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Masonic Asylum Fund , A further subscription of 300 dols . 56 c . has been made to this fund since the last annual meeting of the Grand Lodge , as follows .- — dols . c . St . John ' s , 75 280 56 Percy , 161 20 00
300 56 The total amount to credit of this fund is 4 , 281 dols . 81 c , composed as follows : — dols . e . Provincial Debentures 3 , 800 00 Balance in Bank of Montreal 14 00 Deposited in Gore Bank „ . 462 50 Interest accrued 5 31
4 . 281 81 Contingent Account . There was placed to credit of Grand Secretary the sum of one hundred dollars , all of which has been expended in sundry items , the vouchers for which have been duly examined , and a balance of ten dollars and nine cents found due to the Grand Secretary .
Lodges over Twelve Months in Arrears . It is a matter of congratulation to Grand Lodge that the system inaugurated for tlie purpose of collecting lodge dues has continued to work admirably , the only lodges at present over twelve months in arrears being : —
Western Light , 13 Bolton . True Britons , 14 Perth . Stirling , 69 Stirling . Rising Sun , 85 Farmersvillc . The Board also recommend that all the funds of the Grand Lodge not now investedbe invested either in Prov . Gov .
De-, bentures , or in the Stock of the Bank of Montreal , to the satisfaction of the President of the Board of General Purposes , the Grand Treasurer , ancl the Grand Secretary , the securities to be deposited in the Bank of Montreal , only to bo withdrawn on the written order of the above-named officers of Grand Lodge for the time being .
Benevolence . The Board recommended the granting of the prayer of a nuniher of applications for relief from the Benevolent fund , amounting in the aggregate to 480 dols . The Board also recommended that the interest accruing from all the funds of Grand Lodge be ¦ set apart for and applied to th ? fund of Benevolence .
Regalia . The Board of General Purposes have the honour to report—That they have had under consideration two letters , one from the Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and one from R . W . Bro . Kivas Tally , the representative of tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , near the Grand Lodge of Canada , relating to Masonic clothing to be worn by the representative of
the Grand Lodge of Canada , near the Grand Lodge of Ireland recently appointed ; and the Board are of opinion that they should be authorised to procure and transmit to our representative in Ireland a suit of Prov . S . G . W . regalia , in reciprocation ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland having followed the same course in regard to their representative near the Grand Lodge of Canada .
While upon the subject of regalia , the Board would also remind the members of Grand Lodge that no regalia has ever been procured for the Deputy Grand Master of Canada ; ancl as it is exceedingly desirable that Grand Lodge officers should bo properly clothed , the Board would recommend that the D . G . M . 's apron , now submitted , bo purchased at tho price named , fortyfive dollars , ancl that the President of the Board of General Purposes be authorised to procure gauntlets to correspond , the cost of which to be defrayed from the general fund of Grand Lodge . ( To he continued . )
At the general assembly of the Italian lodges , held iu Naples , ou the 21 sc of Juno last , and at the fourth sitting thereof , the following Grand Officers were elected : —1 st . Bro . Gen . Giuseppe Garibaldi , G . Master for life ; 2 nd . Francesco De Lucca ( the late G . Master of the Order ) , G . Master for the year 1867 ; 3 rd . Filippo Cordova , Acting G . Master of the Masonic ' Order in Italy for the year 1867 : 4 th . L . Frapolli , 1 st Assist .
