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Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Grey Friars Church, Dumfries.
Provost Turner having , on behalf of himself , his brother magistrates , and the building committee thanked the R . W . Acting G . M . and the other officials of the Masonic body who had come forward to lay the foundation stone of the new Grey Friars' Church —the band played Rule Britannia , and as they Avere
discoursing this national air the procession re-formed , the Grand Lodge , preceded by the band , pioneering the march . The lodges accompauied the Grand Lodge to the King ' s Arms aud there broke up , except the Masters aud Wardens , who remained in waiting till the Grand Lodge closed at a later hour .
The lid of the box containing the oins and documents deposited in the foundation stone , bears the following inscription : — At Dumfries , In the thirtieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria , and
On the eleventh day of the month of May , Of the Christian Era Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-sis , And of the Masonic Epoch , Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-six , The Foundation Stone of
GREY FRIARS CHURCH Was , by special appointment of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , laid with Masonic honours by Right Worshipful Brother Henry Inglis , of Torsonee
, . Provincial Grand Master of Peebles and Selkirkshire , Assisted by the Grand Officers and Deputations from various Daughter Lodges , In presence of the Provost , Magistrates , Town Council , Clergy , And a large assemblage of
The inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood . The copper ofiohich this case is made was taken from the Vane of the old Church , built in the year 1724 . At the public dinner , presided over by Provost Turner , which took place in the old ball room of the King ' s Arms . About seventy sat down at half-past
five to a repast which , both in the preparation and the serving , fully sustained the high reputation borne by Mr . and Mrs . Mather for the excellence of their entertainments . After the customary loyal and patriotic toasts had been given and responded to , the Provost , in a feAV neat and complimentary remarks , gave " Grey Friars' Church and the health of the Minister . "
The Rev . Bro . Macleod in responding to the toast thanked the Chairman for the haudsome terms in which he had spoken of him . ; and all present for the cordial Avay in AA'hich the toast had been received by them . He said he felt glad and grateful that he could congratulate the congregation and himself on having
the foundation stone of the new church laid—as it has been to-day , by Bro . Inglis of Torsonee—acting as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland—so auspiciously , so happily , and so well . And he said he felt sure all would join heartily in the prayerwhich has been more than once this day
, offered—that the building may soon and successfully be completed . The Croupier , iu rising to propose " The Grand Lodge of Scotland , " said , they had that day been engaged iu a most important duty , and taken the first
step towards the erection of that edifice that would one day , he hoped , arise in beauty and symmetry to adorn our town . He was not . so much of a practical Mason to be able to understand or define how it Avas important that the foundation-stone of any building should be laid in a proper manner ; but this he did knowthat it was of the greatest importance that it
, should be so . Any one who had been present that day at the imposing ceremony in which they had taken part , must have been surely satisfied that the foundation-stone of that building , which , in a future day , Avould be known as Grey Friars' Church of Dumfrieshad been laid in a a satisfactory
, proper , , and a scientific manner . They had beeu honoured that day with the presence , and favoured with the assistance of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , as represented , and as Avorthily represented , by the Right Worshipful the Provincial Master of Peebles and Selkirkshire . He only remembered four such
ceremonies taking- place in this town—the laying of the foundation-stone of the bridge across the Nith , of the Workhouse , of St . Mary's Church , and of the Mechanics' Hall ; but he thought he was correct in saying this was the first time any foundation-stone had been laid in Dumfries with the presence of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland . The Right Worshipful Master , in the conduct of the ceremony , displayed an amount of dignity that Avell become him , and that apertained to the high official whom he that day represented . He was very certain that in draAving to a close the ceremony a heartfelt Avish and prayer that the Architect of the Universe might one day crown the foundation-stone . He Avould give the toast of
"The Grand Lodge of Scotland , " and couple Avith it the name of the Right Worshipful Brother Inglis . Deputy Grand Master Inglis , in returning thanks said : You have , Mr . Croupier , been pleased to say that the ceremony has been Avell performed . If there can he any reAvard more than another that the officials of the Grand Lodge of Scotland desire to obtainit is
, the approbation of those whom they come to assist , and I assure you that for the success which you have been pleased to say—aud I really believe you are right in saying so—has attended the proceedings of this day , I Avill not , and cannot , take the credit all to myselffar from it : that credit ought to be bestowed on those
distinguished Masons whom you see standing iu silence around me , but Avho in reality are the persons Avho deserve your thanks . No one but a practical Mason can tell you practical ability Avith Avhich it is necessary that the presiding Master should be supported by his officials in performing services like those of to-day ;
and I can assure you that there are various phases in those services which none but the initiated can look upon and appreciate . I most sincerely return my thanks , and the thanks of my friends there who are standing very modestly , but AA'I IO did support me after a fashion Avhich , indeed , is their usual fashion ,
but which I entirely appreciate . Now , gentlemen , all I have to say further on the subject of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is this , that it shall be my first duty at the next quarterly communication of that body to report to the Grand Masters the Avay in Avhich you have appreciated our services . The proceedings Avere terminated by a Masonic banquet , held in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute . The chair Avas occupied by Bro . W . Alder , Dumfries ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Grey Friars Church, Dumfries.
