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DURHAM . SHNDEEEAITD . —Ptioenix Lodge ( No . 94 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled in their hall , Queen Street , Sunderland , on Wednesday , December 7 , to witness the installation of Bro . Thomas Henderson as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . AV . Whinham , P . M . The W . M ., having been duly placeel in the chair , appointed and
invested the following officers , viz .: —Bros . AV . H . Sharp , I . P . M . ; J . S . Pearson , S . AV . ; R . Lutert , J . AV . ; J . Riseborough , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Stiles , P . M ., Sec ; T . Cairns , S , D . ; T . G . Garriek , J . D . ; J . Todd , I . G . ; J . AV . Brown , Tyler ; A . Burton , and R . Child , Stewards . The attendance of members anel visitors was large , Lodges 80 , 97 , 949 , and 960 being present . Among the brethren present wero the W . M . of 97 , Bro . M . Allison ; Bros . J . Potts , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Hvisteudahl P . G . P ,
SUNDEKLAKD . —Falatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the New Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , on Thursday , December 8 . Bro . B . Levy , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., ably officiated as installing Master . The following is a full list of officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . AV . Skelton , W . M . ; M . Allison , I . P . M . ; J . J . Clay , S . W . ; R . Humphrey , J . W . ; B . Levy , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Younger , Sec . ; S . P . AustinS . D . ; J . CrossbJ . D . ; J . J . SavilleI . G . ; AV . M .
, y , , Laws , Tyler ; Denton , D . C . ; Johnson Chamhers , Coulson and Allard Auditors ^ The attendance of members and visitors was large , Lodges 80 , 94 , 240 , 949 , 960 , and 1 , 017 being represented . Among the brethren present wore Bros . R . Dixon , AV . M . 80 ; T . Henderson , W . M . 94 ; AVhite , W . M . . 240 ; R . Hudson , W . M . 949 ; W . H . Crookes , Prov . G . See . ; J . Potts , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; P . G . Hvisteudahl , Prov . G . P ., and others .
ESSEX . CHEEMSEOED . —Lodge of Good Fellowstdp , ( No . 276 . )—The members of this lodge met at the Shire Hall , Chelmsford , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., to w itness the installation of Bro . the Rev . B . S . Barnes- as AV . M . for the ensuing year . There were present Bros . Andrew Meggy , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Burton , P . G . Treas . ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Sec . ; AV . S . Pavitt . W . M .,
276 ; Arthur Goodchilel , AV . M ., 1312 ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , George AVakering , Thos . H . AVood , J . P . Sarel , AVm . Butler , Andrew Durrant , and J . F . Bold , P . Ms ., 276 ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . W . ; Jas . Nicholls , J . W . ; A . C . Veley , S . D . ; Thos . Smee , J . D . ; Jno . AV . Hair , Sec ; Geo . F . Skill , I . G . ; T . Sarel , Tyler ; G . C . Matthams , F . Whitmore , and F . A . Jones , Stewards ; AV . Tippler , E . H . Carter , C . Toolney , Stephen Kendall , A . Clarke , C . Josling , and W . H . Luard Pattison . AlsitorsBros . Hen . BirdM . D .
, , , P . M . ; S . Chaplin , and T . J . Railing , 51 ; Geo . Cooper , S . W ., 214 ; Fred . Dawson , S . D . and Org ., 211 ; and Joseph F . Richardson , W . M ., and J . E . Wiseman , Sec , 433 . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . Prov . G . J . W ., G . D . C , and P . M ., 11 and 276 ; and the W . M . then appointed his officers for the year as follows : — Bros . Jas . ; Nicholls , S . AV . ; A . C Veley , J . AV . ; Rev . P . B . ShepherdChap . ; Jno . AV . HairSec . ; J . BurtonTreas .
, , , ; T . Smee , S . D . ; G . F . Skill , J . D . ; C . Josling , I . G . ; and T . Sarel , Tyler . On the proposition of tho R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . A . Meggy , a cordial vote of congratulation was passed to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bagshaw , on his recent marriage . The brethren subsequently aeljourned to the White Hart Hotel , where an excellent banquet was partaken of . During the evening , tho usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to .
LANCASHIRE , ( WEST . ) SOHTHPOET . —INSTALLATION MEETING OI ? LODGE UNITIT ( No . 613 ) . On Monday afternoon , Dec . Sth . there was a very numerous gathering of the brethren of Lodge of Unity , 613 , with several visiting brethren of other lodges , at the Masonic Hall , AVright Street , for the purpose of transacting the annual business of the
lodge , and especially to pay honour to the AV . M . elect , Bro . AV . Dodd , who is universally and deservedly esteemed , and who hael received the udanimous suffrages of the brethren as the occupant of the chair for the ensuing year . Bro . James Hanier , AV . Prov .
