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BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . LnreiADE . —St . Barnabas Lodge ( No . 948 ) . —The annual "banquet and installation of this loclge took place on Tuesday , May 2 , afc the Elephant ancl Castle hotel , Linslacle , AA'hen Bro . Shritnpton was installed as W . M ,, the ceremony of installation being performed by Bro . Gotfco . AVe understand that a very handsome Past Master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . Gofcto by
the brethren , as a token of their esteem , bearing au inscription to that effect . At the banquet were the following brethren : — Bro . Geo . Shrimpton in the chair ; Bros . J . M . Sin-gar , H . Lovell , F . Gotto , E . Lawford , T . Horwoocl , J . Pettit , Henry " Pettit , Ritchie , Edward Terry , B . T . Fountaino , T . AVindsor , A . AVhyley , S . H . AVhichello , jun ., J . AVhite , A . T . Parkes , Geo . AVhitman , J . Hartley , AA . King , Leighton , AA'ebster , AVheatly , Bacon , Leivis , Street , Cubbin , & c .
DEA'ONSHIRE . TAA ' ISTOOE . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 282 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., for the purpose of raising three brethren to the third degree . This ceremonial was most ably performed by Bro . Merrifield , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Tliynne , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org ., who presided at the organ , and Chapman , P . M ., Avho acted as M . C . On the
conclusion of the business of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Bedford Hotel , accompanied by the W . M ., AVardens , and visiting brethren of the St . Aubyn Loclge ( No . 954 ) , Devonport , who had , by invitation , visited Tavistock to be present afc the meeting of tlie Bedford Lodge . Bro . Matthews occupied the chair at the festive board , and took occasion to express for himself and tlie brethren ot the lodge his sincere gratification at the honour of the visit of Lodge 954 . He hoped to repay
the compliment in person , ancl offered a seat in his carriage to as many as it ivould carry . In conclusion , he begged to drink the toast of " The Visitors . " Bro . Kent , AV . M . 954 , returned thanks in appropriate terms , thanking the brethren for their fraternal , hearty , ancl hospitable reception , and hoped to have the pleasure of seeing a largo number of the members of the Bedford at his lodge on the 9 th inst . After some fraternal speeches from Bro . Suell ( a P . M . of forty years ) , the brethren parted , having fourteen miles to travel .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAKMIE . — Glamorgan Lodge ( STo . 36 ) . — The usual lodge Avas held on Monday , tho 8 th inst . Present—Bros . D . Roberts , W . M . ; T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . P . Hunt , J . AV . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M ., Treas . ; R . J . Fisher , Sec . ; F . AV . Joy , S . D . ; J . Robertson , J . D . ; J . Dawson , I . G . ; AV . J . Gaskell , P . M ., Prov . J . G . AV . ; T . G . GlassM . DaviesF . AVareand a large
, , , number of the loclge ; Bros . W . H . Martin , AV . M ., 960 ; J . Willans , S . AA ' .. 900 ; and other visiting brethren . Loclge was opened at half-past seven , and the minutes of the preceding lodge read and confirmed . The AV . M . made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of tho Boys' School , especially with reference to the forthcoming ceremony , and road a long extract from TEE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE as ivell as the circular of
, the committee in support of the application . A strenuous exertion has very lately been made in this province on behalf of the same object ; ancl a Steward was senfc up to tho late Festival , with a very handsome list . But as tho design of that effort ivas a peculiar , and ( not to use the term disparagingly ) somewhat selfish one , tlie special object of which ivas accomplished by the election , in a proud position , of the candidate
on ivhose behalf the movement was originated , it is earnestl y hoped something further will bo done towards meeting the pressing emergencies of the present occasion ; ancl the W . M . liberally offered to contribute his quota towards the Special Fund , in one form suggested by the Committee ' s Circular . This being the night appointed by the by-laws for the election of AV . M ., pupers containing the names of duly qualified brethren
were distributed , and a ballot taken . Bros . Gaskell and Thomas , appointed for that purpose , scrutinized the voting papers , and declared £ the AV . M . re-elected by a small majority over the S . AV . The AA' . M . ivas Avarmly congratulated upon tho result , both by the brethren Avho hud supported his re-election and by those ivho hacl given adverse votes , the division being one purely of _ principle , and of a most truly Masonic character . Tho year just concluded has been the most prosperous and satis , factory iu the annals of the loclge , and the perfect harmony
and good feeling which havo prevailed have been felt to be due to the judicious ancl thoroughly impartial conduct of the AA ' . M . AA ' ant of unanimity in the matter of re-election was , therefore , in no way attributable to diversity of opinion as to the unquestionable merit ancl ability of the AV . M ., but owing to a feeling on the part of older Masons that the principle of re-election , excepting in very rare instances , is altogether erroneous , and . does great injustice to other aspiringenergeticand meritorious
