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Masonic Notes And Queries.
and , according to the Gregorian calendar , the first day of the year falls on the first of March . The names ofthe months arc , therefore , Thirsi , or Ethanion , March ; Mare Heshvan , or Bui , April ; Kisleu , May ; Thebeth , June ; Schivct , or Sabbat , July ; Adnr , August ; Nisan , or Abicl , September ; Ar , or Zio , October ; Sivan , or Siban , November ; Tammus * , December ; Ab , January ; Elul , February . !
MASONIC SONG BOOK . The title page of the book of Masonic songs by N . S . Evans contains the folloiving , which is probably the information sought by "Vocalist . " "Twelve Original Masonic Songs adapted to Modern Melodies by Bro . ST . S . Evans , Lodge of Honour , No . 769 , AVolverhampton , dedicated , by permission , to the flig ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland ,
G-. M . " London : Bro . E . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . AVolverkampton : A . J . Caldicott . "Vocalist" ivould do Avell to apply to the publishers , or to some old member ofthe Lodge of Honour , No . 769 . —H .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE . The candlesticks of this Lodge are of Avhite marble fluted , Avith the flutings inlaid AA'ith coloured marbles of Italian workmanship ancl evidently coeval with the foundation . The style is more deserving of notice because it is that of the Mosaic AA-ork adapted by the Knights of St . John , Malta , in the beautiful cathedral of St . John in that island , and of the smaller church of St . John of
Malta , ivhich I lately saiv in the city of Messina in Sicily . I renew the observations I made on visiting the Lodge in the hope that the officers ivill give some particulars to the Masonic world of these interesting objects ancl of their history . —HYDE CLARKE .
WILLIAM HUTCHINSON . Can you give me any intelligence as to the profession , & c , of our late Bro . AVilliam Hutchinson ?—E . A . C—[ He Avas clerk ofthe lieutenancy of the county of Durham , and died April 7 th , 1814 , at Barnard Castle . He was , likei ** ise a E . S . A ., and an antiquary of some renown . His chief publications were—A View ofNortli nmberlandwith an Excursion to the AVbey of Mailross in Scotland
, , 2 vols . ito . 1776 and 177 S ; History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham , 3 vols . 4 to . 1785—94 ; History of the County of Cumberland , 2 vols . 4 to . 1794 ; The Spirit of Masonry—AA'hich has gone through many editions—and various dramatic ancl miscellaneous Avorks . His portrait is prefixed to the early editions of The Spirit of Masonry , as ivell as to i * ol . viii . of Nichols ' s Literary Anecdotes . ]
MUSIC Ot" A MASONIC SONG WANTED . AVhere can I get a copy ofthe music to a song beginning " 'Tis Masonry unites Mankind ? "— -J . E . B . —[ It is printed in the 28 th volume of The Universal Magazine , p . 152 , where it is said to be "A New Sone . " ]
BIEMINGIIAM LODGES . At what date ivas the Shakspeare Tavern , in Birmingham , injured , ancl what were , or are , the names of the two Lodges , Avhich met there ?—T . S . AlllIS AND UNIFORM-. Under what circumstances can a brother appear in Grand Loclgeor in a private Lod in a militaryor naval uniform
, ge , , , and can he ivcar his side arms ? Could such a one wear any military order , decoration or medal in Loclge ?— -LEWIS . — - [ Whatever the brother is entitled to wear in general society , he may ivear either in Grand or in a private Lodge . ]
THE CUBICAL STONE . In reply to " Hermes , " ivho inquires about the hieroglyphics he has seen on a Cubical Stone , and their meaning , I beg to refer him to the Tituiletir des-trente trois Bet / res de DEcossisme . SA'O ., laris : 1821 , particularly plates vi ., iii ., xi ., xii ., xiii ., xiv ., xv . 1 have also , in my small Masonic collection , a curious monograph on the subject , entitled " Explication de la Pierre Cubique . Par le E Chercau
. . . " Svo ., ivith curious and elaborate engravings . Ii " Hermes" Avould like to know somewhat more on the subject , he ivould clo ivell to read " The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R . C ., commonly of the Rosie Cross . ] 3 y Euo-enius Philalethes . Veritas in Profunda . 12 mo ., London , 1652 •" and for some quaint theology , " The While Stone : or , a Learned and Choice Treatise of Assurance useful for allbut
; very , especially neat Leltevers . B y Nathaniel Cniveru'ell ' , M . A ., ancl lately bellow of Emmanuel College , in Cambridge . 12 mo . London 16 o 4 .- ' I think your " Notes and Queries" department may be made so valuable to the Craft , that it is desirable every one should contribute his mite—the result of which ivould be a mass
Masonic Notes And Queries.
