Article THE MASONIC IIMOR Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Iimor
MASONIC MEMS . AVE have the gratification of informing our readers that our estimable and indefatigable Brother , Hugh D . Sandeman of Madras , has had voted to him a Past Master's Jewel on his retiring from the chair of the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , Lahore . Through the kindness of Bro . Spencer , Masonic Jeweller , ive had the pleasure of seeing this beautiful specimen of his artistic skill before it was packed . The Jewel
and hangings , as well as three clasps , enamelled , with the date on each of his serving as AA ' . AI . of Lodge No . 760 , in 1852 ; Lodge No . 550 , in 1854 ; Loclge No . 1 , 081 . in 1859 ; are all of 18 carat gold , and ive have not the least doubt but it ivill he highly prized by the recipient . A long inscription is engraved ou the back , recording Bro , Sandeman ' s valuable onvmnon .
GIRLS SCHOOL . THE Quarterly Court of the Governors of the Girls School ivas held on Thursday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , the AV . Bro . John Udall , P . G . S . D ., in the chair . On the motion for the confirmation of the minutes of the proceedings of the last Quarterly Court , a short discussion took place upon the proprietyof granting money rewards—viz ., 10 s . 6 d . to each of the children
upon leaving the school , and £ 1 to each child who could , tweli'e months after leai'ing the establishment , bring forth satisfactory proof of her good conduct—but ultimately the resolution to that effect ivas eonfirmed . It appeared , from the report read hy the Secretary , Bro . Crew , that the M . AV . Grand Alaster had declined to alloiv the steivards at the forthcoming festival tho use of the Temple for the reception of ladies at the concert on the conclusion of the banquet ; that the
whole cost of the maintenance of the establishment during the last three months amounted to £ 610 12 s , 3 d ,, and that there was in hand a balance of £ 015 16 s . Id . Bro . SBIMONDS hoped that ivhen the accounts ivere published they
would be put in such a form as ivould show from ivhat provinces the funds eamo . Up to the present time the London brethren contributed five sixths of the income of the institution , and the provincial brethren only one sixth . Bro . CREW strongly reprobated the propriety of such a course , as likely to give offence , The country Lodges last year subscribed £ 100 more than the Loudon Lodges had since he became Secretary ; the
income had increased from £ 700 to £ 2 , 000 per annum , and he expected that this year it ivould amount to £ 2 , 500 . This progress in the prosperity of the institution might be interrupted by making an invidious distinction between the London and country brethren . The matter ivas then allowed to stand OA'er , and a resolution adopted authorizing the Treasurer to sign a cheque for the payment of tradesmen ' s bills . Thirteen girls ( fii'e from the proA'inees ) were then elected ,
without ballot , to fill the same number of vacancies in the list of pupils , It ivas , in the course of the proceedings ivhich terminated in the usual manner , stated that tho Stationers' Company had resolved to place an engraving of the School at the head of their almanack for 1861 , ancl had confided the execution of the ivork to Mr . H , Adlard .