Acting G . Master ; 5 th . Tamajo , 2 nd Assist . Acting G . Master . Bro . F . Cordova having , however , after the announcement of his election , declined the oflice of G . Master for tbe year 1867 , he pleading , as a reason thereof , bad health , the assembly met again on the 7 th July , when it was decided that the brethren to whom the right of surrogalion was clue were to take the place , and the correspondence was ordered to be addressed for the present to Bro . Frapolli , 1 st Assist . G . Master , acting as G . Master . He is a Deputy to the National Parliament , and resides at Florence .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROSE OF DENJIAEK CHAPTEB ( NO . 975 ) . —The first convocation of this chapter at its new place of meeting , the Star aud Garter Hotel , Kcw Bridge , was held on Saturday , the 7 th inst . The chapter was duly opened by Comps . W . H . Hubbard , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett , P . Z ., as II . ; R . W . Little , P . Z ., as J . ; also Comp . H . G . BussP . Z . and Treas . On the admission of the
, companions the minutes were read and confirmed , and ballots taken for several candidates . Bro . Hartley , of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 , being in attendance , was then exalted to the supreme degree of a R . A . Mason , the usual orations being delivered by Comps . Hubbard , Brett , and Little . The by-laws of the chapter were ordered to bo printed and circulated , and several propositions for exaltation were receiveci ; after which
the convocation was adjourned to the first Saturday in December . Tlie companions then sat down to a most excellent banquet , followed by a most sumptuous dessert , and a most agreeable evening was spent , as every one present seemed to enjoy himself in a truly social and Masonic manner , without the least excess or breach of good manners . Comp . Little , I . P . Z ., in terms of eulogyproposed the health of the M . E . Z . who is a companion
, , deservedly esteemed for his staid and gentlemanly demeanour , as well as his Masonic abilities . Comp . Hubbard briefly responded to the toast , which was warmly received . Comp . Buss and the two other P . Z . ' s returned thanks for tho Past Principals , and Comps . Turner and Powell for the officers . Among others present we noticed Comps . Dodd , Quilty , Long , Walford , and Tinkler , and Comp . J . W . Frost , a visitor .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silwda . i Chapter ( No . 471 ) . —On Friday last a special chapter of emergency was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport , for the purpose of balloting for and exalting , if accepted , Bro . Capt . Robert Newell , of Liverpool , who was initiated , passed , ancl raised in the St . Mary ' s Chapel Lodge ( No . 1 ) Edinburgh . Although tho evening was
fear-, fully wet , yet a goodly number of companions were present , the three principals being Coins . Pickford , Z . ; Hellyer , H . ; and Thomas , J . The candidate was proposed by Comp . Hellyer , who spoke of Bro . Newell in highly eulogistic terms , ancl such proposition having been seconded by Comp . Gratte , P . S ., the ballotbox was put in requisition , ancl the M . E . Z . announced Bro . Newell duly elected . Bro . Newell was then introduced
, and the ceremony of exaltation performed admirably . In fact , we believe this chapter is worked second to none in England-We were sorry to see the M . E . Z . was suffering from indisposi , tion , but he vras ably backed up by -the other two principals , especially by Comp . Hellyer , who seems to be quite at home in this ancl all other Masonic eoremonies . The mantle of Comp . Coombs , we aro glacl to state , has fallen on Comp . Hellyer ' s
shoulders , and fits admirably ; and it is a great pleasure to find this worthy companion throwing his whole energies and heart and soul into Masonry , and supplies several vacancies in Royal Arch and Blue Masonry , which were heretofore filled by companions from a distance . The next general chapter meeting will be held on the last Friday in this month , when one brother will be exalted , ancl three or four candidates proposed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Asylum Fund , A further subscription of 300 dols . 56 c . has been made to this fund since the last annual meeting of the Grand Lodge , as follows .- — dols . c . St . John ' s , 75 280 56 Percy , 161 20 00
300 56 The total amount to credit of this fund is 4 , 281 dols . 81 c , composed as follows : — dols . e . Provincial Debentures 3 , 800 00 Balance in Bank of Montreal 14 00 Deposited in Gore Bank „ . 462 50 Interest accrued 5 31
4 . 281 81 Contingent Account . There was placed to credit of Grand Secretary the sum of one hundred dollars , all of which has been expended in sundry items , the vouchers for which have been duly examined , and a balance of ten dollars and nine cents found due to the Grand Secretary .
Lodges over Twelve Months in Arrears . It is a matter of congratulation to Grand Lodge that the system inaugurated for tlie purpose of collecting lodge dues has continued to work admirably , the only lodges at present over twelve months in arrears being : —
Western Light , 13 Bolton . True Britons , 14 Perth . Stirling , 69 Stirling . Rising Sun , 85 Farmersvillc . The Board also recommend that all the funds of the Grand Lodge not now investedbe invested either in Prov . Gov .
De-, bentures , or in the Stock of the Bank of Montreal , to the satisfaction of the President of the Board of General Purposes , the Grand Treasurer , ancl the Grand Secretary , the securities to be deposited in the Bank of Montreal , only to bo withdrawn on the written order of the above-named officers of Grand Lodge for the time being .
Benevolence . The Board recommended the granting of the prayer of a nuniher of applications for relief from the Benevolent fund , amounting in the aggregate to 480 dols . The Board also recommended that the interest accruing from all the funds of Grand Lodge be ¦ set apart for and applied to th ? fund of Benevolence .
Regalia . The Board of General Purposes have the honour to report—That they have had under consideration two letters , one from the Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and one from R . W . Bro . Kivas Tally , the representative of tho Grand Lodge of Ireland , near the Grand Lodge of Canada , relating to Masonic clothing to be worn by the representative of
the Grand Lodge of Canada , near the Grand Lodge of Ireland recently appointed ; and the Board are of opinion that they should be authorised to procure and transmit to our representative in Ireland a suit of Prov . S . G . W . regalia , in reciprocation ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland having followed the same course in regard to their representative near the Grand Lodge of Canada .