, , officers AA'ho , from the qualification to the chair given them , are naturally led to expect that honour in clue ancl regular course , a departure from such order , Avithout sufficient cause , in most cases leading to unpleasant results . This sober vieiv of the matter having been overruled by the votes of the newly initiated , nofc the slightest spark of ill-feeling AVUS created by the result , least of all on the part of the lvorfchy S . AV ., who
ivill heartily join with every other member of the lodge in an endeavour to mark the succeeding year of the AV . M . ' s office as pleasing to himself and as profitable to the lodgeas the past has been . The AV . M ., in returning thanks for the renewed expression of confidence , stated that although he could nofc but be sensible of the honour conferred upon him , and highly flattered by the result of the ballot , he afc ' the same time regretted thafc
the choice of the brethren hacl again fallen upon him . He considered thafc one year in the chair was quite sufficient for any man , and objected to the principle of re-election . He would , however , bow to the decision of the lodge , ancl trust to the brethren for thafc display of kindly feeling , as ivell as for that support in the various offices which had rendered his duties so light and his year of office so pleasant . A committee to audit the Treasurer ' s accounts having been appointed , and some other routine business transacted , three brethren were passed to the second degree , and the lodge was finally closed shortly after nine o'clock .
SUFFOLK . LAHifa THE FousDATioa- STOS - E OP THE NEW MASOHTC HAM AT IPSWICH . The members of the Lodge Prince of AVales ( No . 959 ) assembled on Monday afternoon , the 1 st inst ., for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the Masonic Hall about to be erected upon their recently-purchased propertj * in Brook-street .
As ive have in a previous number of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE giA'en a description of the buildings ivhich the brethren , of this lodge intend to j > lace upon tbe property , it is only necessary to describe the interesting ceremony Avhich took place on the 1 st inst .
The following members of the lodge were present , and took part in the proceedings : —Bros . Colonel A . S . Adair , Prov . G . M . for Suffolk ; C . T . Townsend , Prov . S . G . AA' . ; John Head , AA ' . M . Prince of AVales Loclge ; Edward Dorling , Prov . Gr . Sec . ; AV . T . Westgate , S . W . j F . B . Jennings , J . AV . ; Hy . Thomas , AV . M . British Union Lodge ; J . Alloway , Treas . Prince of AA'ales Lodge ; Rev . It . N . SandersonProv . G . Chap . ; S . H . AA ' right
, , AA' . M . Phoenix Lodge ; John Helms , S . D . ; E . C . Tidd , J . D . ; F . Read , J . Parker , AV . AVilmshurst , John Toivnsend , J . C . Lucas , Geo . Green , H . T . Bacon , J . H . Staddon , J . II . Bridges , J . M . Pollard , AV . Cobb , J . A . Pettitt , J . Chinnock , AV . AVinter , J . B . Parker , Geo . T . AVallis , Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ); & c . Prayer having been offered , by the Prov . G . Chap , invoking the blessing of the Almihty Architect the Avork
g upon , Bro . EDWAT-D DORLING-, Chairman of the Building Committee , saicl he thought it would be a mutter of great gratification to their Provincial Grand Master , Avho had honoured them with his presence , in ivitnessing the ceremony cf laying the foundation stone of a new Masonic Hall by the members of almost the youngest lodge in the province . It must also , he felt assuredbe a matter of great congratulation to the W . M . of the
, Prince of AA'ales Loclge fco take part in the erection of that temple , the foundation stone of which ivas about to be laid . He had now a very pleasing duty to perform , and thafc ivas to hand to the AA ' . M . a silver trowel , ivhich had been presented to tlie lodge by Bro . Emmanuel Bauds , who he regretted was unable to be present amongst them . Bro . Dorling then handed to the AVMa handsomel
.. very y chased silver trowel , ivith ivory handle , supplied by Bro . Fred . ' Read , of Tavern-street . It bore the following inscription : — " This trowel was used for laying the foundation stone of the Freemasons' Hall , Ipswich , May 1 st , 1865 . John Head , AV . M . Prince of AVales Lodge ; Edward Dorling , Chairman of Committee .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . LnreiADE . —St . Barnabas Lodge ( No . 948 ) . —The annual "banquet and installation of this loclge took place on Tuesday , May 2 , afc the Elephant ancl Castle hotel , Linslacle , AA'hen Bro . Shritnpton was installed as W . M ,, the ceremony of installation being performed by Bro . Gotfco . AVe understand that a very handsome Past Master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . Gofcto by
the brethren , as a token of their esteem , bearing au inscription to that effect . At the banquet were the following brethren : — Bro . Geo . Shrimpton in the chair ; Bros . J . M . Sin-gar , H . Lovell , F . Gotto , E . Lawford , T . Horwoocl , J . Pettit , Henry " Pettit , Ritchie , Edward Terry , B . T . Fountaino , T . AVindsor , A . AVhyley , S . H . AVhichello , jun ., J . AVhite , A . T . Parkes , Geo . AVhitman , J . Hartley , AA . King , Leighton , AA'ebster , AVheatly , Bacon , Leivis , Street , Cubbin , & c .
