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felt fully convinced that he would never be found to fail in his duty to his lodge . ( Full honours . )—The W . MASTER , in returning thanks , said it was now some twenty years ago since he had been passed into Masonry , and it was the third time he had been selected by his brethren to fill the chair he then occupied . He hoped at the expiration of his year of office to resign it with no little credit to himself and to their entire satisfaction . ( Hear ) . The W . MASTER shortly afterwards rose and proposed
"The P . M ' s . of St . Luke ' s , Bros . Clarke , Randall , and Cade . " ( Honours . )—Bro . R . CADE responded . He could only hope that he might be spared to be as good a Mason as Bro . Clarke . —Next followed the toast of " The Senior Warden of the Lodge , Bro . Davy . "—Bro . DAVY said he thanked the brethren most ; sincerely for the compliment they had paid him . When he first entered Masonry he made up his mind to give heart and soul to the cause . He had endeavoured to do his dutiu any office
y he had been called upon to fill ; and if he failed in the proper performance of any duty , it should not arise from any want of willingness on his part . ( Hear , hear . ) If he succeeded , it would afford him very great pleasure to receive their approval . ( Hear , hear . )—The W . MASTER then gave " The Junior Warden Bvo . Westgate . " ( Applause . )—Bro . AVEST & ATE said no effort , should be wanting on his part faithfully to discharge the duties
in the office which the brethren had called upon him to fill . ( Applause . )—The W . MASTER again rose ancl gave " The Health of the Treasurer , Bro . Snell , " who had been a Mason for thirtyfour years . —Bro . SNELL replied . —Then followed " The Secretary ; " The Lodges in the Province ; " " The Visiting Brethren , " which were duly honoured . —Bros . J . HEAD and KING replied on behalf of the Lod " Perfect Friendshi" and " The
ges p Prince of Wales . "—The toasts of " Inner Guard , Bro . Flory , " and " The Treasurer , Bro . Robertson , " followed , ancl the proceedings , which were of a very harmonious andagreeable character , were brought to a close . —During the evening some excellent and appropriate songs were given by the brethren , and Bro . Jas . Godball , jun ., played some first-class pianoforte selections .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . CHORLEY . —Fllesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —Wednesday , the 6 th instant , being the evening fixed for a sermon in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , by Bro . the Rev . A . A . O'Neill , J . W . and Chap , of 730 , the lodge was opened in due form by Bros . G . Honlt , P . M ., as W . M . ; Dr . Rigby , S . W . j and Rev . A . A . O'Neill , J . W . Bro . J . Decham being a candidate to be passed to the second degreeanswered the usual
, questions to the satisfaction of the brethren , and retired with the test of merit . The lodge having been raised to tbe second degree , the candidate was admitted and passed to the F . C . by Bro . G . Hoult , P . M . The lodge having been lowered , was adjourned from labour , and the brethren attended at St . George ' s Church ifi full Masonic dress , for which a dispensation had been obtained . The having been read bthe RevJStock
prayers y . . , the Chaplain of the lodge then ascended the pulpit , aud delivered a very eloquent discourse , which was listened to with marked attention . The text was Romans xiii ., 10 . After having fully explained the words , and urged the necessity of religion , he concluded with a pressing invitation to exercise " That love , tbe very bond of peace and all virtue , by which they might be found to be living stones in that house , not made
with hands , eternal in the heavens . " After the collection the brethren returned to the lodge , and enjoyed the good catering of Bro . Stott . We may mention among those present Bros . L . Anyon , W . M . ; G . Hoult , P . M . ; H . Hibbert , P . M . and Treas . 730 ; Captain Eastham , 314 , Preston , and Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . for West Lancashire ; and John Brandwood , P . M . 348 . After an evening spent in good-fellowship , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at ten m
p .. WIGIAN . —Ledge of Antiquity ( No . 178 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 28 th ult ., for the transaction of business and the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree _ at four p . m ., and Bros . HaUiwell and Gevvavd were regularl y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient J - 'reemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second dewhen
gree , Bros . Byron and Jameson were passed , in the usual manner , to tlie degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then w \ r i" the thirtl de S > when Bro Pickering was re-installed W . M . for the ensuing year . He appointed the following Brethren his officers : —Bros . W . Woods , S . W . ; J . Lamb , J . W . ; » ,, w ' SeCl ' " R - - Harrington , S . D . ; J . Gaskell , J . D . ; L . R . tfowbottoin , I-G- ; T . J . Heaton , I . P . M .: W . Leech and T .
