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Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
sea and over the fowl of the air , fch Th js was the and over the cattle , and over all the earth , and over every creep- sixth day ' s labour of the inching that ereepctl . upon the members Qf ^ p _ 27 So God created man in his theon , and the sixth own image , iu the imasre of God . « .-, created he him ; male and female slgQ fl'om Capricornus created he them . j s the Gemini , and there
are the gods Hercules ( or Hiram ) , and Apollo , and just as these Royal Arch brothers , known by some as Castor and Pollux , are setting and closing the Lodge of the Gods in the west , they cause , by their retiring below the horizon , the rising of
young Antinous opposite , and he is the very picture of his parents , the Gemini . Bayer arid others , give Antinous as Hebe . The constelletion is hermaphrodite or Elam , meaning " a young man or virgin , " so the gods brought forth man in their
own image , in the image of the gods created they him , male and female . Thus heaveu and the earth of the Gods were finished , and all the host of them , and sun rising in Aries or Nisan , the celestial lodge closed with brotherl y love on the Jews ' sacred sabbath .
The second Creation is altogether different from that by the gods , and is effected by Wnbti miT 4 T These are the 0 r Jove or Jehovah gods , the generations of the , . heavens and of tho DTTvN having nothing to do earth when they were with th jg creation nor do they created , in the day ¦ ' •> that the LOKD GOD again appear until after the prot ^ L " 1 aWl ducfcio » of ma * * woman . It
required six signs or days for the gods to arrive at the sabbatical period or termination , but with Jove , or the Lord God , there was no sabbath appointed , he brought forth the heavens and the earth in one day , that is , he ruled the whole circle ,
the whole heavens . With him there was no chaos , no firmament , no day or ni g ht , and no greater or lesser lights . Pslm . cxxxix , 12 . Jehovah , Lord of Gods , Cepheus , is supreme , ruling above and over all . It is he that has heaven for his throne , and the Polar star of the earth for his footstool .
1 And the LOUD God formed rrn T I n i r i man of the dust of the ground , lhe Lord God formed and breathed into his nostrils the man from the dust of the breath of life : and man became -, -, ,, -, , . a living soul . ground , and the dust is 811 And the LOED God planted symbolised by a nebula a garden eastward in Eden ; and •» .-there he the whom he Masnalus and he
put man m , had formed Hiram is placed in the 9 And out of the ground x made the LOBD God to grow garden eastward—the every tree that is pleasant to the smbh or j ^ er solstice sight , and good for food ; the tree of life also in the midst of passed , and eastward ajCrfSdSl 5 ! ° *™ nces . Ontofthe ground Meenalus , the Lord God made to groiu
every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food , also the tree of life in the midst and the tree of knowledge of good and evil . By using the Masonic implements , at one point are produced , the palm , the cassia , the cedar , with lilies and rose
bushes , all pleasant to the sight , the vine and the pineapple good for food ; the tree in the midst , and the tree of knowledge . The latter is Pomifer the only tree mentioned by the Gods . The tree of knowledge is the oak , and pomifer or the
oakapple is a bitter fruit . It will be noticed that no mention is made of apple in the account of creation . Apple literally means all sorts of round fruit both of trees and herbs . A very common symbol designating the celestial point is the Popiz
Sax Poppy , emblem of sleep . 15 And the LOUD God took And the Lord God took the man , and put him into the Hiram d fc y { garden of Ldeu to dress it and r _ to keep it . the garden , this time to 16 And the LORD God com- - ¦ , . -i , „ , „„ manded the mansayingOf dress it , and he does SO ,
, , every tree of the garden thou manuring it in a manner mayest freely eat : , , . -. , 17 But of the tree of the somewhat indecent acknowledge of good and evil , thou cording to some charts , shalt not eat of it : for in the day , _ that eatest thereof thou shalt The man is commanded
surely die . to eafc free ] 0 f every tree in the garden of course intending to include the partaking of the tree in the midst , for there is onl y one reservation which is that of the tree of knowledge . Pomifer he is not to eat of , for the
day he does so , he is surely to die , and as the tree pomifer or rather the last apple applies to the 31 st Dec . the year is ended and Hiram dies . The 1811 And the LOED God said , deep sleep is with It is not good that the man 7 „ . . should be aloneI will make him Salem at the Winter
; an help meet for him solstice or midnight , and 21 And theLOKD God caused . . , ., a deep sleep to fall upon Adam , in Hirams right Side IS and he slept : and he took one of the mar ] . from whence his ribs , and closed up the flesh instead thereof . his lowest rib was taken ,
the flesh is closed up . Compasses will p lace a lovely brilliant of a woman in that marked space . _Jove took away the rib and made a woman of it _22 And the rib , which the d tl j brought LOED God had taken from man , ° made lie a womanand brought Fri to the man Hiram
, ga , her unto the man . , ,, -, „„„„ „„ 23 And Adam said , This » wnen they become so now bone of my bones , and flesh completely conjoined of my flesh : she shall be called ,. , , -, ,, Woman , because she was taken that Adam may well say out of Man . ^ she is bone of my bones 24 Therefore shall a man leave „ „ , and flesh 01 flesh
his father and his mother , and my , shall cleave unto his wife : and md s ] iaU be Called they shall bo one flesh . 25 And they were both naked , womb-man , and they n ^ Sm ed . hiSWile ' 1 UUl Wa ' were both llaked and were not ashamed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
sea and over the fowl of the air , fch Th js was the and over the cattle , and over all the earth , and over every creep- sixth day ' s labour of the inching that ereepctl . upon the members Qf ^ p _ 27 So God created man in his theon , and the sixth own image , iu the imasre of God . « .-, created he him ; male and female slgQ fl'om Capricornus created he them . j s the Gemini , and there
are the gods Hercules ( or Hiram ) , and Apollo , and just as these Royal Arch brothers , known by some as Castor and Pollux , are setting and closing the Lodge of the Gods in the west , they cause , by their retiring below the horizon , the rising of
young Antinous opposite , and he is the very picture of his parents , the Gemini . Bayer arid others , give Antinous as Hebe . The constelletion is hermaphrodite or Elam , meaning " a young man or virgin , " so the gods brought forth man in their
own image , in the image of the gods created they him , male and female . Thus heaveu and the earth of the Gods were finished , and all the host of them , and sun rising in Aries or Nisan , the celestial lodge closed with brotherl y love on the Jews ' sacred sabbath .
