Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonry by Bro . Thomas Bragg , the retiring W . M . In this lodge during the past year thirty-five gentlemen have been initiated into Freemasonry , and about 110 brethren are subscribing members . After the business was concluded , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Horley . The W . M . was supported by Bro . Chas . W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Major Allison , of Sunderland ; E . Yates , P . Prov . S . W ., StaffordBros . HaselorBristolCapt . BullockCapt . M'lmiis
; , , , , AVhitt . il , Whitehead , and several other visiting brethren , and on the left by Bros . Thos . Bragg , P . M . ; M'Cracken , Geo . Hudson , John Pursall , Vaughan , P . M . 's ; Penn , Treas ., & c . Several loyal Masonic toasts were given , and the evening passed off in the most agreeable manner . COVENTRY . —Trinity Lodge ( No . 251 ) . —The members of this lodge held their annual meeting on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., for
the installation of Master ancl appointment of Officers . Bro . Charles Reid , W . M ., was again placed in the chair , and appointed his Officers ; after which the brethren , about forty in number , adjourned to a very excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Hall , at tbe Castle Hotel , Coventry . The W . M . was supported on his right by Bro . Charles IV . Elkington , I ) . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . C . Bliss , Bursell , and other visiting brethren . The usual loyal toasts were given , after which the W . M . proposed the M . W . the
Grand Master , the R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Elkington , Prov . G . S . B ., responded , after which the health of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , was proposed . This was followed by the health of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Elkington , and the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Elkington replied in a truly Masonic speech , and called upon Bro . Thomas Clarke to respond for the Provincial Grand Lodge . The health of the W . M . aud other toasts followed . The evening was spent in the most pleasant manner . During the evening there was some excellent singing .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . JLINCHESTER . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter met on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Lodge-rooms , Cross-street , when Comp . R . H . Edge , Z ., exalted Bros . p . Paterson , Cheetham and Crumpsall ( No . 61-5 ); Ignaz Sehlesinger , Yarborough ( No . 633 ); Austin Shellard , Affability , ( No . 317 ); and Thomas Richards , Caledonian ( No . 201 ) . The next meeting of this flourishing chapter will be on Wednesday , January 20 th . Business—Installation of officers and exaltations .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT CALV _ ENCAMPMENT . —This encampment held a meeting at the new grand hall of the Masonic Union Company , No . 14 , Bedford-row , on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at four o'clock . Present : Sir Knts . William Stuart , M . E . and S . Grand Master , honorary member of the encampment ; C Swan , E . C . and A . G . D . C ; Binckes , E . C . elect as 1 st Captain ; Wallace , as 2 nd
Captain ; L . Lemanski , Treas . and G . S . B . ; H . J . Thompson , Sec . and P . G . Aide-de-Camp ; J . H . Grice , Prelate ; W . Paas , Expert ; M .. H . Shuttlew orth , G . V . C . and D . C . ; Knt . Comps . Stillwell , as Herald ; and Thompson , jun ., and W . Lean , as Captains of Lines ; Sir Knts . Elliott , P . E . C . and P . G . H . ; Purdy , P . E . C . and P . G . B . B . ; Brackstone Baker , P . E . C . and P . G . Standard Bearer ; H . W . Spratt , P . G . Captain ; W . J . MeynottG . D . C . and P . E . C . Faith and Fidelit and several
, y ; other Knights . The arch of steel was formed , and the Grand Master entered the hall , preceded by the Grand Banner Bearer and Grand Sword Bearer , and having taken his seat on the dais to the right of the E . G ., the encampment was then opened in due form ; and the M . E . and S . Grand Master saluted with Templar honours , and the minutes of the preceding meetings having been read and confirmednone of the candidates for
, installation mentioned in the summons being in attendance , Sir Knt . Fredk . Binckes , E . C . elect , was presented by P . E . C . Sir Knt . Elliot , and having been duly installed by the Eminent Commander , Sir Knt . C . Swan , took his seat upon the throne , and was duly proclaimed by the Heralds aud saluted by the
Knights Templar.
