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Recollections Of The Lodge Of Freemasons At Thornhill.
to whom the right of appointment may fall by annual ballot . The lodge ' s acquisition of its OAVH hall led to an investment in crystal and stoneware , and there were purchased and given in charge of the
stewards " thirty-six dram-glasses , five jugs , and a boAvl , a water-can , boiler , kettle , and tAvo spoons , " besides sundry other vessels—the stock being from time to time replenished as occasion required . The minutes are silent as to the amount of liquor
consumed by the lodge : that this must haA r e been moderate indeed , may be inferred from the fact that teetotallers attending the balls , etc ., were charged only sixpence less than Avas exacted from their less scrupulous brethren .
Proposed Masonic School For India.
In our last issue AA'e brought before our readers the excellent scheme which has been set on foot by our brethren in India , to provide education for the sons of deceased and decayed Masons , Avho have served in that country . Whilst according-,
on the Avhole , our hearty approval to the propositions that have been put forth by the Umballa Lodge , for carrying that philanthropic scheme into effect , there is one point on AA'hich we Avould venture to offer a few remai-ks .
The third proposition , it maybe m tne recollection of our readers , runs thus , " As it may not be possible to at once start the scheme in its entirety , that the money , at [ first subscribed , be placed in the hands of a committee to use to the best advantage in furthering the desired end , immediately
placing as many children as they can at either the Bishop ' s School , Simla , if Protestants , or the Soman Catholic Collage , if Catholics . " The portion of the above paragraph Avhich Ave have italicised is certain—if Ave understand the
feelingof theMasonicbody—to cause heartburnings and misunderstandings calculated seriously to imperil the success of the scheme . It is only a few months since a bull excommunicating our Order has been issued by the head of the Roman
Catholic Church . We have been unsparingly , and in no equivocal terms , consigned to the pains and penalties that excommunication involves . The abortive Avrath of the Pope may indeed affect us but slightly ; still it is not the fault of the Bishop of Rome that our Order survives and prospers . But it may be said , let tis be magnani-
Proposed Masonic School For India.
mous ; let us be forgiving ; let us return good for evil ; let us treat Rome as if she never attempted to crush us . Undoubtedly , forgiveness of injuries is inculcated on us by the volume of the Sacred LaAV , and far be it from us , in any Avise , to
contravene its teachings . Still there must be a practical limit to forbearance . Is the quiet and peaceable citizen—who in returning to his fireside ,, or going about his honest avocations , is met by the cowardly garotter AA'I IO strives to deprive him
of life—to pet and favour the Avould-be assassin ; and to place , forsooth , iu his custody the helpless child of a deceased brother ? Freemasonry , as an honest citizen , was performing her duties of " brotherly love , relief , and truth , " Avhen she felt
on her neck the A indictive but powerless fingers of the Pope ; and noAV indeed she is to intrust to his guardianship the little ones of her fold ! Forbid it common sense ! Forbid it true Christian
charity ! What ! is the young LeAvis to be given up to those AYIIO will , Avho must , if they follow blindly the dictates of the Pope , inculcate upon him that the very Society that maintains him , the Society
of Avhich his father Avas a member , is a pernicious confederacy worthy of -being erased from the earth ? No true Mason Avill , Ave are persuaded , subscribe to such a result as this .
We Avrifce warmly , but Ave believe not too Avarmly . We Avish God speed to every effort intended to provide for the children of our brethren . We are convinced , hoAvever , that no good Avill ever be effected by pandering to Rome ,
and Ave Avould therefore request our brethren seriously to re-consider this offensive paragraph , to stand by their principles , and not to entrust the teachin g of our LeAvises to a Church the head of Avhich has striven to do us foul
injury , and that might tend to alienate the the affections of these little ones from the very Order that nurtures and sustains them . Let usresolve that Ave shall not lend our influence or support , directly or indirectly , to any system that
Avill not maintain the volume of the Sacred LaAV , as the sole rule of faith and practice . This surely is expected from us , as English Freemasons . Any other course must , Ave feel assured , be fraught , in the present position of affairs , Avith innumerable perils , difficulties , and' inconsistencies .
