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he was imbued with the true principles of Masonry , —a love for his fellow men , and an earnest desire to dispense happiness to every one around him . From the establishment of tho Abbey Lodge , the Corporation of Abingdon had aflbrded them every facility , and he doubted not they would continue to do so , as every year would serve to convince them that the fundamental principles of Masonry were such as every loyal and well-wisher to his country could appreciate . During the evening some excellent songs were sung , and the proceedings altogether were of the most agreeable and social character .
CUMBERLAND . CATCXISEE . — "Union Lodge ( So . 310 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 15 fch inst ., a lodge of emergency was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle , the chair being occupied by Bro . William Murray , P . M . After the lodge was opened in due form , Bro . F . W . Hay ward took charge of the lodge and opened the F . C . degree , Bro . T . C . Cowling being a candidate advanced to the pedestal to answer tho test questionswhen the lodge
, was opened in the third degree , and the candidate was admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . F . W . Hay ward , P . M . Treas ., P . Prov . J . D ., assisted by the following brethren : G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; John Slack , J . W . ; George Tm-nbull , as S . D . ; J . B . Paisley , as J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , I . G . ; Thomas Storey ( a candidate for the ensuing election of aged Freemasons ) , Tyler . The followinS brethren were present : Bros . George Armstrong , George Somerville ,
Thomas Blacklock , P . M . ; John Howe , P . M . ; W . H .-Pulford , J . D . ; A . Johnstone , AV . Pratchitt . Visitor : Bro . Thomas Prater , Victor Lodge ( No . 657 ) . The lodge was closed down to the E . A . degree , when Bro . W . Court having made such progress as to entitle him to be passed to the degree of a F . C : The usual test questions being put Avas answered in a very creditable manner , thus showing that perseverance is sure to be rewardedwas entrustedretiredand readmittedwhen the
, , , , lodge Avas opened in the second degree by Bro . G . G . Hayward , S . AV . No other business being on hand , the lodge was closed by Bro . F . W . Hayward , and the brethren retired to the refreshment room to spend an hour or two in answering the needful questions leading from the second to the third degree , for the benefit of Bro . Court , and after the Tyler's toast , the brethren parted in harmony at a conA'euient hour .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . PnoviNCiAi . GRAND LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on tho 3 rd inst . at the Town Hall which was superbly fitted up for the purpose of Grand Lodge business . The Provincial Grand Officers and the brethren having arrived , the Provincial Grand MasterBro . S . Blairentered the lod
, , ge at half-past twelve , supported by Bro . A . H . Roycls , Provincial Grand Master for Worcestershire and late D . Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire , and Bro . Lawrence Newall , senior Grand Deacon and Deputy Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire , together Avith all the Provincial Grand Officers for East Lancashire . After the usual ceremonies , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . appointed the followiug brethren as his officers for the ensuing j'ear : —
Bros . L . Newall , D . Prov . G . M . ; Captain Starkie , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bev . J . L . Figgins , G . Chap . ; J . L . Hine , G . Treas ; J . Elliot , G . Reg . ; John Tunnah , G . Sec . ; John Bolderson , G . Supt . of Works ; Thomas G . Gibbons , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Austin Shellard , Gr . Assist ; Dir . of Cers . ; Frederick Anderton , G . Sword Bearer ; J . C . Canning , G . Purst . ; Henry Maiden , G . Std . Bearer ; William DaAVSou , G . Tyler ; J . W . Kenyon , B . Rayner , Thomas
Parker , John Butterworth , AVilliam Crompton , and Charles Wood , Prov . G . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , the brethren formed in procession headed by the band of the 7 th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers , to the parish church , where Bro . the llev . J . L . Figgins , the Provincial Grand Chaplain , preached a very eloquent sermon from the fourth chapter of St . Paul ' s epistle to
the Galatians and part of the 24 th verse ; after which a collection Avas made for the benefit of the Bury Dispensary , amountg to about £ 20 . The brethren afterwards formed procession to the large room in the Atbenamm , Avhere banquet awaited them , superbly served by the celebrated caterer , Mr . Jennison , of Bell Vue Gardens , Manchester ; the wines , of the finest brand , being supplied by Bro . AVilliam Handley , of the Derby HoteJ , Bury . The usual Masonic toasts were afterwards given and responded
to , and the vocalists performed their duties in a truly Masonic manner , Bro . J . Aspinwall , Prov . G . Organist , assisting . The Avhole of the proceedings terminated in a very satisfactory manner .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIA - EKPOOD . — Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge since the dedication was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . Bro . Johnson , W . M ., opened the lodge , assisted by the officers and brethren , who assembled in full force at six o ' clock , p . m . The minutes having been confirmed , three gentlemen were ballotted for , and the tongue of good report having been heard in their
favour , they were initiated in the mysteries of our ancient aud honourable institution . The manner in which the labours of the evening Avere discharged reflects the highest credit on all concerned , and augurs well for the future prosperity of the lodge ; indeed it would be very difficult to point to any portion of the ceremony where an amendment could be introduced . The zeal of the officers and their love for the Craft was manifested bthe free will offerings they madeviz .: Bro . Dr . J . D .
