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formed tho duties of his ofhce , the devoted attention he paid to the Craft , and tho high estimation in which he was held by every good . Mason These remarks were cordially endorsed by all present , as testified by the plaudits with which they were received . The D . Prov . G . M . responded in a neat and impressive speech , in which he stated that while there were Masonic interests to promote , and a few angular excresonces to remove , his solicitude for the welfare of the Craft would
always induce him to lend a helping hand ; he thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him . Bro . W . H . Crookes gave tho "Masonic Charities" in his usual effective manner , and enumerated many instances where aged brethren and the sons and daughters of Freemasons had been benefitted by the charitable institutions of tbe Order , and which established a claim to continued support . Bro . It . Sangster gave " Our Absent Brethren" which was most feelingly and ably
, rendered . Many excellent songs were sung during the evening , with an original song from the Secretary , to commemorate the birth of a son and heir at " South-hill , " the residence of Bro . Henry Fenwick , TiI . F .-. — Freemason's all think it a merit , To sing with a jubilant air , The praise of the pencil aud skin-it ,
The plumb-rule , the compass , and square ; But what I now wish you to do , is To sing , with a hearty good will , In praise of that emblem , the Lewis , * And the Lewis that ' s born at South-hill . An emblem of strength is the Lewis , So powerful the grip that it holds
, And the stronger and firmer it too is The greater tho weight it enfolds ; And thus will the virtues and graces , As through his young bosom tbey thrill , Bo grasp'd and held firm in their places By the Lewis that's born at South-hill .
0 , soon may the mantle fall o'er him Of him whose affection he'll claim , With such an example before him 'T will light up his pathway to fame . May honour and duty direct him , And wisdom her precepts instill ; While the All-seeing Eye shall protect him , The Lewis that ' s born at South-hill .
When the floor of the temple he paces ( I speak with prophetical power ) , And the rights of the Craft he embraces , , Like a Lewis he'll hold them secure ; He'll hold fast the faith of a Hiram And emulate Tubal-Cain's skill , As a Mason the world shall admire him ,
The Lewis that's born at South-hill . The whole of the . proceedings wore conducted harmoniously ancl closed in due form .
ISLE OF WIGHT . COIVES . —Medina Lodge ( No . 35 ) . — -The members of this oldestablished and flourishing lodge met at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the first and second degree by Bro . Thos . Osborn , P . M ., when Bro . Samuel Matthews was passed to the degree of a Fellow CraftThe
. chair was then taken by Bro . T . W . Faulkner , P . M . The W . M . elect was then presented by Bro . Thos . Osborn , when the Secretary , Bro . J . R . Dawson , P . M ., was called upon to read the ancient charges and regulations to the W . M . elect prior to installation , which he did . A board of installed Masters was then formed , consisting of Bros . T . W . Faulkner , J . R . Dawson , J . W DevereuxEBDeaconGHCookeTOsbornand
. , . . , . . , . , Thos . Hailing . The presiding officer , Bro . T . W . Faulkner , then proceeded to instal Bro . S . W . Way , the late S . W ., in the chair of K . S . Upon the readmissiou of the members , Bro . {' ,. E'lulkner continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which he did in his usual excellent style . The apprintment of officers followed , Bro . S . W . Way
having been pleased to appoint Bros . G . H . Cooke , P . M . ; S . H , Harris , S . W . ; Chas . Airs , J . W . ; T . W . Faulkner , Treas . ; J . R . Dawson , Sec ; G . F . Sutton , S . D . ; Edward Triggs , J . D . ; Thos . Giles , I . G . ; Charles Sari and C . F . Bishop , Stewards ; and John Scrivcn , Tyler . The brethren then adjourned to Bro . Jones's , Gloster Hotel , to a splendid banquet , where the evening was spent in harmony and good-fellowship .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist on Monday evening , the 28 th ult ., at tbe Great White Horse Hotel . The dinner , provided by Bro . Henry Guiver , was all that could be desired . The chair was occupied bv the W . M . for the year , Bro . H . Luff , supported by Bros . G .
Turner , S . W . ; J . A . Pettit , jun ., J . W . ; R . N . S . Greene , S . D . ; EU . - -. ton , J . D . ; Findley , Dir . of Cers . ; Read , I . G . There were also present , Bros . Franks , P . M ., Sec . 376 ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . ; S . B . King , I . P . M . ; Pitchers , P . M . ; Richmond . W . M . 225 ; Randall , P . M . ; Crispin , P . M . ; Deck , P . M . 114 ; JST . Tracy , P . M . ; J . A . Pettit , P . M . ; J . Davy , E . T . Read , W . H . Moore , J . H . Staddon , A . Read , C . W . Godball ( 225 ) MorfeyH . KnightsJas . GodballChampE . C . Tidd
, , , , , , H . G . Churchman , & c . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . MASTER gave in succession "The Queen , " "The G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , " " The D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , " " The Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , Col . A . S . Adair , " all of which were honoured In truly Masonic style . The W . MASTER next proposed " The Past and Present Officers of the Provincial Grand Lod" coupling with the toast the name
ge , of Bro . Pitcher . ( Masonic honours . ) Bro . PITCHER briefly acknowledged tbe compliment on behalf of the ofllcers of thc province . Next followed from the chair " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " uniting with it the name of Bro . Deck , of the British Union Lodge . ( Honours . ) Bro . DECK , in reply , said he had been 46 years connected with Masonry ; his heart was in Masonryand he felt the
, greatest love and esteem for the Craft . He thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment . He wished the Lodge of Perfect Friendship every success , and trusted it would continue to prosper and increase in numbers . ( Applause . ) Bro . RiCHr-JO-TO , W . M . 225 , also briefly responded . The W . MASTER , in appropriate terms , gave " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . S . B . King , " which was most cordially received by the brethren .