of Masonic information of universal importance to the Craft . — H . B ., F . H . C . S ., AVanvick . CHEVALIER KUSPINI AND THE UIGIC GRADES . To ivhich of the High Grades did the late Chevalier Euspini belong ? Li his portrait preserved in the Committee Room , at the Girls School , he has the Cross of a Provincial Grand Master of a Masonic Knights Templar affixed to his button hole , in
Avhat province did he hold that office ?— -MILES . " INDIAN FEEEMASONS' FllIEXD . " Does any brother in England happen to have the numbers of a Masonic periodical entitled " The Indian Freemasons' Friend" ? Ancl if so , Avould he alloAv another brother a sig ht of them ? A replfrom any one possessing a copy addressed to the
undery signed , through these columns , ivill greatly oblige a—S . P . E . C . YOBK LODGES . How many of the present Lodges in England are descendants ofthe old York Lodges-admitted at the Union of 1 SX 3 ?—EBQRACENSIS . NELS 0 NICS .
In the current number of the periodical called Notes and Queries , there is a question under the above title ivhich deserves a place in your columns . It runs thus : — " I havo in my possession a manuscript o £ the Order of Nelsonics , with their rules , lectures , & -c . Can auy of your readers inform mo whether , at the death of Nelson , there Avas a Lodge dedicated to him by the Freemasons ? or was there a distinct bodformed under the title of
y " Nelsonics , " and does that now exist ? I have a number of works on Freemasonry , but can find no account of such a Lodge , —JOBS PEARSON , 18 , Holywell Street , AVestminster , S . AV . " Any information on this point ivill be welcome to all your readers . —M . C .
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
JELUXGER C . SYMONDS , Esq ., her Majesty ' s Inspector of Schools ' died on Saturday last of rapid consumption , at Malvern House , Great Malvern . Mr . Symonds was in his fiftieth year . Tho "Westminster Jievieu ; hitherto published by Mr . Chapman , will in future be published by Mr . Manivaring . One of . Mr . Chapman's latest publications , . before quitting the trade , has been a reprint from the
Westminster Review , for January , of an article of his own on " Christian Revivals , their History and Natural History , " not the first which he has contributed to the Review . Mr . Chapman , who is a member of tho Eoyal College of Physicians , ivill , we believe , doi'otc himself to the practice of medicine , which he has partially followed for some years . Ho is the author of a work on " Chloroform ancl other Ancesthetics , their History and Use during Childbirth . "
The Rev . AVilliam Pulling , M . A ., of Sidney Sussex College , died on the oth instant , at his residence , New-square , Cambridge , in the seventyeight year of his age . Ho held two small lii'ings in Kent , but had longresided here . He translated sermons and prayers by Dr . Balle , of Copenhagen , aud was author off a "Biographical Sketch of M . de Lamartine , " with a translation of " Religious Harmonies . " His sonnets written strictly iu the Italian stylo , have passed through several editions
and arc saicl to possess much merit , Mr . Pulling ivas reputed to have been a man of great linguistic attainments . At . Barba , the well known Paris publisher , has just put forth a small volume entitled "The Origin ofthe Papacy , " by M . Charles Payn . The author shows IIOAV completely popular ivas tho original , society of Christians , and how entirely democratic was tho form of government of the church in the early ages of Christianity . The bishop ivas elected by
the people , and the prelate was compelled to consult his constituents before ordaining oven a priest . It was before the assembly of the nation that all delinquents wore tried , all accusations were in public , aucl it was only after a popular vote that the bishop could launch an excommunication ; and in grave cases a special council was convoked , when all the priests ancl deacons of the province ivere summoned , together with people whose presence was considered absolutely necessary . The gradual
usurpation of authority by the priests , the growth of claims and powers utterly opposed to the doctrine upon which they were and aro said to be founded , furnishes a parallel to the growth of all other dominations that havo trampled on the rights of the mass aud tho laws of justice . The very title of Pope has departed far away from its original significance . It was towards the end of the third century that St . Mammaire , ivho was neither bishop nor priest , but simple martyr , Avas called " Notre Pape" by reason of his great age , ' and the game title was afterwards
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
and , according to the Gregorian calendar , the first day of the year falls on the first of March . The names ofthe months arc , therefore , Thirsi , or Ethanion , March ; Mare Heshvan , or Bui , April ; Kisleu , May ; Thebeth , June ; Schivct , or Sabbat , July ; Adnr , August ; Nisan , or Abicl , September ; Ar , or Zio , October ; Sivan , or Siban , November ; Tammus * , December ; Ab , January ; Elul , February . !
