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Knights Templar.
Stuart , AV . S . Tootoll ; Temple Cressing , F . J . Lilley and F . Michell ; United , Col . T . Birchell and C . Chandos Pole . The noble hall of the Masonic Union Company never upon any previous occasion presented a more magnificent or imposing coup d ' wil . The upper portion was railed off from the lower by heavy ropes , the intertwining strands of which were formed of the three colours of the Order—red , black , and white ; and the entrance into the enclosure was between two masts , about
sixteen feet high , springing from bronze tripods , and from the heads of the masts floated two long gonfalons—one , the Red Cross and the other the Bcauseant ensigns of the Order , the whole manufactured expressly for the occasion after'the designs of Sir Knight Commander Shuttleworth , and over each stall hung the banners of the Knights glittering with all the gorgeous blazonry of heraldry . On the sepulchre was placed the magnificent silver panel ilt shrine and crucifixionpresented to
g , Grand Conclave by Sir Knight Stuart , on the occasion of his first assuming the dignity of Grand Master . A few moments after three , the M . E . aud S . G . Master entered the hall , to the music of a grand march played by Sir Kut . Ganz , G . Org . to Grand Conclave , preceded by his Grand Officers , Avho mustered in unusual strength , properly marshalled by the G . Dir . of Cers ., and passing under the arch of steel , took bis seat , whevi his great banner was raised to the flagstaff over the
throne . The Grand Officers then filed off to the right and left , aud raider the judicious arrangements of Sir Knt . Meymott , the indefatigable and experienced-G . Dir . of Cers ., assumed their stalls in admirable order , and the Knts . Commauders having taken their places , Grand Conclave was opened in ample form . The V . E . G Commanders , Col . lUClerk and William Hervey , were presented , did homage on their appointment to their comlnandoriesand were duly proclaimed by the Grand Heralds to the
, flourish of trumpets , and were inducted in their stalls . The muster roll was called by Sir Knt . Lavender , Grand Registrar . The minutes of the last Grand Conclave were read by Sir . Knt . Shuttleworth , Grand Alee Chancellor , and confirmed . The report of the General Purpose committee was read by Sir Patrick Culqnhoun , Grand Chancellor , and adopted , and ordered to he entered in the minutes . Sir Knt . W . J . Meymott , P . G . Capt . aud G . Dir . of Cers .
moved , pursuant to notice given at the last Grand Conclave , "jSTbat in tho opinion of Grand Conclave , it is desirable to establish a 'fund of benevolence' for the Order . Every encampment shall also pay to the fund of benovelence on or before the 31 st of March in every year , an annual sum of one shilling for each member of such encampment , such sum to he included in the annual return now made to the Grand A ico Chancellor by tho Registrar of each encampment . "
"That in addition to this source of revenue , all fines that shall be imposed on any member of the Order , and all alms Collections , at the meetings of the Grand Conclave , shall be paid into tho hands of the Grand Almoner , to be entered to an account , the ' Fund of Beneyo ' . auce , ' and of which fund he shall be tho Treasurer . " Carried unanimously .
' ¦ ' That any Grand Officer who shall be absent at the hour at which Grand Conclave shall be summoned , and who shall not attend his duty' in Grand Conclave , shall for each absence pay a fine of 10 s . Gd . to the ' Fund of Benevolence . '" This resolution was carried after a long discussion . Sir Kut . the Rev . J . I-Iuyslie , Prov . G . Commander , Devon , in pursuance of notice given at the last Grand Conclave ,
moved"That a business paper or agenda of the business to be done at each Grand Conclave shall be printed , and a copy given to each Knight attending , and a copy also sent to each Eminent Commander seven days before the meeting of Grand Conclave . " This resolution was carried . Sir Kut . F . Binckes , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., in pursuance to notice given at the last Grand Conclave , moved" That in all cases where appeals or other questions are to he
submitted to Grand Conchire for confirmation or otherwise , the papers in connection therewith , after they have been before the Grand Committee , ho open for inspection at the office of the A'ice-Chaucellor , by all duly qualified members of Grand Conclave . " This resolution was carried . Sir Knt . Capt . Boyle , P . G . Sub Prior ,
moved"That it is imperative that all candidates ( for installation into the Order of the Temple ) be members of the 18 ° , or else Royal Arch Masons . " Thi 3 resolution was lost .
