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kindness and good will towards him being always disp layed . The "health of the Visitors" was then given by Bro . Capt . Beale , the S . AV ., who said that at all Masonic meetings nothing tended more to the prosperity of the Craft in general than to see visiting members amongst them , either at their festive boards or at work in the lodge-room ; and ho trusted that he might see those brethren- many times , and as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend . The S . AV .
concluded this most pleasing subject by wishing the worthy visitors of the lodge years of happiness , and he hoped they might all meet again to enjoy each other ' s society iu that lodge where baimony and friendship had long found an abode , and where dissension dare not raise its head ; and begged to couple with that toast the name of Bro . G . Tully , S . W . 314 . The toast was received with every demonstration of regard ; and after the applauseconsequent thereonhad subsidedBro . Tully
, , , returned thanks in a short but pleasing address , assuring the brethren present , that he should ever esteem it a proud privilege to promote at all times tbe interest of Freemasonry ; and whilst be retained the affections of bis brethren he should ever experience the greatest happiness in promoting that love and harmony which are so essential to the welfare of tbe great and glorious institution of which he had the honour of being a
member , and concluded by wishing every prosperity to the Royal Preston Lodge ( No . 333 ) . "The health of Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., " was then proposed by the AV . M ., and received by the brethren with great enthusiasm . Bro . Carnegie , P . M ., assured the brethren be was taken by surprise at being called upon to address them , though he had pleasure in thanking them from the bottom of his heart , for the manner in which they had drunk his health , and the AV . M . for the kindness with which he
bad proposed it . He would ever do his best to support the Order to which he was proud to belong , and in the prosperity of which he took the deepest interest . Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., then proposed " The health of the newly appointed Officers , " remarking upon the choice made that day by the AV . M . He said he felt quite certain those brothers would assist the W . M . in the discharge of the very important office they had that daybeen appointed to . The toast was received with great cheers by the members present , and responded to by Bro . Capt . Beale ,
S . W ., who said he hoped that , at the end of their time of office , tbe members of the lodge would have no cause to be displeased with any officer of the lodge . Bro . N . II . Beazley , P . M ., P . G . S ., said that much credit was due to Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , M . P .., P . G . S ., for the able manner in which lie had conducted the business of tbe lodge during the absence of Bro . Captain Ball , AV . M ., and also for his willingness to impart instruction to every brother who felt his need of it . In fact
the present prosperous condition of the lodge was mainly due to his unflagging exertions . He then proposed " The health of Bro . M'Gleuchy , " which was enthusiastically received . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., in returning thanks , said that his talents had been rated higher than they deserved , but that they were at the service of the lodge , and he was always proud when it was in his power to promote the welfare of tbe lodge , and of
the noble Order to which they had the honour to belong . Bro . Lieut . J . W . AVestby , proposed " The health of Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , " who had that evening been appointed by the W . M . as S . D . in the lodge , wliich was likewise enthusiastically received . Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , S . D ., in responding , thanked Bro . Lieut . J . AA estby for the unexpected compliment he had just paid him , and likewise the brethren present for the handsome manner in which they had received itand stated
, that he was deeply impressed with the beauties of Masonry , end trusted , during the year of his appointment , that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interest of Lodge No . 333 , and the welfare of the Craft in general . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., then gave "The Health of the Host and Hostess , " which was responded to by Bro . William Summer . The health of "Onr visiting
Brother , Jasper Norwood , " was then proposed by the W . M ., who dwelt at great length on tbe qualities of Freemasonry possessed by that brother , and in conclusion thanked tlie worthy brother for the very able and efficient manner in which he bad that evening contributed by presiding at the harmonium . The toast was received with great demonstration of regard , when Bro . Norwood returned thanks to the W . M . and brethren present with much feeling . After tbe enjoyment of many able songs ( to which Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , S . D ., very materially contributed ) , the lodge closed at the hour of high twelve . The last toast ofthe evening was given by Bro . Capt . Beale , S . AV .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Iiixcom . —Witliam Lodge ( No . 297 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of tho members of this lodge took place on the evening of the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Grantham-street ; present , Bros . G . Brown , AV . M . ; AV . Dawber , S . W . ; W . R . Barker , J . AV . ; W . T . Frost , J . D . ; H . Gadsby , I . G ., & c . The minutes of the previous lod having been read and confirmedthe