MASONIC SONG BOOK . The title page of the book of Masonic songs by N . S . Evans contains the folloiving , which is probably the information sought by "Vocalist . " "Twelve Original Masonic Songs adapted to Modern Melodies by Bro . ST . S . Evans , Lodge of Honour , No . 769 , AVolverhampton , dedicated , by permission , to the flig ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland ,
G-. M . " London : Bro . E . Spencer , 26 , Great Queen-street . AVolverkampton : A . J . Caldicott . "Vocalist" ivould do Avell to apply to the publishers , or to some old member ofthe Lodge of Honour , No . 769 . —H .
BANK OF ENGLAND LODGE . The candlesticks of this Lodge are of Avhite marble fluted , Avith the flutings inlaid AA'ith coloured marbles of Italian workmanship ancl evidently coeval with the foundation . The style is more deserving of notice because it is that of the Mosaic AA-ork adapted by the Knights of St . John , Malta , in the beautiful cathedral of St . John in that island , and of the smaller church of St . John of
Malta , ivhich I lately saiv in the city of Messina in Sicily . I renew the observations I made on visiting the Lodge in the hope that the officers ivill give some particulars to the Masonic world of these interesting objects ancl of their history . —HYDE CLARKE .
WILLIAM HUTCHINSON . Can you give me any intelligence as to the profession , & c , of our late Bro . AVilliam Hutchinson ?—E . A . C—[ He Avas clerk ofthe lieutenancy of the county of Durham , and died April 7 th , 1814 , at Barnard Castle . He was , likei ** ise a E . S . A ., and an antiquary of some renown . His chief publications were—A View ofNortli nmberlandwith an Excursion to the AVbey of Mailross in Scotland
, , 2 vols . ito . 1776 and 177 S ; History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham , 3 vols . 4 to . 1785—94 ; History of the County of Cumberland , 2 vols . 4 to . 1794 ; The Spirit of Masonry—AA'hich has gone through many editions—and various dramatic ancl miscellaneous Avorks . His portrait is prefixed to the early editions of The Spirit of Masonry , as ivell as to i * ol . viii . of Nichols ' s Literary Anecdotes . ]
MUSIC Ot" A MASONIC SONG WANTED . AVhere can I get a copy ofthe music to a song beginning " 'Tis Masonry unites Mankind ? "— -J . E . B . —[ It is printed in the 28 th volume of The Universal Magazine , p . 152 , where it is said to be "A New Sone . " ]
BIEMINGIIAM LODGES . At what date ivas the Shakspeare Tavern , in Birmingham , injured , ancl what were , or are , the names of the two Lodges , Avhich met there ?—T . S . AlllIS AND UNIFORM-. Under what circumstances can a brother appear in Grand Loclgeor in a private Lod in a militaryor naval uniform
, ge , , , and can he ivcar his side arms ? Could such a one wear any military order , decoration or medal in Loclge ?— -LEWIS . — - [ Whatever the brother is entitled to wear in general society , he may ivear either in Grand or in a private Lodge . ]
THE CUBICAL STONE . In reply to " Hermes , " ivho inquires about the hieroglyphics he has seen on a Cubical Stone , and their meaning , I beg to refer him to the Tituiletir des-trente trois Bet / res de DEcossisme . SA'O ., laris : 1821 , particularly plates vi ., iii ., xi ., xii ., xiii ., xiv ., xv . 1 have also , in my small Masonic collection , a curious monograph on the subject , entitled " Explication de la Pierre Cubique . Par le E Chercau
. . . " Svo ., ivith curious and elaborate engravings . Ii " Hermes" Avould like to know somewhat more on the subject , he ivould clo ivell to read " The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R . C ., commonly of the Rosie Cross . ] 3 y Euo-enius Philalethes . Veritas in Profunda . 12 mo ., London , 1652 •" and for some quaint theology , " The While Stone : or , a Learned and Choice Treatise of Assurance useful for allbut
; very , especially neat Leltevers . B y Nathaniel Cniveru'ell ' , M . A ., ancl lately bellow of Emmanuel College , in Cambridge . 12 mo . London 16 o 4 .- ' I think your " Notes and Queries" department may be made so valuable to the Craft , that it is desirable every one should contribute his mite—the result of which ivould be a mass
Masonic Notes And Queries.
