Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Little , S . W ., in the absence , through illness , of Bro . J . Smith , AV . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , with the addition of the " Prince and Princess of Wales , " coupled with the health of the young bud from the " Rose of Denmark , " in allusion to the auspicious birth of a Prince on the 8 th inst . On the health of the initiate being proposed , Bro . Barnes expressed himself highly sensible of the honour of being received into Freemasonry , and more especially into the Rose of
Denmark Lodge where so many of his friends were around him . Bro . Sisson , W . M . 903 , responded for the visitors . Bro . Little for the W . M . and himself , regretting the unavaidable absence of Bro . Smith . Bro . Farnfield , J . W ., for the officers , Bro . H . Potter , as Treas ., and Bro . H . G . Buss , as Sec . After a very happy evening , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Visitors . —Bros . Sisson , W . M . 903 ; W . Watson , P . M ., P . G . S . ; C . Lee , P . M . -9 ; W . Raekstraw , P . M . 9 ; C . Chard , 907 ; and Miller , 780 .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . —Cestrian Lodge ( No . 425 ) . —The annual festival of St . John ' s Day was celebrated hy this lodge on Wednesdaj ' , the 30 th ult . The lodge was held at the Green Dragon Hotel , when , according to custom , the W . M . for the year , Bro . Mawdsley , was installed in office , as were the various officers whom he had appointed , as follows : —Bros . T . Wilcock , S . W . ; P . ButtJ . W . ; John TrevorS . D . W . C . HuntJ . D . E .
Min-, , ; , ; shall , Treas . ; C . Cuzner , Sec . ; and Hugh Roberts , I . G . The brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was laid out in tbe Corn Exchange , at five o ' clock . Colonel the Hon . Wellington Cotton , D . Prov . G . M ,, took the chair , and among those present were Bros . Mawdsley , Cozner , T . Wilcock , Tlios . Truss , F . Butt , C . D . Butt , Dr . M'Ewen , J . D . Weaver , Charles Dutton , J . TrevorW . C . HuntE . G . Willoughb D . M'Gregor
, , y , , Arthur Dickson , H . Roberts , J . Huxley , jun ., W . Butler , S . Brown , J . Catherall , H . R . Bainbridge , T . Dean , J . Dunstan , D . G . Acocks , A . Banks , A . F . Watt , and H . Piatt . —After the removal of the cloth , the CHAIRMJIX proposed the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts . — -Bro . WILLOUGHDY then , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Master , the Lord Viscount Combermere . " —Colonel COTTOU re"
turned thanks . The interests of Masonry , he said , were always uppermost in his father ' s mind , and as they knew , it was principally owing to his exertions that it had arrived at its present state of perfection in this country . He had only yesterday received a letter from Lord Combermere , asking him to have a full account of the meeting , and he could assure them that the Craft had not lost the place which it had always held in the affection of their Provincial Grand Master . ( Cheers . )
He would only , in conclusion , express his sincere wish that he would continue to hold that high office for many many years to come . ( Loud cheers . )—Bro . BUTLER proposed " The Health of Colonel Cotton . " They were all extremely grateful to him for so kindly fulfilling the duties which the increasing years of his venerable and esteemed father precluded him from attempting . The manner in which their chairman had gone through the duties of St . John ' s Day on that and on previous occasions had
commended him to the admiration of all present , and his name was deeply seated in the affections of all the brethren of the lod ge . ( Cheers . )—The D . PROV . G . MASTER , in responding , said he did not know till recently that a Mason ' s son could be initiated at the age of eighteen , but as he found that was the ease , he was anxious that his son , who was equally desirous to join them , should be admitted to the Craft . ( Cheers . ) Their
famil y had been for more than 150 years connected with Masonry , and it would be something to say that there were three generations of them members of that lodge . ( Cheers . ) If it would be convenient for them to arrange for the ceremony to be performed next spring , he trusted his father would be able to be present on the occasion . ( Cheers . )—Bro . J . TREVOR proposed "The Health of LadCombermere" —The DP G
y . . ROV . . MASTER , in appropriate terms , responded , observing that her ladyshi p was deserving of the regard of all Masons , if for no « her reason , for the devoted attention she paid to Lord Combermere . ( Cheers . ) The D . Prov . G . M . proposed " The Master and Officers of the Cestrian Lodge for the ensuing year . " He ¦ nad been greatly struck that day with the manner in which the
duties of the day had been performed , and especially with the way in which the beautiful ceremony of opening and closing the lodge had been done . He had never seen it better done in England . —Bro . MAWDSLEY returned thanks . —Several other toasts were given and responded to before the D . PROV . G . MASTER proposed " To our Next Merry Meeting , " when the company broke up . —The proceedings of the evening were much enlivened b excellent and
y some songs sung by Bros . Cuzner CD . Butt . ° Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) .- —At the monthly meeting of this lodge , on the 29 th ult ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , P . G . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year .
