . Hartopp , Royal Horse Guards ; C . Palmer ; C . Holden , Prov . G . Treas . Berks aud Bucks ; R . B . Body , C . P . Barrett , AA . Croydon , J . Alston , R . Martin , H . Demster , E . A . Layton , P . AA ' atson , and
J . AVhitehouse . This beautiful ceremony was rendered in the most perfect manner by tho Principals , assisted by Comp . Goring , as P . Z . and the choir , and left nothing to be desired . AA ' e cau only hope that other chapters of far older date will copy from this , the youngest of their number . The ballot was also taken for Bros . A ' ansittarfc , M . P ., Col Lloyd Lindsay , C . S . A ' oules , It . Little , AV . Gochlard , Dr . Byrne , G . H . Boorn , and A . AV . Cooper , nearly all members of the Cnstle Locl
ge ( No . 771 ) Windsor . The convocation being closed in due form , the companions adjourned to the AVhite Hurt Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet hud been prepared , and to which ample justice was paid . The clofch being removed , Comp . Cotterell , Z ., gave the accustomed toasts in his usual happy manner . To the toast of the visitors , Bro . Col . Lloyd Liudscy responded , aud gave an anecdote of the advantages of Masonry that had
occurred to his father ivhen in the Peninsular war , whereby his life had been spared by a brother of the Jewish persuasion , thus adding another illustration lo the ninny advantages of our ancient and honourable institution . Comp . the Rev . ]! . J . Simpson , Prov . G . Chap . Berks and Bucks , iu responding to the toast of the Scribes , in very earnest and touching language , briefly described the beauties of tho several parts of the
ceremony that he hacl that clay been introduced to , and expressed a hope that it would reach the hearts of all that participated in its excellencies , not only as an inspiration for the present , but as a guide to their future actions ancl course of life , ns he ivas sure if they ivould but adhere to its principles , it must . ' " The Masonic Charities" and other toasts having been duly acknowledged , and the evening pleasantly enlightened by the charming assortment of music rendered by Comps . Tolley , AVhitehouse , Marriott , and John Lane , the companions separated , well pleased ivith the inauguration of the Castle Chapter .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LiA ERPO 0 l » . —Sacred Delia Chapter ( No . 210 ) . —This chapter was opened in due form on Thursday , April 27 th , by M . E . P . Z . Laidlaw , and other chiefs . The ballot was taken for Bros . Ferry and Brooks , of Lodge 216 , and duly elected , and being in attendance , ivere duly exulted to the degree of 1-I . li . A . Freemasons , Comp . M . E . P . Z . Laidlaw duly installed Comps .
Moore as IL , ancl Sedgwick as J . The chapter being closed , the companions adjourned to the banquet . Tho M . E . Z . proposed "The Health of the two newly-installed Chiefs , " ivhich ivas duly responded to by M . E . J . Sedgwick . Comp . M . E . Z . Laidlaw returned thanks on behalf of the First Principal , and proposed "The Health of the newly-exalted Companions , " ivhich was suitably acknowledged by Comps . Ferry ancl Brooks . The health of theA'isitors having been proposed , ivas duly responded to by M . E . P . Z . ' s Hamer aucl Marsh . This chapter is one of tho most flourishing in Liverpool .
SOUTH AA'ALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . SWANSEA . —Chapter Virtue and Hope ( So . 237 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 19 th ult ., ivhen the members mustered in strong force . Comps . E . J . Morris , P . Z . presided as M . E . Z . ; J . G . Hall , as IL ; and F . D . Michael , as J . Bro . AV . H . Essery , of the Indefatigable Lod was balloted for as a candidate for Eoyal Arch Masonry
ge , , and being elected was exalted to tho supreme degree by the Acting M . E . Z ; the lectures being carefully given from the three chairs as usual . The companions having retired , Comp . AA ' m . Cox , P . H . ivas duly installed M . E . Z . of this chapter for the ensuing year , by Comp . E . J . Morris , P . Z . The M . E . Z . then invested Comps . J . G . Hall and E . J . Morris to the second and third chairs ; D . AVilliams , Scribe E . ; G . Allen , Scribe N . ;
P . H . Rowland , P . Soj . ; J . D . Michael , Treas . ; R . Phillips , Dir . of Cers . ; ancl J . Probett , J . TAVO brethren ivere proposed for exaltation at the next chapter meeting iu May , ancl the companions , after closing the chapter , adjourned to the Mackworth Arms Hotel to dinner , afc which M . E . Z . Comp . Cox presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given and heartily responded to , and a most agreeable evening ivas spent . Comp . E . J . Morris , at the removal of the cloth , announced amidst loud cheers that the candidate from this province for election to the Boys' School had been returned , fifth on the list , having received 700 votes .
Knights Templar.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hull ; . —Ancient York Conclave of Redemption . —The annual meeting of this conclave for the installation of E . C . officers ivas held on AVednesday , the 3 rd inst ., in the Hall of the Minerva Lodge , Prince-street . The encampment was opened at four o'clock by the E . G ., Sir Knt . AValter Reynolds , 18 ° , assisted by Sir Knts . M . C . Feck , IS , 1 st Capt . ; G . AA'ilkinson , 18 ° ,
2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . O . Browne , M . A ., Prolate ; B . G . Smith , IS" , Expert ; F . Jackson , 18 ° , as Cnpt . of Lines ; George Fox , Org . ; Prater AA'm . Johnson , Equerry . There ivere also present Sir Knts . Thomas AA'alton , J . F . Holden , R . E . Harrison , Charles AA ' ells , Tnomas Dale , T . Manis , 11 . A ' . Allison , & c . Visitors : Sir Knts . AVilliam AVhite , 30 ' , P . E . C ; Eiisa Drury , IS , P . E . C . ; Joseph Rogers , 18 ° , De Fin-nival Encampment , Sheffield . The conclave having been opened in ancient form ,
tho minutes of tho last conclave ivere read and confirmed . The ballot box wns then prepared for Comps . J . AA ' . Pease and \ A' . AA' . Batty , both of [ whom were unanimously accepted as candidates for this degree . Comps . J . T . Drake , A . E . Hargrove , J . Brooh , R . AV . Ilolloii , J . AV . Pease , and AA ' . AV . Batty were then severally admitted , and installed Knights Templar by the E . C . Sir Knts . M . C . Peck and Thomas AA ' alton then presented Sir Knt . Gilbert AA'ilkinson , the E . C . elect , for installation ,
who was regularly installed by Sir Knt . AA ' m . AVhite , 30 ° , P . E . C , assisted by the other P . E . C . ' s present . The B . C . then appointed his officers , viz ., —Sir Knts . Thomas AA ' alton , P . Prov . G . Purst ., 1 st Capt . ; R . E . Harrison , P . G . Dir . of Cers ., 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . O . Browne , P . G . Purst ., Prelate ; AA ' alter Reynolds , P . G . C , P . E . C , Reg . ; J . N . Scherling , Expert ; F . Jackson , Capt . of Lines ; Geo . Fox , Herald ; M . C . Peck , P . G . Chancellor , Org . ; Prater AA ' m , Johnson , Equerry . A vote of