ge , ballot was taken for AV . M . for the ensuing year . Several brethren had been nominated , but most of them withdrew their names , and Bro . John Norton was unanimously elected , and returned thanks . The election of tbe following officers was then made : —Bros . R . M . Pratt , re-appointed Treas . ; G . Brown , . Treas . of the Honorary Fee Fund ; W . Mountain , Sec . ; C . Mann , Tyler ; H . Cotton , Steward , and Messrs . W . T . Frost , the
and T . Heffernan , Auditors . The desirability of altering night of meeting was then considered , and ultimately it was resolved to change it from the second Thursday in the month , to the second Monday . A committee was also formed for the purpose of making the requisite arrangements for a Masonic ball , to come off early in the ensuing year . The lodge was then closed , after which the brethren passed a couple of hours in social enjoyment .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 431 , late 624 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . H . 0 . Hansen , the W . M ., Prov . J . G . D . for Northumberland , presiding , supported by his officers , and about sixty members and visitors . The business consisted of an initiationa passingand the election of W . M .
, , _ , Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . The passingof the candidate was ably performed by the W . M ., who has initiated , passed , and raised a considerable number of brethren during the past year ; and the candidate for initiation was regularly initiated into Freemasonry , in a very impressive manner by the S . W ., at the request of the W . M . Bro . J . P . Simpson , S . W ., was unanimously elected to the chair of AV . M . Bro . W . Fenwick ,
, re-elected as Treasurer , and Bro . J . Evans was re-elected Tyler for the ensuing year , after which tbe lodge was closed in due form . Amongst the members and visitors present were—Bros . John G . Tullocb , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Twizell , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . B . Ridley ( Mayor of South Shields ) , P . AI ., 240 , and P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham ; G . Thompson , P . M . 481 ;
T . Miller , jun ., W . M . Borough Lodge ( No . 424 ); P . S . Gilles , P . M . 424 ; T . Smith , S . W . 424 ; James Roddam , P . M . 140 j W . Wright , S . W . ( AV . M . elect ) , of St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 240 ) , South Shields , together with a goodly number of his brethren . WlLLiNGTOJf QUAT . —Tgne Lodge ( No . 991 ) . —A warrant of constitution for a new lodge in this thriving locality having been granted by the Grand Master , a dispensation has been brethren
granted by the Provincial Grand Master to enable tbe to meet and transact business , pending tbe consecration , which will take place in January next . In accordance with such dispensation , a meeting was held at tbe Star Inn , Willington Quay , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., which was presided over by the W . M . designate , Bro . AV . Twizell , P . M . 431 , and P . Prov . J . G . W ., assisted bthe S . W . and Robt . Craggsas J . W . the other offices
y , , , being filled by the other petitioners and intending members . Two gentlemen were regularly initiated into Freemasonryby the AA . M ., and a considerable number were proposed for joining and initiation at the next meeting , after wliich the lodge was duly closed . Amongst the visitors were—Bros . G . Tulloeb , P . M . 431 , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . C . Hansen , W . M . 431 , Prov . J . G . D ., and several brethren from North Shields .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BKABFOBD . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) . —On Friday , the llth inst ., the brethren of this lodge celebrated their Sth annual soiree and ball in tbe rooms of the Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford , under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . Burnley . The lodge rooms were tastefully and elegantly decorated for the occasionand dancing commenced at eight
, o ' clock to the strains of a quadrille band . The brethren appeared iu Craft clothing , having obtained a dispensation for the purpose from tbe D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and before nine the room was filled with a goodly number of the brethren and their fair sisters , intent on the pleasures of the dance . Tea and coffee were served in the refreshment room , and at eleven
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
kindness and good will towards him being always disp layed . The "health of the Visitors" was then given by Bro . Capt . Beale , the S . AV ., who said that at all Masonic meetings nothing tended more to the prosperity of the Craft in general than to see visiting members amongst them , either at their festive boards or at work in the lodge-room ; and ho trusted that he might see those brethren- many times , and as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend . The S . AV .
