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Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Grey Friars Church, Dumfries.
Kirkcudbright ; 21 , St . John's , Lanark ; S , Journeymen , Edinburgh ; 1 , St . Mary's Chapel , Edinburgh ; Maxwelltown Rifle Volunteer Band ; 1102 , Skiddaw , Coekermoufch ; 310 , Union , Carlisle . There was also present , Bro . Lindsay Mackersy , representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada . After these bodies came the Felloiv Craft from the
Operative Lodge , Dumfries , Avho were honoured with bearing the various vessels and implements , to be used at the forthcoming ceremony . This portion of the pageant elicited unqualified admiration ; and the objects carried in it by the following brethren Avere truly superb ; mallet , J . Burnie ; rod , A . Crombie ; rodW . Kirk : plumb-ruleT . Robson ; levelT . Kirk ;
, , , square , R . Nicholson ; vase , oil , J . Irving ; vase , Avine , T , Watson ; cornucopea , John Stobo ; box with coins , & c , C . Irving ; golden trowel , J . Halliday ; Biblebearer , J . Robson , G . M . rod , John Waugli . The Maxwelltown Volunteer Band , looking very fine in their scarlet uniformlayed with thier
, p wonted skill between these lodges and the Grand Lodge , by which the j » 'ocession was wound up by way of climax . It was represented by the following officers : —Henry Inglis , Esq ., of Torsonee , Prov . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirkshire , a man distinguished in the ranks of poetry and general literatureas well as
, a high patrician in the Masonic world ; Win . Maun , Substitute G . M . ; Alex . Hay , S . G . W . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Treas . ; A . J . Stewart , Grand Clerk ; D . Bryce , iun ., Grand Architect . ; Substitute Grand
Chaplains , Rey . D . Waddell of StoAV , and the Rev . Donald M'Leod , Dumfries , minister of Grey Friars ; J . D . Alder , S . G . D . ; Henry Dunlop , jun ., J . G . D . ; G . R . Heriot , Grand Sword Bearer ; G . Robson , G . Dir . of Cers .-, R . Duff , Grand Steward ; John Coghill , Chief Grand Marshall ; John Laurie , Grand
Marshal ; Wm . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler . All these brethren were richly attired ; their Avhole appearance vindicating in a literal sense their right to be recognised as the representatives of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The carriage of the Grand Master , Avith the tAvo reverend Chaplains present , Bros . Waddel
and M'Leod , brought up the rear . The procession marched past St . Michael ' s Church some distance , and then wheeled ; and ou the front ranks again reaching the church , the Oddfellows and Lodges opened up to permit the civic authorities , Building CommitteeKirk-sessionand Grand Lod
, , ge to pass up the centre into the sacred edifice , the other parties folloAving thither in regular order . The sermon , AA'hich was preached by the Substitute Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . D . Waddell , of Stow , we are unavoidably compelled to defer giving until our next .
A porton of the foundation within the walls of the future steeple was chosen for the site of the emblematic stone . A large enclosure Avas formed in front for the accommodation of the Deputy Grand Master aud his office-bearers , the Town Council , and Building Committee—the lodges , according to
seniority , ranging along the east and south sides , and the band of the Scottish Borderers on the west side of the railing . On the north a capacious stand Avas erected to accommodate on-lookers , for admission to which a considerable charge was made , but it was only partially occupied . The grand jewels haying been placed on a large
table covered with green cloth in front of the foundation stone , the ceremony of laying it Avas proceeded Avith , and carried out in due form . Whilst the jeAvels were being placed the band played " Hail Masonry , " after which Bro . the Rey . D . M'Leod , D . G . Chap ., offered up a solemn and suitable prayer that the building about to be founded miht receive
g the Divine blessing , aud become a place in which minister , and people might hold SAveet communion , sinners might be converted , and sauris edified . The D . G , M . called upon the G . Treasurer , Secretary , and Clerk to place the box containing coins and documents in the cavity of the stone . Bro . Halliday ,
assisted by a Avoi-kman , deposited the precious casket , filling in fine sand to make it fit properly , and then with mortar preparing the stone for having a ponderous one laid above it , which at the proper time Avas gently lowered to its right position . The D . G . M . walked down from the platform to the east of the
stone , the Grand Wardens going to the west and bearing the level and plumb . The D . G . M . then said : Right Worshipful Sub-Grand Master , you Avill cause the various implements to be applied to the stone , that it may be laid in its bed according to the rules of Masonry . The plumb ,
