Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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Knights Templar.
the string course from which the roof springs there are six sets of illuminated mottoes on each side , and commencing from tbe west they read thus : — Nomn . SOOTH . Audi , vide , tace . Via Crucis via Lucis . Be just , and fear not . God is our hope and strength . The earth is the Lord ' s , and In Thee , 0 Lord , do we put
the fulness thereof . our trust . All glory be to God alone . Brotherly love , relief , and truth . Finem Respicc . Faith , hope , and charity .
The hall was profusely decorated with flags and banners of the Order , those of various encampments , individual Sir Kufcs ., & c , besides figures , shields , and armour of various kinds , the whole producing an ensemble but rarely witnessed ; and when it is remembered that tho first meeting to consider the propriety of founding such a home was only summoned after the meeting of Grand Conclave in May last , and after all hope of
being accommodated in the ne . v Freemasons' Hall was definitely and most reluctantly abandoned—every one must admit that tbe greatest credit is due to Sir Knt . Spratt , the architect , the committee , and all engaged in the work , for the energy and ability they have displayed in bringing the project so speedily and satisfactorily to a successful issue .
Three o ' clock was the hour at which Grand Conclave was to have been opened , according to the summons , but this was changed to half-past three ; and despite all tbe struggles of Sir Knt . Meymott , the G . Dir . of Cers ., who worked as few work even when they are to be highly remunerated , the besetting vice of Freemasons , a want of punctuality , was displayed again . But as
even goodnatured Sir Knts . can wax impatient , the G . Dir . of Cers . did , by coaxing , threatening , running after , and entreating , get them into order by a quarter-past four , and the procession was marshalled , and received tbe M . E . and S . G . M . and his Grand Officers in Templar form , and with loud applause .
The following Sir Knts ., Grand Officers , were present;— -M . E . and S . G . M ., William Stuart ; the V . H . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel George A . Vernon ; the V . E . Prov . G . Coins ., the Rev . John Huyshe , for Devon and Cornwall ; Colonel II . A . Bowyer , for Oxfordshire ; George Francis , for Hertfordshire ; G . Prior , George Ilareourt , M . D . ; G . Prelate , the Rev . E . Moore ; 1 st G . Capt ., Dr . Tulloch ; 2 nd G . Capt ., T . Ilarfoot ; G . Chancellor ,
John Halsey Law ; G . Vice-Chanccllor and Almoner , M . II . Shuttleworth ; G . Registrar , D . II . Stone ; G . Treasurer , J . Newton Tomkins ; G . Chamberlain , J . Rankin Stebbing ; G . Constable or Maresebal , M . Denisou ; 1 st G . Expert , AV . A . Powell ; as 2 nd G . Expert , F . Binckes ; 1 st Grand Standard Bearer , R , R . Rodd ; G . Dir . of Cers ., C . Swan ; G .
Sword-Bearer , Louis Lemanski ; as 1 st G . Herald , J . II . Thompson , jun . ; as 2 nd Grand Herald , W . Lean ; G . Supt . of A \ orks , Henry AV . Spratt ; G . Organist , Matthew Cooke ; and G . Banner-Bearer , J . Mott Tliearle . The Sir Knts . of tbe following Encampmnts were present : —Almeric de St . Mam ; Bolton—Fred . C . S . nethurst . Baldwyn , Bristol—C . Haseler ,
E . C . ; E . L . Bagshaw , P . E . C ; Rev . J . Thomas , Prov . G . Prelate ; T . Ball , J . R . Bramble , G . Chick , AV . B . Herapatb , Charles II . Low , an . 1 J . H . Scott . Bladai , Bath—J . King and R . M . Lawson . Cjeur de Lion , Oxford—Rich . Jas . Spiers , D . Prov . G . Com . and P . G . Capt . ; and Hon . W . H . North , P . G . Prior . Cornubian , Redruth—Thomas Mills . Faith and Fidelity ,
London—John Udall , P . E . C . ; Charles Beaumont , P . E . C . and P . 3 . Herald ; Alexander Ridgway , P . E . C . ; and J . Topper , P . 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines . Frederick of Unity , London—J . How , P . E . C . ; Brackstone Baker , P . G . Banner-Bearer ; \ Y . Locock Webb ; and F . Wright . Kemeys Tynte , AVoolwieh—Colonel
Henry Clerk , P . E . C , P . G . Sub-Prior and P . G . Registrar ; John AS . Figg , P . E . C and P . 1 st G . Standard-Bearer ; Capt . R . Boyle , E . C . and P . G . Sub-Prior ; AVilliam Piatt ; and E . J . Eraser . Loyal Brunswlctc , Plymouth—Richard Rodda , Prov . G . Chancellor , Devon ; and Seipio Brizzi . Melita , Malta—Sidney Millett ; and George E . Precce . Mount Calvary ,