Knights Templar.
The Grand Almoner collected tho alms . The Grand Conclave presented Mrs . Edwards with a donation of five guineas from the Almoner's Fund . The Grand Conclave elected a Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing . The Grand Master appointed tho Grand Officers for the yearensuing , who were then duly invested . The Grand Master appointed four members of the committee .
The Grand Conclave elected five members of the committe . List of Grand Officers appointed : — Lord Kenlis , Grand Seneschal ; Hon . F . AValpole , Grand Prior ; Eight Hon . Earl Limerick , Sub Prior ; Rov . G . Moore , Grand Prelate ; Cornwall Lee , M . P . 1 st Grand Captain ; J . M . P . Montagu , 2 nd Captain ; Sit- P . Colquhoun , Grand Chancellor ; M . Shuttleworth , Grand AHce Chancellor ; J . Lavender , Registrar ; C . GooldenGrand Treasurer ; Lieut .-Col . Burchall Grand '
, , Chamberlain ; J . M . Williams , ii £ P ., Grand Hospitaller ; W . J . Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . R . Thompson G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Mercer , G . Supt . of Works ; S . R . P . Shelton , G . Constable ; C . Chandos , Role , G . Provost ; Rev . J . H . Griee , G . Almoner ; Rev . R . Sanderson , 1 st . G . Expert ; R . Ridley , 2 nd G . Expert ; R . F . Newmarch 1 st Standard Bearer ; J . B . Phillips 2 nd Standard Bearer ; S . Wilton 3 rd Standard
, , Bearer ; J . Bolderson , 4 th Standard Bearer ; J . Truman , 1 st Aide-de-Camp ; II . E . Linch , 2 nd Aid-dc-Camp ; 'It Ruclcliffe , 1 st Capt . of Lines ; C . Greenwood , 2 ud Capt . of Lines ; William Gantz , G . Org . ; II . Mallina , Sword Bearer ; G . Lambert , Warden of Regalia ; J . J . Forrester , 1 st Herald ; Mabey , 2 nd Herald . The Grand Conclave was then closed in ancient form .
ST . ANDKEAVS — St . Andrew Lodge , S . C . ( No . 25 ) . —On the-2 ? th ultimo , the brethren of the above lodge entertained their proxy at the Grand Lodge , Bro . John Whyte Melville , of Strathimiess and Benocby , the present R . W . Grand Master of Scothind , to a grand banquet , in token of the services rendered by him to them at the Grand Lodge since 1813 . The banquet took place in the Town Hall . Crail , Kirkcaldy , Austruther , and Newport lodges were represented . Upwards of seventsab
y down to supper . The chair was occupied by Bro . T . W . Milton , Provost and present R . W . M . of tho lodge , who was supported ' on the right by the guest of the evening . In replying to the toast of tho evening , Bro . Melville expressed the great delight and pleasure he felt in being thus honoured by the lodge .
LlJtEElCK . —Fden Lodge ( So . 73 ) . —Within the last six . months a large accession of members has taken 2 'hice in this lodge , thanks to the efficient working of Bro . Adams , the AV . M . The newly nominated AA' . M ., P . M . M'Quaide , will , no doubt , keep on tho same course to place this favoured lodge second to none in tho south of Ireland .
