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The Glamorgan Lodge And Its Reinitiation.
a severe penalty upon the lodge ( however well merited ) , and might have involved absolute erasure . To be as brief as possible . In the iirst place , the lodge unanimously voted certain addenda to the minutes , recording the " re-initiation , " which made those minutes " substantially and materially" correspond with the report contained in your number of November 14 th ,
which report , although not communicated by your regular correspondent , was vouched for by bim . In the second place , a so-called vote of censure upon tho unknown brother who reported tho proceedings to your MAGAZINE ( never legally carried ) ivas , by a like unanimous vote of the lodge , ordered to be erased from the minute book .
Thirdly , the W . M ., in a characteristically honest and straightforward manner , admitted , from the chair of the lodge , that a " mistake" had been committed—which , I may add , would never have occurred had the W . M . followed the dictates of his own judgment ( invariabty , in my experience , a very sound one ) , instead of allowing
himself to bo influenced by a coterie of P . M . ' s , altogether unamenable for his conduct in the chair . In the fourth and last place , a much-respected Past Master ( at present holding the third official capacity in the province ) proposed " That the fees received fronl the re-initiatcd brother be refunded , " which proposition was carried with two dissentients .
Thc W . M . having thus gracefully admitted a Masonic error , and the lodge having determined that the illgotten funds should bo disgorged , I conceive the " double initiation " is , as far as possible , morally and virtually cancelled ; and I can , therefore , see no good object to bo gained , or end to be obtained , by bringing down upon the lodge a severe censure or a still more serious penalty
for a transaction they have allowed to be both ill-advised and illegal . On the other hand , I trust the unenviable notoriety this unprecedented proceeding has attained , will convince certain brethren that , although tho season may bo pantomimic , jugglery and Freemasonry are altogether incompatible . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , CORRESPONDENT . Cardiff , January 13 th , 1864 .
The Grand Lodge, Alpina.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE _ . RT _ F . __ . _ S 0 _ . 3 M . _ G . _ 7 . I _ . E A . _ n . STASO-. IC JIIRROR . DJBAR SIB AND BROTHER , —I never was more astonished in my whole life than on reading the paragraph relating to Switzerland , contained in your leading article in No . 236 of your MAGAZINE . Considering that tho Grand Lodge of England has a representative at tho Grand Lodge , Alpina , and that the last Grand Lodge has a
representative in London , it might havo been expected that application would have been made to either or both of those brethren , before incriminating a sister Grand Lodge in such an unparalleled way . Allow mo to declare that passage in your article ns a most unjustifiable calumny . In all that regards the Grand LodgeAlpinaor her membersthere is not one
, , , word of truth , Tho Grand Lodge , Alpina has had nothing to do with the building or lottery in question ; but has , on the contrary , caused a stringent examination to bo made into the proceedings of the individual lodge referred to , as alleged against them by certain newspapers . The report of tbe Grand Lodge Commissioners will
bo shortly printed . As soon , as I receive it I will not fail to forward to you the information it will contain ; but I must request you to give thk article a prominent place in your next number . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , R . J . S . Berne , 11 th January , 1864 .
The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . ALBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —The brethren of this old-established lodge met at six o ' clock on the evening of Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., for tho purpose of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing- year . Tlie ceremony of installation was performed by
Bro . Rackstvaw , Bro . Gonsedine being the installed W . M . Bro . Ponlton , the S . W ., then took his place in that position , and , in the absence of Bro . Stevens , who was prevented from attending- by indisposition , Bro . Willey , the J J ) ., performed the duties of office as J . W . Bros . S . and E . Cortc were the J . I ) , and I . G-. lifr . Hillary Albert ( : i foreign gentleman ) was initiated into the first degree , and Bro . Willis was progressed to the second degreeThe brethren then retired to
refresh-. ment . The routine toast ' , were proposed in a style that lost nothing in the hands of the W . M . In returning thanks for bis health being proposed , Bro . Ilackstraw informed the brethren that ho had been a Mason over forty years , that his love for it had " grown with his growth and strengthened with his strength , " and whenever he could be of service to Masonry it was his greatest pride and delight to exert his energies in its
behoof . This lodge is very strong iu its attendance of Past Masters , of whom there were upon this occasion no less than eleven present , viz ., Bros . Kackstraw , Lee , Vallentine , Bin-ton , Woods , Boring , Ferryman , Friend , Young , Abbott , and Warr , the I . P . M . The visitors were Bros . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., who was initiated in this lodge ; W . Greaves , of the Enoch ( No . 11 ); W . Forsyth , of the Boyal Albert ; Purdy , of the Finsbury ( Xo . 821 ); and Charles Sloman , which last brother , in
conjunction with Bros . II . Bnckland and Nell , greatly entertained tho assemblage with specimens of most admirable vocalisation . Exocn LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge ivas held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , to non-confirm part of the minutes of the previous meeting , so far as the election of the S . W . to the chair for the ensuing year , ho having through unavoidable circumstances resigned . A ballot was taken , when Bro . Swan , J . W ., was elected , and was installed on Wednesday last .