DEA'ONSHIRE . TAA ' ISTOOE . —Bedford Lodge ( No . 282 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge Avas held on Monday , the 1 st inst ., for the purpose of raising three brethren to the third degree . This ceremonial was most ably performed by Bro . Merrifield , P . M ., assisted by Bros . Tliynne , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Org ., who presided at the organ , and Chapman , P . M ., Avho acted as M . C . On the
conclusion of the business of the lodge , the brethren adjourned to the Bedford Hotel , accompanied by the W . M ., AVardens , and visiting brethren of the St . Aubyn Loclge ( No . 954 ) , Devonport , who had , by invitation , visited Tavistock to be present afc the meeting of tlie Bedford Lodge . Bro . Matthews occupied the chair at the festive board , and took occasion to express for himself and tlie brethren ot the lodge his sincere gratification at the honour of the visit of Lodge 954 . He hoped to repay
the compliment in person , ancl offered a seat in his carriage to as many as it ivould carry . In conclusion , he begged to drink the toast of " The Visitors . " Bro . Kent , AV . M . 954 , returned thanks in appropriate terms , thanking the brethren for their fraternal , hearty , ancl hospitable reception , and hoped to have the pleasure of seeing a largo number of the members of the Bedford at his lodge on the 9 th inst . After some fraternal speeches from Bro . Suell ( a P . M . of forty years ) , the brethren parted , having fourteen miles to travel .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAKMIE . — Glamorgan Lodge ( STo . 36 ) . — The usual lodge Avas held on Monday , tho 8 th inst . Present—Bros . D . Roberts , W . M . ; T . II . Stephens , S . W . ; R . P . Hunt , J . AV . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M ., Treas . ; R . J . Fisher , Sec . ; F . AV . Joy , S . D . ; J . Robertson , J . D . ; J . Dawson , I . G . ; AV . J . Gaskell , P . M ., Prov . J . G . AV . ; T . G . GlassM . DaviesF . AVareand a large
, , , number of the loclge ; Bros . W . H . Martin , AV . M ., 960 ; J . Willans , S . AA ' .. 900 ; and other visiting brethren . Loclge was opened at half-past seven , and the minutes of the preceding lodge read and confirmed . The AV . M . made an earnest appeal to the brethren on behalf of tho Boys' School , especially with reference to the forthcoming ceremony , and road a long extract from TEE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE as ivell as the circular of
, the committee in support of the application . A strenuous exertion has very lately been made in this province on behalf of the same object ; ancl a Steward was senfc up to tho late Festival , with a very handsome list . But as tho design of that effort ivas a peculiar , and ( not to use the term disparagingly ) somewhat selfish one , tlie special object of which ivas accomplished by the election , in a proud position , of the candidate
on ivhose behalf the movement was originated , it is earnestl y hoped something further will bo done towards meeting the pressing emergencies of the present occasion ; ancl the W . M . liberally offered to contribute his quota towards the Special Fund , in one form suggested by the Committee ' s Circular . This being the night appointed by the by-laws for the election of AV . M ., pupers containing the names of duly qualified brethren
were distributed , and a ballot taken . Bros . Gaskell and Thomas , appointed for that purpose , scrutinized the voting papers , and declared £ the AV . M . re-elected by a small majority over the S . AV . The AA' . M . ivas Avarmly congratulated upon tho result , both by the brethren Avho hud supported his re-election and by those ivho hacl given adverse votes , the division being one purely of _ principle , and of a most truly Masonic character . Tho year just concluded has been the most prosperous and satis , factory iu the annals of the loclge , and the perfect harmony
and good feeling which havo prevailed have been felt to be due to the judicious ancl thoroughly impartial conduct of the AA ' . M . AA ' ant of unanimity in the matter of re-election was , therefore , in no way attributable to diversity of opinion as to the unquestionable merit ancl ability of the AV . M ., but owing to a feeling on the part of older Masons that the principle of re-election , excepting in very rare instances , is altogether erroneous , and . does great injustice to other aspiringenergeticand meritorious
