Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
ANCIENT MASONRY . The following , from a document printed in 1725 , and preserved amongst the RaAvlinson papers , published in the old series of the MAGAZINE , will , I think , answer " Ex . Ex . " so far as 1724 and the "Ancient" Masons are concerned , and proves the truthfulness of Dermott . Referring to Dr . Rawlinson , it states he " styles himself R . S . S . and L . L . D . He makes Avonderful brags of being of the
jifth order , ( 4 ° p . m . ) * * * The Doctor pretends he has found out a mysterious Hocus-pocus word , and that against whomsoever he , as a member of the fifth order , shall pronounce the terrible tvord , the person shall instantly drop down dead . " One Avord in reference to the treatment the High Grades have experienced from the Grand Secretary and his followers , It is clear thafc
operative masters bad no ceremony Avhatever , and ttufc they became masters when they commenced business , also that simply operative bodies had in no degree officers placed in their present mystic situation , and little or no ceremonies beyond the communication of a word and a mark ; also that in 1650 there were two Speculative Masters' degrees , or Avhy Avas the Rose Croix styled the
Vere-adeptus , —( In Rosecrucian lore as learned , as he that Vere-adeptus earned)—also that the present system of Templar Masonry was known on the Continent in the 15 th century . Have your readers noticed that Avhilst Ashmole admits the Masonic origin of the 13 th century Architects , he endeavours to find a separate origin for the York masons ? The reasons Avere as obvious then as in 1750 . —A
BRO . LORD DERWENTAVATER . Ail occasional literary correspondent , representative of a family long established at Besaiujon , has a large collection of extracts from Masonic works , printed ancl manu-» script . The collection was made by his grandfather , a zealous member of the Craft , in the days of Napoleon the Eirst , killed in a skirmish with the Cossacks , some
Avhere on the frontier , in the spring of 1814 . Turning over the leaves of some late numbers of the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , my correspondent ' s attention Avas caught by the article "Lord Kilmarnock , " iu the "Notes and Queries , " and this article induces him to think that the following passages in his collection respecting Lord Derwentwater , will not be devoid of interest for some of the numerous
subscribers to that periodical : — "Vert la fin de launch 1725 , le Lord Derwentwater et quelquss autres Anglais ¦ etablisent une Loge a Paris . En moins cle dix ans , la reputation de cette loge attira cinq a six cents freres dans la Matjonnorie , et fit etablir d ' autres loges . Le Lord DerwentAvater ctoifc alors regarde comme Grand Maitre de la Matjomierie Franchise . LeLord DerwentAvater fut
1 ' un des plus zcles et des plus courageux partisans des Stuarts . Refugio en France avec sa famille , il repassa en Angleterre desqu'il . crut pouvoir ctre utile au petit fils de Jacques II ., qu'il regardait comme sou legitime souverain . Livre au parti vanqueur , il cut la tote tranchee on November , 1746 . Son frere tiine etoit morfc pour la meine cause € n 1715 . Ce fut lui qui voulaifc que son filsencore enfant
, , monter sur l'eckafaud , et qui lui difc ; ' Soyez convert de mon sang , et apprenez a mourir pour vos rois . ' Apres la morfc du Lord DerwentAvater , le lord d'Harnouester fut choisi Grand Maitre par quatre loges existantes a Paris . II fut le premier Grand Maitre regulierement elu . "CHARLES PUHTON COOPEE .
DISCIPLINA ARCANI . What was the disciplina arcani so frequently spoken of in ancient theological authors—was ifc Masonic?—D . S . B . —[ On the latter portion of the query we pronounce no opinion , because if D . S . B . is Avell up in the ritual and customs of several degrees he can- judge for himself , but some few illustrations Avhich wc append may , perhaps , interest him as Avell as others . The disci plina arcani were certain mysteries of the early church which were concealed from the catechumens , jews , aud heretics .