ROBERT BURNS LODCIE ( NO . 25 ) . —This numerous Lodge hsld its monthly meeting on Monday , April 2 nd . Ballots were taken for four initiations and seven to join from other Lodges , increasing the numbers to one hundred and forty . Messrs . Sherwood , S . Tuck , and J . Smith , were initiated ; Bros . Spieer , Bunyard ancl AA ood ivere passed to the second degree , and Bros . Dalton , York aiidRendellto that of M . M . A motion for giving ten guinsas to the Girls School was made , and it is intended to give another ten guineas next yearmaking the
Lodsub-, ge scribers in perpetuity , the Loclge being life subscribers to the other tliree charities . A summer banquet is to be held at the Crystal Palace as usual , to include the ladies . ST . ALBAN ' LODGE ( NO . 32 ) . —The usual meeting ivas held on Monday at tho London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , Bros . S . E . Nutt , as AA . Jl . ; Hyde Clarke , as P . M . ; Spencer Herapath , as S . AA . ; Jno . Nutt , as J . ' W . Two brethren were raised to the third degree , and Bro . Edwin Hyde
Clarke , solicitor , of No . 471 , elected as a joining member . LODGE OF GOOD REPORT ( NO . 158 ) . —This Loclge met at Radley's Hotel , on AVednesday , April ith . Bro . Bryon , AV . M . elect , was ably installed by Bro . Adams , Assist . G . Purs . The AV . M . then in a very efficient manner raised a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . The visitors AA'ere Bros . Adams , Assist . G . Purst ., P . M . Nos . 190 and 200 , and S . AV . of No , 23 ; Behrens , AV . M ., of No . 194 ; and Greatrex , of No . 22 ,
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . — -The closing meeting of this Lodge for the si ason was hold on Monday last , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , Bro . M . Haydou , AV . M ., presided ; Bros . Moore , S . AV . ; Russeu , J . AA . ; AVilson , S . D . ; Forge , J . D . ; and Bro . H . Thompson , I . G . The Lodge having been opened in due form , Messrs . AVilliam Henry Sivanborough , Robert John Teale , and AVilliam Field , Avere severally introduced and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Afterwards , Bro . Lazell , having given proofs of his proficiency iu the science , was passed
to the second degree , the ceremonies being performed by tho AV . M . in his usual careful aud correct manner . It was agreed that the summer festival of this Lodge should be held ou the first week in July , at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge : aud steivards were appointed to carry the arrangements into effect . It ivas agreed that the votes of the Loclge for the Royal Benevolent Institution for the AA idows of Freemasons should be given to Airs . Hicks , ancl those for the Men ' s Asylum to Bro . Mordey , P . M . of this Lodge . All business being disposed of , the Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and afterwards separated at an early hour . The Lodge stands adjourned until the second Alonday in September .
JoFi' . v LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —At a regular meeting of this thriving Lodge held on Monday , April 2 nd , at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , Bro . D . Marks , AV . M ,, there AA'as a large attendance , and Bros . Jackson and Lyons wero passed to the second degree . The sum of fifty pounds ivas voted to the aid of a distressed member .
FI . OEEXCE NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —This Loclge held its usual monthly meeting at the Alasonie Hall , AVilliam Street , AVoolivich , on AVednesday , April 4 th , which assembly hacl been convened in the name of Bro . Carter , the S . AV ., owing to the death of the AV . AI . during his year of office , and Bro . Colonel Clerk , one of the P . Afs . of the Lodge , took the chair with his usual kindness and ability . The other officers present were Bros . AA . H . Carter , S . AA . ; J . D . Kincaid , J . AV . { pro tern ) H . H . Church , J . D . and Treas . ; J . M . Boddy , Sec ; J . Thompson , I . G . ;
C . Browne , A . Strother , AV . Strother , J . Henderson , and H . Eves . The visitors Avere Bros . Dr , Richardson , Lieut . AVarry , ancl Alatthew Cooke . The business consisted in conferring upon Bros . A . Strother and H . Eves the third degree , ivhich was Avorked by Bro . Clerk and his officers , with that precision and neatness that so justly renders the Florence Nightingale Lodge one of the best models in the Craft . Bro . Mattheiv Cooke Avas , on the proposition of Bro . Clerk , unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . All the business being concluded , the Lodgo
was closed and the brethren proceeded to Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , where dinner awaited them , and the evening was passed in that pleasing Alasonie intercourse ivhich sheds such a charm over these meetings of the AA oolwieh Alasons .
Cni'STAL PALACE LODGE ( NO . 1044 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met in the dining room of the Palace , on Thursday , April 5 th ; the AV . AI . ( Bro . Pin-brook ) ably performed the ceremonies of raising three brethren to the degree ol M . M ., passing one to the degree of F . C , and initiating fii'e gentlemen into the Order . The visitors ivere Bros . Philipe , Prov . G . S . B . ; Antrobus , of the Preston Lodge , No . 1068 ; aud a brother of Loclge No . 1 , Hanover . JIERCIIANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 1083 ) . —At an emergency meeting held
on Thursday , April 5 th , at the Jamaica Tavern , AVest India Docks , Bro . J . F . Bliskfeldt , AV . M ., Messrs . Joseph Davis ancl Carl Peter Adolph Hekkel were initiated into Masonry . Bros . Robert Burrell and Alfred How ivere passed to tho second degree , and Bro . Peter Frederick Petersen ivas raised to the third degree .