G . Treasurer , acted as Installing Master , and most ably discharged his duties , being assisted by Bro . James Piatt , P . M ., 6 I 3 r anel AV . M . 1313 , as J . W . There were also present Bros . J . B . Lambert , P . Prov . G . S . D . E . L ., P . M ., 613 , 349 , 580 ; W . Howells , P . Prov . S . G . AV . of Staffordshire and Worcestershire , P . G . Treas . Staffordshire ; F . Green , P . M ., 86 ; Rev . J . F . Goggin , 32 , 314 ; Arthur Mayhew , W . M ., 613 ; R . Sharrock , P . M ., 613 , and Prov . G . Steward ; R . Jeffries , P . M ., 613 ; W . Uooerts , 1678 , & o .
The beautiful hall was filled with brethren , the majority of whom were connected with the two lodges , 613 and 1313 , both of which are in a most flourishing condition . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read , the names of two candidates were ballotted for anel duly elected to be initiated . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . Hamer officiating in his usual effective stle . During the
y absence of the brethren Bro . AV . Dodd was obligated , and in a Board of Installing Masters , placed in the chair of K . S . in accordance with ancient usage . On the return of the brethren tho W . M . was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . J . B . Lambert most impressively delivered a charge to the W . M ., and Bro . Hamer gave the usual charges to the newly-appointed officers , who were invested as follows : —Bros . J . WainwrihtS . AV . ; H . E .
Culg , linworth , J . AV . ; C . H . Brown . Treas . ; G . Bailev , Sec . ; T . P . Griffiths , S . D . ; T . S . Cory , J . D . ; J . Piatt , P . M ., M . C . j R . Ellison . Org . ; J . AVitham , I . G . ; F . Brown , and S . Kershaw , Stewards , aud J . Hartley , Tyler . Lodge having been closed down to the first degree , the two candidates who had been ballotted
for , Mr . Leith , L . Heyward , and Mr . James Heyward , were initiated into'Freemasonry in a very solemn anel impressive manner by the W . M ., the effect of the ceremony being considerably increased by the introduction of Masonic Music , compiled by Bro . Younghusband , Liverpool , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . J . G . D .. of which was used in the Lodge , 613 for the first time . Five candidates were proposed for initiation , and then the W . M ., in an appropriate mannerpresented to Bro . Arthur MayhewI . P . M .
, , , a P . M . Jewel , as an expression of the esteem of the brethren and in acknowledgment of tbe many practical manifestations ot his interest in Freemasonry , aud in . Lodge , 613 . Bro . Mayhew suitably responded , and the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , where the Festival of St . John was celebrated by a banquet , provided by Bro . Fred . F . Baker , in the sumptuous style for which this hotel is famed . At the close
of the repast , at which Bro . Dodd , W . M ., presieled , the usual loyal toasts were given with much enthusiasm . The health of Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M . of England , followed , and was most cordially received . In proposing the health of Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers , the chairman referred to the great interest the R . AV . Prov . G . M . took in the Craft , and his earnest desire for its promotion .
Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treas , in responding , said that he had spent many happy hours in the company of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who manifested the greatestaffability and friendship towards his brethren , and who , with the whole of the officers , exerted themselves very heartily for tire advancement of the Craft .