concluded this most pleasing subject by wishing the worthy visitors of the lodge years of happiness , and he hoped they might all meet again to enjoy each other ' s society iu that lodge where baimony and friendship had long found an abode , and where dissension dare not raise its head ; and begged to couple with that toast the name of Bro . G . Tully , S . W . 314 . The toast was received with every demonstration of regard ; and after the applauseconsequent thereonhad subsidedBro . Tully
, , , returned thanks in a short but pleasing address , assuring the brethren present , that he should ever esteem it a proud privilege to promote at all times tbe interest of Freemasonry ; and whilst be retained the affections of bis brethren he should ever experience the greatest happiness in promoting that love and harmony which are so essential to the welfare of tbe great and glorious institution of which he had the honour of being a
member , and concluded by wishing every prosperity to the Royal Preston Lodge ( No . 333 ) . "The health of Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., " was then proposed by the AV . M ., and received by the brethren with great enthusiasm . Bro . Carnegie , P . M ., assured the brethren be was taken by surprise at being called upon to address them , though he had pleasure in thanking them from the bottom of his heart , for the manner in which they had drunk his health , and the AV . M . for the kindness with which he
bad proposed it . He would ever do his best to support the Order to which he was proud to belong , and in the prosperity of which he took the deepest interest . Bro . C . Carnegie , P . M ., then proposed " The health of the newly appointed Officers , " remarking upon the choice made that day by the AV . M . He said he felt quite certain those brothers would assist the W . M . in the discharge of the very important office they had that daybeen appointed to . The toast was received with great cheers by the members present , and responded to by Bro . Capt . Beale ,
S . W ., who said he hoped that , at the end of their time of office , tbe members of the lodge would have no cause to be displeased with any officer of the lodge . Bro . N . II . Beazley , P . M ., P . G . S ., said that much credit was due to Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , M . P .., P . G . S ., for the able manner in which lie had conducted the business of tbe lodge during the absence of Bro . Captain Ball , AV . M ., and also for his willingness to impart instruction to every brother who felt his need of it . In fact
the present prosperous condition of the lodge was mainly due to his unflagging exertions . He then proposed " The health of Bro . M'Gleuchy , " which was enthusiastically received . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., in returning thanks , said that his talents had been rated higher than they deserved , but that they were at the service of the lodge , and he was always proud when it was in his power to promote the welfare of tbe lodge , and of
the noble Order to which they had the honour to belong . Bro . Lieut . J . W . AVestby , proposed " The health of Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , " who had that evening been appointed by the W . M . as S . D . in the lodge , wliich was likewise enthusiastically received . Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , S . D ., in responding , thanked Bro . Lieut . J . AA estby for the unexpected compliment he had just paid him , and likewise the brethren present for the handsome manner in which they had received itand stated
, that he was deeply impressed with the beauties of Masonry , end trusted , during the year of his appointment , that nothing should be wanting on his part to promote the interest of Lodge No . 333 , and the welfare of the Craft in general . Bro . J . M'Gleuchy , P . M ., P . G . S ., then gave "The Health of the Host and Hostess , " which was responded to by Bro . William Summer . The health of "Onr visiting
Brother , Jasper Norwood , " was then proposed by the W . M ., who dwelt at great length on tbe qualities of Freemasonry possessed by that brother , and in conclusion thanked tlie worthy brother for the very able and efficient manner in which he bad that evening contributed by presiding at the harmonium . The toast was received with great demonstration of regard , when Bro . Norwood returned thanks to the W . M . and brethren present with much feeling . After tbe enjoyment of many able songs ( to which Bro . Capt . E . L . B . Lowry , S . D ., very materially contributed ) , the lodge closed at the hour of high twelve . The last toast ofthe evening was given by Bro . Capt . Beale , S . AV .