Bro . Kixu- said he had been selected hy the brethren to fill the W . M . chaiy for the third time . It was an honour of which any brother might well feel justly proud . He could assure them he felt it most keenly , for to be W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge was no mean position . ( Hear , hear . ) Their approbation was all ho asked for , and if he had won that he was amply repaid for all the labour and attention which might have been called forth during the period he held that exalted
office . He thanked them most sincerely for the very flattering compliment they had paid him , and trusted the Perfect Friendship Lodge would continue to flourish to the end of all time . ( Applause . ) The LP . MASTER shortly afterwards rose to propose a toast , which be should call the toast of the evening ; that was "The Health of their W . M . " ( Applause . ) He was sure they had
placed a brother in that position who had the interest of the Perfect Friendship Lodge at heart ; and of this he was assured no exertion would be spared by him faithfully to carry out all that pertained to so high and honourable a position ; ( hear , hear ) , and he hoped the brethren would all rally round him . The selection of Bro . Luff showed that the brethren of the lodge entertained for him very high respect . He called upon
them to drink , as Masons , the toast of their W . M . ( Masonic honours . ) The W . MASTER was cordially received on rising to reply . Ho said he accepted with pleasure this cordial mark of their esteem and respect . He had the interest of the Perfect Friendship Lodge at heart . He respected it more than any lodge in the province . Whilst he occupied that chair , he could assure them that he would never take the part of one brother to the detriment and injury of another . ( Hear , hear . ) He hoped to carry out the duties of his office to their satisfaction , and he trusted iu course of time to be equal with Bro . King , who had filled that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
formed tho duties of his ofhce , the devoted attention he paid to the Craft , and tho high estimation in which he was held by every good . Mason These remarks were cordially endorsed by all present , as testified by the plaudits with which they were received . The D . Prov . G . M . responded in a neat and impressive speech , in which he stated that while there were Masonic interests to promote , and a few angular excresonces to remove , his solicitude for the welfare of the Craft would
always induce him to lend a helping hand ; he thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him . Bro . W . H . Crookes gave tho "Masonic Charities" in his usual effective manner , and enumerated many instances where aged brethren and the sons and daughters of Freemasons had been benefitted by the charitable institutions of tbe Order , and which established a claim to continued support . Bro . It . Sangster gave " Our Absent Brethren" which was most feelingly and ably
, rendered . Many excellent songs were sung during the evening , with an original song from the Secretary , to commemorate the birth of a son and heir at " South-hill , " the residence of Bro . Henry Fenwick , TiI . F .-. — Freemason's all think it a merit , To sing with a jubilant air , The praise of the pencil aud skin-it ,
The plumb-rule , the compass , and square ; But what I now wish you to do , is To sing , with a hearty good will , In praise of that emblem , the Lewis , * And the Lewis that ' s born at South-hill . An emblem of strength is the Lewis , So powerful the grip that it holds
, And the stronger and firmer it too is The greater tho weight it enfolds ; And thus will the virtues and graces , As through his young bosom tbey thrill , Bo grasp'd and held firm in their places By the Lewis that's born at South-hill .
0 , soon may the mantle fall o'er him Of him whose affection he'll claim , With such an example before him 'T will light up his pathway to fame . May honour and duty direct him , And wisdom her precepts instill ; While the All-seeing Eye shall protect him , The Lewis that ' s born at South-hill .
When the floor of the temple he paces ( I speak with prophetical power ) , And the rights of the Craft he embraces , , Like a Lewis he'll hold them secure ; He'll hold fast the faith of a Hiram And emulate Tubal-Cain's skill , As a Mason the world shall admire him ,
The Lewis that's born at South-hill . The whole of the . proceedings wore conducted harmoniously ancl closed in due form .
