Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MOUNT LEBANON LODOE ( NO . 73 ) . —This well known and flourishing lodge held the usual monthly meeting at Bro . C . A . Cathie's , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , December 15 th . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . F . Walters , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Dixon , P . M . ; I ) . Davies , P . M . and Treas . ; D . Hughes , P . M . ; C . Dean , P . M . ; E . BT . Levy , SAV . ; H . Moore , J . AV . ; N . Lake , J . D ; J . C . Gooddy , I . G . ; G . MorrisT . MooreFennPowellCroxfordDunyer
, , , , , , Hurrell , Jarvis , Loe , Cathie , and many others , opened the lodge and performed the ceremonies of the evening . Amongst a large number of visitors , no doubt done to pay a compliment to Bro . F . Walters , AV . M ., as they were nearly all bis friends who were there , and several of them members of other lodges and chapters which he belonged to , and this being the last night before tlie installation , it was selected as the night to pay their
respects . AVe noticed—Bros . AA . R . Orchard , W . M . 79 ; II . A . Collington , P . M . 140 , J . AV . 871 ; C . H . Murr , P . M . 507 ; Gider , P . M . 507 ; J . Deal , P . M . 1-17 , P . Z . 206 ; G . Wilton , AV . M . 871 ; AV . Y . Lang , S . W . 4-5 , and many others , too numerous to mention . There was a heavy list of work on the summons , viz . — five initiations , five passings , and five raisings . The first ceremony was passing Bros . Delany and Meagher to the degree of
Fellow Craft Freemasons . Ballots were taken and declared to be unanimous in favour of Messrs . Martin , Goulty , Lipscomhe , Hart , and two others . Messrs . Martin , Goulty , Lipscomhe , and two others were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Turney , Moore , Chipperfield , Cooper , and Denton were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . Bro . Marshall was afterwards passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The whole of the ceremonies were rendered iu the usual agreeable style for which Bro . F . Walters , AA . M ., is now so well known ; he never
having left the chair during the five hours which the lodge was open . This being election night Bro . E . N . Levy , S . W ., was unanimously elected AV . M . Bro . D . Davies , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . for the ninth time . Bro . AV . Aldhouse was re-elected Tyler . Bro . F . AValtcrs , AV . M ., in a fluent speech , proposed that the sum of ten guineas be given to the Girls' School , and at the same time solicited some brother to come forward to represent the lodge as a Steward at the
forthcoming festival in May , informing them that he bad the names of no less than three brethren who had agreed to stand if no brother at that meeting volunteered . The proposition that ten guineas be given to support the Girls ' School was carried unanimously . Bro . George Morris then , in a feeling speech , announced bis intention of taking up the Stewardshipif agreeable to the bretlvrenhe having onlbeen
, , y made a Mason a few months since . He was accepted unanimously to fill the office . Bro . F . AValters , ¦ AA . M ., returned his sincere thanks to the brethren for the very handsome manner they had voted unanimously , on five different occasions , either ten pounds or guineas , to the Masonic Charities , during his year of office ; also , in being able to say , that for the forthcoming year of 1864 he had been fortunate enough to secure
three Stewards to represent the lodge at the festivals , viz ., Bro . II . Levy , for the Benevolent Institution ; Bro . J . C . Gooddy , for tbe Boys' School , and Bro . G . Morris , for the Girls ' School . He thanked those three brethren for their kindness and liberality , and wishecbthem every success . After business the brethren sat down to a superior cold collation , as the AV . M . bad purposely reduced the banquets during his year of office , only giving three in thirteen meeting nights , in order to be enabled to render every support and assistance to the Charities .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( N o . 117 ) . —This old established lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the AA'hite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on AA eduesday , December 9 th . Bro . J . A . Green , W . M ., assisted by his ollicers , G . Bolton , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; J . Bavin , ' J . AA' . ; J . Ligbtfoot , S . D . ; G . Chapman , J . D . ; and J . Patte , I . G . The only ceremony was one passing , which was done in an able manner . This being election night ballots were taken for AV . M . and Treas . Bro . J . Hollins , P . M ., S . AV ., was unanimously elected \ A . M . ; Bro . Gi Bolton , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . ; Bro . S . Garrett , P . M ., re-elected T yler . Bro . AV . R .
The Masonic Mirror.
