Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GIRLS' SCHOOL FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Girls' School Festival.
After we went to press Avith our last issue we received an announcement that the total amount collected at the Festival on AVednesday , the 9 th inst ., was £ 3 , 701 9 s . 3 d ., with two lists to come in , being the largest sum ever received at an Anniversary Festival since the foundation of the School , and from as large a board of Stewards , being the same number as last year , Avhich ¦ was the largest .
MEKCHANT NAVY LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The regular monthly meeting , and last till October , of this flourishing lodge Avas held at the Jamaica Hotel , AVest India Docks , on Thursday , the 10 th inst . Bros . C . K . Killick , W . M . ; Davies , S . W . ; Bracebridge , 3 . W . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; E . J . Read , Hon . Sec , and many other brethren and visitors ; amongst the latter were Bros . J . L . Toole , 22 ; Johnson , 140 ; and J . Terry . The lodge having been opened , the
minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Mr . Crockett , who was regularly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bros . Leary and Michaelson being candidates for the second degree , answered the usual questions , Avere entrusted and withdrew . 'Die lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bros . Leary and Michaelson were passed to degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge being resumed to the first degreeand nothing
fur-, ther being offered , Avas closed Avith solemn prayer till the second Wednesday in October . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , aud after the cloth was removed and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and duly responded to , Bro . Wright , P . M ., proposed "The Health of their Worshipful Master , Bro . Killick . " He was sure the brethren must have been delighted Avith his work on this his first evening . The
impressiveness witli which he worked the ceremonies was no more than was to be expected from him , as his diligence and attention to the minor offices which he had filled , had reflected great credit on him as well as the lodge . The AV . Master in responding to the toast , thanked Bro . Wright , P . M ., for the kind
eulogiums he had passed upon him , also the brethren , for his manner of conducting the lodge . This he begged to assure them was entirely owing to the advantages he had received from lodges of instruction , as well as the kindness of numerous brethren , and he could further Assure them , particularly young Masons , that attendance at lodges of instruction was of essential service to aspirants for office . The W . Master then proposed " The Health of the Past Masters" which was responded
, to by Bro . Wright , P . M ., who alluded to the modesty of their W . M . He was sure'that the other Past Masters , with himself , Avould be only very glad to render information to any of their younger brethren lvho might be aspiring to office , and added that he had the pleasure of initiating their AV . M ., and he was highly gratified to see him occupying the position he now did . Bro . Wright , P . M ., then asked the AV . M . permission to propose
the next toast , one that he should like to see more frequently given in our lodges ; we were taught to relieve tho distressed , and assist the aged and weak , therefore lie begged to initiate , if he might so term it , this practise , and that wils "The Masonic Charities , " and coupling with it the name of Bro . Terry . He need not remind the brethren of tho great principles which they all professed to admireviz . brotherllovereliefand
, , y , , truth . Bvo . Terry in responding as the representative of one of the charities , viz ., that for the aged Freemasons and their widows , begged to thank the numerous brethren for the support which they had aflbrded the Institution which , withontrefereiice to the claims of other kindred institutions , was one which claimed the attention and assistance of all the brethren . The
subscription to the Institution was very small , being but 5 s per annum , and he was sure that no Freemason could ever miss so small an amount . Were the whole of the members of the Craft in London alone to subscribe this small sum , and each lodge only 20 s . per annum , the poor and the aged would not have to undergo the anxiety and , he might say , mental torture , of the precarious chances of election . They would then be enabled to carry out that great Masonic principle of giving to
him who asks , and knowing that our charities would be twice blessed by him who gives as well as him who receives . The Health of the Initiate , " was then given and responded to . "The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " was then given , and Bro . Toole , 22 , in responding , said that through the kindness of the AV . M ., an old and esteemed friend of his as well as Bro . Wright , P . M ., and their Secretary , he had had the pleasure of visiting the lodge many timesand it was always a source of
, gratification to him to do so , as he felt he was not only among gentlemen but among brethren . There Avas that kindly and Masonic feeling marking all their proceedings , that he might say from his experience was not confined to lodge meetings in general , but was exhibited by them in all their daily
transactions . "The Health of the Officers , " was then given and responded to by Bro . Bracebridge , J . W ., in the absence of the S . W " , who was compelled to leave early . The Tyler ' s toast brought this happy evening to a close . This pleasures of the evening were considerably enhanced by some excellent songs from several of the brethren . LODGE OE JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this old prosperous lodge was held on AVednesdaythe 9 th inst . at
, , the AVhite Swan , High-street , Deptford . Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., presided . The business done was three raisings and two passings . Bro . H . Moore , I . P . M . 73 , and a member of this lodge , did the raisings , and the W . M . the passings ; all of which were done in an able and efficient manner . Two sums of two guineas were voted from the Charity Fund of this lodge , to licants whose cases were brought forward btwo of the
app y members , viz ., one to a Toronto brother , and one to a widow of a deceased member of the Beadon Lodge , 619 . It was resolved unanimously to close the lodge until the second AVednesday of October . Business being ended the lodge was duly closed * Afterwards the brethren partook of refreshment . Visitors were J . Searle , P . M . ; G . Brown , P . M . Treas . 169 ; Gale , S . AV . 548 ; Whittle , S 71 , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . ABINGDON . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 945 ) . —The brethren of thislodge assembled in the lodge room at the Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , for the purpose of installing the AV . M Elect , Bro . H . D'Almaine , Prov . G . S . B . of Berks and Bucks . The ceremony of installation was performed by P . M . ' s Belcher and C . T . Hawkins . The brethren present were Bros . J . Blandy Jenkins ( High Sheriff of Berks ) T . ParrE . J . TrendallW .