the level , and the square were then applied to the stone accordingly by the proper officers , who , on being questioned as to the result , replied respectively that they had done as directed . The D . G . M . then said : Having , my right worshipful brethren , full confidence in your skill in our royal art , it remains with me now to finish this our work . After these words he tapped the stone three times with a mallet ,
and offered up the following petition : "May the Almighty Architect of the Universe look down with benignity upon our present undertaking , and crown the edifice , of which we have now laid the foundation , with every success . Three ringing cheei-3 followed the prayer , and when these had died away the band
struck up the beautiful tune " On , my dear brethren , " and , as the fine notes floated in the air , a cornucopia was delivered by the Substitute , a vase with wine to the S . G . W ., and a vase Avith oil to the J . G . W . The vessels with these emblems of prosperity having been one after another handed to the D . G . M ., he poured
the corn , wine , and oil upon the stone , saying , as he did so : Praise be to the Lord immortal and eternal , Who formed the heavens , laid the foundation of the earth , and extended the waters beyond it ; Who supports the pillars of nations , and maintains in order and harmony surrounding AVOI-MS . We implore Thy
aid ; and may the continued blessings of an allbounteous Providence be the lot of these our native shores ; and may the Almighty Ruler of events deign to direct the hand of our gracious sovereign , so that she may pour down blessings upon her people , and may that people , living under sage laws and a free
government , ever feel grateful for the blessings they enjoy . With this prayer the solemn and imposing ceremonial terminated . The Grand Officers having resumed their positions at and around the table , the Masons' anthem Avas played . After these preliminariesthe Deputy Grand
Mas-, ter , Bro . Henay Inglis , of Torsonee , delivered a suitable and eloquent address , tho portion of which referring to the Craft , we purpose giving in our next issue .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Grey Friars Church, Dumfries.
Kirkcudbright ; 21 , St . John's , Lanark ; S , Journeymen , Edinburgh ; 1 , St . Mary's Chapel , Edinburgh ; Maxwelltown Rifle Volunteer Band ; 1102 , Skiddaw , Coekermoufch ; 310 , Union , Carlisle . There was also present , Bro . Lindsay Mackersy , representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada . After these bodies came the Felloiv Craft from the
Operative Lodge , Dumfries , Avho were honoured with bearing the various vessels and implements , to be used at the forthcoming ceremony . This portion of the pageant elicited unqualified admiration ; and the objects carried in it by the following brethren Avere truly superb ; mallet , J . Burnie ; rod , A . Crombie ; rodW . Kirk : plumb-ruleT . Robson ; levelT . Kirk ;
, , , square , R . Nicholson ; vase , oil , J . Irving ; vase , Avine , T , Watson ; cornucopea , John Stobo ; box with coins , & c , C . Irving ; golden trowel , J . Halliday ; Biblebearer , J . Robson , G . M . rod , John Waugli . The Maxwelltown Volunteer Band , looking very fine in their scarlet uniformlayed with thier
, p wonted skill between these lodges and the Grand Lodge , by which the j » 'ocession was wound up by way of climax . It was represented by the following officers : —Henry Inglis , Esq ., of Torsonee , Prov . G . M . of Peebles and Selkirkshire , a man distinguished in the ranks of poetry and general literatureas well as
, a high patrician in the Masonic world ; Win . Maun , Substitute G . M . ; Alex . Hay , S . G . W . ; D . Murray Lyon , G . Treas . ; A . J . Stewart , Grand Clerk ; D . Bryce , iun ., Grand Architect . ; Substitute Grand
Chaplains , Rey . D . Waddell of StoAV , and the Rev . Donald M'Leod , Dumfries , minister of Grey Friars ; J . D . Alder , S . G . D . ; Henry Dunlop , jun ., J . G . D . ; G . R . Heriot , Grand Sword Bearer ; G . Robson , G . Dir . of Cers .-, R . Duff , Grand Steward ; John Coghill , Chief Grand Marshall ; John Laurie , Grand
Marshal ; Wm . M . Bryce , Grand Tyler . All these brethren were richly attired ; their Avhole appearance vindicating in a literal sense their right to be recognised as the representatives of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . The carriage of the Grand Master , Avith the tAvo reverend Chaplains present , Bros . Waddel
and M'Leod , brought up the rear . The procession marched past St . Michael ' s Church some distance , and then wheeled ; and ou the front ranks again reaching the church , the Oddfellows and Lodges opened up to permit the civic authorities , Building CommitteeKirk-sessionand Grand Lod
, , ge to pass up the centre into the sacred edifice , the other parties folloAving thither in regular order . The sermon , AA'hich was preached by the Substitute Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . D . Waddell , of Stow , we are unavoidably compelled to defer giving until our next .