, , officers AA'ho , from the qualification to the chair given them , are naturally led to expect that honour in clue ancl regular course , a departure from such order , Avithout sufficient cause , in most cases leading to unpleasant results . This sober vieiv of the matter having been overruled by the votes of the newly initiated , nofc the slightest spark of ill-feeling AVUS created by the result , least of all on the part of the lvorfchy S . AV ., who
ivill heartily join with every other member of the lodge in an endeavour to mark the succeeding year of the AV . M . ' s office as pleasing to himself and as profitable to the lodgeas the past has been . The AV . M ., in returning thanks for the renewed expression of confidence , stated that although he could nofc but be sensible of the honour conferred upon him , and highly flattered by the result of the ballot , he afc ' the same time regretted thafc
the choice of the brethren hacl again fallen upon him . He considered thafc one year in the chair was quite sufficient for any man , and objected to the principle of re-election . He would , however , bow to the decision of the lodge , ancl trust to the brethren for thafc display of kindly feeling , as ivell as for that support in the various offices which had rendered his duties so light and his year of office so pleasant . A committee to audit the Treasurer ' s accounts having been appointed , and some other routine business transacted , three brethren were passed to the second degree , and the lodge was finally closed shortly after nine o'clock .
SUFFOLK . LAHifa THE FousDATioa- STOS - E OP THE NEW MASOHTC HAM AT IPSWICH . The members of the Lodge Prince of AVales ( No . 959 ) assembled on Monday afternoon , the 1 st inst ., for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the Masonic Hall about to be erected upon their recently-purchased propertj * in Brook-street .
As ive have in a previous number of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE giA'en a description of the buildings ivhich the brethren , of this lodge intend to j > lace upon tbe property , it is only necessary to describe the interesting ceremony Avhich took place on the 1 st inst .
The following members of the lodge were present , and took part in the proceedings : —Bros . Colonel A . S . Adair , Prov . G . M . for Suffolk ; C . T . Townsend , Prov . S . G . AA' . ; John Head , AA ' . M . Prince of AVales Loclge ; Edward Dorling , Prov . Gr . Sec . ; AV . T . Westgate , S . W . j F . B . Jennings , J . AV . ; Hy . Thomas , AV . M . British Union Lodge ; J . Alloway , Treas . Prince of AA'ales Lodge ; Rev . It . N . SandersonProv . G . Chap . ; S . H . AA ' right
, , AA' . M . Phoenix Lodge ; John Helms , S . D . ; E . C . Tidd , J . D . ; F . Read , J . Parker , AV . AVilmshurst , John Toivnsend , J . C . Lucas , Geo . Green , H . T . Bacon , J . H . Staddon , J . II . Bridges , J . M . Pollard , AV . Cobb , J . A . Pettitt , J . Chinnock , AV . AVinter , J . B . Parker , Geo . T . AVallis , Neptune Lodge ( No . 22 ); & c . Prayer having been offered , by the Prov . G . Chap , invoking the blessing of the Almihty Architect the Avork
g upon , Bro . EDWAT-D DORLING-, Chairman of the Building Committee , saicl he thought it would be a mutter of great gratification to their Provincial Grand Master , Avho had honoured them with his presence , in ivitnessing the ceremony cf laying the foundation stone of a new Masonic Hall by the members of almost the youngest lodge in the province . It must also , he felt assuredbe a matter of great congratulation to the W . M . of the
, Prince of AA'ales Loclge fco take part in the erection of that temple , the foundation stone of which ivas about to be laid . He had now a very pleasing duty to perform , and thafc ivas to hand to the AA ' . M . a silver trowel , ivhich had been presented to tlie lodge by Bro . Emmanuel Bauds , who he regretted was unable to be present amongst them . Bro . Dorling then handed to the AVMa handsomel
.. very y chased silver trowel , ivith ivory handle , supplied by Bro . Fred . ' Read , of Tavern-street . It bore the following inscription : — " This trowel was used for laying the foundation stone of the Freemasons' Hall , Ipswich , May 1 st , 1865 . John Head , AV . M . Prince of AVales Lodge ; Edward Dorling , Chairman of Committee .