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his Masonic knowledge for the benefit of the Craft . He proposed " Tbe Health of the W . M ., who was so much loved ancl respected throughout the province . The W . M . thanked the brethren and congratulated them upon the success of their new lodge , which had been mainly brought about by the ability and zeal of its founder , Bro . Clarke , P . M . ; he hoped that the practical benefits of Freemasonry would be developed more aud more among them . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the
Visitors , " and mentioned his pleasure in seeing amongst them Bro . J . W . Latham , one of tbe acting vice chairman of the Quarter Sessions . Bro . Latham saicl that he was pleased in being able to tell tbe brethren , that while an important Masonic revival had taken place in Knutsford , Masonry had also been receiving accessions in strength and numbers in bis part of the province . The De Tabley Lodge was receiving tbe good wishes of all Cheshire Masonsancl he hoped that it would always
, flourish . In responding to the health of the Past Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . Prov . G . D ., said he was glad of the opportunity of saying how glad he was a lodge had been formed in Knutsford , and that he had been permitted to join it . New ground in tbe province was now being broken up and he hoped the happiest results would attend the working of the Craft in the locality . The success of this lodge proved its necessityand every successful lodge was an increase of strength
, to the province within which it was located . As a Past Grand Officer he thanked the brethren for the toast they had just drunk , and the W . M . for the graceful way in which he had introduced it . He was speaking in the presence of past and present Grand Officers of England , and past and present Grand Officers of that province , and advisedly be said thafc be thought a ' great drawback to the prosperity of Masonry in Cheshire was , what he would venture to call the mistaken and exclusive
practice of retaining the same brother in each of the principal official chairs year after year , instead of making the appointments change annually as in other provinces . He knew his opinions were shared by Masons of influence and experience , and he thought the importance of the needful change had only to be represented to their R . W . and veteran Prov . Grand Master for it to be adopted . He again thanked the W . M . and brethren . Bros . Twiss and Bullock favoured the brethren with
vocal and instrumental music at intervals . The brethren separated soon after ten o'clock . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , June 1 st , when Bro . John Twiss , P . M . opened the lodge in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular lodge and lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for tbe Rev . J . W . Newell Tanner , P . Prov . G . Chap , who was declared elected a joining member . Bro . Twiss
handed the gavel to Bro . Davies , P . M ., No . 620 , who proceeded to examine tho candidate for passing ( Bro Siddeley ) . The ceremony of passing was afterwards well performed . Subsequently Bros . Jackson and Woodcock were raised . On the lodge being , resumed Bro . Clark , P . M ., proposed that the lodge subscribe at once £ 3 3 s . iu part of a full donation of £ 5 5 s . to be paid within one year to the Cheshire Masonsic Educational Institute . After some explanationthe resolution was seconded
, by Bro . Twiss , P . M ., and unanimously carried . Bro . G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg . Oxon , was proposed as a joining member . A vote was recorded on the minutes of the lodge , thanking Bro . Davies , P . M ., for the" assistance rendered by him on this and former occasions in the ceremonies of passing and raising . Bro . Twiss , P . M . presided at the banquet and gave the regular toasts which were responded to in a truly Masonic manner . Bro . the
Rev . J . W . Newell Tanner , P . Prov . G . C ., in responding to the toast of his health , said that he was grateful to the brethren for his admission as a member of a lodge that had in so incredibly short of time won a position of unusual influence in the province . As a Past Provincial Grand Officer he could not but feel delighted at seeing the rapid and healthy growth of Masonry in a district of the county where , for many years , no lodge hacl been held . The fact that to begin well had much to do with subsequent
success was well shown in the results of the well organized and ably conducted meeting for the constitution of the lodge , which took place in the early part of the year ; and the members had good cause to be proud of their lodge and grateful to the W . M ., Lord de Tabley , and to their founder , Bro . Clarke , from whom he was pleased to hear that the lodge now numbered between thirty and forty members . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., in reply to bis health being proposed ancl received , said that the strength of the lodge consisted not so much in its mere numerical increase as it -did in the high position of many of its members , who were past
aud present Grand Officers of England , and past ancl present Grand Officers of the province . Nor would that be the source of legitimate pride to the brethren were it not for the circumstance that with such members the real object of the craft would be well developed , and as from the first meeting of the De Tabley Loclge brotherly love ancl harmony hacl reigned supreme , so that evening they had been enabled to display another feature of practical charity by contributing to tbe Provincial . Educational Institute . He hoped , from that time forth , tbe De Tabley Lodge would never meet and separate without leaving a record on its minutes of some act of charity or beneficence .