DEVONSHIRE . SIMIOUTH . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 164 ) . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist , was celebrated by the members of this ancient lodge , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst . The lodge was close-tiled at the hour of high twelve , the business to be attended to being rather heavy , including two raisings , the installation of the W . M . electaud the initiation of a candidate .
, Lodge being opened in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Crocker , proceeded to raise two brethren to the sublime degree of M . M ., the charge to the newly-raised brethren being impressively given by Bro . Gundry , who then took the chair for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . B . T . Hodge ( this being the third time that the choice of the brethren has fallen upon him ) . This ceremony having been performed according to ancient
visage , and the officers for the ensuing year invested , the lodge being opened in the first degree , the candidate was balloted for , and the result declared to be unanimously in his favour , he was then admitted , and solemnly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , the lecture on the tracing-board being admirably delivered by Bro . Bastin . The brethren next adjourned to an excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Witt . On
the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , that of the D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Officers being responded to by Bro . Crocker , as Prov . G . Chap . He regretted the probability of his being compelled to sever his connection with Lodge Perseverance—circumstances occurring to lead him to change his present residence . He trusted , however , that he might be so placed as still to be able to attend its meetings , and again on many occasions like the present , meet
the brethren , with whom he had been so long identified , around the festive board . The toasts , Bro . and Mrs . Witt , the newlyinitiated , our visiting brethren , and the newly-raised brethren , were severally responded to by Bro . Witt , T . K . Were , B .
Bastin , S . Cummings , and E . H . Crate . The company , though not so numerous as could have been wished , passed a pleasant evening , and separated in peace and harmony . The following were appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . F . Crocker , P . M . and Chap . ; B . Butler , S . W . ; J . Godfrey , J . W . ; J . Mortimer , Treas . ; E . H . Crate , S . D . ; S . Cummings , J . D . ; J . Nbrthcotfc , I . G . ; G . Butler , Tyler . Visiting brethren present—Bros . GundryBampfieldand SuttonFortescue Lodge
, , , , Honlton ; B . Bastin , Sun Lodge ( No . 106 ) , Exmouth . PLYMOUTH . — Lodge Fortitude ( No . 105 ) . — The annual banquet of this lodge was held at the lodge room , Prince George Hotel , East Stonehouse , on Wednesday , the 9 th ult ., when there were about forty members present . The dinner was a most excellent one . The attendance was also numerous , and in every respect the banquet did very great credit to Bro .