Knights present . The E . C . then appointed the officers for the ensuing year : Sir Knt . C . Swan , P . E . C , Prelate ; Knt . Comps . Rev . j . H . Grice , 1 st Captain ; W . Pans , 2 nd Captain ; Sir Knts . P . E . C . L . Lemanski , Treas . ; P . E . C . H . J . Thompson , Reg . ; Knt . Comps . W . S . Wallace , Expert ; E . S . Stillwell , 1 st Aidede-Camp ; H . J . W . Thompson , 2 nd Aide-de-Camp ; W . Lean , 1 st Captain of Lines ; 3 . Stobwassev , 2 nd Captain of Lines ; WStrachau 1 st Herald ; G . Tedder ; 2 nd Herald ; J . Hoare
. , , Equerry . The E . G ., before proceeding to close the encampment , had one subject to bring to the notice of the Sir Knights present , which he considered of importance , which he had already privately mentioned to the Grand Master , who had signified his approval , and upon which he was anxious to gather the opinion not only of the members of this encampment , bub also of tho Sir Knights who had honoured them with their
presence as visitors . The next regular meeting of the encampment would te held on the 11 th of March , the anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay , the Grand Master of the Order at the time of its suppression in 1313 , an event to which this encampment gave marked prominence , and which , now that they liad " tho means and accommodation they fortunatelpossessedhe was desirous of commemorating in a
y , more solemn manner than had hitherto been done . He proposed a commemoration service , the details of which would be considered , and , as their E . G ., to read an original paper appropriate to the occasion , which he did not suppose would be anything attractive in itself , but which he would prepare in the hope of stimulating others with greater ability to follow his example . He purposed to invite the presence and co-operation of
the members of the London encampments , and would take care tbat the members of provincial encampments should have the opportunity of attending , should convenience permit , as he hoped in many instances it would , his object being to secure as large an attendance as possible . There being no further business before the encampment , it was closed in ancient form with solemn prayer , ancl the Knights adjourned to the banquet room , wbere a repast was supplied , which , with the wines , fully supported the reputation the caterer , Bro . Fennell , has established since the building has been opened .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . MECHANICS LODGE ( NO . 245 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on December 28 th , when Bro . Durell was installed as W . M . for a second year . Owing to numerous Christmas engagements of the members , the annual banquet was deferred . This took place at Bro . Ainslie's , on Thursday , January 7 th . Including visitorsthirty-three brethren sat clown to a most
, excellent dinner , which was highly creditable to the host . After the cloth was drawn , the usual toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " "The Prince of Wales and Royal Family , " " The Earl of Zetland and Grand Lodge of England , " were duly honoured . The W . M . then proposed " Tho Health of tho M . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Hammond , " who briefly acknowledged the compliment , and called on the brethren to do especial honour to the
W . M . with all tho sincerest and earnestness which he merited , as having done his duty with so much zeal as to lead to his appointment a second time . —Bro . DUBEEL replied in suitable terms , and expressed his gratification at again holding the high position , which was complete evidence that he had obtained the confidence and approbation of the lodge , for otherwise some other brother would have been chosen to fill this important postat the same time stating his determination not to relax
, in his efforts for the promotion of the interests committed to his charge . He concluded by reminding the brethren that this was a memorable day to the lodge , completing its jubilee , just half a century having elapsed since its foundation . A duty , therefore , devolved on the present members , to bepiously mindful of those to whom the lodge owed its existence , none of them now surviving , though they could boast of several who had belonged to it a great portion of the time ; hetherefore
, , proposed " The Immortal Memory of the Founders of the Mechanics' Lodge , " which was responded to in silence , without the Masonic formalities accorded to all the other toasts which related to the Craft . —The next toast given was that of the " W . M . 's of the Province , " which having been cordially honoured , Bro . Dr . HOPKINS replied . He regretted the absence of all the other brethren who presided over the respective