Orchard , AV . M . 79 , obtained leave to add the name of that lodge , in conjunction with the several lodges held in Greenwich , as one of the patrons for a concert to be held at tho Greenwich Lecture-hall , in January , in aid of the funds of the Royal Kent Dispensary . Visitors : —F . AValters , W . M . 73 ; Sec . 871 ; W . R . Orchard , W . M . 79 ; R . Boncey , 79 ; Vinten , S . D . 79 ; G . Brown , S . AV . 169 , and many others . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —The second meeting of this
excellent lodge for the season was held on Saturday last , Bro . G . S . States , W . M ., presiding , when Bro . Moore was ably raised to the third degree , and Bro . Lieut . Gough was elected a joiningmember . At the conclusion of business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , to which upwards of 40 sat down , including several visitors , amongst whom we observed , Bros . Matthews , P . M . 116 ; Winsland , P . M . 182 ; Blackburn , P . M . 145 ; H . ThompsonP . M . & c . The usual toasts were drunk and
, , responded to in brief and appropriate speeches , whilst there was an admirable musical entertainment , supported by Bros . J . Coward , T . Distin , B . Ford , and AA ' eeks , Miss Le / ller and Mis . 9 Rose Hersee . jTlie whole of the proceedings gave the utmost satisfaction .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . PjaiiSTOJf . —Poyal Preston Lodge ( No . 333 ) . —Tho members of this lodge met at their room , Prince Albert Hotel , Fulwood , on Friday , the llth inst ., for the purpose of installing the new Master for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., and A \ . M . pro tern ., opened the lodge in the first degree . Entered Apprentices having retired , the lodge was
opened in the second degree , when the chair was taken by Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T . The AV . M . elect was then presented by Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., and Bro . N . A . Beazley , P . M ., Prov . G . S . ; when tlie Secretary , Bro . AA . Thompson , was called upon to read the charges and regulations to the AV . M . elect , prior to installation , which he did , the W . M . elect acknowledging assent to each charge . A Board of Installed
Masters was formed , consisting of tho Installing Master , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T . ; N . H . Beazley , P . M ., Prov . G . S . ; H . Armstrong , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; C . Carnagie , P . M . ; J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., & c . The presiding officer , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., proceeded to install Bro . Captain Fred . F . T . Hobbs , the late J . A \ ., in the chair of K . S . Upon tbe re-admission of the great bodof the members
y , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which , it is needless to say , were given in that correct , quiet , unobtrusive , and gentlemanlike way , which always characterises the performance of every Masonic duty that be undertakes . Tbe appointment and investiture of officers followed , Bro . Capt . Fred . F . T ,
Hobbs , AA . M ., having been pleased to appoint Bros . C . Carnegie as P . M . ; Capt . Percy Beale , S . \\ . ; W . Thompson , J . AV . ; John M'Gleuchy ( re-invested ) , as Treas . ; Richard Connihan , Sec . ; W Lawrence , S . D . ; Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , J . D . ; W . Anderson , I . G . ; T . Robinson , Tyler , after which the lodge was closed . The attendance of visitorson this occasion was very good , amongst whom we recognised Bros . II . Armstrong , P . M ., Prov . G . S . A \ orks , of Lodge 113 ; N . II . BeazleyP . M . Prov . G . S . of Lod 343 G .