DERBYSHIRE . BELPEE . —Beaureper Lodge , ( No . 1087 . )—On Thursday , the 28 th inst ., the Fourth Anniversary of the lodge was celebrated with considerable eclat , at the Masonic Lodge-room , New Inn ,. Belper . The business in lodge commenced at 2-30 p . m ., Bro . S . Collinson , W . M ., presiding . After the formal opening , with solemn prayer & cBro . GambleProv . G . S . W . of Derbyshire ,
, , , , and Bro . Carson , P . Prov . G . J . D . of Derbyshire , presented Bro . Sandford Aratt , the W . M . elect , for the privilege of installation . The ceremony was impressively performed by the retiring W . M . The W . M . having been installed according to the ancient ritual of the order , proceeded to appoint the following as his officers : — Bro . W . M . Ingle , S . W . ; Bro . G . Sowray , J . W . ; Bro . John Webster , Treasurer ; Bro . Septimus Stone , Secretary ; Bro . W .
W . Horsley , S . D . ; Bro . G . Stockall , J . D . ; Bro . J . Horsley , I . G . ; Bro . G . Brown , Tyler . After the formal business of the lodge had been disposed of , an adjournment tobk place to the banquet , which was served np in tbe Court-room attached to the New Inn . About sixty brethren sat down to a most rMiercM repast , the caterer being Bro . Watson , the worthy host . * Bro . Sandford PrattW . M . presidedand was supported by Bro . Collinson
, , , , Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Gamble , Prov . G . S . W ., and other provincial and past officers . Bro . W . M . Ingle , S . W ., was Vice-Chairman . After the usual masonic toasts , the Chairman , in an eloquent speech , presented Bro . Collinson , with a massive silver cup , weighing thirty-two ounces . The inscription upon it was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Samuel Collinson , Esq ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., Derbyshire , P . M . F . Z ., Chapter of Justice 315 , P . M . 315 ,
1025 , 1089 , & c , by the Officers ; and Brothers of the Beaureper Lodge ( No . 1087 , ) as a token of respeet and esteem , and in grateful appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge . — Belper , May 28 th , 1863 . "
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( 185 . )—This usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at seven o'clock , p . m ., for the purpose of raising three brethren to the sublime degree of M . M . The opening and ceremonial were performed by Bros . Elliott , P . M ., and Chappell . The business of the lodgewas brought to a close by the proposition of a candidate for the
next lodge in July . The visitors were Bro . Sale , of Lodge St-Aubyn , ( 1256 ) , and Bro . Spry from 270 . DEVONPOET . —St . Atibyn Lodge ( No . 1256 ) . —Tbe regular meeting of this loclge was held ( pro . tem . J at the rooms of the Brunswick Loclge , Plymouth , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst . The W . M . stated that since their last meeting the erection of theirown lodge bad been steadily proceeded with , and though he could , not promise that their next meeting would be held therehe
, hoped that their regular lodge night in August would be held in their own premises . Four brethren who were duly initiated at a previous meeting , on satisfactory proof , were passed to the second degree , and on an approved ballot two gentlemen were severally initiated into the mysteries of the first step in Freemasonry . During the evening the drawing for the W . M . 's chair was submitted for the brethren ' s inspection and pronounced by tbem to be elaborate . A necessary vote for the committee to procure
the necessary loclge furniture was accorded . After receiving ten propositions for initiation the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the Great Western Hotel , where a very neat spread was provided . The usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . Visitors : Bro . Dr . Worth , W . M ., elect of Lodge Meridian ( 1195 ); Bro . Ash , 122 ; Bro . Witbericlge , J . D ., 270 ; and Bro . Moore , the whole of whom expressed themselves highly pleased at their receiition ancl of the working of the lodge .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 1066 ) . —The annual meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in tbe
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his Masonic knowledge for the benefit of the Craft . He proposed " Tbe Health of the W . M ., who was so much loved ancl respected throughout the province . The W . M . thanked the brethren and congratulated them upon the success of their new lodge , which had been mainly brought about by the ability and zeal of its founder , Bro . Clarke , P . M . ; he hoped that the practical benefits of Freemasonry would be developed more aud more among them . The W . M . proposed " The Health of the