A porton of the foundation within the walls of the future steeple was chosen for the site of the emblematic stone . A large enclosure Avas formed in front for the accommodation of the Deputy Grand Master aud his office-bearers , the Town Council , and Building Committee—the lodges , according to
seniority , ranging along the east and south sides , and the band of the Scottish Borderers on the west side of the railing . On the north a capacious stand Avas erected to accommodate on-lookers , for admission to which a considerable charge was made , but it was only partially occupied . The grand jewels haying been placed on a large
table covered with green cloth in front of the foundation stone , the ceremony of laying it Avas proceeded Avith , and carried out in due form . Whilst the jeAvels were being placed the band played " Hail Masonry , " after which Bro . the Rey . D . M'Leod , D . G . Chap ., offered up a solemn and suitable prayer that the building about to be founded miht receive
g the Divine blessing , aud become a place in which minister , and people might hold SAveet communion , sinners might be converted , and sauris edified . The D . G , M . called upon the G . Treasurer , Secretary , and Clerk to place the box containing coins and documents in the cavity of the stone . Bro . Halliday ,
assisted by a Avoi-kman , deposited the precious casket , filling in fine sand to make it fit properly , and then with mortar preparing the stone for having a ponderous one laid above it , which at the proper time Avas gently lowered to its right position . The D . G . M . walked down from the platform to the east of the
stone , the Grand Wardens going to the west and bearing the level and plumb . The D . G . M . then said : Right Worshipful Sub-Grand Master , you Avill cause the various implements to be applied to the stone , that it may be laid in its bed according to the rules of Masonry . The plumb ,
the level , and the square were then applied to the stone accordingly by the proper officers , who , on being questioned as to the result , replied respectively that they had done as directed . The D . G . M . then said : Having , my right worshipful brethren , full confidence in your skill in our royal art , it remains with me now to finish this our work . After these words he tapped the stone three times with a mallet ,
and offered up the following petition : "May the Almighty Architect of the Universe look down with benignity upon our present undertaking , and crown the edifice , of which we have now laid the foundation , with every success . Three ringing cheei-3 followed the prayer , and when these had died away the band
struck up the beautiful tune " On , my dear brethren , " and , as the fine notes floated in the air , a cornucopia was delivered by the Substitute , a vase with wine to the S . G . W ., and a vase Avith oil to the J . G . W . The vessels with these emblems of prosperity having been one after another handed to the D . G . M ., he poured
the corn , wine , and oil upon the stone , saying , as he did so : Praise be to the Lord immortal and eternal , Who formed the heavens , laid the foundation of the earth , and extended the waters beyond it ; Who supports the pillars of nations , and maintains in order and harmony surrounding AVOI-MS . We implore Thy
aid ; and may the continued blessings of an allbounteous Providence be the lot of these our native shores ; and may the Almighty Ruler of events deign to direct the hand of our gracious sovereign , so that she may pour down blessings upon her people , and may that people , living under sage laws and a free
government , ever feel grateful for the blessings they enjoy . With this prayer the solemn and imposing ceremonial terminated . The Grand Officers having resumed their positions at and around the table , the Masons' anthem Avas played . After these preliminariesthe Deputy Grand
Mas-, ter , Bro . Henay Inglis , of Torsonee , delivered a suitable and eloquent address , tho portion of which referring to the Craft , we purpose giving in our next issue .