y , Johhson , AV . M ., presented a very splendidly bound tracing board of the Great Architect of the Universe ; Bro . Dr . D . M . Johnson , S . AV ., presented the warden ' s columns and the emblems of mortality ; Bro . Dr . J . K . Smith , J . AV ., presented the three gavels ; Bro . Sheldon , S . D ., presented the square and compasses ( in silver ); Bro . Hendy presented a silver salver ; Bro . Harris , I . G ., presented the implement and appendages of
his office ; Bro . Dyke , AA'ine Steward , presented the working tools for each degree ; and Bro . Tub , the Organist , presented a hallottmg box . Bro . Tub has also , at his own expense , put a new stop in the organ . The addresses to the brethren by the donors were in Masonic keeping and harmony with the emblems presented , and made a deep impression on the hearts and minds of all who heard them . The presentations were of a costly and beautiful character , no expense having been spared in the
design , material , or workmanship , and where all is good it is almost invidious to point to any one in particular , yet the gavels presented by the J . W . were greatly and deservedly admired . They are made of ebony , inlaid with mother of pearl , and the handles of carved ivory , representing the three pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty . The Temple Lodge being established , furnished and decorated , we hope and believe it will prove a credit to the provinceand an honour to the builders .
, Great credit is due to Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., who has instructed the officers in their various duties , and the brethren did wisely in appointing him their preceptor . To Bro . Marsh , the Secretary , the thanks of the brethren are due for his exertions in selecting the beautiful ornaments , fnrniture , and jewels they possess . The lodge being closed , the brethren retired to refreshments , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to as becomes Freemasons .
WARAVICKSHIRE . A deputation from the members of the Warwickshire lodges , headed by Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Avaited upon Bro . C . W . Elkington , at his residence , Edgbaston , on the 8 th inst , for the purpose of presenting him with a token of respect upon his resignation of the appointment of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Lord Leigh expressed his great pleasure in having , as
head of the Craft in AVarwickshire , the opportunity of testifying to the high esteem in which Bro . Elkington was held by the hrethi en , and took advantage of that occasion to acknowledge the unvarying kindness and attention he had experienced from him during the five years he had so efficiently acted as his ( Lord Leigh ' s ) deputy . After referring to the able services rendered by Bro . Elkington in the province , not only in encouraging by his efforts the increase of lodgesbut also the formation and
, development of the AVarwickshire Annuity and Benevolent Fund for the benefit of the aged poor and distressed Masons of the province and their widows and orphans , his lordship read an address , beautifully illuminated , expressive of regret at the failure in health which has led bira to seek retirement and relief from the public duties which he has always so honourably fulfilled . Lord Leih then presented the testimonialwhich
g , comprised a handsome gold snuff box , tazza flower vases , inkstand , candlesticks , card-tray , and other articles , to the value of about £ 200 . Mr . Elkington thanked Lord Leigh , and the gentlemen who accompanied him , for their kindness in doing him so much honour , and to thera , and the Craft generally , he expressed his heartfelt gratitude for that and all other tokens of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he was imbued with the true principles of Masonry , —a love for his fellow men , and an earnest desire to dispense happiness to every one around him . From the establishment of tho Abbey Lodge , the Corporation of Abingdon had aflbrded them every facility , and he doubted not they would continue to do so , as every year would serve to convince them that the fundamental principles of Masonry were such as every loyal and well-wisher to his country could appreciate . During the evening some excellent songs were sung , and the proceedings altogether were of the most agreeable and social character .