INSTRUCTION . PERCY LODGE ( NO . 234 ) . —A very numerous gathering of the members of this Lodge took place on Saturday evening , in the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on the occasion of the ivorking of the fifteen sections ; Bro . J . R . AVarren , AV . AI . of the parent Lodge , presided . The sections were worked by the folloiving brethren : ¦—First lecture—first section , Bro . Sisson ; second , Bro . Larcombe ; third , Bro . AV . R . AVarren ; fourth , Bro , AI . Sally ; fifth , Bro . Church ; sixth , Bro . Ansloiv ; and seventh ,
Bro . Ireland . Second lecture—first section , Bro . Jeffery ; second , Bro . Thomas ; third , Bro . Robertson ; fourth , Bro . Reed ; fifth , Bro . Thomas . Third lecture—first section , Bro . H . Thompson ; second , Bro . Daley ; ancl third , Bro . Ansloiv . At the conclusion of the lectures a vote of thanks was unanifltiously passed to the AVorshipful Alaster for the ability he had displayed in the chair that evening , and also for his untiring exertions to promote the good of the Lodge , ancl to whom its present prosperity was mainly due . Bro . AVarren expressed the great
gratification he received at that mark of the fai'our of the brethren , ivhich ivas as unexpected as it ivas acceptable to him , and said he ivould , as long as the G . A . O . T . U . should spare him , do all lie could to promote the interests of the Loclge .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 800 ) . —On Tuesday , April 3 rd , an emergency meeting ivas called to gi ,-e the brethren of the Cesaree Loclge an opportunity of greeting their tried friend and brother , Ratier , the Orator Of the Loclge , ancl hearing him deliver one of his impressive harangues , The Lodge was opened iu the first degree by Bro . Philip
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Iimor
MASONIC MEMS . AVE have the gratification of informing our readers that our estimable and indefatigable Brother , Hugh D . Sandeman of Madras , has had voted to him a Past Master's Jewel on his retiring from the chair of the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance , No . 1 , 084 , Lahore . Through the kindness of Bro . Spencer , Masonic Jeweller , ive had the pleasure of seeing this beautiful specimen of his artistic skill before it was packed . The Jewel
and hangings , as well as three clasps , enamelled , with the date on each of his serving as AA ' . AI . of Lodge No . 760 , in 1852 ; Lodge No . 550 , in 1854 ; Loclge No . 1 , 081 . in 1859 ; are all of 18 carat gold , and ive have not the least doubt but it ivill he highly prized by the recipient . A long inscription is engraved ou the back , recording Bro , Sandeman ' s valuable onvmnon .
GIRLS SCHOOL . THE Quarterly Court of the Governors of the Girls School ivas held on Thursday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , the AV . Bro . John Udall , P . G . S . D ., in the chair . On the motion for the confirmation of the minutes of the proceedings of the last Quarterly Court , a short discussion took place upon the proprietyof granting money rewards—viz ., 10 s . 6 d . to each of the children
upon leaving the school , and £ 1 to each child who could , tweli'e months after leai'ing the establishment , bring forth satisfactory proof of her good conduct—but ultimately the resolution to that effect ivas eonfirmed . It appeared , from the report read hy the Secretary , Bro . Crew , that the M . AV . Grand Alaster had declined to alloiv the steivards at the forthcoming festival tho use of the Temple for the reception of ladies at the concert on the conclusion of the banquet ; that the
whole cost of the maintenance of the establishment during the last three months amounted to £ 610 12 s , 3 d ,, and that there was in hand a balance of £ 015 16 s . Id . Bro . SBIMONDS hoped that ivhen the accounts ivere published they
would be put in such a form as ivould show from ivhat provinces the funds eamo . Up to the present time the London brethren contributed five sixths of the income of the institution , and the provincial brethren only one sixth . Bro . CREW strongly reprobated the propriety of such a course , as likely to give offence , The country Lodges last year subscribed £ 100 more than the Loudon Lodges had since he became Secretary ; the
income had increased from £ 700 to £ 2 , 000 per annum , and he expected that this year it ivould amount to £ 2 , 500 . This progress in the prosperity of the institution might be interrupted by making an invidious distinction between the London and country brethren . The matter ivas then allowed to stand OA'er , and a resolution adopted authorizing the Treasurer to sign a cheque for the payment of tradesmen ' s bills . Thirteen girls ( fii'e from the proA'inees ) were then elected ,
without ballot , to fill the same number of vacancies in the list of pupils , It ivas , in the course of the proceedings ivhich terminated in the usual manner , stated that tho Stationers' Company had resolved to place an engraving of the School at the head of their almanack for 1861 , ancl had confided the execution of the ivork to Mr . H , Adlard .