, , , Belcher , R . Badcock , Mortimer , C . T . Hawkins , G . Taunton ; A . S . Hurford , the AV . M . Elect of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; Captain Bradney , J . T . Morland , IS . Morlancl , Hedges , Hetumings , T . Blake , Simpson , T . AVootton , J . S . Lowe , Badcock , J . Plowman . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . appointed his officers for the year as follows : Bros , the Rev . T . G . Mortimer , as P . M . ; W . Belcher , S . W . ; T . T . Morland , J . AV . ;
Alderman R . Badcock , Treas . ; E . Morland , Sec . ; Hedges , S . D . ; Heminings , J . D .,- Captain J . Bradney , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Blake . I . G . ; W . L . Hunt , Tyler . The labours having been brought to a termination the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the committee room , where a sumptuous dinner , provided by Mr . Clarke , the new landlord of the Crown and Thistle Hotel , aAvaited them . The dinner was in every vaspeet Avorthy of the occasion , and the host had evidently made up his mind that
everything should be done liberally and well . The W . M . presided with considerable ability , and introduced the toasts in brief but appropriate terms . The usual Masonic toasts were given , as well as others of a local character , and among the latter Ave may especially mention the " Mayor of Abingdon , ( Mr . Alderman John Hyde ) , and the Corporation , with many thanks to them for the use of their rooms . " Mr . Alderman Badcock responded to the toast , and remarked that they had great reason to be proud of their present Mayor ( Mr . Alderman John Hyde ) , for although he was not a member of the Craft ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
The Girls' School Festival.
After we went to press Avith our last issue we received an announcement that the total amount collected at the Festival on AVednesday , the 9 th inst ., was £ 3 , 701 9 s . 3 d ., with two lists to come in , being the largest sum ever received at an Anniversary Festival since the foundation of the School , and from as large a board of Stewards , being the same number as last year , Avhich ¦ was the largest .
MEKCHANT NAVY LODGE ( NO . 781 ) . —The regular monthly meeting , and last till October , of this flourishing lodge Avas held at the Jamaica Hotel , AVest India Docks , on Thursday , the 10 th inst . Bros . C . K . Killick , W . M . ; Davies , S . W . ; Bracebridge , 3 . W . ; Sutton , S . D . ; Helps , J . D . ; Bradbury , I . G . ; E . J . Read , Hon . Sec , and many other brethren and visitors ; amongst the latter were Bros . J . L . Toole , 22 ; Johnson , 140 ; and J . Terry . The lodge having been opened , the
minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken , and declared unanimous in favour of Mr . Crockett , who was regularly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bros . Leary and Michaelson being candidates for the second degree , answered the usual questions , Avere entrusted and withdrew . 'Die lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bros . Leary and Michaelson were passed to degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge being resumed to the first degreeand nothing
fur-, ther being offered , Avas closed Avith solemn prayer till the second Wednesday in October . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment , aud after the cloth was removed and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and duly responded to , Bro . Wright , P . M ., proposed "The Health of their Worshipful Master , Bro . Killick . " He was sure the brethren must have been delighted Avith his work on this his first evening . The
impressiveness witli which he worked the ceremonies was no more than was to be expected from him , as his diligence and attention to the minor offices which he had filled , had reflected great credit on him as well as the lodge . The AV . Master in responding to the toast , thanked Bro . Wright , P . M ., for the kind
eulogiums he had passed upon him , also the brethren , for his manner of conducting the lodge . This he begged to assure them was entirely owing to the advantages he had received from lodges of instruction , as well as the kindness of numerous brethren , and he could further Assure them , particularly young Masons , that attendance at lodges of instruction was of essential service to aspirants for office . The W . Master then proposed " The Health of the Past Masters" which was responded
, to by Bro . Wright , P . M ., who alluded to the modesty of their W . M . He was sure'that the other Past Masters , with himself , Avould be only very glad to render information to any of their younger brethren lvho might be aspiring to office , and added that he had the pleasure of initiating their AV . M ., and he was highly gratified to see him occupying the position he now did . Bro . Wright , P . M ., then asked the AV . M . permission to propose
the next toast , one that he should like to see more frequently given in our lodges ; we were taught to relieve tho distressed , and assist the aged and weak , therefore lie begged to initiate , if he might so term it , this practise , and that wils "The Masonic Charities , " and coupling with it the name of Bro . Terry . He need not remind the brethren of tho great principles which they all professed to admireviz . brotherllovereliefand
