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militia , and volunteers , responded to by Captain Braithwaite , Whitwell , Gawith , and Hogg ; the clergy by Rev . Chaplain ; the M . W . G . M . tho Earl of Zetland , the R . W . D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Rinon , and Grand Officers , by Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . S . B . ; the V . W . Bro . Dr . Grieves , for the Provincial Grand Master and himself ; Bro . Dr . Thompson , P . G . T ., for the Provincial Grand Lodge ; Bro . J . Bowes , for the adjoining provinces . Bro . Dr . Grieves , as Installing Master , in suitable terms ,
proposed tho health of the W . M ., who , in a most energetic and feeling manner , responded , Bro . Johnson responded for the P . M . ' s and Officers . The S . W ., Bro . Whitwell , in a speech fall of beautiful and high sentiment , which will be long remembered by all present , proposed the Masonic Charities of the Order , coupling Bro . Banister's health with it , who had served the office of Steward to all the Charities , and could give them some information respecting them . Bro . Banister
thanked the S . W . very much for associating his name with those great institutions of our Order , and explained the merits of each , calling upon all present to support them , which was responded to . As they have a candidate for the Boys' School , which lias been unsuccessful for several elections , the members will , now that his case has been regularly brought before them , do all they can for him . The visiting brethren , with thanks for their kind services , was proposed by Bro . Johnson , P . M ., and
responded to by Bro . Dr . Thompson . The last toast brought a most delightful evening to a close , which was greatly enhanced by Bro . Scarisbrick ' s excellent songs and accompaniment on the pianoforte , and the harmony of Bros . Dr . Thompson , Gawith , Hogg , & c . Bro . Sciirishrick responded to the health of the musical volunteers , and his own , most fraternally , which had been proposed by the S . W ., Bro . Whitwell , in such deservedly glowing terms , and the brethren separated , happy to meet again . This will be a red letter day in the lodge long to be remembered by all present .
CORK . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE ST . FINN BAEEE ' CiTHEDKAT ,. The ceremony of Thursday , the 12 th inst ., —that of laying the foundation stone of the new Cathedral of St . Finn Barrewas one of the most interesting , imposing , and impressive that ever was witnessed here . It was participated in by not only
the wealth of the city and county , but by the nobility and almost every family of distinction throughout the united dioceses of Cork , Cloyne , and Ross ; and long will the pleasing recollections of the day linger in the memory of the thousands who had the satisfaction of being present . Close on 200 years have passed since tbe erection of the cathedral , the foundation stone of whose successor was laid yesterday , amid all the pomp of ecclesiastical and Masonic arrangement ; scarcely ever
was building parted with with more regret , but its unsightliness and incapacity as a cathedral rendered its removal a necessity , and ore many j-ears elapse a magnificent and stately edifice will occupy its place . It is only about three years ago since the project for replacing the cathedral assumed a tangible shape . Great progress has been made in providing the means for the erection of the new buildingwhich will be on a lan furnished bMr
, p y . Burgos , and , when completed , the church , it is believed , will hear comparison with the most beautiful churches in the United Kingdom or on the Continent , and be a building worthy of tbe city , of the people , and of the Church it represents . The arrangements for the due performance of the ceremony of laying the foundation stone were very well carried out . A large quadrangular excavation was made around the stone , at the eastern side of which was erected an elevated platform ,
where were accommodated the principal officials and a large number of ladies ; while around the space was room for several hundred persons . Long before the hour appointed for the commencement of the ceremony , hundreds of people had collected in the churchyard , and when the proceedings commenced there were several thousands there . Amongst them were the Earl and Countess of Bandon , Alscount Bernard and the other members of the Bernard family , Earl of Bantry , the Dean of Cork , the Veil , the Archdeacon , the Vicar-General , the Hon . and Rev . C . B . Bernard , and a large number' of the resident gentry .
About 500 of the brethren of the different lodges iu the province of Munster assembled at the lodge rooms of the First Lodge of Ireland , in Tuckey-streot , and from thence proceeded to the Cathedral , where they assumed their paraphernalia , and prepared to take part in the ceremony of the day . The following lodges were fully represented : —Nos . 1 , Cork ,- 3 , Cork ; 8 , Cork ; 15 , Skibberee ' n ; 67 , Cork ; 6 S , Youghal ; 71 , Cork ; 84 , Bandon ; 95 , Cork ; 190 , Queenstown ; 3 S 5 , Clonakilty ;
555 , Fermoy ; 557 , Queenstown . Prince Masons' Chapter ( No . 1 ) , Cork , was in full attendance under the M . W . S . Bro . Wm . Lane Tooker . The high grades of Masonrv were represented by Bro . Anthony Perrier , J . P ., S . G . I . G ' ., 33 ° . Bro . Perrier appeared in the splendid full dress and jewels of that exalted degree . Shortly after half-past twelve o'clock the procession to meet the Bishop at the west gate was formed , and in the following order : —
Verger . Churchwardens . The Dean . Members of Chapter . Chairman of Committee .