Haslewood , the worthy host of the Prince George . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Thuell , and the vice-chair by the S . W . Bro . Stonebam ; the J . W ., Bro . Ash , also presided in the South . The W . M . was supported by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Rodda , Prov . G . Reg . ; and Past Masters R . R . Rodd , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Jew ; J . Rowe , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Killingly ( of Heavitree ) , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Nettleton , Chapman ,
Phillips , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Franklyn , and Jackman . After dinner the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed . "The Queen and the Craft" was given in a very appropriate manner by the W . M . * ' The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " was also proposed from the chair , as was also the toast of " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon . "
The next toast was given by Bro . RODDA , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., who said he rose to propose the health of a brother beloved and venerated by every Freemason in this large and populous province . Tbe popular talents of the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M . were well known , not' only iu this province , where
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Little , S . W ., in the absence , through illness , of Bro . J . Smith , AV . M . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , with the addition of the " Prince and Princess of Wales , " coupled with the health of the young bud from the " Rose of Denmark , " in allusion to the auspicious birth of a Prince on the 8 th inst . On the health of the initiate being proposed , Bro . Barnes expressed himself highly sensible of the honour of being received into Freemasonry , and more especially into the Rose of
Denmark Lodge where so many of his friends were around him . Bro . Sisson , W . M . 903 , responded for the visitors . Bro . Little for the W . M . and himself , regretting the unavaidable absence of Bro . Smith . Bro . Farnfield , J . W ., for the officers , Bro . H . Potter , as Treas ., and Bro . H . G . Buss , as Sec . After a very happy evening , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Visitors . —Bros . Sisson , W . M . 903 ; W . Watson , P . M ., P . G . S . ; C . Lee , P . M . -9 ; W . Raekstraw , P . M . 9 ; C . Chard , 907 ; and Miller , 780 .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . —Cestrian Lodge ( No . 425 ) . —The annual festival of St . John ' s Day was celebrated hy this lodge on Wednesdaj ' , the 30 th ult . The lodge was held at the Green Dragon Hotel , when , according to custom , the W . M . for the year , Bro . Mawdsley , was installed in office , as were the various officers whom he had appointed , as follows : —Bros . T . Wilcock , S . W . ; P . ButtJ . W . ; John TrevorS . D . W . C . HuntJ . D . E .
Min-, , ; , ; shall , Treas . ; C . Cuzner , Sec . ; and Hugh Roberts , I . G . The brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was laid out in tbe Corn Exchange , at five o ' clock . Colonel the Hon . Wellington Cotton , D . Prov . G . M ,, took the chair , and among those present were Bros . Mawdsley , Cozner , T . Wilcock , Tlios . Truss , F . Butt , C . D . Butt , Dr . M'Ewen , J . D . Weaver , Charles Dutton , J . TrevorW . C . HuntE . G . Willoughb D . M'Gregor
, , y , , Arthur Dickson , H . Roberts , J . Huxley , jun ., W . Butler , S . Brown , J . Catherall , H . R . Bainbridge , T . Dean , J . Dunstan , D . G . Acocks , A . Banks , A . F . Watt , and H . Piatt . —After the removal of the cloth , the CHAIRMJIX proposed the usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts . — -Bro . WILLOUGHDY then , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Health of the Provincial Grand Master , the Lord Viscount Combermere . " —Colonel COTTOU re"
turned thanks . The interests of Masonry , he said , were always uppermost in his father ' s mind , and as they knew , it was principally owing to his exertions that it had arrived at its present state of perfection in this country . He had only yesterday received a letter from Lord Combermere , asking him to have a full account of the meeting , and he could assure them that the Craft had not lost the place which it had always held in the affection of their Provincial Grand Master . ( Cheers . )
He would only , in conclusion , express his sincere wish that he would continue to hold that high office for many many years to come . ( Loud cheers . )—Bro . BUTLER proposed " The Health of Colonel Cotton . " They were all extremely grateful to him for so kindly fulfilling the duties which the increasing years of his venerable and esteemed father precluded him from attempting . The manner in which their chairman had gone through the duties of St . John ' s Day on that and on previous occasions had
commended him to the admiration of all present , and his name was deeply seated in the affections of all the brethren of the lod ge . ( Cheers . )—The D . PROV . G . MASTER , in responding , said he did not know till recently that a Mason ' s son could be initiated at the age of eighteen , but as he found that was the ease , he was anxious that his son , who was equally desirous to join them , should be admitted to the Craft . ( Cheers . ) Their
famil y had been for more than 150 years connected with Masonry , and it would be something to say that there were three generations of them members of that lodge . ( Cheers . ) If it would be convenient for them to arrange for the ceremony to be performed next spring , he trusted his father would be able to be present on the occasion . ( Cheers . )—Bro . J . TREVOR proposed "The Health of LadCombermere" —The DP G
y . . ROV . . MASTER , in appropriate terms , responded , observing that her ladyshi p was deserving of the regard of all Masons , if for no « her reason , for the devoted attention she paid to Lord Combermere . ( Cheers . ) The D . Prov . G . M . proposed " The Master and Officers of the Cestrian Lodge for the ensuing year . " He ¦ nad been greatly struck that day with the manner in which the
duties of the day had been performed , and especially with the way in which the beautiful ceremony of opening and closing the lodge had been done . He had never seen it better done in England . —Bro . MAWDSLEY returned thanks . —Several other toasts were given and responded to before the D . PROV . G . MASTER proposed " To our Next Merry Meeting , " when the company broke up . —The proceedings of the evening were much enlivened b excellent and
y some songs sung by Bros . Cuzner CD . Butt . ° Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) .- —At the monthly meeting of this lodge , on the 29 th ult ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , P . G . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year .