Bro . Robert Sharrock , Prov . G . Steward , felt proud iu . having been selected out of the lodge 613 to hold office in the Prov . G . L ., and would do his utmost to hand down unsullied to his successor tho collar and badge he then wore . Bro . Mayhew , I . P . M ., then proposed the health of Bro . Dodd , AA . M ., who , he saiel , was justly entitled to the honour that day conferred upon him as a proper return for the time , the energy , and patiencethe brotherlkindnessand various other good
, y , qualities he had displayed ever since his introduction into Masonry . He , ( the speaker ) hoped that it would not be long before such an earnest and sanguine Mason would hold a Provincial position , which his devotedness to Masonry richly merited . The toast was enthusiastically received . The A \ . M ., in responding , acknowledged thankfully the very cordial expression of the esteem manifested by his brother
Masons . He must admit that since the day of his initiation he hael been increasingly delighted with the principles of the Craft , and had done his utmost to understand the why and the wherefore of its mysteries . Masonry must commend itself to every intelligent person , who , without prejudice , enquired into its tenets , and influence . It was , in his opinion , the most glorious system for the guidance o £ human conduct of the face of the earth ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DURHAM . SHNDEEEAITD . —Ptioenix Lodge ( No . 94 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled in their hall , Queen Street , Sunderland , on Wednesday , December 7 , to witness the installation of Bro . Thomas Henderson as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony of installation was performed by Bro . AV . Whinham , P . M . The W . M ., having been duly placeel in the chair , appointed and
invested the following officers , viz .: —Bros . AV . H . Sharp , I . P . M . ; J . S . Pearson , S . AV . ; R . Lutert , J . AV . ; J . Riseborough , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . Stiles , P . M ., Sec ; T . Cairns , S , D . ; T . G . Garriek , J . D . ; J . Todd , I . G . ; J . AV . Brown , Tyler ; A . Burton , and R . Child , Stewards . The attendance of members anel visitors was large , Lodges 80 , 97 , 949 , and 960 being present . Among the brethren present wero the W . M . of 97 , Bro . M . Allison ; Bros . J . Potts , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; Hvisteudahl P . G . P ,
SUNDEKLAKD . —Falatine Lodge ( No . 97 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the New Masonic Hall , Park Terrace , Sunderland , on Thursday , December 8 . Bro . B . Levy , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., ably officiated as installing Master . The following is a full list of officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . AV . Skelton , W . M . ; M . Allison , I . P . M . ; J . J . Clay , S . W . ; R . Humphrey , J . W . ; B . Levy , P . M ., Treas . ; T . Younger , Sec . ; S . P . AustinS . D . ; J . CrossbJ . D . ; J . J . SavilleI . G . ; AV . M .
, y , , Laws , Tyler ; Denton , D . C . ; Johnson Chamhers , Coulson and Allard Auditors ^ The attendance of members and visitors was large , Lodges 80 , 94 , 240 , 949 , 960 , and 1 , 017 being represented . Among the brethren present wore Bros . R . Dixon , AV . M . 80 ; T . Henderson , W . M . 94 ; AVhite , W . M . . 240 ; R . Hudson , W . M . 949 ; W . H . Crookes , Prov . G . See . ; J . Potts , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; P . G . Hvisteudahl , Prov . G . P ., and others .
ESSEX . CHEEMSEOED . —Lodge of Good Fellowstdp , ( No . 276 . )—The members of this lodge met at the Shire Hall , Chelmsford , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., to w itness the installation of Bro . the Rev . B . S . Barnes- as AV . M . for the ensuing year . There were present Bros . Andrew Meggy , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Burton , P . G . Treas . ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Sec . ; AV . S . Pavitt . W . M .,
276 ; Arthur Goodchilel , AV . M ., 1312 ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , George AVakering , Thos . H . AVood , J . P . Sarel , AVm . Butler , Andrew Durrant , and J . F . Bold , P . Ms ., 276 ; Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . W . ; Jas . Nicholls , J . W . ; A . C . Veley , S . D . ; Thos . Smee , J . D . ; Jno . AV . Hair , Sec ; Geo . F . Skill , I . G . ; T . Sarel , Tyler ; G . C . Matthams , F . Whitmore , and F . A . Jones , Stewards ; AV . Tippler , E . H . Carter , C . Toolney , Stephen Kendall , A . Clarke , C . Josling , and W . H . Luard Pattison . AlsitorsBros . Hen . BirdM . D .
, , , P . M . ; S . Chaplin , and T . J . Railing , 51 ; Geo . Cooper , S . W ., 214 ; Fred . Dawson , S . D . and Org ., 211 ; and Joseph F . Richardson , W . M ., and J . E . Wiseman , Sec , 433 . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . Prov . G . J . W ., G . D . C , and P . M ., 11 and 276 ; and the W . M . then appointed his officers for the year as follows : — Bros . Jas . ; Nicholls , S . AV . ; A . C Veley , J . AV . ; Rev . P . B . ShepherdChap . ; Jno . AV . HairSec . ; J . BurtonTreas .
, , , ; T . Smee , S . D . ; G . F . Skill , J . D . ; C . Josling , I . G . ; and T . Sarel , Tyler . On the proposition of tho R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . A . Meggy , a cordial vote of congratulation was passed to the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Bagshaw , on his recent marriage . The brethren subsequently aeljourned to the White Hart Hotel , where an excellent banquet was partaken of . During the evening , tho usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to .
LANCASHIRE , ( WEST . ) SOHTHPOET . —INSTALLATION MEETING OI ? LODGE UNITIT ( No . 613 ) . On Monday afternoon , Dec . Sth . there was a very numerous gathering of the brethren of Lodge of Unity , 613 , with several visiting brethren of other lodges , at the Masonic Hall , AVright Street , for the purpose of transacting the annual business of the
lodge , and especially to pay honour to the AV . M . elect , Bro . AV . Dodd , who is universally and deservedly esteemed , and who hael received the udanimous suffrages of the brethren as the occupant of the chair for the ensuing year . Bro . James Hanier , AV . Prov .