While upon the subject of regalia , the Board would also remind the members of Grand Lodge that no regalia has ever been procured for the Deputy Grand Master of Canada ; ancl as it is exceedingly desirable that Grand Lodge officers should bo properly clothed , the Board would recommend that the D . G . M . 's apron , now submitted , bo purchased at tho price named , fortyfive dollars , ancl that the President of the Board of General Purposes be authorised to procure gauntlets to correspond , the cost of which to be defrayed from the general fund of Grand Lodge . ( To he continued . )
At the general assembly of the Italian lodges , held iu Naples , ou the 21 sc of Juno last , and at the fourth sitting thereof , the following Grand Officers were elected : —1 st . Bro . Gen . Giuseppe Garibaldi , G . Master for life ; 2 nd . Francesco De Lucca ( the late G . Master of the Order ) , G . Master for the year 1867 ; 3 rd . Filippo Cordova , Acting G . Master of the Masonic ' Order in Italy for the year 1867 : 4 th . L . Frapolli , 1 st Assist .
Acting G . Master ; 5 th . Tamajo , 2 nd Assist . Acting G . Master . Bro . F . Cordova having , however , after the announcement of his election , declined the oflice of G . Master for tbe year 1867 , he pleading , as a reason thereof , bad health , the assembly met again on the 7 th July , when it was decided that the brethren to whom the right of surrogalion was clue were to take the place , and the correspondence was ordered to be addressed for the present to Bro . Frapolli , 1 st Assist . G . Master , acting as G . Master . He is a Deputy to the National Parliament , and resides at Florence .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROSE OF DENJIAEK CHAPTEB ( NO . 975 ) . —The first convocation of this chapter at its new place of meeting , the Star aud Garter Hotel , Kcw Bridge , was held on Saturday , the 7 th inst . The chapter was duly opened by Comps . W . H . Hubbard , M . E . Z . ; J . Brett , P . Z ., as II . ; R . W . Little , P . Z ., as J . ; also Comp . H . G . BussP . Z . and Treas . On the admission of the
, companions the minutes were read and confirmed , and ballots taken for several candidates . Bro . Hartley , of the Royal Alfred Lodge , No . 780 , being in attendance , was then exalted to the supreme degree of a R . A . Mason , the usual orations being delivered by Comps . Hubbard , Brett , and Little . The by-laws of the chapter were ordered to bo printed and circulated , and several propositions for exaltation were receiveci ; after which
the convocation was adjourned to the first Saturday in December . Tlie companions then sat down to a most excellent banquet , followed by a most sumptuous dessert , and a most agreeable evening was spent , as every one present seemed to enjoy himself in a truly social and Masonic manner , without the least excess or breach of good manners . Comp . Little , I . P . Z ., in terms of eulogyproposed the health of the M . E . Z . who is a companion
, , deservedly esteemed for his staid and gentlemanly demeanour , as well as his Masonic abilities . Comp . Hubbard briefly responded to the toast , which was warmly received . Comp . Buss and the two other P . Z . ' s returned thanks for tho Past Principals , and Comps . Turner and Powell for the officers . Among others present we noticed Comps . Dodd , Quilty , Long , Walford , and Tinkler , and Comp . J . W . Frost , a visitor .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silwda . i Chapter ( No . 471 ) . —On Friday last a special chapter of emergency was held at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , Newport , for the purpose of balloting for and exalting , if accepted , Bro . Capt . Robert Newell , of Liverpool , who was initiated , passed , ancl raised in the St . Mary ' s Chapel Lodge ( No . 1 ) Edinburgh . Although tho evening was
fear-, fully wet , yet a goodly number of companions were present , the three principals being Coins . Pickford , Z . ; Hellyer , H . ; and Thomas , J . The candidate was proposed by Comp . Hellyer , who spoke of Bro . Newell in highly eulogistic terms , ancl such proposition having been seconded by Comp . Gratte , P . S ., the ballotbox was put in requisition , ancl the M . E . Z . announced Bro . Newell duly elected . Bro . Newell was then introduced
, and the ceremony of exaltation performed admirably . In fact , we believe this chapter is worked second to none in England-We were sorry to see the M . E . Z . was suffering from indisposi , tion , but he vras ably backed up by -the other two principals , especially by Comp . Hellyer , who seems to be quite at home in this ancl all other Masonic eoremonies . The mantle of Comp . Coombs , we aro glacl to state , has fallen on Comp . Hellyer ' s
shoulders , and fits admirably ; and it is a great pleasure to find this worthy companion throwing his whole energies and heart and soul into Masonry , and supplies several vacancies in Royal Arch and Blue Masonry , which were heretofore filled by companions from a distance . The next general chapter meeting will be held on the last Friday in this month , when one brother will be exalted , ancl three or four candidates proposed .