Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Mems.
Governorship will be drawn for by the members . Any lady or -gentleman may be proposed as a member , but members of the Craft only will have a voice in the management . Further information may be obtained on application to Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , Hon . Sec , 1 Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , W . C . The first ballot will take place on the last Tuesday in January ,
1871 . A lodge of instruction , in connection with the Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1 , 288 has been formed , and meets on Wednesday evenings at the Finsbury Park Tavern , near the Green Lanes , Islington . Prosperity Lodge of Instruction is helel at Bro . Dee's , the
Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate street , every Tuesday evening at half-past seven , where good Masonic instruction can be obtained as several excellent working Masons regularly attend .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday evening , the 9 th instant , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , and was very numerously attended by members and visitors ; and amongst the latter were Bros . R . Roberts , W . M ., 192 ; A . Cameron , 972 ; J . Pratt
, 907 ; J . Boyd , P . M ., 145 ; W . H . Anderson , 862 ; H . Bale , P . M ., 185 ; L . Prisstell , 55 ; W . G . Scott , 91 ; Huggett , 896 ; AV . Pugh , P . G ., Purs ., and P . M ., 794 ; besides several Past Masters , amongst whom were Bros . Smith , W . Carpenter , Haydon , Simpson , Elves , Thompson , Simpson , Brett , and J . Smith . Bro . J . R . Foulger presided as W . M . ; Bros . Walford , S . AV . ; aud Ferguson , J . AV . The Lodge was opened in due form ,
and with solemn prayer , anel the minutes of the last lodge wore read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Hughes , Needham , and Hancock , were examined as to their proficiency in the science . They were entrusted anel retired , and tho Loelge having been opened in the third degree , these brethren were respectively raised to the sublime degree in a most able manner bthe AVM The
y .. Lodge was resumed to the second degree , anel Bros . Bussell , Lawrence , and Swinyard were passed to the degree of F . C . The next business was the initiation of Mr . Charles Cruchley , and Mr . Joseph Acason , who were severally balloted for anel approved . Being in attendance thoy were severally instructed into thc mysteries anel privileges of ancient Freemasonry . This
lieing the usual election night a ballot took place for AV . M . for tho ensuing year , which resulted unanimovrsl y in favour of Bro . Walford , S . W . Bro . Joseph Smith was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Daley , Tyler-. A jewel was voted to Bro . Foulger , the retiring Master , as a testimony of respect from the brethren towards him , for tho manner in which lie had discharged bis duties during the year . The loelge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . On the withdrawal of
the cloth , the AV . M . gave the formal toasts , after which Bro . Joseph Smith proposed the health of the AV . M ., and enlarged on liis qualities , and the efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties . The AV . M . replied , and said if he had given them satisfaction he was amply repaid . The next toasts were "The Initiates " anel "The Visitors , " which were severally responded to . On the health of the Past Masters being drunk , Bro . H . took occasion to
Thompson congratulate the W . Master on the successful year he had passeel , and felt assured that he would leave the chair with tho good feeling anel sincere regard of every member , and though he had followed some ancient Masons who had filled the chair , be was sure what he had elone would not suffer by the comparison . He woulel have a worthy successor , and he ( Bro . Thompson ) had no doubt woulel perform his duty , and emulate his brilliant example . He wished to offer a few words to their younger brethren on a subject which was at that time a popular one , as it was the question of education . They
had lately had elections under an Act of Parliament to carry out the great principle of education , but he wished to remind them that for many years past they had schools of instruction open to them which were quite independent of any such power , but were of equal importance to them to attend if they trusted to qualify themselves at the same period to fill the exalted position then occupied by their AV . M . Lodges of instruction were
always open to them , where experienced Masons were always ready to give them any instruction , without cost and without price , and all they hael to do was to go and receive it . If they did not , than they could not be surprised if they did not attain thoso honours which Freemasonry threw open to them , aud which it was in the power of every industrious Masou to obtain . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was spent in complete hanxion . y .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 534 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Thursday Sth inst . Bro . John Boyd , P . M ., and Treasurer , officiated as AV . M . ; A . H . Williams , J . W . ; Videly , S . D , ; Szulczwski , P . M . ; Merceck , P . M . ; Bagster , P . M . ; Bros . Cohen , 151 , and F . Cherry , 999 , were present as visitors ; Mr . Weatherhog was initiated . RASETJAGH LODGE , ( NO . 834 . )—The brethren of this lodge
liold . their regular meeting at the Royal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith , on Tuesday , 14 th inst . Bros . Thompson Bean Lines , Andrew , P . Ms . ; AVm . James Anderson , " , AV . M . ; J . W . AVorthington , S . AV . ; A . C . Alias , J . AV . ; and several other brethren were present . Bros . Stiles , Stephens , and Capt . Borlase were present as visitors . Bro . Peters was raised . Bros . McEwen and jMieldleton were passed . Bro . Knowles was admitted as a joining member . Two gentlemen were propossd for initiation .