LINCOLNSHIRE . Iiixcom . —Witliam Lodge ( No . 297 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of tho members of this lodge took place on the evening of the 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Grantham-street ; present , Bros . G . Brown , AV . M . ; AV . Dawber , S . W . ; W . R . Barker , J . AV . ; W . T . Frost , J . D . ; H . Gadsby , I . G ., & c . The minutes of the previous lod having been read and confirmedthe
ge , ballot was taken for AV . M . for the ensuing year . Several brethren had been nominated , but most of them withdrew their names , and Bro . John Norton was unanimously elected , and returned thanks . The election of tbe following officers was then made : —Bros . R . M . Pratt , re-appointed Treas . ; G . Brown , . Treas . of the Honorary Fee Fund ; W . Mountain , Sec . ; C . Mann , Tyler ; H . Cotton , Steward , and Messrs . W . T . Frost , the
and T . Heffernan , Auditors . The desirability of altering night of meeting was then considered , and ultimately it was resolved to change it from the second Thursday in the month , to the second Monday . A committee was also formed for the purpose of making the requisite arrangements for a Masonic ball , to come off early in the ensuing year . The lodge was then closed , after which the brethren passed a couple of hours in social enjoyment .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NORTH SHIELDS . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 431 , late 624 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the 7 th inst ., Bro . H . 0 . Hansen , the W . M ., Prov . J . G . D . for Northumberland , presiding , supported by his officers , and about sixty members and visitors . The business consisted of an initiationa passingand the election of W . M .
, , _ , Treasurer , and Tyler for the ensuing year . The passingof the candidate was ably performed by the W . M ., who has initiated , passed , and raised a considerable number of brethren during the past year ; and the candidate for initiation was regularly initiated into Freemasonry , in a very impressive manner by the S . W ., at the request of the W . M . Bro . J . P . Simpson , S . W ., was unanimously elected to the chair of AV . M . Bro . W . Fenwick ,
, re-elected as Treasurer , and Bro . J . Evans was re-elected Tyler for the ensuing year , after which tbe lodge was closed in due form . Amongst the members and visitors present were—Bros . John G . Tullocb , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W . ; W . Twizell , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; R . B . Ridley ( Mayor of South Shields ) , P . AI ., 240 , and P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham ; G . Thompson , P . M . 481 ;
T . Miller , jun ., W . M . Borough Lodge ( No . 424 ); P . S . Gilles , P . M . 424 ; T . Smith , S . W . 424 ; James Roddam , P . M . 140 j W . Wright , S . W . ( AV . M . elect ) , of St . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 240 ) , South Shields , together with a goodly number of his brethren . WlLLiNGTOJf QUAT . —Tgne Lodge ( No . 991 ) . —A warrant of constitution for a new lodge in this thriving locality having been granted by the Grand Master , a dispensation has been brethren
granted by the Provincial Grand Master to enable tbe to meet and transact business , pending tbe consecration , which will take place in January next . In accordance with such dispensation , a meeting was held at tbe Star Inn , Willington Quay , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., which was presided over by the W . M . designate , Bro . AV . Twizell , P . M . 431 , and P . Prov . J . G . W ., assisted bthe S . W . and Robt . Craggsas J . W . the other offices
y , , , being filled by the other petitioners and intending members . Two gentlemen were regularly initiated into Freemasonryby the AA . M ., and a considerable number were proposed for joining and initiation at the next meeting , after wliich the lodge was duly closed . Amongst the visitors were—Bros . G . Tulloeb , P . M . 431 , Prov . J . G . W . ; H . C . Hansen , W . M . 431 , Prov . J . G . D ., and several brethren from North Shields .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . BKABFOBD . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 600 ) . —On Friday , the llth inst ., the brethren of this lodge celebrated their Sth annual soiree and ball in tbe rooms of the Freemasons' Hall , Salem-street , Bradford , under the presidency of their W . M ., Bro . Burnley . The lodge rooms were tastefully and elegantly decorated for the occasionand dancing commenced at eight
, o ' clock to the strains of a quadrille band . The brethren appeared iu Craft clothing , having obtained a dispensation for the purpose from tbe D . Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , and before nine the room was filled with a goodly number of the brethren and their fair sisters , intent on the pleasures of the dance . Tea and coffee were served in the refreshment room , and at eleven