, , ge ; T . Tully , S . AV ., of Lodge 314 ; Thomas Robinson , of Lodge 343 ; J . Norwood , Lodge 343 ; R . Robinson , Lodge 343 ; R . Kirby , Lodge 343 ; and J . Rauscher , Lodge 343 . The members and visitors then proceeded to the banquet , which was served in the large room adjoining the lodge-room , by Bro . AV . Sumner , in a sumptuous and elegant manner , which elicited the admiration of all visitors anl members present . The cloth
having been cleared , the usual Masonic and other toasts having been given and received with great applause , the health of Bro . Captain Fred . F . T . Hobbs , as W . M ., was drunk with great enthusiasm , and responded to with feeling eloquence by the worthy brother . The health of Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., tho installing Master , was next given by Bro . Beazley , P . M ., and responded to by that brother in a very feeling
manner . The next toast , by Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., was " The health and prosperity of Bro . Capt . Ball , " tho immediate P . M . of the lodge . Although that worthy brother was some thousands of miles away from them , still he could assure them that at their meetings his name was always appreciated—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MOUNT LEBANON LODOE ( NO . 73 ) . —This well known and flourishing lodge held the usual monthly meeting at Bro . C . A . Cathie's , Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , December 15 th . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . F . Walters , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Dr . Dixon , P . M . ; I ) . Davies , P . M . and Treas . ; D . Hughes , P . M . ; C . Dean , P . M . ; E . BT . Levy , SAV . ; H . Moore , J . AV . ; N . Lake , J . D ; J . C . Gooddy , I . G . ; G . MorrisT . MooreFennPowellCroxfordDunyer
, , , , , , Hurrell , Jarvis , Loe , Cathie , and many others , opened the lodge and performed the ceremonies of the evening . Amongst a large number of visitors , no doubt done to pay a compliment to Bro . F . Walters , AV . M ., as they were nearly all bis friends who were there , and several of them members of other lodges and chapters which he belonged to , and this being the last night before tlie installation , it was selected as the night to pay their
respects . AVe noticed—Bros . AA . R . Orchard , W . M . 79 ; II . A . Collington , P . M . 140 , J . AV . 871 ; C . H . Murr , P . M . 507 ; Gider , P . M . 507 ; J . Deal , P . M . 1-17 , P . Z . 206 ; G . Wilton , AV . M . 871 ; AV . Y . Lang , S . W . 4-5 , and many others , too numerous to mention . There was a heavy list of work on the summons , viz . — five initiations , five passings , and five raisings . The first ceremony was passing Bros . Delany and Meagher to the degree of
Fellow Craft Freemasons . Ballots were taken and declared to be unanimous in favour of Messrs . Martin , Goulty , Lipscomhe , Hart , and two others . Messrs . Martin , Goulty , Lipscomhe , and two others were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Turney , Moore , Chipperfield , Cooper , and Denton were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . Bro . Marshall was afterwards passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The whole of the ceremonies were rendered iu the usual agreeable style for which Bro . F . Walters , AA . M ., is now so well known ; he never
having left the chair during the five hours which the lodge was open . This being election night Bro . E . N . Levy , S . W ., was unanimously elected AV . M . Bro . D . Davies , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . for the ninth time . Bro . AV . Aldhouse was re-elected Tyler . Bro . F . AValtcrs , AV . M ., in a fluent speech , proposed that the sum of ten guineas be given to the Girls' School , and at the same time solicited some brother to come forward to represent the lodge as a Steward at the
forthcoming festival in May , informing them that he bad the names of no less than three brethren who had agreed to stand if no brother at that meeting volunteered . The proposition that ten guineas be given to support the Girls ' School was carried unanimously . Bro . George Morris then , in a feeling speech , announced bis intention of taking up the Stewardshipif agreeable to the bretlvrenhe having onlbeen
, , y made a Mason a few months since . He was accepted unanimously to fill the office . Bro . F . AValters , ¦ AA . M ., returned his sincere thanks to the brethren for the very handsome manner they had voted unanimously , on five different occasions , either ten pounds or guineas , to the Masonic Charities , during his year of office ; also , in being able to say , that for the forthcoming year of 1864 he had been fortunate enough to secure
three Stewards to represent the lodge at the festivals , viz ., Bro . II . Levy , for the Benevolent Institution ; Bro . J . C . Gooddy , for tbe Boys' School , and Bro . G . Morris , for the Girls ' School . He thanked those three brethren for their kindness and liberality , and wishecbthem every success . After business the brethren sat down to a superior cold collation , as the AV . M . bad purposely reduced the banquets during his year of office , only giving three in thirteen meeting nights , in order to be enabled to render every support and assistance to the Charities .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( N o . 117 ) . —This old established lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the AA'hite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on AA eduesday , December 9 th . Bro . J . A . Green , W . M ., assisted by his ollicers , G . Bolton , P . M ., Treas . ; C . Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; J . Bavin , ' J . AA' . ; J . Ligbtfoot , S . D . ; G . Chapman , J . D . ; and J . Patte , I . G . The only ceremony was one passing , which was done in an able manner . This being election night ballots were taken for AV . M . and Treas . Bro . J . Hollins , P . M ., S . AV ., was unanimously elected \ A . M . ; Bro . Gi Bolton , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treas . ; Bro . S . Garrett , P . M ., re-elected T yler . Bro . AV . R .
The Masonic Mirror.