The second Creation is altogether different from that by the gods , and is effected by Wnbti miT 4 T These are the 0 r Jove or Jehovah gods , the generations of the , . heavens and of tho DTTvN having nothing to do earth when they were with th jg creation nor do they created , in the day ¦ ' •> that the LOKD GOD again appear until after the prot ^ L " 1 aWl ducfcio » of ma * * woman . It
required six signs or days for the gods to arrive at the sabbatical period or termination , but with Jove , or the Lord God , there was no sabbath appointed , he brought forth the heavens and the earth in one day , that is , he ruled the whole circle ,
the whole heavens . With him there was no chaos , no firmament , no day or ni g ht , and no greater or lesser lights . Pslm . cxxxix , 12 . Jehovah , Lord of Gods , Cepheus , is supreme , ruling above and over all . It is he that has heaven for his throne , and the Polar star of the earth for his footstool .
1 And the LOUD God formed rrn T I n i r i man of the dust of the ground , lhe Lord God formed and breathed into his nostrils the man from the dust of the breath of life : and man became -, -, ,, -, , . a living soul . ground , and the dust is 811 And the LOED God planted symbolised by a nebula a garden eastward in Eden ; and •» .-there he the whom he Masnalus and he
put man m , had formed Hiram is placed in the 9 And out of the ground x made the LOBD God to grow garden eastward—the every tree that is pleasant to the smbh or j ^ er solstice sight , and good for food ; the tree of life also in the midst of passed , and eastward ajCrfSdSl 5 ! ° *™ nces . Ontofthe ground Meenalus , the Lord God made to groiu
every tree pleasant to the sight and good for food , also the tree of life in the midst and the tree of knowledge of good and evil . By using the Masonic implements , at one point are produced , the palm , the cassia , the cedar , with lilies and rose
bushes , all pleasant to the sight , the vine and the pineapple good for food ; the tree in the midst , and the tree of knowledge . The latter is Pomifer the only tree mentioned by the Gods . The tree of knowledge is the oak , and pomifer or the
oakapple is a bitter fruit . It will be noticed that no mention is made of apple in the account of creation . Apple literally means all sorts of round fruit both of trees and herbs . A very common symbol designating the celestial point is the Popiz
Sax Poppy , emblem of sleep . 15 And the LOUD God took And the Lord God took the man , and put him into the Hiram d fc y { garden of Ldeu to dress it and r _ to keep it . the garden , this time to 16 And the LORD God com- - ¦ , . -i , „ , „„ manded the mansayingOf dress it , and he does SO ,
, , every tree of the garden thou manuring it in a manner mayest freely eat : , , . -. , 17 But of the tree of the somewhat indecent acknowledge of good and evil , thou cording to some charts , shalt not eat of it : for in the day , _ that eatest thereof thou shalt The man is commanded
surely die . to eafc free ] 0 f every tree in the garden of course intending to include the partaking of the tree in the midst , for there is onl y one reservation which is that of the tree of knowledge . Pomifer he is not to eat of , for the
day he does so , he is surely to die , and as the tree pomifer or rather the last apple applies to the 31 st Dec . the year is ended and Hiram dies . The 1811 And the LOED God said , deep sleep is with It is not good that the man 7 „ . . should be aloneI will make him Salem at the Winter
; an help meet for him solstice or midnight , and 21 And theLOKD God caused . . , ., a deep sleep to fall upon Adam , in Hirams right Side IS and he slept : and he took one of the mar ] . from whence his ribs , and closed up the flesh instead thereof . his lowest rib was taken ,
the flesh is closed up . Compasses will p lace a lovely brilliant of a woman in that marked space . _Jove took away the rib and made a woman of it _22 And the rib , which the d tl j brought LOED God had taken from man , ° made lie a womanand brought Fri to the man Hiram
, ga , her unto the man . , ,, -, „„„„ „„ 23 And Adam said , This » wnen they become so now bone of my bones , and flesh completely conjoined of my flesh : she shall be called ,. , , -, ,, Woman , because she was taken that Adam may well say out of Man . ^ she is bone of my bones 24 Therefore shall a man leave „ „ , and flesh 01 flesh
his father and his mother , and my , shall cleave unto his wife : and md s ] iaU be Called they shall bo one flesh . 25 And they were both naked , womb-man , and they n ^ Sm ed . hiSWile ' 1 UUl Wa ' were both llaked and were not ashamed .