London—John Boyd , P . E . C . ; II . J . Thompson , P . G . 'Aide-de-Camp ; J . P . S . C . Nicholson , P . G . Herald ; Rev . Joseph Hill Grice ; W . E . Gumbleton ; Chandos AVren Hoskyns , M . P . ; W . Pass ; J . Stohwasser , G . Tedder ; E . J . Still well ; and Benjamin Straban . Mount Zion , Bombay—J . Gibbs , D . Prov . G . Com . Bombay . Royal Kent , Newcastle—John Barker ,
P . E . C , P . 1 st G . Capt . ; and R . M . Gidley . Rougemont , Exeter — Capt . James D . ivy . Poyal Naval , Portsmouth—Capt . Chirles II . Cox . St . Amand ' s , Worcester . Chas . Aden ; E . S . Cossens ; and Charles G . Griffiths . St . George , London—Lieut .-Cjl . T . Go . Uard , E . C . ; W . Blenkin , P . G . Chamberlain ; Richard Spencer , P . G . Banner-Bearer ;
and AV . Smith . Stuirt , Watford- 'Japfc . J . M . Lay ton , B . C . ; II . II . Burchell-Herne , P . 1 st G . Capt . ; T . Barringer ; A . T . Brett ; Edward Barrell ; James Bui-ton ; Henry C . Finch ; C D . Humbert ; George Lambert ; and AVilliam S . Tootell . Temple Dressing , Colchester—R . Farrar ; and F . J . Lilley . Many others were present bat did not sign the book—several signed without
full particulars , amongst whom were , Dr . John Smith , D . Prov . G . Com . for Bengal ; Thomas Wo . if , P . 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines ; and A . H . Pearson , of tbe Glasgow Priory , while others appeared , from the hieroglyphics set down , to have no acquaintance with the elements of caiigraphy , and accordingly their names , if they were intended for sujh , cannot be re-produced here . After Grand Conclave had been opened by the Grand Master in ample form ,
Sir Knt . Colonel Gsoaar . VEIISOS , V . I 1 . and E . Deputy Grand Master , thus address ; : ! the M . E . anil S . G . M .: —Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master—It is with feelings of great pleasure that I find we are meeting in this handsome hall . I cannot , however , avoid one little word of regret , before I proceed in my remarks , that we , as Knight Templars , have been
compelled to leave oar long established head quarters in Great Queen-street . The accom-. no . latio ; i we have hitherto found there , for a great number of years , was accorded without a word of comment or any attempt to infringe upon the ancient custom of oar meeting in the best appointed Masonic room in that building , seemel , from circumstances over which we
had no control , to have been , from time to time , more and more curtailed , until , at length , our high and important ceremonies had , on the last occasion , to be performed in the glee room of the Tavern . In this hall we find everything we can desire . Ornamentation without extravagance , an appropriate throne for you , Sir , the Supreme Head of our Order , and handsome stalls
for those knights who have the privilege of attending at these Grand Conclaves . The rest of the furniture , the property of Grand Conclave , is at last in a condition that reflects credit on those of the executive , whose duty it was to provide them . Oat-Order is , I am both glad and proud to say , an increasing one , and we seem to have found this very appropriate home at
the very moment when such a one was most desirable . It is an earnest and sincere wish that I express , when I say , may our Order still flourish and increase ; may this home be one means of fostering a desire amongst us for a more perfect and uniform system in the performance of our beiutiful and interesting ceremonies in our respective encampments , and may these
ceremonies long be worked in this building in fraternal regard , harmony , and good will , so that we may unite in brotherly love , and , above all , avoid even tbe semblance of anything bordering
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
the string course from which the roof springs there are six sets of illuminated mottoes on each side , and commencing from tbe west they read thus : — Nomn . SOOTH . Audi , vide , tace . Via Crucis via Lucis . Be just , and fear not . God is our hope and strength . The earth is the Lord ' s , and In Thee , 0 Lord , do we put
the fulness thereof . our trust . All glory be to God alone . Brotherly love , relief , and truth . Finem Respicc . Faith , hope , and charity .