Architect aud Builder . Provincial Grand Master and Grand Wardens . Building Committee . General Committee . Nine Masonic Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Organist and Choristers . On issuing from the cathedral , immediately after the Earl of Bandon , Chairman of the Committee , came the R . W . Bro .
George Chatterton , J . P ., D . Prov . G . M . of Munster , in the full costume of the Prov . G . Lodge , wearing the insignia of the different degrees up to the S . P . R . S . 32 ° , and bearing the cornucopia full of the finest wheat . On either side of the D . Prov . G . M . walked the Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Townsend , P . G . R . C , and Bro . William Penrose , Prov . J . G . AV ., bearing respectively the chalices , containing the oblations of wine and oil . The Prov . G . Deacons , Bros . John Lloyd and Joseph Guy ,
with Bro . Henry Bible , Prov . Junior Guard , formed the next rank , followed by Bros . Francis Guy . Prov . G . Treas ., and H . S . Noblett , Prov . G . Sec , supporting the Prov . G . Chaplain , Rev . Arundel Hill , A . M ., rector of Fermoy , who wore the Holy Bible , square and compass . The Masonic cortege was closed by Bros . Anthony Perrier , Hon . Moore Smyth , and Richard Meara , P . G . S . Wardens . During the passage of the procession the avenue was lined by the brethren of the private lodges , and
the Prince Masons in their varied splendid decorations gave a gorgeous effect to the procession of clergy and Masons as tuey slowly wended their way to the west gate . On the arrival of the Bishop , the procession moved to the platform in the reverse order , the choristers chanting the 122 nd Psalm , and followed by a special service for the occasion . At its conclusion tho Earl of Bandon , on behalf of the laity , and the Very Reverend the Dean of Cork , on behalf of the chapter , requested the bishop of the diocese to lay the foundation stone , and the following ranged themselves round it : —
Churchwardens . Architect and Builder . Six Masonic Officers . Dean , Chairman of Committee , Vicar-General . Bishop ' s Chaplain , and The Lord Bishop . The brethren who proceeded to the foundation stone were the Prov . G . Deacons , Prov . G . Chap ., and Prov . G . Wardens , with
the D . G . M ., and the memorials were placed in the chamber hollowed out in the stone . Among them was a scroll engrossed on vellum , as follows -. — " The foundation stone of this sacred edifice about to . be erected to the glory of the Most High God , was laid with Masonic honours by the Right Rev . John Gregg , D . D ., Lord Bishop of Cork , Cloyne , and Ross , assisted by the Provincial Grand Officers and Brethren of the Province of Munster , on the
12 th day of January , 1865 , and of Masonry , 5 , 865 . " The R . W . Sir JAJIES CHAELES CHATTEETON , Bart ., K . C . B ., K . H ., D . L ., LL . D ., Provincial Grand Master of Minister , " GEOEGE C HATTEETON , J . P . , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Munster . "H ESM SITTTOX NOBLETT , Provincial Grand Secretary . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
militia , and volunteers , responded to by Captain Braithwaite , Whitwell , Gawith , and Hogg ; the clergy by Rev . Chaplain ; the M . W . G . M . tho Earl of Zetland , the R . W . D . G . M . Earl de Grey and Rinon , and Grand Officers , by Bro . C . J . Banister , P . G . S . B . ; the V . W . Bro . Dr . Grieves , for the Provincial Grand Master and himself ; Bro . Dr . Thompson , P . G . T ., for the Provincial Grand Lodge ; Bro . J . Bowes , for the adjoining provinces . Bro . Dr . Grieves , as Installing Master , in suitable terms ,
proposed tho health of the W . M ., who , in a most energetic and feeling manner , responded , Bro . Johnson responded for the P . M . ' s and Officers . The S . W ., Bro . Whitwell , in a speech fall of beautiful and high sentiment , which will be long remembered by all present , proposed the Masonic Charities of the Order , coupling Bro . Banister's health with it , who had served the office of Steward to all the Charities , and could give them some information respecting them . Bro . Banister
thanked the S . W . very much for associating his name with those great institutions of our Order , and explained the merits of each , calling upon all present to support them , which was responded to . As they have a candidate for the Boys' School , which lias been unsuccessful for several elections , the members will , now that his case has been regularly brought before them , do all they can for him . The visiting brethren , with thanks for their kind services , was proposed by Bro . Johnson , P . M ., and
responded to by Bro . Dr . Thompson . The last toast brought a most delightful evening to a close , which was greatly enhanced by Bro . Scarisbrick ' s excellent songs and accompaniment on the pianoforte , and the harmony of Bros . Dr . Thompson , Gawith , Hogg , & c . Bro . Sciirishrick responded to the health of the musical volunteers , and his own , most fraternally , which had been proposed by the S . W ., Bro . Whitwell , in such deservedly glowing terms , and the brethren separated , happy to meet again . This will be a red letter day in the lodge long to be remembered by all present .