CUMBERLAND . CATCXISEE . — "Union Lodge ( So . 310 . )—On Tuesday evening , the 15 fch inst ., a lodge of emergency was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Carlisle , the chair being occupied by Bro . William Murray , P . M . After the lodge was opened in due form , Bro . F . W . Hay ward took charge of the lodge and opened the F . C . degree , Bro . T . C . Cowling being a candidate advanced to the pedestal to answer tho test questionswhen the lodge
, was opened in the third degree , and the candidate was admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . F . W . Hay ward , P . M . Treas ., P . Prov . J . D ., assisted by the following brethren : G . G . Hayward , S . AV . ; John Slack , J . W . ; George Tm-nbull , as S . D . ; J . B . Paisley , as J . D . ; A . Woodhouse , I . G . ; Thomas Storey ( a candidate for the ensuing election of aged Freemasons ) , Tyler . The followinS brethren were present : Bros . George Armstrong , George Somerville ,
Thomas Blacklock , P . M . ; John Howe , P . M . ; W . H .-Pulford , J . D . ; A . Johnstone , AV . Pratchitt . Visitor : Bro . Thomas Prater , Victor Lodge ( No . 657 ) . The lodge was closed down to the E . A . degree , when Bro . W . Court having made such progress as to entitle him to be passed to the degree of a F . C : The usual test questions being put Avas answered in a very creditable manner , thus showing that perseverance is sure to be rewardedwas entrustedretiredand readmittedwhen the
, , , , lodge Avas opened in the second degree by Bro . G . G . Hayward , S . AV . No other business being on hand , the lodge was closed by Bro . F . W . Hayward , and the brethren retired to the refreshment room to spend an hour or two in answering the needful questions leading from the second to the third degree , for the benefit of Bro . Court , and after the Tyler's toast , the brethren parted in harmony at a conA'euient hour .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . PnoviNCiAi . GRAND LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held on tho 3 rd inst . at the Town Hall which was superbly fitted up for the purpose of Grand Lodge business . The Provincial Grand Officers and the brethren having arrived , the Provincial Grand MasterBro . S . Blairentered the lod
, , ge at half-past twelve , supported by Bro . A . H . Roycls , Provincial Grand Master for Worcestershire and late D . Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire , and Bro . Lawrence Newall , senior Grand Deacon and Deputy Prov . G . M . for East Lancashire , together Avith all the Provincial Grand Officers for East Lancashire . After the usual ceremonies , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . appointed the followiug brethren as his officers for the ensuing j'ear : —
Bros . L . Newall , D . Prov . G . M . ; Captain Starkie , Prov . S . G . AV . ; Bev . J . L . Figgins , G . Chap . ; J . L . Hine , G . Treas ; J . Elliot , G . Reg . ; John Tunnah , G . Sec . ; John Bolderson , G . Supt . of Works ; Thomas G . Gibbons , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Austin Shellard , Gr . Assist ; Dir . of Cers . ; Frederick Anderton , G . Sword Bearer ; J . C . Canning , G . Purst . ; Henry Maiden , G . Std . Bearer ; William DaAVSou , G . Tyler ; J . W . Kenyon , B . Rayner , Thomas
Parker , John Butterworth , AVilliam Crompton , and Charles Wood , Prov . G . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , the brethren formed in procession headed by the band of the 7 th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers , to the parish church , where Bro . the llev . J . L . Figgins , the Provincial Grand Chaplain , preached a very eloquent sermon from the fourth chapter of St . Paul ' s epistle to
the Galatians and part of the 24 th verse ; after which a collection Avas made for the benefit of the Bury Dispensary , amountg to about £ 20 . The brethren afterwards formed procession to the large room in the Atbenamm , Avhere banquet awaited them , superbly served by the celebrated caterer , Mr . Jennison , of Bell Vue Gardens , Manchester ; the wines , of the finest brand , being supplied by Bro . AVilliam Handley , of the Derby HoteJ , Bury . The usual Masonic toasts were afterwards given and responded
to , and the vocalists performed their duties in a truly Masonic manner , Bro . J . Aspinwall , Prov . G . Organist , assisting . The Avhole of the proceedings terminated in a very satisfactory manner .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIA - EKPOOD . — Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . —The first regular meeting of this lodge since the dedication was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . Bro . Johnson , W . M ., opened the lodge , assisted by the officers and brethren , who assembled in full force at six o ' clock , p . m . The minutes having been confirmed , three gentlemen were ballotted for , and the tongue of good report having been heard in their
favour , they were initiated in the mysteries of our ancient aud honourable institution . The manner in which the labours of the evening Avere discharged reflects the highest credit on all concerned , and augurs well for the future prosperity of the lodge ; indeed it would be very difficult to point to any portion of the ceremony where an amendment could be introduced . The zeal of the officers and their love for the Craft was manifested bthe free will offerings they madeviz .: Bro . Dr . J . D .