The hall was profusely decorated with flags and banners of the Order , those of various encampments , individual Sir Kufcs ., & c , besides figures , shields , and armour of various kinds , the whole producing an ensemble but rarely witnessed ; and when it is remembered that tho first meeting to consider the propriety of founding such a home was only summoned after the meeting of Grand Conclave in May last , and after all hope of
being accommodated in the ne . v Freemasons' Hall was definitely and most reluctantly abandoned—every one must admit that tbe greatest credit is due to Sir Knt . Spratt , the architect , the committee , and all engaged in the work , for the energy and ability they have displayed in bringing the project so speedily and satisfactorily to a successful issue .
Three o ' clock was the hour at which Grand Conclave was to have been opened , according to the summons , but this was changed to half-past three ; and despite all tbe struggles of Sir Knt . Meymott , the G . Dir . of Cers ., who worked as few work even when they are to be highly remunerated , the besetting vice of Freemasons , a want of punctuality , was displayed again . But as
even goodnatured Sir Knts . can wax impatient , the G . Dir . of Cers . did , by coaxing , threatening , running after , and entreating , get them into order by a quarter-past four , and the procession was marshalled , and received tbe M . E . and S . G . M . and his Grand Officers in Templar form , and with loud applause .
The following Sir Knts ., Grand Officers , were present;— -M . E . and S . G . M ., William Stuart ; the V . H . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel George A . Vernon ; the V . E . Prov . G . Coins ., the Rev . John Huyshe , for Devon and Cornwall ; Colonel II . A . Bowyer , for Oxfordshire ; George Francis , for Hertfordshire ; G . Prior , George Ilareourt , M . D . ; G . Prelate , the Rev . E . Moore ; 1 st G . Capt ., Dr . Tulloch ; 2 nd G . Capt ., T . Ilarfoot ; G . Chancellor ,
John Halsey Law ; G . Vice-Chanccllor and Almoner , M . II . Shuttleworth ; G . Registrar , D . II . Stone ; G . Treasurer , J . Newton Tomkins ; G . Chamberlain , J . Rankin Stebbing ; G . Constable or Maresebal , M . Denisou ; 1 st G . Expert , AV . A . Powell ; as 2 nd G . Expert , F . Binckes ; 1 st Grand Standard Bearer , R , R . Rodd ; G . Dir . of Cers ., C . Swan ; G .
Sword-Bearer , Louis Lemanski ; as 1 st G . Herald , J . II . Thompson , jun . ; as 2 nd Grand Herald , W . Lean ; G . Supt . of A \ orks , Henry AV . Spratt ; G . Organist , Matthew Cooke ; and G . Banner-Bearer , J . Mott Tliearle . The Sir Knts . of tbe following Encampmnts were present : —Almeric de St . Mam ; Bolton—Fred . C . S . nethurst . Baldwyn , Bristol—C . Haseler ,
E . C . ; E . L . Bagshaw , P . E . C ; Rev . J . Thomas , Prov . G . Prelate ; T . Ball , J . R . Bramble , G . Chick , AV . B . Herapatb , Charles II . Low , an . 1 J . H . Scott . Bladai , Bath—J . King and R . M . Lawson . Cjeur de Lion , Oxford—Rich . Jas . Spiers , D . Prov . G . Com . and P . G . Capt . ; and Hon . W . H . North , P . G . Prior . Cornubian , Redruth—Thomas Mills . Faith and Fidelity ,
London—John Udall , P . E . C . ; Charles Beaumont , P . E . C . and P . 3 . Herald ; Alexander Ridgway , P . E . C . ; and J . Topper , P . 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines . Frederick of Unity , London—J . How , P . E . C . ; Brackstone Baker , P . G . Banner-Bearer ; \ Y . Locock Webb ; and F . Wright . Kemeys Tynte , AVoolwieh—Colonel
Henry Clerk , P . E . C , P . G . Sub-Prior and P . G . Registrar ; John AS . Figg , P . E . C and P . 1 st G . Standard-Bearer ; Capt . R . Boyle , E . C . and P . G . Sub-Prior ; AVilliam Piatt ; and E . J . Eraser . Loyal Brunswlctc , Plymouth—Richard Rodda , Prov . G . Chancellor , Devon ; and Seipio Brizzi . Melita , Malta—Sidney Millett ; and George E . Precce . Mount Calvary ,
