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Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
and void ; and dark- the < Jeep because there Would ness was upon the , , . . , face of the deep . And be the suu shining on the the spirit of God southern hemisphere . And moved upon the lace . . of the waters . the sp irit of the Gods the
brilliants forming the constellations , moved or arose on , or upon or above the surface of the waters at the line in the northern hemisphere . And 3 And God said , the Gods said let there be light , Let there be light : host
d ^ heavenly ) gave and there was light . J ° _ 4 And God saw tho li ght , and it was good . The good : aud ^ GodttvicV Gods divided their starlight ed tho light from the from sunshine their darkness , 5 And God called and they called starli ght their
the light Day , and the day * and their darkness or sun darkness he called J _ Night . Ana the shine they called night . Day 3 wl £ g ^ ally comprehends the first day . twenty-four hours , so that the
evenin g would be sunset and the morning sunrise , and the day of the constellations or Gods was reckoned from the evening and the morning . 6 TT And God said , Let there A _ ud the Gods said let be a firmament in the midst of ... „ , the watersand let it divide the there be a firmament or
, waters from tho waters . space arched over on 7 And God made the firma- r ment , and divided the waters the equator 01 ' line to which were under the firmament favftQ the waters Under from the waters which were above the firmament : and it was from the Waters above ,
8 Aud God called the firma- and the UPPer firma " ment Heaven . And the even- ment Or that above the ing and the morning were tho ,, v „ , * 11 -, second day . fche llne & B 7 called heaven , it was their dwelling place , and the evening and morning were their second day .
n And God said , Tne gods g athered together the Let the waters under waters under the heaven unto the heaven he gather- _ .... ,.. . „ ed together unto one one place , and this could not be er-P ^ and let the dry fecte ( j without using the tri pletau was so . and double triangle of the Eoyal or
the ^ d ^ tKnS *«* h else the Papal tri ple and the gathering to- tau , which combines gether of the waters _ | ,, celestial movecalled he Seas : and lue ceiesnal move-God saw that ii was . ments of both the Ma-° ' sonic implements . f The tau theu moves Eridanus , the
river , and the double triang le moves that great river the Euphrates , and these are gathered together at what are called seas , waters whereon the ark of Noah was lifted up , and where the wreck remains that is now called Argo . The great river Euphrates has
been likened unto a sea ( Acts , xxvii ., 41 ) . When the Euphrates was moved , then opposite a ppeared the land now known as Masnalus . It is coloured 11 And God said , green to denote grass , and there for ^ grass'lhe ^ erb is the fmifc tree Pomifer , yielding
yielding seed , and the fruit whose p ips or seed are in itfruit after bis kinjj se -Be ^ remembered thatthese whose seed is in it- Gods on y mention one tree , and self , upon the earth : .... on ., . and it was so . that in verse ov they say they 12 And the earth have iven tree in
„ eyery fl ^ brought forth grass , . . and herb yielding seed which is the fruit of a tree y ieldttr ySg tS * * seed > t 0 you it shall be for whose seed was in it- meat , and the gods said , let and Go 7 Saw \ hat l there be lig hts in the firmament
was good . of heaven that is above the line 13 And the even- ,. . , , „ . . _ ing and the morning to dlVlde day from night . They were the third day . are t 0 be for s gns Libra and
I 4 t And God said , Aries , and for seasons , winter Let there be lights in , - the firmament of the and summer , days ot the gods , heaven to divide the nn & years 0 f me AQ ( J fo day from the night ; J and let them he , for Gods made two great li ghts , STta t" greater fOT tbe rul 9 0 f *»»
years : day , and the lesser to rule the 15 And let them be ¦ , , < ,, , , for lights in the firma- ni ght- As the two stars are ment of the heaven to the Median and Persian lawgive light upon the . ,. , , , earth : and it was so . givers , they must not be mtro-16 And God made howev
< juced here , it may , er , be two great lights ; the J . ' greater light to rule stated that one is in Aries , the night : he made d ^ fch j in Lib the stars also .