Visitors , " and mentioned his pleasure in seeing amongst them Bro . J . W . Latham , one of tbe acting vice chairman of the Quarter Sessions . Bro . Latham saicl that he was pleased in being able to tell tbe brethren , that while an important Masonic revival had taken place in Knutsford , Masonry had also been receiving accessions in strength and numbers in bis part of the province . The De Tabley Lodge was receiving tbe good wishes of all Cheshire Masonsancl he hoped that it would always
, flourish . In responding to the health of the Past Provincial Grand Officers , Bro . Horatio Lloyd , P . Prov . G . D ., said he was glad of the opportunity of saying how glad he was a lodge had been formed in Knutsford , and that he had been permitted to join it . New ground in tbe province was now being broken up and he hoped the happiest results would attend the working of the Craft in the locality . The success of this lodge proved its necessityand every successful lodge was an increase of strength
, to the province within which it was located . As a Past Grand Officer he thanked the brethren for the toast they had just drunk , and the W . M . for the graceful way in which he had introduced it . He was speaking in the presence of past and present Grand Officers of England , and past and present Grand Officers of that province , and advisedly be said thafc be thought a ' great drawback to the prosperity of Masonry in Cheshire was , what he would venture to call the mistaken and exclusive
practice of retaining the same brother in each of the principal official chairs year after year , instead of making the appointments change annually as in other provinces . He knew his opinions were shared by Masons of influence and experience , and he thought the importance of the needful change had only to be represented to their R . W . and veteran Prov . Grand Master for it to be adopted . He again thanked the W . M . and brethren . Bros . Twiss and Bullock favoured the brethren with
vocal and instrumental music at intervals . The brethren separated soon after ten o'clock . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , June 1 st , when Bro . John Twiss , P . M . opened the lodge in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular lodge and lodge of emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for tbe Rev . J . W . Newell Tanner , P . Prov . G . Chap , who was declared elected a joining member . Bro . Twiss
handed the gavel to Bro . Davies , P . M ., No . 620 , who proceeded to examine tho candidate for passing ( Bro Siddeley ) . The ceremony of passing was afterwards well performed . Subsequently Bros . Jackson and Woodcock were raised . On the lodge being , resumed Bro . Clark , P . M ., proposed that the lodge subscribe at once £ 3 3 s . iu part of a full donation of £ 5 5 s . to be paid within one year to the Cheshire Masonsic Educational Institute . After some explanationthe resolution was seconded
, by Bro . Twiss , P . M ., and unanimously carried . Bro . G . W . Latham , Prov . G . Reg . Oxon , was proposed as a joining member . A vote was recorded on the minutes of the lodge , thanking Bro . Davies , P . M ., for the" assistance rendered by him on this and former occasions in the ceremonies of passing and raising . Bro . Twiss , P . M . presided at the banquet and gave the regular toasts which were responded to in a truly Masonic manner . Bro . the
Rev . J . W . Newell Tanner , P . Prov . G . C ., in responding to the toast of his health , said that he was grateful to the brethren for his admission as a member of a lodge that had in so incredibly short of time won a position of unusual influence in the province . As a Past Provincial Grand Officer he could not but feel delighted at seeing the rapid and healthy growth of Masonry in a district of the county where , for many years , no lodge hacl been held . The fact that to begin well had much to do with subsequent
success was well shown in the results of the well organized and ably conducted meeting for the constitution of the lodge , which took place in the early part of the year ; and the members had good cause to be proud of their lodge and grateful to the W . M ., Lord de Tabley , and to their founder , Bro . Clarke , from whom he was pleased to hear that the lodge now numbered between thirty and forty members . Bro . Clarke , P . M ., in reply to bis health being proposed ancl received , said that the strength of the lodge consisted not so much in its mere numerical increase as it -did in the high position of many of its members , who were past
aud present Grand Officers of England , and past ancl present Grand Officers of the province . Nor would that be the source of legitimate pride to the brethren were it not for the circumstance that with such members the real object of the craft would be well developed , and as from the first meeting of the De Tabley Loclge brotherly love ancl harmony hacl reigned supreme , so that evening they had been enabled to display another feature of practical charity by contributing to tbe Provincial . Educational Institute . He hoped , from that time forth , tbe De Tabley Lodge would never meet and separate without leaving a record on its minutes of some act of charity or beneficence .