, , y , , truth . Bvo . Terry in responding as the representative of one of the charities , viz ., that for the aged Freemasons and their widows , begged to thank the numerous brethren for the support which they had aflbrded the Institution which , withontrefereiice to the claims of other kindred institutions , was one which claimed the attention and assistance of all the brethren . The
subscription to the Institution was very small , being but 5 s per annum , and he was sure that no Freemason could ever miss so small an amount . Were the whole of the members of the Craft in London alone to subscribe this small sum , and each lodge only 20 s . per annum , the poor and the aged would not have to undergo the anxiety and , he might say , mental torture , of the precarious chances of election . They would then be enabled to carry out that great Masonic principle of giving to
him who asks , and knowing that our charities would be twice blessed by him who gives as well as him who receives . The Health of the Initiate , " was then given and responded to . "The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " was then given , and Bro . Toole , 22 , in responding , said that through the kindness of the AV . M ., an old and esteemed friend of his as well as Bro . Wright , P . M ., and their Secretary , he had had the pleasure of visiting the lodge many timesand it was always a source of
, gratification to him to do so , as he felt he was not only among gentlemen but among brethren . There Avas that kindly and Masonic feeling marking all their proceedings , that he might say from his experience was not confined to lodge meetings in general , but was exhibited by them in all their daily
transactions . "The Health of the Officers , " was then given and responded to by Bro . Bracebridge , J . W ., in the absence of the S . W " , who was compelled to leave early . The Tyler ' s toast brought this happy evening to a close . This pleasures of the evening were considerably enhanced by some excellent songs from several of the brethren . LODGE OE JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this old prosperous lodge was held on AVednesdaythe 9 th inst . at
, , the AVhite Swan , High-street , Deptford . Bro . J . Lightfoot , W . M ., presided . The business done was three raisings and two passings . Bro . H . Moore , I . P . M . 73 , and a member of this lodge , did the raisings , and the W . M . the passings ; all of which were done in an able and efficient manner . Two sums of two guineas were voted from the Charity Fund of this lodge , to licants whose cases were brought forward btwo of the
app y members , viz ., one to a Toronto brother , and one to a widow of a deceased member of the Beadon Lodge , 619 . It was resolved unanimously to close the lodge until the second AVednesday of October . Business being ended the lodge was duly closed * Afterwards the brethren partook of refreshment . Visitors were J . Searle , P . M . ; G . Brown , P . M . Treas . 169 ; Gale , S . AV . 548 ; Whittle , S 71 , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . ABINGDON . —Abbey Lodge ( No . 945 ) . —The brethren of thislodge assembled in the lodge room at the Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , for the purpose of installing the AV . M Elect , Bro . H . D'Almaine , Prov . G . S . B . of Berks and Bucks . The ceremony of installation was performed by P . M . ' s Belcher and C . T . Hawkins . The brethren present were Bros . J . Blandy Jenkins ( High Sheriff of Berks ) T . ParrE . J . TrendallW .
, , , Belcher , R . Badcock , Mortimer , C . T . Hawkins , G . Taunton ; A . S . Hurford , the AV . M . Elect of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford ; Captain Bradney , J . T . Morland , IS . Morlancl , Hedges , Hetumings , T . Blake , Simpson , T . AVootton , J . S . Lowe , Badcock , J . Plowman . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . appointed his officers for the year as follows : Bros , the Rev . T . G . Mortimer , as P . M . ; W . Belcher , S . W . ; T . T . Morland , J . AV . ;
Alderman R . Badcock , Treas . ; E . Morland , Sec . ; Hedges , S . D . ; Heminings , J . D .,- Captain J . Bradney , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Blake . I . G . ; W . L . Hunt , Tyler . The labours having been brought to a termination the brethren adjourned for refreshment to the committee room , where a sumptuous dinner , provided by Mr . Clarke , the new landlord of the Crown and Thistle Hotel , aAvaited them . The dinner was in every vaspeet Avorthy of the occasion , and the host had evidently made up his mind that
everything should be done liberally and well . The W . M . presided with considerable ability , and introduced the toasts in brief but appropriate terms . The usual Masonic toasts were given , as well as others of a local character , and among the latter Ave may especially mention the " Mayor of Abingdon , ( Mr . Alderman John Hyde ) , and the Corporation , with many thanks to them for the use of their rooms . " Mr . Alderman Badcock responded to the toast , and remarked that they had great reason to be proud of their present Mayor ( Mr . Alderman John Hyde ) , for although he was not a member of the Craft ,