Provost Turner having , on behalf of himself , his brother magistrates , and the building committee thanked the R . W . Acting G . M . and the other officials of the Masonic body who had come forward to lay the foundation stone of the new Grey Friars' Church —the band played Rule Britannia , and as they Avere
discoursing this national air the procession re-formed , the Grand Lodge , preceded by the band , pioneering the march . The lodges accompauied the Grand Lodge to the King ' s Arms aud there broke up , except the Masters aud Wardens , who remained in waiting till the Grand Lodge closed at a later hour .
The lid of the box containing the oins and documents deposited in the foundation stone , bears the following inscription : — At Dumfries , In the thirtieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria , and
On the eleventh day of the month of May , Of the Christian Era Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-sis , And of the Masonic Epoch , Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-six , The Foundation Stone of
GREY FRIARS CHURCH Was , by special appointment of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , laid with Masonic honours by Right Worshipful Brother Henry Inglis , of Torsonee
, . Provincial Grand Master of Peebles and Selkirkshire , Assisted by the Grand Officers and Deputations from various Daughter Lodges , In presence of the Provost , Magistrates , Town Council , Clergy , And a large assemblage of
The inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood . The copper ofiohich this case is made was taken from the Vane of the old Church , built in the year 1724 . At the public dinner , presided over by Provost Turner , which took place in the old ball room of the King ' s Arms . About seventy sat down at half-past
five to a repast which , both in the preparation and the serving , fully sustained the high reputation borne by Mr . and Mrs . Mather for the excellence of their entertainments . After the customary loyal and patriotic toasts had been given and responded to , the Provost , in a feAV neat and complimentary remarks , gave " Grey Friars' Church and the health of the Minister . "
The Rev . Bro . Macleod in responding to the toast thanked the Chairman for the haudsome terms in which he had spoken of him . ; and all present for the cordial Avay in AA'hich the toast had been received by them . He said he felt glad and grateful that he could congratulate the congregation and himself on having
the foundation stone of the new church laid—as it has been to-day , by Bro . Inglis of Torsonee—acting as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland—so auspiciously , so happily , and so well . And he said he felt sure all would join heartily in the prayerwhich has been more than once this day
, offered—that the building may soon and successfully be completed . The Croupier , iu rising to propose " The Grand Lodge of Scotland , " said , they had that day been engaged iu a most important duty , and taken the first
step towards the erection of that edifice that would one day , he hoped , arise in beauty and symmetry to adorn our town . He was not . so much of a practical Mason to be able to understand or define how it Avas important that the foundation-stone of any building should be laid in a proper manner ; but this he did knowthat it was of the greatest importance that it
, should be so . Any one who had been present that day at the imposing ceremony in which they had taken part , must have been surely satisfied that the foundation-stone of that building , which , in a future day , Avould be known as Grey Friars' Church of Dumfrieshad been laid in a a satisfactory
, proper , , and a scientific manner . They had beeu honoured that day with the presence , and favoured with the assistance of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , as represented , and as Avorthily represented , by the Right Worshipful the Provincial Master of Peebles and Selkirkshire . He only remembered four such
ceremonies taking- place in this town—the laying of the foundation-stone of the bridge across the Nith , of the Workhouse , of St . Mary's Church , and of the Mechanics' Hall ; but he thought he was correct in saying this was the first time any foundation-stone had been laid in Dumfries with the presence of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland . The Right Worshipful Master , in the conduct of the ceremony , displayed an amount of dignity that Avell become him , and that apertained to the high official whom he that day represented . He was very certain that in draAving to a close the ceremony a heartfelt Avish and prayer that the Architect of the Universe might one day crown the foundation-stone . He Avould give the toast of
"The Grand Lodge of Scotland , " and couple Avith it the name of the Right Worshipful Brother Inglis . Deputy Grand Master Inglis , in returning thanks said : You have , Mr . Croupier , been pleased to say that the ceremony has been Avell performed . If there can he any reAvard more than another that the officials of the Grand Lodge of Scotland desire to obtainit is
, the approbation of those whom they come to assist , and I assure you that for the success which you have been pleased to say—aud I really believe you are right in saying so—has attended the proceedings of this day , I Avill not , and cannot , take the credit all to myselffar from it : that credit ought to be bestowed on those
distinguished Masons whom you see standing iu silence around me , but Avho in reality are the persons Avho deserve your thanks . No one but a practical Mason can tell you practical ability Avith Avhich it is necessary that the presiding Master should be supported by his officials in performing services like those of to-day ;
and I can assure you that there are various phases in those services which none but the initiated can look upon and appreciate . I most sincerely return my thanks , and the thanks of my friends there who are standing very modestly , but AA'I IO did support me after a fashion Avhich , indeed , is their usual fashion ,
but which I entirely appreciate . Now , gentlemen , all I have to say further on the subject of the Grand Lodge of Scotland is this , that it shall be my first duty at the next quarterly communication of that body to report to the Grand Masters the Avay in Avhich you have appreciated our services . The proceedings Avere terminated by a Masonic banquet , held in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute . The chair Avas occupied by Bro . W . Alder , Dumfries ,