DEVONSHIRE . SIMIOUTH . —Lodge Perseverance ( No . 164 ) . —The festival of St . John the Evangelist , was celebrated by the members of this ancient lodge , on Wednesday , the 6 th inst . The lodge was close-tiled at the hour of high twelve , the business to be attended to being rather heavy , including two raisings , the installation of the W . M . electaud the initiation of a candidate .
, Lodge being opened in due form , the W . M ., Bro . Crocker , proceeded to raise two brethren to the sublime degree of M . M ., the charge to the newly-raised brethren being impressively given by Bro . Gundry , who then took the chair for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . B . T . Hodge ( this being the third time that the choice of the brethren has fallen upon him ) . This ceremony having been performed according to ancient
visage , and the officers for the ensuing year invested , the lodge being opened in the first degree , the candidate was balloted for , and the result declared to be unanimously in his favour , he was then admitted , and solemnly initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , the lecture on the tracing-board being admirably delivered by Bro . Bastin . The brethren next adjourned to an excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Witt . On
the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed , that of the D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Officers being responded to by Bro . Crocker , as Prov . G . Chap . He regretted the probability of his being compelled to sever his connection with Lodge Perseverance—circumstances occurring to lead him to change his present residence . He trusted , however , that he might be so placed as still to be able to attend its meetings , and again on many occasions like the present , meet
the brethren , with whom he had been so long identified , around the festive board . The toasts , Bro . and Mrs . Witt , the newlyinitiated , our visiting brethren , and the newly-raised brethren , were severally responded to by Bro . Witt , T . K . Were , B .
Bastin , S . Cummings , and E . H . Crate . The company , though not so numerous as could have been wished , passed a pleasant evening , and separated in peace and harmony . The following were appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . W . F . Crocker , P . M . and Chap . ; B . Butler , S . W . ; J . Godfrey , J . W . ; J . Mortimer , Treas . ; E . H . Crate , S . D . ; S . Cummings , J . D . ; J . Nbrthcotfc , I . G . ; G . Butler , Tyler . Visiting brethren present—Bros . GundryBampfieldand SuttonFortescue Lodge
, , , , Honlton ; B . Bastin , Sun Lodge ( No . 106 ) , Exmouth . PLYMOUTH . — Lodge Fortitude ( No . 105 ) . — The annual banquet of this lodge was held at the lodge room , Prince George Hotel , East Stonehouse , on Wednesday , the 9 th ult ., when there were about forty members present . The dinner was a most excellent one . The attendance was also numerous , and in every respect the banquet did very great credit to Bro .
Haslewood , the worthy host of the Prince George . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . Thuell , and the vice-chair by the S . W . Bro . Stonebam ; the J . W ., Bro . Ash , also presided in the South . The W . M . was supported by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Rodda , Prov . G . Reg . ; and Past Masters R . R . Rodd , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Jew ; J . Rowe , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; J . Killingly ( of Heavitree ) , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Nettleton , Chapman ,
Phillips , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; Franklyn , and Jackman . After dinner the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed . "The Queen and the Craft" was given in a very appropriate manner by the W . M . * ' The Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , " was also proposed from the chair , as was also the toast of " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon . "
The next toast was given by Bro . RODDA , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., who said he rose to propose the health of a brother beloved and venerated by every Freemason in this large and populous province . Tbe popular talents of the R . W . the D . Prov . G . M . were well known , not' only iu this province , where