Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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In these days there is scarcely a society , whethe ' religious or profane , with much pretention to respectability , that has not its peculiar organ of publication or class magazine iu which matters of internal polity are discussed at length , ancl gossip anent the society is retailed for the benefit of its members ; and is it
dignified for a wealthy ancl powerful body like the "Freemasons ' ' to allow the only journal of the English , Scotch , and Irish Grand Lodges to dwindle from neglect ? Masonic news for the neutral press , from being generally subjected to the editorial supervision of the unitiatedis necessarilliable to
, y many inaccuracies , and odd mistakes do frequently occur , as for instance , the AV . Master of a lodge is styled the Grand Master , the Prov . G . Master of Dumfriesshire takes rank as the Prov . G . M . of Dunfermline , and the vacant Grand Mastership of Lanarkshire instead of Glasgow , is talked about , while "A
Freemason , " in writing about the late Sir Archibald Alison with , perhaps doubtful discretion , alludes to occasions when he and Dr . Pritchard , of certainly not Masonic notoriety , met and convened as Masons . Though the last incident might be safely consigned to oblivionall earnest Masons willI am surereadil
, , , y agree with me that in the Magazine , as the recognised organ of the Craft , there should appear as many Masonic events as possible , that it may serve as one of the records and landmarks of the Order . Indeed ,
I consider it will he a reflection on our Scottish brethren if they do not avail themselves of the opportunity afforded to have their Masonic proceedings duly chronicled in the legitimate exponent of the Craft . Bro . Murray Lyon hopes for a speedy inauguration of a better state of things , and , I believe , not without
grounds . To the brethren in Scotland , special facilities are now afforded by means of the Scottish representative of the Magazine , as referred to by Bro . Lyon . At a lodge I recently visited in Glasgow , I heard a brother in the "East" speaking with the voice of
authority , and advocating the claims of the FREEIMASOXS' MAGAZINE to the brethren . I could have wished that he had reduced his precepts to practise , and concluded his admirable remarks with the proposition _ " that this lodge do subscribe for one copy . " If this simple plan were followed b lodin
y every ge England and Scotland it would , as also powerfully urged by Bro . C . P . Cooper in your last , at once bring the Magazine prominently before the notice of the brethren , ancl no doubt induce a keener interest in Masonic literature , which , by securing to the proprietors the sinews of war , would enable them to
increase its general efficiency . To the Secretaries will the Magazine be principally indebted for its introduction into the lodges , anil for its Masonic information , and let them not rest until each one has made his mark . Yours fraternally , 10 th Sept ., 1 SG 7 . AV . S . L .
THE total number of lodges on the roll of tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , ISG 6 , were 31 G ; number of lodges in Ireland , 238 ; Channel Islands , 3 ; foreign stations , < 31- ; military corps , 11 . Number of towns in Ireland where there are lodges ( 18 GG ) , 1 G 0 ; number of lodges that paid dues in 1 SGG , 117 ; number of warrants restored ( 18 GG ) , 5 ; number of new -warrants issued ( 1 SG 6 ) , 11 ; number of warrants sent in ( 1 SGG ) , 1 .
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressed fco 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
NOBLE MUNIFICENCE OP A PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER . — Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . Master for Cumberland and Westmoreland , lias most liberally undertaken to restore , at his sole expense , the parish church of Kirkby Lonsdale , the cost of which will he upwards of £ 6 , 000 . We understand that the gentry of Westmoreland have resolved to mark their appreciation of his
lordship ' s munificence by placing a memorial window in the renovated church . Lord Kenlis will be installed at Kendal as the Grand Master of the pro vince , on the 27 th inst ., when a numerous and brilliant assemblage , of distinguished brethren is expected * His lordship is also , as our readers may remember , the present M . 111 . G . Sov . of the revived ancl nourishing Order of Red Cross
Knights , and Chief of the Patriarchal Council of K . H . S . CUICBERLAXD AXD WESTJIOXELAND . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Provinces of Cumberland and Westmoreland will be held at Kirkby Lonsdale , under the auspices of the "Qnderly Lodge ( No . 1 , 074 ) , on Friday , the 27 th inst ., on which occasion-Bro . Lord Kenlis will be installed as M . W . Prov . G . M ., in . succession to the late Bro . L . B . Dykes , of Dovenhy Hall .