OLD COXCOUD LODGE ( NO . 172 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , and as usual was very numerously attended . Bro . Jabez Hogg , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers , P . M . ' s Kennedy , Emmons , Jackson , Booth , George Gnrton , and Booth , and the following visitors : —Bros . Tomkins , W . M . Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 2 ); Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec . for and 211 Shaboe 551 Clark Binckes
Surrey , P . M . ; , P . M . - ; , S ; , P . M . 10 ; " Masterman , 11 ; How , 95 ; W . II . Davis , 95 ; Peter Bicker Carter , 95 ; Allison , 98 ; Day , P . M . 101 ; Swanston , 91 ; C . Fish , 91 ; Blackburn , P . lf . 145 ; Sisson , 101 ; Wilson , 183 ; Blackburn , P . M . 889 ; King , 321 ; De Peckh , 31-3 ; Davis , 190 ; and Mills , 813 . Tho lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Mr . Payne presented himself as a candidate , and was impressively initiated by the W . M . into
the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The next business was to install Bro . Davis , tbe W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The new W . M . having received the customary honours , tho addresses were delivered by Bro . Emniens , P . M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C'orben , S . W . ; Green , J . W . ; Dixsou , S . D . ; Sallust , J . D . ; King , I . G . ; Mansfield ancl WalkerStewards ; MastermanDir . of Cers . ; and C . T .
, , Spreight , Tyler . A Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Hogg , as a small mark of esteem entertained by the brethren of him for his services during the past year . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . Jabez Hogg by the Old Concord Lodge ( No . 172 ) , as a mark of esteem for his able services while presiding as W . M . Jan . 5 , 1864 . " Bro . Hogg returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and said he should ever look with pride upon that token of the goodwill of the
brethren , and of the happy hours he had spent iu the Old Concord Lodge . —The lodge was then closed , aud the brethren adjourned for refreshment , to which about 80 sat down . It was furnished in Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington ' s best style . After the cloth had been drawn , the W . MASTER gave " The Queen and Craft , " which was followed by the National Anthem , sung by Miss Woollams , who made her debut as a vocalist on this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Glamorgan Lodge And Its Reinitiation.
a severe penalty upon the lodge ( however well merited ) , and might have involved absolute erasure . To be as brief as possible . In the iirst place , the lodge unanimously voted certain addenda to the minutes , recording the " re-initiation , " which made those minutes " substantially and materially" correspond with the report contained in your number of November 14 th ,
which report , although not communicated by your regular correspondent , was vouched for by bim . In the second place , a so-called vote of censure upon tho unknown brother who reported tho proceedings to your MAGAZINE ( never legally carried ) ivas , by a like unanimous vote of the lodge , ordered to be erased from the minute book .
Thirdly , the W . M ., in a characteristically honest and straightforward manner , admitted , from the chair of the lodge , that a " mistake" had been committed—which , I may add , would never have occurred had the W . M . followed the dictates of his own judgment ( invariabty , in my experience , a very sound one ) , instead of allowing
himself to bo influenced by a coterie of P . M . ' s , altogether unamenable for his conduct in the chair . In the fourth and last place , a much-respected Past Master ( at present holding the third official capacity in the province ) proposed " That the fees received fronl the re-initiatcd brother be refunded , " which proposition was carried with two dissentients .
Thc W . M . having thus gracefully admitted a Masonic error , and the lodge having determined that the illgotten funds should bo disgorged , I conceive the " double initiation " is , as far as possible , morally and virtually cancelled ; and I can , therefore , see no good object to bo gained , or end to be obtained , by bringing down upon the lodge a severe censure or a still more serious penalty
for a transaction they have allowed to be both ill-advised and illegal . On the other hand , I trust the unenviable notoriety this unprecedented proceeding has attained , will convince certain brethren that , although tho season may bo pantomimic , jugglery and Freemasonry are altogether incompatible . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , CORRESPONDENT . Cardiff , January 13 th , 1864 .
The Grand Lodge, Alpina.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE _ . RT _ F . __ . _ S 0 _ . 3 M . _ G . _ 7 . I _ . E A . _ n . STASO-. IC JIIRROR . DJBAR SIB AND BROTHER , —I never was more astonished in my whole life than on reading the paragraph relating to Switzerland , contained in your leading article in No . 236 of your MAGAZINE . Considering that tho Grand Lodge of England has a representative at tho Grand Lodge , Alpina , and that the last Grand Lodge has a
representative in London , it might havo been expected that application would have been made to either or both of those brethren , before incriminating a sister Grand Lodge in such an unparalleled way . Allow mo to declare that passage in your article ns a most unjustifiable calumny . In all that regards the Grand LodgeAlpinaor her membersthere is not one
, , , word of truth , Tho Grand Lodge , Alpina has had nothing to do with the building or lottery in question ; but has , on the contrary , caused a stringent examination to bo made into the proceedings of the individual lodge referred to , as alleged against them by certain newspapers . The report of tbe Grand Lodge Commissioners will
bo shortly printed . As soon , as I receive it I will not fail to forward to you the information it will contain ; but I must request you to give thk article a prominent place in your next number . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , R . J . S . Berne , 11 th January , 1864 .