These doctrines and practices were kept secret and only handed down by tradition , nob commibbed bo writing lest they should fall into the hands of any of the before mentioned , and kept secret , as the hidden mysteries of religion , which were not to be divulged to any but such as Avere initiated and prepared to know them . Tertnllian says " there Avas a secresy and silence observed in all
mysteries " ancl those which Avere more especially concealed Avere Baptism , Unction , or Confirmation , Ordination of Priests , the Liturgy , the Doctrine of the Trinity , and and tbe Celebration of the Eucharist . The Second Council of Orange decreed that none but the initiated should enter or look into the Baptistery . St . Basil says these were things the uninitiated were not allowed to
look upon . St . Cyril says Ave do not speak openly , but deliver many things covertly , that the faithful Avho knew them may understand us , and they who do not may receive no harm . Theodoret says we discourse of the mysteries because of the unbaptized , bufc when they are gone , we speak plainly before the initiated . Nazanzien says , you have heard so much of the mystery as we are
alloAved to speak publicly in the ears of all , ancl the rest you shall hear privately , which you must retain secret within yourself . Palladius , in his Life of Ghrysostom , says that the enemies of the latter gave occasion to the uninitiated to break into the church and see those things which it Avas not lawful for them to set their eyes upon . There was also a division made between the moral and mysterious mysteries , and it Avas said that in the writings of St . Ghrysostom the expression , " The initiated know what Avesav , " is repeated above fifty times . ]
QUOTATION AA ANTED . Wanted the rest of the lines : — " Our loyal Craftsmen have a soul , Whose love extends from pole to pole , No place our sacred fire can smother , AVhere hrnafches n . Mitsnn there ' s a brother . "
Also Avho Avrote them ? They are printed in the report of the Grand Chapter of Canada for 1862 . —J . W . THE DOOIl OE FREEMASONRY BATTERED IN BY A LADY ' S EAN . The Italian Freemasons have acted with a gallantry that should put all our brothers in England to the blush . They have determined upon admibting ladies into their different lodges . There are now to be sister matrons ,
venerables , great mistresses , & c . This is bufc right and fair . It is a Avell-knoAvn rule in all houses , as well as lodges , Avhere love is supposed to prevail , that brothers never conduct themselves so well as when they have their sisters with them . Besides , is it not tbe natural and graceful sphere of woman to Avear an apron ? What beautiful patterns the darling dears will make to be sure .
Freemasonry will indeed be an Order now that ladies will be present , always to maintain it . Ifc will be their special duty to attend to the music , and to make the coffee , and to see that the gentlemen do not drink too much , for we have heard strange stories , founded on strong female authority , about Masons , who had undoubtedly taken several degrees of Ave will not say what , experiencing the
greatest difficulty , on returning home rather late , in fitting the keyhole Avith the latchkey . They could open a loclge in less time than they could do their own door . — Hereford Times .
RIDICULOUS INTOLERANCE . A Dominican monk , named Ludwig Greinemaun , a lecturer on theology , endeavoured to prove , by a course of sermoms preached in Lent , bhab the Jews AVIIO crucified our Saviour Avere Freemasons ; that Pilate and Herod Avere the wardens of a Masonic lodge ; that Judas , before he betrayed his MasterAvas initiated in tho
syna-, gogue ; and thafc Avhen he returned the thirty pieces of silver , he did no more than to pay the fees for initiation into tho Order . The magistrates , to quiet the commotion raised among the people by these discourses , published a decree Avhich provided ., that " if any one shall
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
ANCIENT MASONRY . The following , from a document printed in 1725 , and preserved amongst the RaAvlinson papers , published in the old series of the MAGAZINE , will , I think , answer " Ex . Ex . " so far as 1724 and the "Ancient" Masons are concerned , and proves the truthfulness of Dermott . Referring to Dr . Rawlinson , it states he " styles himself R . S . S . and L . L . D . He makes Avonderful brags of being of the
jifth order , ( 4 ° p . m . ) * * * The Doctor pretends he has found out a mysterious Hocus-pocus word , and that against whomsoever he , as a member of the fifth order , shall pronounce the terrible tvord , the person shall instantly drop down dead . " One Avord in reference to the treatment the High Grades have experienced from the Grand Secretary and his followers , It is clear thafc
operative masters bad no ceremony Avhatever , and ttufc they became masters when they commenced business , also that simply operative bodies had in no degree officers placed in their present mystic situation , and little or no ceremonies beyond the communication of a word and a mark ; also that in 1650 there were two Speculative Masters' degrees , or Avhy Avas the Rose Croix styled the
Vere-adeptus , —( In Rosecrucian lore as learned , as he that Vere-adeptus earned)—also that the present system of Templar Masonry was known on the Continent in the 15 th century . Have your readers noticed that Avhilst Ashmole admits the Masonic origin of the 13 th century Architects , he endeavours to find a separate origin for the York masons ? The reasons Avere as obvious then as in 1750 . —A
BRO . LORD DERWENTAVATER . Ail occasional literary correspondent , representative of a family long established at Besaiujon , has a large collection of extracts from Masonic works , printed ancl manu-» script . The collection was made by his grandfather , a zealous member of the Craft , in the days of Napoleon the Eirst , killed in a skirmish with the Cossacks , some
Avhere on the frontier , in the spring of 1814 . Turning over the leaves of some late numbers of the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , my correspondent ' s attention Avas caught by the article "Lord Kilmarnock , " iu the "Notes and Queries , " and this article induces him to think that the following passages in his collection respecting Lord Derwentwater , will not be devoid of interest for some of the numerous
subscribers to that periodical : — "Vert la fin de launch 1725 , le Lord Derwentwater et quelquss autres Anglais ¦ etablisent une Loge a Paris . En moins cle dix ans , la reputation de cette loge attira cinq a six cents freres dans la Matjonnorie , et fit etablir d ' autres loges . Le Lord DerwentAvater ctoifc alors regarde comme Grand Maitre de la Matjomierie Franchise . LeLord DerwentAvater fut
1 ' un des plus zcles et des plus courageux partisans des Stuarts . Refugio en France avec sa famille , il repassa en Angleterre desqu'il . crut pouvoir ctre utile au petit fils de Jacques II ., qu'il regardait comme sou legitime souverain . Livre au parti vanqueur , il cut la tote tranchee on November , 1746 . Son frere tiine etoit morfc pour la meine cause € n 1715 . Ce fut lui qui voulaifc que son filsencore enfant
, , monter sur l'eckafaud , et qui lui difc ; ' Soyez convert de mon sang , et apprenez a mourir pour vos rois . ' Apres la morfc du Lord DerwentAvater , le lord d'Harnouester fut choisi Grand Maitre par quatre loges existantes a Paris . II fut le premier Grand Maitre regulierement elu . "CHARLES PUHTON COOPEE .