LEICESTERSHIRE . pKOVIXCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire was held at the Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zocich , on-Friday , the Oth inst ., the respected Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Howe , G . C . H . being expected to preside in person , there was a considerable attendance of Prov . G . Officers
andmembers of . tho various lodges in the province . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Revs . S . Smith , D . D ., W . Langley , M . A ., and W . Kay Robinson , 31 . A ., Senior and Junior Wardens of the Rutland Lodge , G . Chaps . ; W . Pettifor , H . Etherington Smith , G . "Fowler Brown , P . Goodyer , E . Morris ( G . Sec ) , and Major Brewin ( G . Treas . ) , P . G . Wardens ; W . Weare , George H . Hodges ( W . M . of the
John of Gaunt Lodge , . No . 523 , Leicester ) , W . Carriole Crofts ( W . M . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby ) , and S . Love , P . G . Deacons , W . Millican , P . G . Sup . of Works , John E . Hodges , G . Dir . of Cor . ; A . M . Duff , Edwin Gosling , Joseph Barratt Jacques , and Edward F . Mammatt , Grand Stewards ; T . Thorpe , No . 279 , W . Barfoot ( S . W . ) , George Troller , jun . ( J . W . ) , M . II . Lewin , F . J . Baines , John Hunt ( Thurnby ) , F . Mainline-, M . Hack , and J . G . F . Richardson , No . 523 ; J .
Halford Snelson and Robert Arnold , No . 779 ; W . Aleock and J . W . Pratt , No . 1 , 007 ; Robert Winter Johnson ( Sec ) , Henry Douglas ( S . D . ) , and Thomas Markham , No . 1 , 130 ; J . Kellett , J . W . No . 360 ; G . Smith , No . 881 ; Thomas Rome ( Australia ) , and others . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ancient form hy tha Prov . G . M ., and prayer having been offered by the Rev . Bro . LangleyProv . G . Chap . the minutes of the last Grand Lodge ,,
, , and also of a special meeting , were read and confirmed . These , in part , related to a letter addressed by the Prov . G . M . in October last to the D . Prov . G . M ., and communicated to the brethren assembled in Grand Lodge at Melton in that month , in which his Lordship , after stating that , owinar to ill health , it was entirely out of his power to attend on the occasion expressed his conviction that , from the frequent returns of his
severe attacks of illness there was no longer any active duty to be performed by him , the time had arrived when he must consult him ( the D . Prov . G . M . ) as to whose hands must receive the command of the Masonic Province of Leicester . This communication from the noble earl , who for nearly half a century ha been closely connected with Masonry in Leicestershire , and ov which , for the past eleven years , ho has zealously presided
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
In these days there is scarcely a society , whethe ' religious or profane , with much pretention to respectability , that has not its peculiar organ of publication or class magazine iu which matters of internal polity are discussed at length , ancl gossip anent the society is retailed for the benefit of its members ; and is it
dignified for a wealthy ancl powerful body like the "Freemasons ' ' to allow the only journal of the English , Scotch , and Irish Grand Lodges to dwindle from neglect ? Masonic news for the neutral press , from being generally subjected to the editorial supervision of the unitiatedis necessarilliable to
, y many inaccuracies , and odd mistakes do frequently occur , as for instance , the AV . Master of a lodge is styled the Grand Master , the Prov . G . Master of Dumfriesshire takes rank as the Prov . G . M . of Dunfermline , and the vacant Grand Mastership of Lanarkshire instead of Glasgow , is talked about , while "A
Freemason , " in writing about the late Sir Archibald Alison with , perhaps doubtful discretion , alludes to occasions when he and Dr . Pritchard , of certainly not Masonic notoriety , met and convened as Masons . Though the last incident might be safely consigned to oblivionall earnest Masons willI am surereadil
, , , y agree with me that in the Magazine , as the recognised organ of the Craft , there should appear as many Masonic events as possible , that it may serve as one of the records and landmarks of the Order . Indeed ,
I consider it will he a reflection on our Scottish brethren if they do not avail themselves of the opportunity afforded to have their Masonic proceedings duly chronicled in the legitimate exponent of the Craft . Bro . Murray Lyon hopes for a speedy inauguration of a better state of things , and , I believe , not without
grounds . To the brethren in Scotland , special facilities are now afforded by means of the Scottish representative of the Magazine , as referred to by Bro . Lyon . At a lodge I recently visited in Glasgow , I heard a brother in the "East" speaking with the voice of
authority , and advocating the claims of the FREEIMASOXS' MAGAZINE to the brethren . I could have wished that he had reduced his precepts to practise , and concluded his admirable remarks with the proposition _ " that this lodge do subscribe for one copy . " If this simple plan were followed b lodin
y every ge England and Scotland it would , as also powerfully urged by Bro . C . P . Cooper in your last , at once bring the Magazine prominently before the notice of the brethren , ancl no doubt induce a keener interest in Masonic literature , which , by securing to the proprietors the sinews of war , would enable them to
increase its general efficiency . To the Secretaries will the Magazine be principally indebted for its introduction into the lodges , anil for its Masonic information , and let them not rest until each one has made his mark . Yours fraternally , 10 th Sept ., 1 SG 7 . AV . S . L .