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry by Bro . Thomas Bragg , the retiring W . M . In this lodge during the past year thirty-five gentlemen have been initiated into Freemasonry , and about 110 brethren are subscribing members . After the business was concluded , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Horley . The W . M . was supported by Bro . Chas . W . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . Major Allison , of Sunderland ; E . Yates , P . Prov . S . W ., StaffordBros . HaselorBristolCapt . BullockCapt . M'lmiis
; , , , , AVhitt . il , Whitehead , and several other visiting brethren , and on the left by Bros . Thos . Bragg , P . M . ; M'Cracken , Geo . Hudson , John Pursall , Vaughan , P . M . 's ; Penn , Treas ., & c . Several loyal Masonic toasts were given , and the evening passed off in the most agreeable manner . COVENTRY . —Trinity Lodge ( No . 251 ) . —The members of this lodge held their annual meeting on Thursday , the 31 st ult ., for
the installation of Master ancl appointment of Officers . Bro . Charles Reid , W . M ., was again placed in the chair , and appointed his Officers ; after which the brethren , about forty in number , adjourned to a very excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Hall , at tbe Castle Hotel , Coventry . The W . M . was supported on his right by Bro . Charles IV . Elkington , I ) . Prov . G . M . ; Bros . C . Bliss , Bursell , and other visiting brethren . The usual loyal toasts were given , after which the W . M . proposed the M . W . the
Grand Master , the R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . Elkington , Prov . G . S . B ., responded , after which the health of the Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , was proposed . This was followed by the health of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Elkington , and the Provincial Grand Officers . Bro . Elkington replied in a truly Masonic speech , and called upon Bro . Thomas Clarke to respond for the Provincial Grand Lodge . The health of the W . M . aud other toasts followed . The evening was spent in the most pleasant manner . During the evening there was some excellent singing .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . JLINCHESTER . —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter met on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Lodge-rooms , Cross-street , when Comp . R . H . Edge , Z ., exalted Bros . p . Paterson , Cheetham and Crumpsall ( No . 61-5 ); Ignaz Sehlesinger , Yarborough ( No . 633 ); Austin Shellard , Affability , ( No . 317 ); and Thomas Richards , Caledonian ( No . 201 ) . The next meeting of this flourishing chapter will be on Wednesday , January 20 th . Business—Installation of officers and exaltations .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT CALV _ ENCAMPMENT . —This encampment held a meeting at the new grand hall of the Masonic Union Company , No . 14 , Bedford-row , on Friday , the 8 th inst ., at four o'clock . Present : Sir Knts . William Stuart , M . E . and S . Grand Master , honorary member of the encampment ; C Swan , E . C . and A . G . D . C ; Binckes , E . C . elect as 1 st Captain ; Wallace , as 2 nd
Captain ; L . Lemanski , Treas . and G . S . B . ; H . J . Thompson , Sec . and P . G . Aide-de-Camp ; J . H . Grice , Prelate ; W . Paas , Expert ; M .. H . Shuttlew orth , G . V . C . and D . C . ; Knt . Comps . Stillwell , as Herald ; and Thompson , jun ., and W . Lean , as Captains of Lines ; Sir Knts . Elliott , P . E . C . and P . G . H . ; Purdy , P . E . C . and P . G . B . B . ; Brackstone Baker , P . E . C . and P . G . Standard Bearer ; H . W . Spratt , P . G . Captain ; W . J . MeynottG . D . C . and P . E . C . Faith and Fidelit and several
, y ; other Knights . The arch of steel was formed , and the Grand Master entered the hall , preceded by the Grand Banner Bearer and Grand Sword Bearer , and having taken his seat on the dais to the right of the E . G ., the encampment was then opened in due form ; and the M . E . and S . Grand Master saluted with Templar honours , and the minutes of the preceding meetings having been read and confirmednone of the candidates for
, installation mentioned in the summons being in attendance , Sir Knt . Fredk . Binckes , E . C . elect , was presented by P . E . C . Sir Knt . Elliot , and having been duly installed by the Eminent Commander , Sir Knt . C . Swan , took his seat upon the throne , and was duly proclaimed by the Heralds aud saluted by the
Knights Templar.