BOMBAY . —LODGE CONCOTCD ( No . 757 . ) The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , near Baboola Tank , on tho 17 th March . Present r H . Wiekham , W . M . ; Dr . T . Diver , I . P . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; and Alfred King , P . M . 's ; E . Parker , S . W . ; T . Proud , J . W .,- C . Burden , as Secretary ; H . Freeman , S . D . ; II . E . Gabler , as J . D . ; J . Powell , I . C . ; J . W . Seager ,
Tyler ; and a numerous attendance of members ami visiting brethren . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tho first degree . The notice convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were then read and confirmed . Bro . Dr . Thomas Diver , the I . P . M . of the'lodge , Avas announced ; the W . M . asked the J . D . to admit him , and requested the brethren to receive that worthy brother with the respect
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
Stuart , AV . S . Tootoll ; Temple Cressing , F . J . Lilley and F . Michell ; United , Col . T . Birchell and C . Chandos Pole . The noble hall of the Masonic Union Company never upon any previous occasion presented a more magnificent or imposing coup d ' wil . The upper portion was railed off from the lower by heavy ropes , the intertwining strands of which were formed of the three colours of the Order—red , black , and white ; and the entrance into the enclosure was between two masts , about
sixteen feet high , springing from bronze tripods , and from the heads of the masts floated two long gonfalons—one , the Red Cross and the other the Bcauseant ensigns of the Order , the whole manufactured expressly for the occasion after'the designs of Sir Knight Commander Shuttleworth , and over each stall hung the banners of the Knights glittering with all the gorgeous blazonry of heraldry . On the sepulchre was placed the magnificent silver panel ilt shrine and crucifixionpresented to
g , Grand Conclave by Sir Knight Stuart , on the occasion of his first assuming the dignity of Grand Master . A few moments after three , the M . E . aud S . G . Master entered the hall , to the music of a grand march played by Sir Kut . Ganz , G . Org . to Grand Conclave , preceded by his Grand Officers , Avho mustered in unusual strength , properly marshalled by the G . Dir . of Cers ., and passing under the arch of steel , took bis seat , whevi his great banner was raised to the flagstaff over the
throne . The Grand Officers then filed off to the right and left , aud raider the judicious arrangements of Sir Knt . Meymott , the indefatigable and experienced-G . Dir . of Cers ., assumed their stalls in admirable order , and the Knts . Commauders having taken their places , Grand Conclave was opened in ample form . The V . E . G Commanders , Col . lUClerk and William Hervey , were presented , did homage on their appointment to their comlnandoriesand were duly proclaimed by the Grand Heralds to the
, flourish of trumpets , and were inducted in their stalls . The muster roll was called by Sir Knt . Lavender , Grand Registrar . The minutes of the last Grand Conclave were read by Sir . Knt . Shuttleworth , Grand Alee Chancellor , and confirmed . The report of the General Purpose committee was read by Sir Patrick Culqnhoun , Grand Chancellor , and adopted , and ordered to he entered in the minutes . Sir Knt . W . J . Meymott , P . G . Capt . aud G . Dir . of Cers .
moved , pursuant to notice given at the last Grand Conclave , "jSTbat in tho opinion of Grand Conclave , it is desirable to establish a 'fund of benevolence' for the Order . Every encampment shall also pay to the fund of benovelence on or before the 31 st of March in every year , an annual sum of one shilling for each member of such encampment , such sum to he included in the annual return now made to the Grand A ico Chancellor by tho Registrar of each encampment . "
"That in addition to this source of revenue , all fines that shall be imposed on any member of the Order , and all alms Collections , at the meetings of the Grand Conclave , shall be paid into tho hands of the Grand Almoner , to be entered to an account , the ' Fund of Beneyo ' . auce , ' and of which fund he shall be tho Treasurer . " Carried unanimously .
' ¦ ' That any Grand Officer who shall be absent at the hour at which Grand Conclave shall be summoned , and who shall not attend his duty' in Grand Conclave , shall for each absence pay a fine of 10 s . Gd . to the ' Fund of Benevolence . '" This resolution was carried after a long discussion . Sir Kut . the Rev . J . I-Iuyslie , Prov . G . Commander , Devon , in pursuance of notice given at the last Grand Conclave ,
moved"That a business paper or agenda of the business to be done at each Grand Conclave shall be printed , and a copy given to each Knight attending , and a copy also sent to each Eminent Commander seven days before the meeting of Grand Conclave . " This resolution was carried . Sir Kut . F . Binckes , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers ., in pursuance to notice given at the last Grand Conclave , moved" That in all cases where appeals or other questions are to he
submitted to Grand Conchire for confirmation or otherwise , the papers in connection therewith , after they have been before the Grand Committee , ho open for inspection at the office of the A'ice-Chaucellor , by all duly qualified members of Grand Conclave . " This resolution was carried . Sir Knt . Capt . Boyle , P . G . Sub Prior ,
moved"That it is imperative that all candidates ( for installation into the Order of the Temple ) be members of the 18 ° , or else Royal Arch Masons . " Thi 3 resolution was lost .