DERBYSHIRE . BELPEE . —Beaureper Lodge , ( No . 1087 . )—On Thursday , the 28 th inst ., the Fourth Anniversary of the lodge was celebrated with considerable eclat , at the Masonic Lodge-room , New Inn ,. Belper . The business in lodge commenced at 2-30 p . m ., Bro . S . Collinson , W . M ., presiding . After the formal opening , with solemn prayer & cBro . GambleProv . G . S . W . of Derbyshire ,
, , , , and Bro . Carson , P . Prov . G . J . D . of Derbyshire , presented Bro . Sandford Aratt , the W . M . elect , for the privilege of installation . The ceremony was impressively performed by the retiring W . M . The W . M . having been installed according to the ancient ritual of the order , proceeded to appoint the following as his officers : — Bro . W . M . Ingle , S . W . ; Bro . G . Sowray , J . W . ; Bro . John Webster , Treasurer ; Bro . Septimus Stone , Secretary ; Bro . W .
W . Horsley , S . D . ; Bro . G . Stockall , J . D . ; Bro . J . Horsley , I . G . ; Bro . G . Brown , Tyler . After the formal business of the lodge had been disposed of , an adjournment tobk place to the banquet , which was served np in tbe Court-room attached to the New Inn . About sixty brethren sat down to a most rMiercM repast , the caterer being Bro . Watson , the worthy host . * Bro . Sandford PrattW . M . presidedand was supported by Bro . Collinson
, , , , Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Gamble , Prov . G . S . W ., and other provincial and past officers . Bro . W . M . Ingle , S . W ., was Vice-Chairman . After the usual masonic toasts , the Chairman , in an eloquent speech , presented Bro . Collinson , with a massive silver cup , weighing thirty-two ounces . The inscription upon it was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Samuel Collinson , Esq ., P . Prov . S . G . W ., Derbyshire , P . M . F . Z ., Chapter of Justice 315 , P . M . 315 ,
1025 , 1089 , & c , by the Officers ; and Brothers of the Beaureper Lodge ( No . 1087 , ) as a token of respeet and esteem , and in grateful appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge . — Belper , May 28 th , 1863 . "
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Brunswick Lodge ( 185 . )—This usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., at seven o'clock , p . m ., for the purpose of raising three brethren to the sublime degree of M . M . The opening and ceremonial were performed by Bros . Elliott , P . M ., and Chappell . The business of the lodgewas brought to a close by the proposition of a candidate for the
next lodge in July . The visitors were Bro . Sale , of Lodge St-Aubyn , ( 1256 ) , and Bro . Spry from 270 . DEVONPOET . —St . Atibyn Lodge ( No . 1256 ) . —Tbe regular meeting of this loclge was held ( pro . tem . J at the rooms of the Brunswick Loclge , Plymouth , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst . The W . M . stated that since their last meeting the erection of theirown lodge bad been steadily proceeded with , and though he could , not promise that their next meeting would be held therehe
, hoped that their regular lodge night in August would be held in their own premises . Four brethren who were duly initiated at a previous meeting , on satisfactory proof , were passed to the second degree , and on an approved ballot two gentlemen were severally initiated into the mysteries of the first step in Freemasonry . During the evening the drawing for the W . M . 's chair was submitted for the brethren ' s inspection and pronounced by tbem to be elaborate . A necessary vote for the committee to procure
the necessary loclge furniture was accorded . After receiving ten propositions for initiation the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the Great Western Hotel , where a very neat spread was provided . The usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . Visitors : Bro . Dr . Worth , W . M ., elect of Lodge Meridian ( 1195 ); Bro . Ash , 122 ; Bro . Witbericlge , J . D ., 270 ; and Bro . Moore , the whole of whom expressed themselves highly pleased at their receiition ancl of the working of the lodge .
DURHAM . WEST HARTLEPOOL . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 1066 ) . —The annual meeting of this prosperous lodge was held in tbe