of Masonic information of universal importance to the Craft . — H . B ., F . H . C . S ., AVanvick . CHEVALIER KUSPINI AND THE UIGIC GRADES . To ivhich of the High Grades did the late Chevalier Euspini belong ? Li his portrait preserved in the Committee Room , at the Girls School , he has the Cross of a Provincial Grand Master of a Masonic Knights Templar affixed to his button hole , in
Avhat province did he hold that office ?— -MILES . " INDIAN FEEEMASONS' FllIEXD . " Does any brother in England happen to have the numbers of a Masonic periodical entitled " The Indian Freemasons' Friend" ? Ancl if so , Avould he alloAv another brother a sig ht of them ? A replfrom any one possessing a copy addressed to the
undery signed , through these columns , ivill greatly oblige a—S . P . E . C . YOBK LODGES . How many of the present Lodges in England are descendants ofthe old York Lodges-admitted at the Union of 1 SX 3 ?—EBQRACENSIS . NELS 0 NICS .
In the current number of the periodical called Notes and Queries , there is a question under the above title ivhich deserves a place in your columns . It runs thus : — " I havo in my possession a manuscript o £ the Order of Nelsonics , with their rules , lectures , & -c . Can auy of your readers inform mo whether , at the death of Nelson , there Avas a Lodge dedicated to him by the Freemasons ? or was there a distinct bodformed under the title of
y " Nelsonics , " and does that now exist ? I have a number of works on Freemasonry , but can find no account of such a Lodge , —JOBS PEARSON , 18 , Holywell Street , AVestminster , S . AV . " Any information on this point ivill be welcome to all your readers . —M . C .
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
JELUXGER C . SYMONDS , Esq ., her Majesty ' s Inspector of Schools ' died on Saturday last of rapid consumption , at Malvern House , Great Malvern . Mr . Symonds was in his fiftieth year . Tho "Westminster Jievieu ; hitherto published by Mr . Chapman , will in future be published by Mr . Manivaring . One of . Mr . Chapman's latest publications , . before quitting the trade , has been a reprint from the
Westminster Review , for January , of an article of his own on " Christian Revivals , their History and Natural History , " not the first which he has contributed to the Review . Mr . Chapman , who is a member of tho Eoyal College of Physicians , ivill , we believe , doi'otc himself to the practice of medicine , which he has partially followed for some years . Ho is the author of a work on " Chloroform ancl other Ancesthetics , their History and Use during Childbirth . "
The Rev . AVilliam Pulling , M . A ., of Sidney Sussex College , died on the oth instant , at his residence , New-square , Cambridge , in the seventyeight year of his age . Ho held two small lii'ings in Kent , but had longresided here . He translated sermons and prayers by Dr . Balle , of Copenhagen , aud was author off a "Biographical Sketch of M . de Lamartine , " with a translation of " Religious Harmonies . " His sonnets written strictly iu the Italian stylo , have passed through several editions
and arc saicl to possess much merit , Mr . Pulling ivas reputed to have been a man of great linguistic attainments . At . Barba , the well known Paris publisher , has just put forth a small volume entitled "The Origin ofthe Papacy , " by M . Charles Payn . The author shows IIOAV completely popular ivas tho original , society of Christians , and how entirely democratic was tho form of government of the church in the early ages of Christianity . The bishop ivas elected by
the people , and the prelate was compelled to consult his constituents before ordaining oven a priest . It was before the assembly of the nation that all delinquents wore tried , all accusations were in public , aucl it was only after a popular vote that the bishop could launch an excommunication ; and in grave cases a special council was convoked , when all the priests ancl deacons of the province ivere summoned , together with people whose presence was considered absolutely necessary . The gradual
usurpation of authority by the priests , the growth of claims and powers utterly opposed to the doctrine upon which they were and aro said to be founded , furnishes a parallel to the growth of all other dominations that havo trampled on the rights of the mass aud tho laws of justice . The very title of Pope has departed far away from its original significance . It was towards the end of the third century that St . Mammaire , ivho was neither bishop nor priest , but simple martyr , Avas called " Notre Pape" by reason of his great age , ' and the game title was afterwards