ISLE OF WIGHT . COIVES . —Medina Lodge ( No . 35 ) . — -The members of this oldestablished and flourishing lodge met at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., for the purpose of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened in the first and second degree by Bro . Thos . Osborn , P . M ., when Bro . Samuel Matthews was passed to the degree of a Fellow CraftThe
. chair was then taken by Bro . T . W . Faulkner , P . M . The W . M . elect was then presented by Bro . Thos . Osborn , when the Secretary , Bro . J . R . Dawson , P . M ., was called upon to read the ancient charges and regulations to the W . M . elect prior to installation , which he did . A board of installed Masters was then formed , consisting of Bros . T . W . Faulkner , J . R . Dawson , J . W DevereuxEBDeaconGHCookeTOsbornand
. , . . , . . , . , Thos . Hailing . The presiding officer , Bro . T . W . Faulkner , then proceeded to instal Bro . S . W . Way , the late S . W ., in the chair of K . S . Upon the readmissiou of the members , Bro . {' ,. E'lulkner continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which he did in his usual excellent style . The apprintment of officers followed , Bro . S . W . Way
having been pleased to appoint Bros . G . H . Cooke , P . M . ; S . H , Harris , S . W . ; Chas . Airs , J . W . ; T . W . Faulkner , Treas . ; J . R . Dawson , Sec ; G . F . Sutton , S . D . ; Edward Triggs , J . D . ; Thos . Giles , I . G . ; Charles Sari and C . F . Bishop , Stewards ; and John Scrivcn , Tyler . The brethren then adjourned to Bro . Jones's , Gloster Hotel , to a splendid banquet , where the evening was spent in harmony and good-fellowship .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist on Monday evening , the 28 th ult ., at tbe Great White Horse Hotel . The dinner , provided by Bro . Henry Guiver , was all that could be desired . The chair was occupied bv the W . M . for the year , Bro . H . Luff , supported by Bros . G .
Turner , S . W . ; J . A . Pettit , jun ., J . W . ; R . N . S . Greene , S . D . ; EU . - -. ton , J . D . ; Findley , Dir . of Cers . ; Read , I . G . There were also present , Bros . Franks , P . M ., Sec . 376 ; Rev . R . N . Sanderson , Prov . G . Chap . ; S . B . King , I . P . M . ; Pitchers , P . M . ; Richmond . W . M . 225 ; Randall , P . M . ; Crispin , P . M . ; Deck , P . M . 114 ; JST . Tracy , P . M . ; J . A . Pettit , P . M . ; J . Davy , E . T . Read , W . H . Moore , J . H . Staddon , A . Read , C . W . Godball ( 225 ) MorfeyH . KnightsJas . GodballChampE . C . Tidd
, , , , , , H . G . Churchman , & c . Upon the removal of the cloth , the W . MASTER gave in succession "The Queen , " "The G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland , " " The D . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , " " The Prov . G . M . of Suffolk , Col . A . S . Adair , " all of which were honoured In truly Masonic style . The W . MASTER next proposed " The Past and Present Officers of the Provincial Grand Lod" coupling with the toast the name
ge , of Bro . Pitcher . ( Masonic honours . ) Bro . PITCHER briefly acknowledged tbe compliment on behalf of the ofllcers of thc province . Next followed from the chair " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " uniting with it the name of Bro . Deck , of the British Union Lodge . ( Honours . ) Bro . DECK , in reply , said he had been 46 years connected with Masonry ; his heart was in Masonryand he felt the
, greatest love and esteem for the Craft . He thanked the brethren sincerely for the compliment . He wished the Lodge of Perfect Friendship every success , and trusted it would continue to prosper and increase in numbers . ( Applause . ) Bro . RiCHr-JO-TO , W . M . 225 , also briefly responded . The W . MASTER , in appropriate terms , gave " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . S . B . King , " which was most cordially received by the brethren .
Bro . Kixu- said he had been selected hy the brethren to fill the W . M . chaiy for the third time . It was an honour of which any brother might well feel justly proud . He could assure them he felt it most keenly , for to be W . M . of the Perfect Friendship Lodge was no mean position . ( Hear , hear . ) Their approbation was all ho asked for , and if he had won that he was amply repaid for all the labour and attention which might have been called forth during the period he held that exalted
office . He thanked them most sincerely for the very flattering compliment they had paid him , and trusted the Perfect Friendship Lodge would continue to flourish to the end of all time . ( Applause . ) The LP . MASTER shortly afterwards rose to propose a toast , which be should call the toast of the evening ; that was "The Health of their W . M . " ( Applause . ) He was sure they had
placed a brother in that position who had the interest of the Perfect Friendship Lodge at heart ; and of this he was assured no exertion would be spared by him faithfully to carry out all that pertained to so high and honourable a position ; ( hear , hear ) , and he hoped the brethren would all rally round him . The selection of Bro . Luff showed that the brethren of the lodge entertained for him very high respect . He called upon
them to drink , as Masons , the toast of their W . M . ( Masonic honours . ) The W . MASTER was cordially received on rising to reply . Ho said he accepted with pleasure this cordial mark of their esteem and respect . He had the interest of the Perfect Friendship Lodge at heart . He respected it more than any lodge in the province . Whilst he occupied that chair , he could assure them that he would never take the part of one brother to the detriment and injury of another . ( Hear , hear . ) He hoped to carry out the duties of his office to their satisfaction , and he trusted iu course of time to be equal with Bro . King , who had filled that