ROBERT BURNS LODCIE ( NO . 25 ) . —This numerous Lodge hsld its monthly meeting on Monday , April 2 nd . Ballots were taken for four initiations and seven to join from other Lodges , increasing the numbers to one hundred and forty . Messrs . Sherwood , S . Tuck , and J . Smith , were initiated ; Bros . Spieer , Bunyard ancl AA ood ivere passed to the second degree , and Bros . Dalton , York aiidRendellto that of M . M . A motion for giving ten guinsas to the Girls School was made , and it is intended to give another ten guineas next yearmaking the
Lodsub-, ge scribers in perpetuity , the Loclge being life subscribers to the other tliree charities . A summer banquet is to be held at the Crystal Palace as usual , to include the ladies . ST . ALBAN ' LODGE ( NO . 32 ) . —The usual meeting ivas held on Monday at tho London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , Bros . S . E . Nutt , as AA . Jl . ; Hyde Clarke , as P . M . ; Spencer Herapath , as S . AA . ; Jno . Nutt , as J . ' W . Two brethren were raised to the third degree , and Bro . Edwin Hyde
Clarke , solicitor , of No . 471 , elected as a joining member . LODGE OF GOOD REPORT ( NO . 158 ) . —This Loclge met at Radley's Hotel , on AVednesday , April ith . Bro . Bryon , AV . M . elect , was ably installed by Bro . Adams , Assist . G . Purs . The AV . M . then in a very efficient manner raised a brother to the sublime degree of M . M . The visitors AA'ere Bros . Adams , Assist . G . Purst ., P . M . Nos . 190 and 200 , and S . AV . of No , 23 ; Behrens , AV . M ., of No . 194 ; and Greatrex , of No . 22 ,
DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 206 ) . — -The closing meeting of this Lodge for the si ason was hold on Monday last , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , Bro . M . Haydou , AV . M ., presided ; Bros . Moore , S . AV . ; Russeu , J . AA . ; AVilson , S . D . ; Forge , J . D . ; and Bro . H . Thompson , I . G . The Lodge having been opened in due form , Messrs . AVilliam Henry Sivanborough , Robert John Teale , and AVilliam Field , Avere severally introduced and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . Afterwards , Bro . Lazell , having given proofs of his proficiency iu the science , was passed
to the second degree , the ceremonies being performed by tho AV . M . in his usual careful aud correct manner . It was agreed that the summer festival of this Lodge should be held ou the first week in July , at Bro . Rackstraw ' s , the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge : aud steivards were appointed to carry the arrangements into effect . It ivas agreed that the votes of the Loclge for the Royal Benevolent Institution for the AA idows of Freemasons should be given to Airs . Hicks , ancl those for the Men ' s Asylum to Bro . Mordey , P . M . of this Lodge . All business being disposed of , the Lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned for refreshment , and afterwards separated at an early hour . The Lodge stands adjourned until the second Alonday in September .
JoFi' . v LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —At a regular meeting of this thriving Lodge held on Monday , April 2 nd , at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , Bro . D . Marks , AV . M ,, there AA'as a large attendance , and Bros . Jackson and Lyons wero passed to the second degree . The sum of fifty pounds ivas voted to the aid of a distressed member .