G . Treasurer , acted as Installing Master , and most ably discharged his duties , being assisted by Bro . James Piatt , P . M ., 6 I 3 r anel AV . M . 1313 , as J . W . There were also present Bros . J . B . Lambert , P . Prov . G . S . D . E . L ., P . M ., 613 , 349 , 580 ; W . Howells , P . Prov . S . G . AV . of Staffordshire and Worcestershire , P . G . Treas . Staffordshire ; F . Green , P . M ., 86 ; Rev . J . F . Goggin , 32 , 314 ; Arthur Mayhew , W . M ., 613 ; R . Sharrock , P . M ., 613 , and Prov . G . Steward ; R . Jeffries , P . M ., 613 ; W . Uooerts , 1678 , & o .
The beautiful hall was filled with brethren , the majority of whom were connected with the two lodges , 613 and 1313 , both of which are in a most flourishing condition . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read , the names of two candidates were ballotted for anel duly elected to be initiated . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . Hamer officiating in his usual effective stle . During the
y absence of the brethren Bro . AV . Dodd was obligated , and in a Board of Installing Masters , placed in the chair of K . S . in accordance with ancient usage . On the return of the brethren tho W . M . was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . J . B . Lambert most impressively delivered a charge to the W . M ., and Bro . Hamer gave the usual charges to the newly-appointed officers , who were invested as follows : —Bros . J . WainwrihtS . AV . ; H . E .
Culg , linworth , J . AV . ; C . H . Brown . Treas . ; G . Bailev , Sec . ; T . P . Griffiths , S . D . ; T . S . Cory , J . D . ; J . Piatt , P . M ., M . C . j R . Ellison . Org . ; J . AVitham , I . G . ; F . Brown , and S . Kershaw , Stewards , aud J . Hartley , Tyler . Lodge having been closed down to the first degree , the two candidates who had been ballotted
for , Mr . Leith , L . Heyward , and Mr . James Heyward , were initiated into'Freemasonry in a very solemn anel impressive manner by the W . M ., the effect of the ceremony being considerably increased by the introduction of Masonic Music , compiled by Bro . Younghusband , Liverpool , P . M ., P . Z ., and P . Prov . J . G . D .. of which was used in the Lodge , 613 for the first time . Five candidates were proposed for initiation , and then the W . M ., in an appropriate mannerpresented to Bro . Arthur MayhewI . P . M .
, , , a P . M . Jewel , as an expression of the esteem of the brethren and in acknowledgment of tbe many practical manifestations ot his interest in Freemasonry , aud in . Lodge , 613 . Bro . Mayhew suitably responded , and the lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , where the Festival of St . John was celebrated by a banquet , provided by Bro . Fred . F . Baker , in the sumptuous style for which this hotel is famed . At the close
of the repast , at which Bro . Dodd , W . M ., presieled , the usual loyal toasts were given with much enthusiasm . The health of Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M . of England , followed , and was most cordially received . In proposing the health of Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers , the chairman referred to the great interest the R . AV . Prov . G . M . took in the Craft , and his earnest desire for its promotion .
Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treas , in responding , said that he had spent many happy hours in the company of the R . W . Prov . G . M ., who manifested the greatestaffability and friendship towards his brethren , and who , with the whole of the officers , exerted themselves very heartily for tire advancement of the Craft .
Bro . Robert Sharrock , Prov . G . Steward , felt proud iu . having been selected out of the lodge 613 to hold office in the Prov . G . L ., and would do his utmost to hand down unsullied to his successor tho collar and badge he then wore . Bro . Mayhew , I . P . M ., then proposed the health of Bro . Dodd , AA . M ., who , he saiel , was justly entitled to the honour that day conferred upon him as a proper return for the time , the energy , and patiencethe brotherlkindnessand various other good
, y , qualities he had displayed ever since his introduction into Masonry . He , ( the speaker ) hoped that it would not be long before such an earnest and sanguine Mason would hold a Provincial position , which his devotedness to Masonry richly merited . The toast was enthusiastically received . The A \ . M ., in responding , acknowledged thankfully the very cordial expression of the esteem manifested by his brother
Masons . He must admit that since the day of his initiation he hael been increasingly delighted with the principles of the Craft , and had done his utmost to understand the why and the wherefore of its mysteries . Masonry must commend itself to every intelligent person , who , without prejudice , enquired into its tenets , and influence . It was , in his opinion , the most glorious system for the guidance o £ human conduct of the face of the earth ,