Fairhurst , Stewards . Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., was the I . M ., and the ceremonies of the lodge were conducted by him in his usual imposing and truly Masonic style . As the lodge was closed down , the W . M . was formally saluted by the various degrees of the Craft . The J . W . then called the brethren from labour to refreshment . A sumptuous banquet , including every delicacy of the season , had been prepared by Bro . Whiteside , and the tables were adorned with vases of the choicest and
rarest flowers furnished by Bros . Scott and Hurst . The W . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Wright , Prov . J . G . W . East Lancashire ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rigby , S . W . J 730 ; Needham , W . M . , 220 ; Watson , P . M . 220 , and ' others . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed "The Queen . " He said that it gave him great pleasure in proposing the health of Her Majesty , who might literally be termed the
key-stone of the Royal Arch . He could not say more iu her favour than the brethren already knew , she had been a pattern daughter and wife , and is now a pattern mother , and is known as such iu every household in the kingdom . He was sure she was a Mason in her heart , for by her actions she had evinced and continues to prove to all her subjects that her heart is as full of love and charity as ever religion and Masonry could make a heart . He expressed a joy that the sadness of death had passed from her
, and was glad , both as a Mason and as an Englishmen , to welcome her again into the pleasures and duties of a public life . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm and full Masonic honours . A verse of the National Anthem was sung by the brethren , Bro . J . Gaskell accompanying the same on the piano . " The Prince ancl Princess of Wales" was then given by the W . M ., who stated that it was evident that the Prince was walking in his great and noble father's footsteps . It would be very gratifying to the
nation that the heir apparent to the throne would be as eminent for the high tone of his morality as the high position he held in society , and he would doubtless thereby secure to himself the respect , esteem , and love of the entire nation . He hoped that we should soon number him among the brethren , and he was sure that both the Prince and the Craft would be mutually
benefitted by the union of Royalty with Masonry . As to the eminent lady he had chosen to walk the path of life with him , he was certain she would copy the example of her royal motherin-law . She was known among her own people by her kindness and tender heartedness , and was much beloved by them ; and he could say that English men and women could evince kindness and cordiality second to none in the world , and hoped that in proportion as she found these administered to her she would be
led to regard this , her adopted country , a second home . " The Prince and Princess of Wales , England's future King and Queen , " was drunk with acclamation . The brethren sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales , " again assisted by Bro . J . Gaskell on tbe piano . The W . M ,, on proposing * ' The Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M . of England , " expatiated in glowing terms on the great good the noble earl had rendered to the Craft , He remarked that his services could only be thoroughly appreciated
by those who knew the onus of the office he filled . He had discharged the duties of his office in a noble manner , which could only be done by a noble man possessing a noble soul . He called upon the brethren to drink the toast in a bumper , accompanied with the highest honours which Masons could salute their highest officer . The following toasts were then proposed by the W . M . and drank with the usual Masonic honours : — "The Riht
, g Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . D . G . M ., " " Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , " "Sir T . G . Hesketh , Part ., M . P ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . " Bro . Hamer then gave "The Worshipful Master of 178 " in appropriate terms , which was drank with the honours according to ancient usage , and was facetiously responded to . "The Visiting Brethren" and " The OfficersPrincipal and Assistant "
, , , were next toasted , drank , and fittingly responded to . Bro . Dr . Rigby , of Chorley , gave "The West Lancashire Educational Institution , " and advocated its claims in terms of telling eloquence . After "The Poor Distressed Masons" had been given ., the brethren were called from refreshment to labour , and the lodge being duly closed separated with the exchange of mutual good wishes .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Athol Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —This lodge held its anniversary meeting on Wednesday , the 7 th hist . Bro . Charles Lee was installed into the chair in a very admirable mariner by Bro . George Hudson , P . M . The W . M . appointed his officers during the evening . Three gentlemen were initiated into