DISCIPLINA ARCANI . What was the disciplina arcani so frequently spoken of in ancient theological authors—was ifc Masonic?—D . S . B . —[ On the latter portion of the query we pronounce no opinion , because if D . S . B . is Avell up in the ritual and customs of several degrees he can- judge for himself , but some few illustrations Avhich wc append may , perhaps , interest him as Avell as others . The disci plina arcani were certain mysteries of the early church which were concealed from the catechumens , jews , aud heretics .
These doctrines and practices were kept secret and only handed down by tradition , nob commibbed bo writing lest they should fall into the hands of any of the before mentioned , and kept secret , as the hidden mysteries of religion , which were not to be divulged to any but such as Avere initiated and prepared to know them . Tertnllian says " there Avas a secresy and silence observed in all
mysteries " ancl those which Avere more especially concealed Avere Baptism , Unction , or Confirmation , Ordination of Priests , the Liturgy , the Doctrine of the Trinity , and and tbe Celebration of the Eucharist . The Second Council of Orange decreed that none but the initiated should enter or look into the Baptistery . St . Basil says these were things the uninitiated were not allowed to
look upon . St . Cyril says Ave do not speak openly , but deliver many things covertly , that the faithful Avho knew them may understand us , and they who do not may receive no harm . Theodoret says we discourse of the mysteries because of the unbaptized , bufc when they are gone , we speak plainly before the initiated . Nazanzien says , you have heard so much of the mystery as we are
alloAved to speak publicly in the ears of all , ancl the rest you shall hear privately , which you must retain secret within yourself . Palladius , in his Life of Ghrysostom , says that the enemies of the latter gave occasion to the uninitiated to break into the church and see those things which it Avas not lawful for them to set their eyes upon . There was also a division made between the moral and mysterious mysteries , and it Avas said that in the writings of St . Ghrysostom the expression , " The initiated know what Avesav , " is repeated above fifty times . ]
QUOTATION AA ANTED . Wanted the rest of the lines : — " Our loyal Craftsmen have a soul , Whose love extends from pole to pole , No place our sacred fire can smother , AVhere hrnafches n . Mitsnn there ' s a brother . "
Also Avho Avrote them ? They are printed in the report of the Grand Chapter of Canada for 1862 . —J . W . THE DOOIl OE FREEMASONRY BATTERED IN BY A LADY ' S EAN . The Italian Freemasons have acted with a gallantry that should put all our brothers in England to the blush . They have determined upon admibting ladies into their different lodges . There are now to be sister matrons ,
venerables , great mistresses , & c . This is bufc right and fair . It is a Avell-knoAvn rule in all houses , as well as lodges , Avhere love is supposed to prevail , that brothers never conduct themselves so well as when they have their sisters with them . Besides , is it not tbe natural and graceful sphere of woman to Avear an apron ? What beautiful patterns the darling dears will make to be sure .
Freemasonry will indeed be an Order now that ladies will be present , always to maintain it . Ifc will be their special duty to attend to the music , and to make the coffee , and to see that the gentlemen do not drink too much , for we have heard strange stories , founded on strong female authority , about Masons , who had undoubtedly taken several degrees of Ave will not say what , experiencing the
greatest difficulty , on returning home rather late , in fitting the keyhole Avith the latchkey . They could open a loclge in less time than they could do their own door . — Hereford Times .
RIDICULOUS INTOLERANCE . A Dominican monk , named Ludwig Greinemaun , a lecturer on theology , endeavoured to prove , by a course of sermoms preached in Lent , bhab the Jews AVIIO crucified our Saviour Avere Freemasons ; that Pilate and Herod Avere the wardens of a Masonic lodge ; that Judas , before he betrayed his MasterAvas initiated in tho
syna-, gogue ; and thafc Avhen he returned the thirty pieces of silver , he did no more than to pay the fees for initiation into tho Order . The magistrates , to quiet the commotion raised among the people by these discourses , published a decree Avhich provided ., that " if any one shall