Orchard , AV . M . 79 , obtained leave to add the name of that lodge , in conjunction with the several lodges held in Greenwich , as one of the patrons for a concert to be held at tho Greenwich Lecture-hall , in January , in aid of the funds of the Royal Kent Dispensary . Visitors : —F . AValters , W . M . 73 ; Sec . 871 ; W . R . Orchard , W . M . 79 ; R . Boncey , 79 ; Vinten , S . D . 79 ; G . Brown , S . AV . 169 , and many others . PHCENIX LODGE ( NO . 173 ) . —The second meeting of this
excellent lodge for the season was held on Saturday last , Bro . G . S . States , W . M ., presiding , when Bro . Moore was ably raised to the third degree , and Bro . Lieut . Gough was elected a joiningmember . At the conclusion of business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , to which upwards of 40 sat down , including several visitors , amongst whom we observed , Bros . Matthews , P . M . 116 ; Winsland , P . M . 182 ; Blackburn , P . M . 145 ; H . ThompsonP . M . & c . The usual toasts were drunk and
, , responded to in brief and appropriate speeches , whilst there was an admirable musical entertainment , supported by Bros . J . Coward , T . Distin , B . Ford , and AA ' eeks , Miss Le / ller and Mis . 9 Rose Hersee . jTlie whole of the proceedings gave the utmost satisfaction .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . PjaiiSTOJf . —Poyal Preston Lodge ( No . 333 ) . —Tho members of this lodge met at their room , Prince Albert Hotel , Fulwood , on Friday , the llth inst ., for the purpose of installing the new Master for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., and A \ . M . pro tern ., opened the lodge in the first degree . Entered Apprentices having retired , the lodge was
opened in the second degree , when the chair was taken by Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T . The AV . M . elect was then presented by Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., and Bro . N . A . Beazley , P . M ., Prov . G . S . ; when tlie Secretary , Bro . AA . Thompson , was called upon to read the charges and regulations to the AV . M . elect , prior to installation , which he did , the W . M . elect acknowledging assent to each charge . A Board of Installed
Masters was formed , consisting of tho Installing Master , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T . ; N . H . Beazley , P . M ., Prov . G . S . ; H . Armstrong , P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; C . Carnagie , P . M . ; J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., & c . The presiding officer , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., proceeded to install Bro . Captain Fred . F . T . Hobbs , the late J . A \ ., in the chair of K . S . Upon tbe re-admission of the great bodof the members
y , Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which , it is needless to say , were given in that correct , quiet , unobtrusive , and gentlemanlike way , which always characterises the performance of every Masonic duty that be undertakes . Tbe appointment and investiture of officers followed , Bro . Capt . Fred . F . T ,
Hobbs , AA . M ., having been pleased to appoint Bros . C . Carnegie as P . M . ; Capt . Percy Beale , S . \\ . ; W . Thompson , J . AV . ; John M'Gleuchy ( re-invested ) , as Treas . ; Richard Connihan , Sec . ; W Lawrence , S . D . ; Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , J . D . ; W . Anderson , I . G . ; T . Robinson , Tyler , after which the lodge was closed . The attendance of visitorson this occasion was very good , amongst whom we recognised Bros . II . Armstrong , P . M ., Prov . G . S . A \ orks , of Lodge 113 ; N . II . BeazleyP . M . Prov . G . S . of Lod 343 G .
, , ge ; T . Tully , S . AV ., of Lodge 314 ; Thomas Robinson , of Lodge 343 ; J . Norwood , Lodge 343 ; R . Robinson , Lodge 343 ; R . Kirby , Lodge 343 ; and J . Rauscher , Lodge 343 . The members and visitors then proceeded to the banquet , which was served in the large room adjoining the lodge-room , by Bro . AV . Sumner , in a sumptuous and elegant manner , which elicited the admiration of all visitors anl members present . The cloth
having been cleared , the usual Masonic and other toasts having been given and received with great applause , the health of Bro . Captain Fred . F . T . Hobbs , as W . M ., was drunk with great enthusiasm , and responded to with feeling eloquence by the worthy brother . The health of Bro . J . Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . T ., tho installing Master , was next given by Bro . Beazley , P . M ., and responded to by that brother in a very feeling
manner . The next toast , by Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., was " The health and prosperity of Bro . Capt . Ball , " tho immediate P . M . of the lodge . Although that worthy brother was some thousands of miles away from them , still he could assure them that at their meetings his name was always appreciated—