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
felt fully convinced that he would never be found to fail in his duty to his lodge . ( Full honours . )—The W . MASTER , in returning thanks , said it was now some twenty years ago since he had been passed into Masonry , and it was the third time he had been selected by his brethren to fill the chair he then occupied . He hoped at the expiration of his year of office to resign it with no little credit to himself and to their entire satisfaction . ( Hear ) . The W . MASTER shortly afterwards rose and proposed
"The P . M ' s . of St . Luke ' s , Bros . Clarke , Randall , and Cade . " ( Honours . )—Bro . R . CADE responded . He could only hope that he might be spared to be as good a Mason as Bro . Clarke . —Next followed the toast of " The Senior Warden of the Lodge , Bro . Davy . "—Bro . DAVY said he thanked the brethren most ; sincerely for the compliment they had paid him . When he first entered Masonry he made up his mind to give heart and soul to the cause . He had endeavoured to do his dutiu any office
y he had been called upon to fill ; and if he failed in the proper performance of any duty , it should not arise from any want of willingness on his part . ( Hear , hear . ) If he succeeded , it would afford him very great pleasure to receive their approval . ( Hear , hear . )—The W . MASTER then gave " The Junior Warden Bvo . Westgate . " ( Applause . )—Bro . AVEST & ATE said no effort , should be wanting on his part faithfully to discharge the duties
in the office which the brethren had called upon him to fill . ( Applause . )—The W . MASTER again rose ancl gave " The Health of the Treasurer , Bro . Snell , " who had been a Mason for thirtyfour years . —Bro . SNELL replied . —Then followed " The Secretary ; " The Lodges in the Province ; " " The Visiting Brethren , " which were duly honoured . —Bros . J . HEAD and KING replied on behalf of the Lod " Perfect Friendshi" and " The
ges p Prince of Wales . "—The toasts of " Inner Guard , Bro . Flory , " and " The Treasurer , Bro . Robertson , " followed , ancl the proceedings , which were of a very harmonious andagreeable character , were brought to a close . —During the evening some excellent and appropriate songs were given by the brethren , and Bro . Jas . Godball , jun ., played some first-class pianoforte selections .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . CHORLEY . —Fllesmere Lodge ( No . 730 ) . —Wednesday , the 6 th instant , being the evening fixed for a sermon in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , by Bro . the Rev . A . A . O'Neill , J . W . and Chap , of 730 , the lodge was opened in due form by Bros . G . Honlt , P . M ., as W . M . ; Dr . Rigby , S . W . j and Rev . A . A . O'Neill , J . W . Bro . J . Decham being a candidate to be passed to the second degreeanswered the usual
, questions to the satisfaction of the brethren , and retired with the test of merit . The lodge having been raised to tbe second degree , the candidate was admitted and passed to the F . C . by Bro . G . Hoult , P . M . The lodge having been lowered , was adjourned from labour , and the brethren attended at St . George ' s Church ifi full Masonic dress , for which a dispensation had been obtained . The having been read bthe RevJStock
prayers y . . , the Chaplain of the lodge then ascended the pulpit , aud delivered a very eloquent discourse , which was listened to with marked attention . The text was Romans xiii ., 10 . After having fully explained the words , and urged the necessity of religion , he concluded with a pressing invitation to exercise " That love , tbe very bond of peace and all virtue , by which they might be found to be living stones in that house , not made
with hands , eternal in the heavens . " After the collection the brethren returned to the lodge , and enjoyed the good catering of Bro . Stott . We may mention among those present Bros . L . Anyon , W . M . ; G . Hoult , P . M . ; H . Hibbert , P . M . and Treas . 730 ; Captain Eastham , 314 , Preston , and Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . for West Lancashire ; and John Brandwood , P . M . 348 . After an evening spent in good-fellowship , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at ten m
p .. WIGIAN . —Ledge of Antiquity ( No . 178 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on the 28 th ult ., for the transaction of business and the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree _ at four p . m ., and Bros . HaUiwell and Gevvavd were regularl y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient J - 'reemasonry . The lodge was then opened in the second dewhen
gree , Bros . Byron and Jameson were passed , in the usual manner , to tlie degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then w \ r i" the thirtl de S > when Bro Pickering was re-installed W . M . for the ensuing year . He appointed the following Brethren his officers : —Bros . W . Woods , S . W . ; J . Lamb , J . W . ; » ,, w ' SeCl ' " R - - Harrington , S . D . ; J . Gaskell , J . D . ; L . R . tfowbottoin , I-G- ; T . J . Heaton , I . P . M .: W . Leech and T .