London—John Boyd , P . E . C . ; II . J . Thompson , P . G . 'Aide-de-Camp ; J . P . S . C . Nicholson , P . G . Herald ; Rev . Joseph Hill Grice ; W . E . Gumbleton ; Chandos AVren Hoskyns , M . P . ; W . Pass ; J . Stohwasser , G . Tedder ; E . J . Still well ; and Benjamin Straban . Mount Zion , Bombay—J . Gibbs , D . Prov . G . Com . Bombay . Royal Kent , Newcastle—John Barker ,
P . E . C , P . 1 st G . Capt . ; and R . M . Gidley . Rougemont , Exeter — Capt . James D . ivy . Poyal Naval , Portsmouth—Capt . Chirles II . Cox . St . Amand ' s , Worcester . Chas . Aden ; E . S . Cossens ; and Charles G . Griffiths . St . George , London—Lieut .-Cjl . T . Go . Uard , E . C . ; W . Blenkin , P . G . Chamberlain ; Richard Spencer , P . G . Banner-Bearer ;
and AV . Smith . Stuirt , Watford- 'Japfc . J . M . Lay ton , B . C . ; II . II . Burchell-Herne , P . 1 st G . Capt . ; T . Barringer ; A . T . Brett ; Edward Barrell ; James Bui-ton ; Henry C . Finch ; C D . Humbert ; George Lambert ; and AVilliam S . Tootell . Temple Dressing , Colchester—R . Farrar ; and F . J . Lilley . Many others were present bat did not sign the book—several signed without
full particulars , amongst whom were , Dr . John Smith , D . Prov . G . Com . for Bengal ; Thomas Wo . if , P . 2 nd G . Capt . of Lines ; and A . H . Pearson , of tbe Glasgow Priory , while others appeared , from the hieroglyphics set down , to have no acquaintance with the elements of caiigraphy , and accordingly their names , if they were intended for sujh , cannot be re-produced here . After Grand Conclave had been opened by the Grand Master in ample form ,
Sir Knt . Colonel Gsoaar . VEIISOS , V . I 1 . and E . Deputy Grand Master , thus address ; : ! the M . E . anil S . G . M .: —Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master—It is with feelings of great pleasure that I find we are meeting in this handsome hall . I cannot , however , avoid one little word of regret , before I proceed in my remarks , that we , as Knight Templars , have been
compelled to leave oar long established head quarters in Great Queen-street . The accom-. no . latio ; i we have hitherto found there , for a great number of years , was accorded without a word of comment or any attempt to infringe upon the ancient custom of oar meeting in the best appointed Masonic room in that building , seemel , from circumstances over which we
had no control , to have been , from time to time , more and more curtailed , until , at length , our high and important ceremonies had , on the last occasion , to be performed in the glee room of the Tavern . In this hall we find everything we can desire . Ornamentation without extravagance , an appropriate throne for you , Sir , the Supreme Head of our Order , and handsome stalls
for those knights who have the privilege of attending at these Grand Conclaves . The rest of the furniture , the property of Grand Conclave , is at last in a condition that reflects credit on those of the executive , whose duty it was to provide them . Oat-Order is , I am both glad and proud to say , an increasing one , and we seem to have found this very appropriate home at
the very moment when such a one was most desirable . It is an earnest and sincere wish that I express , when I say , may our Order still flourish and increase ; may this home be one means of fostering a desire amongst us for a more perfect and uniform system in the performance of our beiutiful and interesting ceremonies in our respective encampments , and may these
ceremonies long be worked in this building in fraternal regard , harmony , and good will , so that we may unite in brotherly love , and , above all , avoid even tbe semblance of anything bordering