To attempt voluntarily that which must be productive of . evil rather than good , is madness and folly .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Recollections Of The Lodge Of Freemasons At Thornhill.
to whom the right of appointment may fall by annual ballot . The lodge ' s acquisition of its OAVH hall led to an investment in crystal and stoneware , and there were purchased and given in charge of the
stewards " thirty-six dram-glasses , five jugs , and a boAvl , a water-can , boiler , kettle , and tAvo spoons , " besides sundry other vessels—the stock being from time to time replenished as occasion required . The minutes are silent as to the amount of liquor
consumed by the lodge : that this must haA r e been moderate indeed , may be inferred from the fact that teetotallers attending the balls , etc ., were charged only sixpence less than Avas exacted from their less scrupulous brethren .
Proposed Masonic School For India.
In our last issue AA'e brought before our readers the excellent scheme which has been set on foot by our brethren in India , to provide education for the sons of deceased and decayed Masons , Avho have served in that country . Whilst according-,
on the Avhole , our hearty approval to the propositions that have been put forth by the Umballa Lodge , for carrying that philanthropic scheme into effect , there is one point on AA'hich we Avould venture to offer a few remai-ks .
The third proposition , it maybe m tne recollection of our readers , runs thus , " As it may not be possible to at once start the scheme in its entirety , that the money , at [ first subscribed , be placed in the hands of a committee to use to the best advantage in furthering the desired end , immediately
placing as many children as they can at either the Bishop ' s School , Simla , if Protestants , or the Soman Catholic Collage , if Catholics . " The portion of the above paragraph Avhich Ave have italicised is certain—if Ave understand the
feelingof theMasonicbody—to cause heartburnings and misunderstandings calculated seriously to imperil the success of the scheme . It is only a few months since a bull excommunicating our Order has been issued by the head of the Roman
Catholic Church . We have been unsparingly , and in no equivocal terms , consigned to the pains and penalties that excommunication involves . The abortive Avrath of the Pope may indeed affect us but slightly ; still it is not the fault of the Bishop of Rome that our Order survives and prospers . But it may be said , let tis be magnani-
Proposed Masonic School For India.
mous ; let us be forgiving ; let us return good for evil ; let us treat Rome as if she never attempted to crush us . Undoubtedly , forgiveness of injuries is inculcated on us by the volume of the Sacred LaAV , and far be it from us , in any Avise , to
contravene its teachings . Still there must be a practical limit to forbearance . Is the quiet and peaceable citizen—who in returning to his fireside ,, or going about his honest avocations , is met by the cowardly garotter AA'I IO strives to deprive him
of life—to pet and favour the Avould-be assassin ; and to place , forsooth , iu his custody the helpless child of a deceased brother ? Freemasonry , as an honest citizen , was performing her duties of " brotherly love , relief , and truth , " Avhen she felt
on her neck the A indictive but powerless fingers of the Pope ; and noAV indeed she is to intrust to his guardianship the little ones of her fold ! Forbid it common sense ! Forbid it true Christian
charity ! What ! is the young LeAvis to be given up to those AYIIO will , Avho must , if they follow blindly the dictates of the Pope , inculcate upon him that the very Society that maintains him , the Society
of Avhich his father Avas a member , is a pernicious confederacy worthy of -being erased from the earth ? No true Mason Avill , Ave are persuaded , subscribe to such a result as this .
We Avrifce warmly , but Ave believe not too Avarmly . We Avish God speed to every effort intended to provide for the children of our brethren . We are convinced , hoAvever , that no good Avill ever be effected by pandering to Rome ,
and Ave Avould therefore request our brethren seriously to re-consider this offensive paragraph , to stand by their principles , and not to entrust the teachin g of our LeAvises to a Church the head of Avhich has striven to do us foul
injury , and that might tend to alienate the the affections of these little ones from the very Order that nurtures and sustains them . Let usresolve that Ave shall not lend our influence or support , directly or indirectly , to any system that
Avill not maintain the volume of the Sacred LaAV , as the sole rule of faith and practice . This surely is expected from us , as English Freemasons . Any other course must , Ave feel assured , be fraught , in the present position of affairs , Avith innumerable perils , difficulties , and' inconsistencies .
To attempt voluntarily that which must be productive of . evil rather than good , is madness and folly .