THE total number of lodges on the roll of tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , ISG 6 , were 31 G ; number of lodges in Ireland , 238 ; Channel Islands , 3 ; foreign stations , < 31- ; military corps , 11 . Number of towns in Ireland where there are lodges ( 18 GG ) , 1 G 0 ; number of lodges that paid dues in 1 SGG , 117 ; number of warrants restored ( 18 GG ) , 5 ; number of new -warrants issued ( 1 SG 6 ) , 11 ; number of warrants sent in ( 1 SGG ) , 1 .
THEMASONICMIRROR. * * All communications to be addressed fco 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
NOBLE MUNIFICENCE OP A PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER . — Lord Kenlis , Prov . G . Master for Cumberland and Westmoreland , lias most liberally undertaken to restore , at his sole expense , the parish church of Kirkby Lonsdale , the cost of which will he upwards of £ 6 , 000 . We understand that the gentry of Westmoreland have resolved to mark their appreciation of his
lordship ' s munificence by placing a memorial window in the renovated church . Lord Kenlis will be installed at Kendal as the Grand Master of the pro vince , on the 27 th inst ., when a numerous and brilliant assemblage , of distinguished brethren is expected * His lordship is also , as our readers may remember , the present M . 111 . G . Sov . of the revived ancl nourishing Order of Red Cross
Knights , and Chief of the Patriarchal Council of K . H . S . CUICBERLAXD AXD WESTJIOXELAND . —The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Provinces of Cumberland and Westmoreland will be held at Kirkby Lonsdale , under the auspices of the "Qnderly Lodge ( No . 1 , 074 ) , on Friday , the 27 th inst ., on which occasion-Bro . Lord Kenlis will be installed as M . W . Prov . G . M ., in . succession to the late Bro . L . B . Dykes , of Dovenhy Hall .
LEICESTERSHIRE . pKOVIXCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire was held at the Town Hall , Ashby-de-la-Zocich , on-Friday , the Oth inst ., the respected Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Right Hon . Earl Howe , G . C . H . being expected to preside in person , there was a considerable attendance of Prov . G . Officers
andmembers of . tho various lodges in the province . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Revs . S . Smith , D . D ., W . Langley , M . A ., and W . Kay Robinson , 31 . A ., Senior and Junior Wardens of the Rutland Lodge , G . Chaps . ; W . Pettifor , H . Etherington Smith , G . "Fowler Brown , P . Goodyer , E . Morris ( G . Sec ) , and Major Brewin ( G . Treas . ) , P . G . Wardens ; W . Weare , George H . Hodges ( W . M . of the
John of Gaunt Lodge , . No . 523 , Leicester ) , W . Carriole Crofts ( W . M . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby ) , and S . Love , P . G . Deacons , W . Millican , P . G . Sup . of Works , John E . Hodges , G . Dir . of Cor . ; A . M . Duff , Edwin Gosling , Joseph Barratt Jacques , and Edward F . Mammatt , Grand Stewards ; T . Thorpe , No . 279 , W . Barfoot ( S . W . ) , George Troller , jun . ( J . W . ) , M . II . Lewin , F . J . Baines , John Hunt ( Thurnby ) , F . Mainline-, M . Hack , and J . G . F . Richardson , No . 523 ; J .
Halford Snelson and Robert Arnold , No . 779 ; W . Aleock and J . W . Pratt , No . 1 , 007 ; Robert Winter Johnson ( Sec ) , Henry Douglas ( S . D . ) , and Thomas Markham , No . 1 , 130 ; J . Kellett , J . W . No . 360 ; G . Smith , No . 881 ; Thomas Rome ( Australia ) , and others . The Grand Lodge having been opened in ancient form hy tha Prov . G . M ., and prayer having been offered by the Rev . Bro . LangleyProv . G . Chap . the minutes of the last Grand Lodge ,,
, , and also of a special meeting , were read and confirmed . These , in part , related to a letter addressed by the Prov . G . M . in October last to the D . Prov . G . M ., and communicated to the brethren assembled in Grand Lodge at Melton in that month , in which his Lordship , after stating that , owinar to ill health , it was entirely out of his power to attend on the occasion expressed his conviction that , from the frequent returns of his
severe attacks of illness there was no longer any active duty to be performed by him , the time had arrived when he must consult him ( the D . Prov . G . M . ) as to whose hands must receive the command of the Masonic Province of Leicester . This communication from the noble earl , who for nearly half a century ha been closely connected with Masonry in Leicestershire , and ov which , for the past eleven years , ho has zealously presided