These stars were set or fixed in the heaven , and 17 And God set laws made from them never alter , them in the firma- m . . , , . - ment of the heaven to The exoteric learned go blundergive the light upon in „ on believing these two the earth . . 18 And to rule over li ghts mean the sun and moon
night ^ nd t ° o divid : ™ the ™ ° * Od l " *» the light from the ni g ht once a month when at her saw ttatftiL goal Ml and instead of being set or fixed , she is always roaming about and actually
spends half her time with his solar majesty when he is rulin g the day . Prom the 20 th to the 25 th verse inclusive , are various living creatures brought forth by the gods , to enumerate them would be to give too much insig ht into the working of the
Masonic implements . The Gods said let its make 26 f And God said , Let us man in our image after make man in our image , after our likeness , and male our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the and female created they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
and void ; and dark- the < Jeep because there Would ness was upon the , , . . , face of the deep . And be the suu shining on the the spirit of God southern hemisphere . And moved upon the lace . . of the waters . the sp irit of the Gods the
brilliants forming the constellations , moved or arose on , or upon or above the surface of the waters at the line in the northern hemisphere . And 3 And God said , the Gods said let there be light , Let there be light : host
d ^ heavenly ) gave and there was light . J ° _ 4 And God saw tho li ght , and it was good . The good : aud ^ GodttvicV Gods divided their starlight ed tho light from the from sunshine their darkness , 5 And God called and they called starli ght their
the light Day , and the day * and their darkness or sun darkness he called J _ Night . Ana the shine they called night . Day 3 wl £ g ^ ally comprehends the first day . twenty-four hours , so that the
evenin g would be sunset and the morning sunrise , and the day of the constellations or Gods was reckoned from the evening and the morning . 6 TT And God said , Let there A _ ud the Gods said let be a firmament in the midst of ... „ , the watersand let it divide the there be a firmament or
, waters from tho waters . space arched over on 7 And God made the firma- r ment , and divided the waters the equator 01 ' line to which were under the firmament favftQ the waters Under from the waters which were above the firmament : and it was from the Waters above ,
8 Aud God called the firma- and the UPPer firma " ment Heaven . And the even- ment Or that above the ing and the morning were tho ,, v „ , * 11 -, second day . fche llne & B 7 called heaven , it was their dwelling place , and the evening and morning were their second day .
n And God said , Tne gods g athered together the Let the waters under waters under the heaven unto the heaven he gather- _ .... ,.. . „ ed together unto one one place , and this could not be er-P ^ and let the dry fecte ( j without using the tri pletau was so . and double triangle of the Eoyal or
the ^ d ^ tKnS *«* h else the Papal tri ple and the gathering to- tau , which combines gether of the waters _ | ,, celestial movecalled he Seas : and lue ceiesnal move-God saw that ii was . ments of both the Ma-° ' sonic implements . f The tau theu moves Eridanus , the
river , and the double triang le moves that great river the Euphrates , and these are gathered together at what are called seas , waters whereon the ark of Noah was lifted up , and where the wreck remains that is now called Argo . The great river Euphrates has
been likened unto a sea ( Acts , xxvii ., 41 ) . When the Euphrates was moved , then opposite a ppeared the land now known as Masnalus . It is coloured 11 And God said , green to denote grass , and there for ^ grass'lhe ^ erb is the fmifc tree Pomifer , yielding
yielding seed , and the fruit whose p ips or seed are in itfruit after bis kinjj se -Be ^ remembered thatthese whose seed is in it- Gods on y mention one tree , and self , upon the earth : .... on ., . and it was so . that in verse ov they say they 12 And the earth have iven tree in
„ eyery fl ^ brought forth grass , . . and herb yielding seed which is the fruit of a tree y ieldttr ySg tS * * seed > t 0 you it shall be for whose seed was in it- meat , and the gods said , let and Go 7 Saw \ hat l there be lig hts in the firmament
was good . of heaven that is above the line 13 And the even- ,. . , , „ . . _ ing and the morning to dlVlde day from night . They were the third day . are t 0 be for s gns Libra and
I 4 t And God said , Aries , and for seasons , winter Let there be lights in , - the firmament of the and summer , days ot the gods , heaven to divide the nn & years 0 f me AQ ( J fo day from the night ; J and let them he , for Gods made two great li ghts , STta t" greater fOT tbe rul 9 0 f *»»
years : day , and the lesser to rule the 15 And let them be ¦ , , < ,, , , for lights in the firma- ni ght- As the two stars are ment of the heaven to the Median and Persian lawgive light upon the . ,. , , , earth : and it was so . givers , they must not be mtro-16 And God made howev
< juced here , it may , er , be two great lights ; the J . ' greater light to rule stated that one is in Aries , the night : he made d ^ fch j in Lib the stars also .
These stars were set or fixed in the heaven , and 17 And God set laws made from them never alter , them in the firma- m . . , , . - ment of the heaven to The exoteric learned go blundergive the light upon in „ on believing these two the earth . . 18 And to rule over li ghts mean the sun and moon
night ^ nd t ° o divid : ™ the ™ ° * Od l " *» the light from the ni g ht once a month when at her saw ttatftiL goal Ml and instead of being set or fixed , she is always roaming about and actually
spends half her time with his solar majesty when he is rulin g the day . Prom the 20 th to the 25 th verse inclusive , are various living creatures brought forth by the gods , to enumerate them would be to give too much insig ht into the working of the
Masonic implements . The Gods said let its make 26 f And God said , Let us man in our image after make man in our image , after our likeness , and male our likeness : and let them have dominion over the fish of the and female created they