FI . OEEXCE NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —This Loclge held its usual monthly meeting at the Alasonie Hall , AVilliam Street , AVoolivich , on AVednesday , April 4 th , which assembly hacl been convened in the name of Bro . Carter , the S . AV ., owing to the death of the AV . AI . during his year of office , and Bro . Colonel Clerk , one of the P . Afs . of the Lodge , took the chair with his usual kindness and ability . The other officers present were Bros . AA . H . Carter , S . AA . ; J . D . Kincaid , J . AV . { pro tern ) H . H . Church , J . D . and Treas . ; J . M . Boddy , Sec ; J . Thompson , I . G . ;
C . Browne , A . Strother , AV . Strother , J . Henderson , and H . Eves . The visitors Avere Bros . Dr , Richardson , Lieut . AVarry , ancl Alatthew Cooke . The business consisted in conferring upon Bros . A . Strother and H . Eves the third degree , ivhich was Avorked by Bro . Clerk and his officers , with that precision and neatness that so justly renders the Florence Nightingale Lodge one of the best models in the Craft . Bro . Mattheiv Cooke Avas , on the proposition of Bro . Clerk , unanimously elected an honorary member of the Lodge . All the business being concluded , the Lodgo
was closed and the brethren proceeded to Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , where dinner awaited them , and the evening was passed in that pleasing Alasonie intercourse ivhich sheds such a charm over these meetings of the AA oolwieh Alasons .
Cni'STAL PALACE LODGE ( NO . 1044 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge met in the dining room of the Palace , on Thursday , April 5 th ; the AV . AI . ( Bro . Pin-brook ) ably performed the ceremonies of raising three brethren to the degree ol M . M ., passing one to the degree of F . C , and initiating fii'e gentlemen into the Order . The visitors ivere Bros . Philipe , Prov . G . S . B . ; Antrobus , of the Preston Lodge , No . 1068 ; aud a brother of Loclge No . 1 , Hanover . JIERCIIANT NAVY LODGE ( No . 1083 ) . —At an emergency meeting held
on Thursday , April 5 th , at the Jamaica Tavern , AVest India Docks , Bro . J . F . Bliskfeldt , AV . M ., Messrs . Joseph Davis ancl Carl Peter Adolph Hekkel were initiated into Masonry . Bros . Robert Burrell and Alfred How ivere passed to tho second degree , and Bro . Peter Frederick Petersen ivas raised to the third degree .
INSTRUCTION . PERCY LODGE ( NO . 234 ) . —A very numerous gathering of the members of this Lodge took place on Saturday evening , in the Masonic Hall , Fetter-lane , on the occasion of the ivorking of the fifteen sections ; Bro . J . R . AVarren , AV . AI . of the parent Lodge , presided . The sections were worked by the folloiving brethren : ¦—First lecture—first section , Bro . Sisson ; second , Bro . Larcombe ; third , Bro . AV . R . AVarren ; fourth , Bro , AI . Sally ; fifth , Bro . Church ; sixth , Bro . Ansloiv ; and seventh ,
Bro . Ireland . Second lecture—first section , Bro . Jeffery ; second , Bro . Thomas ; third , Bro . Robertson ; fourth , Bro . Reed ; fifth , Bro . Thomas . Third lecture—first section , Bro . H . Thompson ; second , Bro . Daley ; ancl third , Bro . Ansloiv . At the conclusion of the lectures a vote of thanks was unanifltiously passed to the AVorshipful Alaster for the ability he had displayed in the chair that evening , and also for his untiring exertions to promote the good of the Lodge , ancl to whom its present prosperity was mainly due . Bro . AVarren expressed the great
gratification he received at that mark of the fai'our of the brethren , ivhich ivas as unexpected as it ivas acceptable to him , and said he ivould , as long as the G . A . O . T . U . should spare him , do all lie could to promote the interests of the Loclge .
CHANNEL ISLANDS . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 800 ) . —On Tuesday , April 3 rd , an emergency meeting ivas called to gi ,-e the brethren of the Cesaree Loclge an opportunity of greeting their tried friend and brother , Ratier , the Orator Of the Loclge , ancl hearing him deliver one of his impressive harangues , The Lodge was opened iu the first degree by Bro . Philip