y , Johhson , AV . M ., presented a very splendidly bound tracing board of the Great Architect of the Universe ; Bro . Dr . D . M . Johnson , S . AV ., presented the warden ' s columns and the emblems of mortality ; Bro . Dr . J . K . Smith , J . AV ., presented the three gavels ; Bro . Sheldon , S . D ., presented the square and compasses ( in silver ); Bro . Hendy presented a silver salver ; Bro . Harris , I . G ., presented the implement and appendages of
his office ; Bro . Dyke , AA'ine Steward , presented the working tools for each degree ; and Bro . Tub , the Organist , presented a hallottmg box . Bro . Tub has also , at his own expense , put a new stop in the organ . The addresses to the brethren by the donors were in Masonic keeping and harmony with the emblems presented , and made a deep impression on the hearts and minds of all who heard them . The presentations were of a costly and beautiful character , no expense having been spared in the
design , material , or workmanship , and where all is good it is almost invidious to point to any one in particular , yet the gavels presented by the J . W . were greatly and deservedly admired . They are made of ebony , inlaid with mother of pearl , and the handles of carved ivory , representing the three pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty . The Temple Lodge being established , furnished and decorated , we hope and believe it will prove a credit to the provinceand an honour to the builders .
, Great credit is due to Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., who has instructed the officers in their various duties , and the brethren did wisely in appointing him their preceptor . To Bro . Marsh , the Secretary , the thanks of the brethren are due for his exertions in selecting the beautiful ornaments , fnrniture , and jewels they possess . The lodge being closed , the brethren retired to refreshments , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to as becomes Freemasons .
WARAVICKSHIRE . A deputation from the members of the Warwickshire lodges , headed by Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M ., Avaited upon Bro . C . W . Elkington , at his residence , Edgbaston , on the 8 th inst , for the purpose of presenting him with a token of respect upon his resignation of the appointment of Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Lord Leigh expressed his great pleasure in having , as
head of the Craft in AVarwickshire , the opportunity of testifying to the high esteem in which Bro . Elkington was held by the hrethi en , and took advantage of that occasion to acknowledge the unvarying kindness and attention he had experienced from him during the five years he had so efficiently acted as his ( Lord Leigh ' s ) deputy . After referring to the able services rendered by Bro . Elkington in the province , not only in encouraging by his efforts the increase of lodgesbut also the formation and
, development of the AVarwickshire Annuity and Benevolent Fund for the benefit of the aged poor and distressed Masons of the province and their widows and orphans , his lordship read an address , beautifully illuminated , expressive of regret at the failure in health which has led bira to seek retirement and relief from the public duties which he has always so honourably fulfilled . Lord Leih then presented the testimonialwhich
g , comprised a handsome gold snuff box , tazza flower vases , inkstand , candlesticks , card-tray , and other articles , to the value of about £ 200 . Mr . Elkington thanked Lord Leigh , and the gentlemen who accompanied him , for their kindness in doing him so much honour , and to thera , and the Craft generally , he expressed his heartfelt gratitude for that and all other tokens of