PEBPECT AsnLATi LODGE , ( NO . 1178 ) . —A regular meeting was held at the Gregorian Anns Tavern , Bermondsey , E ., on Thurselay 3 rd inst , present : —Bros . Josiah Green , AV . M . ; W . Avery , F . Ebsworth , P . M ' s ; Grace . S . W . ; Dudley , J . W . ; J . Harmsworth , S . D . ; J . Fudge , J . D . ; Cox , I . G . ; J . Ruse , W . S . ; F . AValters , See , ; also Bros . W . May , J . Axtell , G . Mabbs , A . Collins , S . Butcher , P . Fry , J . A . Smith , G . Drapper , and several others . The visitors present were F . P . Carter 753 "E . H .
, ; Tipson , S . W . and AV . M . elect . 49 ; J . E . Bowles , P . M . 160 . Bros . C . D . Dustin , T . Jones , F . Cox , J . Swinyard , and J . AVootton were passeel to the seeond degree by the AV . M . The Deacons , Bros . Harmsworth anel Fudge presented the loelge with a pair of wands . 23 sat down to banquet , after which several songs and recitations were most aelmirably rendered . MoNTEPioiiE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —The brethren of this lodge
met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . December 14 . The chair was occupied by Bro . S . Pollitzer , AV . M ., supported by his officers : —Bro . F . Phillips , S . W . ; N . Abraham , J . AV . ; E . P Albert , P . M . Sec ; L . Jacobs , Treas . ; G . Blum , S . D . ; J . L .. Rosenthal , J . D . ; B . Ehrmati , I . G . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , P . M . J S . A . Abrahams , P . M . ; H . Eskell , P . M . ; G . Brandow , P . M . ; J . Lee Solla , P . M ., and tho following members of the lodge : Bros . Meyer A . Loewenstark , Dantzyer , Dalton , Van Volen ,
Grunebaum , Churchill , Spiers , Beck , Moore , Knight , Trillut , Carlbach , and many others . The visitors were Bros . John Hervey , G . Sec ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . T ., Middlesex ; J . Emanuel , AV . M . 205 ; B . AV . Aarons , W . M . 188 ; M . Isaacs , 185 ; M . Davis , P . M . 12 ; P . E . Van Morden , 183 ; E . T . Locwe , 188 ; aud S . Godfrey . Messrs . F . AVheeler , M . Blum , A . Fox , and W . Khugenstein were initiated , and Bros . Milner Blum , anel Pereira weae passeel , thc ceremonies being most ably
performed by the AV . M . The chair was then taked by Bro . S . V . Abrahams , P . M ., and Bro . S . A . Kisch , P . S . AV . and AV . M ' Elect , was obligateel and installed in a perfectly faultless manner . Tho officers were appointed with the addition of Bros . S . Funkeuzsteiu , D . C , and Blum , Steward . The banquet , to which about eighty brethren sat down , was presided over by the W . M ., and after the usual toasts had been given and responded to tho retiring AV . M . Bro . Sigismund Pollitzerwas presented with a
, , handsome Past Masters jewel of fins gold and with three brilliants on the square , which had been subscribed for by the brethren in testimony of their appreciation of his services during his year of office . Bro . Pollitzer returned thanks , aud the lodge , which had been called off to banquet , was now resumed and closed . Some capital singing during the evening by Bro . B . P . Van Noordeu and Frank Elmore , with lady artistes , added to the comforts aud pleasure of the meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
Governorship will be drawn for by the members . Any lady or -gentleman may be proposed as a member , but members of the Craft only will have a voice in the management . Further information may be obtained on application to Bro . M . A . Loewenstark , Hon . Sec , 1 Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , W . C . The first ballot will take place on the last Tuesday in January ,
1871 . A lodge of instruction , in connection with the Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 1 , 288 has been formed , and meets on Wednesday evenings at the Finsbury Park Tavern , near the Green Lanes , Islington . Prosperity Lodge of Instruction is helel at Bro . Dee's , the
Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate street , every Tuesday evening at half-past seven , where good Masonic instruction can be obtained as several excellent working Masons regularly attend .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . DOMATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday evening , the 9 th instant , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , and was very numerously attended by members and visitors ; and amongst the latter were Bros . R . Roberts , W . M ., 192 ; A . Cameron , 972 ; J . Pratt
, 907 ; J . Boyd , P . M ., 145 ; W . H . Anderson , 862 ; H . Bale , P . M ., 185 ; L . Prisstell , 55 ; W . G . Scott , 91 ; Huggett , 896 ; AV . Pugh , P . G ., Purs ., and P . M ., 794 ; besides several Past Masters , amongst whom were Bros . Smith , W . Carpenter , Haydon , Simpson , Elves , Thompson , Simpson , Brett , and J . Smith . Bro . J . R . Foulger presided as W . M . ; Bros . Walford , S . AV . ; aud Ferguson , J . AV . The Lodge was opened in due form ,
and with solemn prayer , anel the minutes of the last lodge wore read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Hughes , Needham , and Hancock , were examined as to their proficiency in the science . They were entrusted anel retired , and tho Loelge having been opened in the third degree , these brethren were respectively raised to the sublime degree in a most able manner bthe AVM The
y .. Lodge was resumed to the second degree , anel Bros . Bussell , Lawrence , and Swinyard were passed to the degree of F . C . The next business was the initiation of Mr . Charles Cruchley , and Mr . Joseph Acason , who were severally balloted for anel approved . Being in attendance thoy were severally instructed into thc mysteries anel privileges of ancient Freemasonry . This
lieing the usual election night a ballot took place for AV . M . for tho ensuing year , which resulted unanimovrsl y in favour of Bro . Walford , S . W . Bro . Joseph Smith was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Daley , Tyler-. A jewel was voted to Bro . Foulger , the retiring Master , as a testimony of respect from the brethren towards him , for tho manner in which lie had discharged bis duties during the year . The loelge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . On the withdrawal of
the cloth , the AV . M . gave the formal toasts , after which Bro . Joseph Smith proposed the health of the AV . M ., and enlarged on liis qualities , and the efficient manner in which he had discharged his duties . The AV . M . replied , and said if he had given them satisfaction he was amply repaid . The next toasts were "The Initiates " anel "The Visitors , " which were severally responded to . On the health of the Past Masters being drunk , Bro . H . took occasion to
Thompson congratulate the W . Master on the successful year he had passeel , and felt assured that he would leave the chair with tho good feeling anel sincere regard of every member , and though he had followed some ancient Masons who had filled the chair , be was sure what he had elone would not suffer by the comparison . He woulel have a worthy successor , and he ( Bro . Thompson ) had no doubt woulel perform his duty , and emulate his brilliant example . He wished to offer a few words to their younger brethren on a subject which was at that time a popular one , as it was the question of education . They
had lately had elections under an Act of Parliament to carry out the great principle of education , but he wished to remind them that for many years past they had schools of instruction open to them which were quite independent of any such power , but were of equal importance to them to attend if they trusted to qualify themselves at the same period to fill the exalted position then occupied by their AV . M . Lodges of instruction were
always open to them , where experienced Masons were always ready to give them any instruction , without cost and without price , and all they hael to do was to go and receive it . If they did not , than they could not be surprised if they did not attain thoso honours which Freemasonry threw open to them , aud which it was in the power of every industrious Masou to obtain . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was spent in complete hanxion . y .
POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 534 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Thursday Sth inst . Bro . John Boyd , P . M ., and Treasurer , officiated as AV . M . ; A . H . Williams , J . W . ; Videly , S . D , ; Szulczwski , P . M . ; Merceck , P . M . ; Bagster , P . M . ; Bros . Cohen , 151 , and F . Cherry , 999 , were present as visitors ; Mr . Weatherhog was initiated . RASETJAGH LODGE , ( NO . 834 . )—The brethren of this lodge
liold . their regular meeting at the Royal Sussex Hotel , Broadway , Hammersmith , on Tuesday , 14 th inst . Bros . Thompson Bean Lines , Andrew , P . Ms . ; AVm . James Anderson , " , AV . M . ; J . W . AVorthington , S . AV . ; A . C . Alias , J . AV . ; and several other brethren were present . Bros . Stiles , Stephens , and Capt . Borlase were present as visitors . Bro . Peters was raised . Bros . McEwen and jMieldleton were passed . Bro . Knowles was admitted as a joining member . Two gentlemen were propossd for initiation .
PEBPECT AsnLATi LODGE , ( NO . 1178 ) . —A regular meeting was held at the Gregorian Anns Tavern , Bermondsey , E ., on Thurselay 3 rd inst , present : —Bros . Josiah Green , AV . M . ; W . Avery , F . Ebsworth , P . M ' s ; Grace . S . W . ; Dudley , J . W . ; J . Harmsworth , S . D . ; J . Fudge , J . D . ; Cox , I . G . ; J . Ruse , W . S . ; F . AValters , See , ; also Bros . W . May , J . Axtell , G . Mabbs , A . Collins , S . Butcher , P . Fry , J . A . Smith , G . Drapper , and several others . The visitors present were F . P . Carter 753 "E . H .
, ; Tipson , S . W . and AV . M . elect . 49 ; J . E . Bowles , P . M . 160 . Bros . C . D . Dustin , T . Jones , F . Cox , J . Swinyard , and J . AVootton were passeel to the seeond degree by the AV . M . The Deacons , Bros . Harmsworth anel Fudge presented the loelge with a pair of wands . 23 sat down to banquet , after which several songs and recitations were most aelmirably rendered . MoNTEPioiiE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —The brethren of this lodge
met at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . December 14 . The chair was occupied by Bro . S . Pollitzer , AV . M ., supported by his officers : —Bro . F . Phillips , S . W . ; N . Abraham , J . AV . ; E . P Albert , P . M . Sec ; L . Jacobs , Treas . ; G . Blum , S . D . ; J . L .. Rosenthal , J . D . ; B . Ehrmati , I . G . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , P . M . J S . A . Abrahams , P . M . ; H . Eskell , P . M . ; G . Brandow , P . M . ; J . Lee Solla , P . M ., and tho following members of the lodge : Bros . Meyer A . Loewenstark , Dantzyer , Dalton , Van Volen ,
Grunebaum , Churchill , Spiers , Beck , Moore , Knight , Trillut , Carlbach , and many others . The visitors were Bros . John Hervey , G . Sec ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . T ., Middlesex ; J . Emanuel , AV . M . 205 ; B . AV . Aarons , W . M . 188 ; M . Isaacs , 185 ; M . Davis , P . M . 12 ; P . E . Van Morden , 183 ; E . T . Locwe , 188 ; aud S . Godfrey . Messrs . F . AVheeler , M . Blum , A . Fox , and W . Khugenstein were initiated , and Bros . Milner Blum , anel Pereira weae passeel , thc ceremonies being most ably
performed by the AV . M . The chair was then taked by Bro . S . V . Abrahams , P . M ., and Bro . S . A . Kisch , P . S . AV . and AV . M ' Elect , was obligateel and installed in a perfectly faultless manner . Tho officers were appointed with the addition of Bros . S . Funkeuzsteiu , D . C , and Blum , Steward . The banquet , to which about eighty brethren sat down , was presided over by the W . M ., and after the usual toasts had been given and responded to tho retiring AV . M . Bro . Sigismund Pollitzerwas presented with a
, , handsome Past Masters jewel of fins gold and with three brilliants on the square , which had been subscribed for by the brethren in testimony of their appreciation of his services during his year of office . Bro . Pollitzer returned thanks , aud the lodge , which had been called off to banquet , was now resumed and closed . Some capital singing during the evening by Bro . B . P . Van Noordeu and Frank Elmore , with lady artistes , added to the comforts aud pleasure of the meeting .