Fairhurst , Stewards . Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., was the I . M ., and the ceremonies of the lodge were conducted by him in his usual imposing and truly Masonic style . As the lodge was closed down , the W . M . was formally saluted by the various degrees of the Craft . The J . W . then called the brethren from labour to refreshment . A sumptuous banquet , including every delicacy of the season , had been prepared by Bro . Whiteside , and the tables were adorned with vases of the choicest and
rarest flowers furnished by Bros . Scott and Hurst . The W . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Wright , Prov . J . G . W . East Lancashire ; Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . ; Rigby , S . W . J 730 ; Needham , W . M . , 220 ; Watson , P . M . 220 , and ' others . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . proposed "The Queen . " He said that it gave him great pleasure in proposing the health of Her Majesty , who might literally be termed the
key-stone of the Royal Arch . He could not say more iu her favour than the brethren already knew , she had been a pattern daughter and wife , and is now a pattern mother , and is known as such iu every household in the kingdom . He was sure she was a Mason in her heart , for by her actions she had evinced and continues to prove to all her subjects that her heart is as full of love and charity as ever religion and Masonry could make a heart . He expressed a joy that the sadness of death had passed from her
, and was glad , both as a Mason and as an Englishmen , to welcome her again into the pleasures and duties of a public life . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm and full Masonic honours . A verse of the National Anthem was sung by the brethren , Bro . J . Gaskell accompanying the same on the piano . " The Prince ancl Princess of Wales" was then given by the W . M ., who stated that it was evident that the Prince was walking in his great and noble father's footsteps . It would be very gratifying to the
nation that the heir apparent to the throne would be as eminent for the high tone of his morality as the high position he held in society , and he would doubtless thereby secure to himself the respect , esteem , and love of the entire nation . He hoped that we should soon number him among the brethren , and he was sure that both the Prince and the Craft would be mutually
benefitted by the union of Royalty with Masonry . As to the eminent lady he had chosen to walk the path of life with him , he was certain she would copy the example of her royal motherin-law . She was known among her own people by her kindness and tender heartedness , and was much beloved by them ; and he could say that English men and women could evince kindness and cordiality second to none in the world , and hoped that in proportion as she found these administered to her she would be
led to regard this , her adopted country , a second home . " The Prince and Princess of Wales , England's future King and Queen , " was drunk with acclamation . The brethren sang "God Bless the Prince of Wales , " again assisted by Bro . J . Gaskell on tbe piano . The W . M ,, on proposing * ' The Earl of Zetland , the M . W . G . M . of England , " expatiated in glowing terms on the great good the noble earl had rendered to the Craft , He remarked that his services could only be thoroughly appreciated
by those who knew the onus of the office he filled . He had discharged the duties of his office in a noble manner , which could only be done by a noble man possessing a noble soul . He called upon the brethren to drink the toast in a bumper , accompanied with the highest honours which Masons could salute their highest officer . The following toasts were then proposed by the W . M . and drank with the usual Masonic honours : — "The Riht
, g Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . D . G . M ., " " Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . W . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , " "Sir T . G . Hesketh , Part ., M . P ., R . W . D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . " Bro . Hamer then gave "The Worshipful Master of 178 " in appropriate terms , which was drank with the honours according to ancient usage , and was facetiously responded to . "The Visiting Brethren" and " The OfficersPrincipal and Assistant "
, , , were next toasted , drank , and fittingly responded to . Bro . Dr . Rigby , of Chorley , gave "The West Lancashire Educational Institution , " and advocated its claims in terms of telling eloquence . After "The Poor Distressed Masons" had been given ., the brethren were called from refreshment to labour , and the lodge being duly closed separated with the exchange of mutual good wishes .
WARWICKSHIRE . BIRMINGHAM . —Athol Lodge ( No . 74 ) . —This lodge held its anniversary meeting on Wednesday , the 7 th hist . Bro . Charles Lee was installed into the chair in a very admirable mariner by Bro . George Hudson , P . M . The W . M . appointed his officers during the evening . Three gentlemen were initiated into