Knights Templar.
The Grand Almoner collected tho alms . The Grand Conclave presented Mrs . Edwards with a donation of five guineas from the Almoner's Fund . The Grand Conclave elected a Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing . The Grand Master appointed tho Grand Officers for the yearensuing , who were then duly invested . The Grand Master appointed four members of the committee .
The Grand Conclave elected five members of the committe . List of Grand Officers appointed : — Lord Kenlis , Grand Seneschal ; Hon . F . AValpole , Grand Prior ; Eight Hon . Earl Limerick , Sub Prior ; Rov . G . Moore , Grand Prelate ; Cornwall Lee , M . P . 1 st Grand Captain ; J . M . P . Montagu , 2 nd Captain ; Sit- P . Colquhoun , Grand Chancellor ; M . Shuttleworth , Grand AHce Chancellor ; J . Lavender , Registrar ; C . GooldenGrand Treasurer ; Lieut .-Col . Burchall Grand '
, , Chamberlain ; J . M . Williams , ii £ P ., Grand Hospitaller ; W . J . Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . R . Thompson G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; R . Mercer , G . Supt . of Works ; S . R . P . Shelton , G . Constable ; C . Chandos , Role , G . Provost ; Rev . J . H . Griee , G . Almoner ; Rev . R . Sanderson , 1 st . G . Expert ; R . Ridley , 2 nd G . Expert ; R . F . Newmarch 1 st Standard Bearer ; J . B . Phillips 2 nd Standard Bearer ; S . Wilton 3 rd Standard
, , Bearer ; J . Bolderson , 4 th Standard Bearer ; J . Truman , 1 st Aide-de-Camp ; II . E . Linch , 2 nd Aid-dc-Camp ; 'It Ruclcliffe , 1 st Capt . of Lines ; C . Greenwood , 2 ud Capt . of Lines ; William Gantz , G . Org . ; II . Mallina , Sword Bearer ; G . Lambert , Warden of Regalia ; J . J . Forrester , 1 st Herald ; Mabey , 2 nd Herald . The Grand Conclave was then closed in ancient form .
ST . ANDKEAVS — St . Andrew Lodge , S . C . ( No . 25 ) . —On the-2 ? th ultimo , the brethren of the above lodge entertained their proxy at the Grand Lodge , Bro . John Whyte Melville , of Strathimiess and Benocby , the present R . W . Grand Master of Scothind , to a grand banquet , in token of the services rendered by him to them at the Grand Lodge since 1813 . The banquet took place in the Town Hall . Crail , Kirkcaldy , Austruther , and Newport lodges were represented . Upwards of seventsab
y down to supper . The chair was occupied by Bro . T . W . Milton , Provost and present R . W . M . of tho lodge , who was supported ' on the right by the guest of the evening . In replying to the toast of tho evening , Bro . Melville expressed the great delight and pleasure he felt in being thus honoured by the lodge .
LlJtEElCK . —Fden Lodge ( So . 73 ) . —Within the last six . months a large accession of members has taken 2 'hice in this lodge , thanks to the efficient working of Bro . Adams , the AV . M . The newly nominated AA' . M ., P . M . M'Quaide , will , no doubt , keep on tho same course to place this favoured lodge second to none in tho south of Ireland .
BOMBAY . —LODGE CONCOTCD ( No . 757 . ) The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , near Baboola Tank , on tho 17 th March . Present r H . Wiekham , W . M . ; Dr . T . Diver , I . P . M . ; Rev . J . J . Farnham , P . M . ; and Alfred King , P . M . 's ; E . Parker , S . W . ; T . Proud , J . W .,- C . Burden , as Secretary ; H . Freeman , S . D . ; II . E . Gabler , as J . D . ; J . Powell , I . C . ; J . W . Seager ,
Tyler ; and a numerous attendance of members ami visiting brethren . The lodge having been properly tyled , was opened in tho first degree . The notice convening the meeting was read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were then read and confirmed . Bro . Dr . Thomas Diver , the I . P . M . of the'lodge , Avas announced ; the W . M . asked the J . D . to admit him , and requested the brethren to receive that worthy brother with the respect