Knights present . The E . C . then appointed the officers for the ensuing year : Sir Knt . C . Swan , P . E . C , Prelate ; Knt . Comps . Rev . j . H . Grice , 1 st Captain ; W . Pans , 2 nd Captain ; Sir Knts . P . E . C . L . Lemanski , Treas . ; P . E . C . H . J . Thompson , Reg . ; Knt . Comps . W . S . Wallace , Expert ; E . S . Stillwell , 1 st Aidede-Camp ; H . J . W . Thompson , 2 nd Aide-de-Camp ; W . Lean , 1 st Captain of Lines ; 3 . Stobwassev , 2 nd Captain of Lines ; WStrachau 1 st Herald ; G . Tedder ; 2 nd Herald ; J . Hoare
. , , Equerry . The E . G ., before proceeding to close the encampment , had one subject to bring to the notice of the Sir Knights present , which he considered of importance , which he had already privately mentioned to the Grand Master , who had signified his approval , and upon which he was anxious to gather the opinion not only of the members of this encampment , bub also of tho Sir Knights who had honoured them with their
presence as visitors . The next regular meeting of the encampment would te held on the 11 th of March , the anniversary of the execution of Jacques de Molay , the Grand Master of the Order at the time of its suppression in 1313 , an event to which this encampment gave marked prominence , and which , now that they liad " tho means and accommodation they fortunatelpossessedhe was desirous of commemorating in a
y , more solemn manner than had hitherto been done . He proposed a commemoration service , the details of which would be considered , and , as their E . G ., to read an original paper appropriate to the occasion , which he did not suppose would be anything attractive in itself , but which he would prepare in the hope of stimulating others with greater ability to follow his example . He purposed to invite the presence and co-operation of
the members of the London encampments , and would take care tbat the members of provincial encampments should have the opportunity of attending , should convenience permit , as he hoped in many instances it would , his object being to secure as large an attendance as possible . There being no further business before the encampment , it was closed in ancient form with solemn prayer , ancl the Knights adjourned to the banquet room , wbere a repast was supplied , which , with the wines , fully supported the reputation the caterer , Bro . Fennell , has established since the building has been opened .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . MECHANICS LODGE ( NO . 245 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on December 28 th , when Bro . Durell was installed as W . M . for a second year . Owing to numerous Christmas engagements of the members , the annual banquet was deferred . This took place at Bro . Ainslie's , on Thursday , January 7 th . Including visitorsthirty-three brethren sat clown to a most
, excellent dinner , which was highly creditable to the host . After the cloth was drawn , the usual toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " "The Prince of Wales and Royal Family , " " The Earl of Zetland and Grand Lodge of England , " were duly honoured . The W . M . then proposed " Tho Health of tho M . W . the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Hammond , " who briefly acknowledged the compliment , and called on the brethren to do especial honour to the
W . M . with all tho sincerest and earnestness which he merited , as having done his duty with so much zeal as to lead to his appointment a second time . —Bro . DUBEEL replied in suitable terms , and expressed his gratification at again holding the high position , which was complete evidence that he had obtained the confidence and approbation of the lodge , for otherwise some other brother would have been chosen to fill this important postat the same time stating his determination not to relax
, in his efforts for the promotion of the interests committed to his charge . He concluded by reminding the brethren that this was a memorable day to the lodge , completing its jubilee , just half a century having elapsed since its foundation . A duty , therefore , devolved on the present members , to bepiously mindful of those to whom the lodge owed its existence , none of them now surviving , though they could boast of several who had belonged to it a great portion of the time ; hetherefore
, , proposed " The Immortal Memory of the Founders of the Mechanics' Lodge , " which was responded to in silence , without the Masonic formalities accorded to all the other toasts which related to the Craft . —The next toast given was that of the " W . M . 's of the Province , " which having been cordially honoured , Bro . Dr . HOPKINS replied . He regretted the absence of all the other brethren who presided over the respective