The Masonic Mirror.
METROPOLITAN . ALBION LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —The brethren of this old-established lodge met at six o ' clock on the evening of Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., for tho purpose of the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing- year . Tlie ceremony of installation was performed by
Bro . Rackstvaw , Bro . Gonsedine being the installed W . M . Bro . Ponlton , the S . W ., then took his place in that position , and , in the absence of Bro . Stevens , who was prevented from attending- by indisposition , Bro . Willey , the J J ) ., performed the duties of office as J . W . Bros . S . and E . Cortc were the J . I ) , and I . G-. lifr . Hillary Albert ( : i foreign gentleman ) was initiated into the first degree , and Bro . Willis was progressed to the second degreeThe brethren then retired to
refresh-. ment . The routine toast ' , were proposed in a style that lost nothing in the hands of the W . M . In returning thanks for bis health being proposed , Bro . Ilackstraw informed the brethren that ho had been a Mason over forty years , that his love for it had " grown with his growth and strengthened with his strength , " and whenever he could be of service to Masonry it was his greatest pride and delight to exert his energies in its
behoof . This lodge is very strong iu its attendance of Past Masters , of whom there were upon this occasion no less than eleven present , viz ., Bros . Kackstraw , Lee , Vallentine , Bin-ton , Woods , Boring , Ferryman , Friend , Young , Abbott , and Warr , the I . P . M . The visitors were Bros . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., who was initiated in this lodge ; W . Greaves , of the Enoch ( No . 11 ); W . Forsyth , of the Boyal Albert ; Purdy , of the Finsbury ( Xo . 821 ); and Charles Sloman , which last brother , in
conjunction with Bros . II . Bnckland and Nell , greatly entertained tho assemblage with specimens of most admirable vocalisation . Exocn LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge ivas held on Wednesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , to non-confirm part of the minutes of the previous meeting , so far as the election of the S . W . to the chair for the ensuing year , ho having through unavoidable circumstances resigned . A ballot was taken , when Bro . Swan , J . W ., was elected , and was installed on Wednesday last .
OLD COXCOUD LODGE ( NO . 172 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 5 th inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , and as usual was very numerously attended . Bro . Jabez Hogg , W . M ., presided , supported by his officers , P . M . ' s Kennedy , Emmons , Jackson , Booth , George Gnrton , and Booth , and the following visitors : —Bros . Tomkins , W . M . Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 2 ); Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec . for and 211 Shaboe 551 Clark Binckes
Surrey , P . M . ; , P . M . - ; , S ; , P . M . 10 ; " Masterman , 11 ; How , 95 ; W . II . Davis , 95 ; Peter Bicker Carter , 95 ; Allison , 98 ; Day , P . M . 101 ; Swanston , 91 ; C . Fish , 91 ; Blackburn , P . lf . 145 ; Sisson , 101 ; Wilson , 183 ; Blackburn , P . M . 889 ; King , 321 ; De Peckh , 31-3 ; Davis , 190 ; and Mills , 813 . Tho lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Mr . Payne presented himself as a candidate , and was impressively initiated by the W . M . into
the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The next business was to install Bro . Davis , tbe W . M . elect , into the chair of K . S ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The new W . M . having received the customary honours , tho addresses were delivered by Bro . Emniens , P . M . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . C'orben , S . W . ; Green , J . W . ; Dixsou , S . D . ; Sallust , J . D . ; King , I . G . ; Mansfield ancl WalkerStewards ; MastermanDir . of Cers . ; and C . T .
, , Spreight , Tyler . A Past Master's jewel was presented to Bro . Hogg , as a small mark of esteem entertained by the brethren of him for his services during the past year . It bore the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . Jabez Hogg by the Old Concord Lodge ( No . 172 ) , as a mark of esteem for his able services while presiding as W . M . Jan . 5 , 1864 . " Bro . Hogg returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and said he should ever look with pride upon that token of the goodwill of the
brethren , and of the happy hours he had spent iu the Old Concord Lodge . —The lodge was then closed , aud the brethren adjourned for refreshment , to which about 80 sat down . It was furnished in Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington ' s best style . After the cloth had been drawn , the W . MASTER gave " The Queen and Craft , " which was followed by the National Anthem , sung by Miss Woollams , who made her debut as a vocalist on this