CORK . LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OE ST . FINN BAEEE ' CiTHEDKAT ,. The ceremony of Thursday , the 12 th inst ., —that of laying the foundation stone of the new Cathedral of St . Finn Barrewas one of the most interesting , imposing , and impressive that ever was witnessed here . It was participated in by not only
the wealth of the city and county , but by the nobility and almost every family of distinction throughout the united dioceses of Cork , Cloyne , and Ross ; and long will the pleasing recollections of the day linger in the memory of the thousands who had the satisfaction of being present . Close on 200 years have passed since tbe erection of the cathedral , the foundation stone of whose successor was laid yesterday , amid all the pomp of ecclesiastical and Masonic arrangement ; scarcely ever
was building parted with with more regret , but its unsightliness and incapacity as a cathedral rendered its removal a necessity , and ore many j-ears elapse a magnificent and stately edifice will occupy its place . It is only about three years ago since the project for replacing the cathedral assumed a tangible shape . Great progress has been made in providing the means for the erection of the new buildingwhich will be on a lan furnished bMr
, p y . Burgos , and , when completed , the church , it is believed , will hear comparison with the most beautiful churches in the United Kingdom or on the Continent , and be a building worthy of tbe city , of the people , and of the Church it represents . The arrangements for the due performance of the ceremony of laying the foundation stone were very well carried out . A large quadrangular excavation was made around the stone , at the eastern side of which was erected an elevated platform ,
where were accommodated the principal officials and a large number of ladies ; while around the space was room for several hundred persons . Long before the hour appointed for the commencement of the ceremony , hundreds of people had collected in the churchyard , and when the proceedings commenced there were several thousands there . Amongst them were the Earl and Countess of Bandon , Alscount Bernard and the other members of the Bernard family , Earl of Bantry , the Dean of Cork , the Veil , the Archdeacon , the Vicar-General , the Hon . and Rev . C . B . Bernard , and a large number' of the resident gentry .
About 500 of the brethren of the different lodges iu the province of Munster assembled at the lodge rooms of the First Lodge of Ireland , in Tuckey-streot , and from thence proceeded to the Cathedral , where they assumed their paraphernalia , and prepared to take part in the ceremony of the day . The following lodges were fully represented : —Nos . 1 , Cork ,- 3 , Cork ; 8 , Cork ; 15 , Skibberee ' n ; 67 , Cork ; 6 S , Youghal ; 71 , Cork ; 84 , Bandon ; 95 , Cork ; 190 , Queenstown ; 3 S 5 , Clonakilty ;
555 , Fermoy ; 557 , Queenstown . Prince Masons' Chapter ( No . 1 ) , Cork , was in full attendance under the M . W . S . Bro . Wm . Lane Tooker . The high grades of Masonrv were represented by Bro . Anthony Perrier , J . P ., S . G . I . G ' ., 33 ° . Bro . Perrier appeared in the splendid full dress and jewels of that exalted degree . Shortly after half-past twelve o'clock the procession to meet the Bishop at the west gate was formed , and in the following order : —
Verger . Churchwardens . The Dean . Members of Chapter . Chairman of Committee .
Architect aud Builder . Provincial Grand Master and Grand Wardens . Building Committee . General Committee . Nine Masonic Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Organist and Choristers . On issuing from the cathedral , immediately after the Earl of Bandon , Chairman of the Committee , came the R . W . Bro .
George Chatterton , J . P ., D . Prov . G . M . of Munster , in the full costume of the Prov . G . Lodge , wearing the insignia of the different degrees up to the S . P . R . S . 32 ° , and bearing the cornucopia full of the finest wheat . On either side of the D . Prov . G . M . walked the Prov . G . S . W ., Bro . Townsend , P . G . R . C , and Bro . William Penrose , Prov . J . G . AV ., bearing respectively the chalices , containing the oblations of wine and oil . The Prov . G . Deacons , Bros . John Lloyd and Joseph Guy ,
with Bro . Henry Bible , Prov . Junior Guard , formed the next rank , followed by Bros . Francis Guy . Prov . G . Treas ., and H . S . Noblett , Prov . G . Sec , supporting the Prov . G . Chaplain , Rev . Arundel Hill , A . M ., rector of Fermoy , who wore the Holy Bible , square and compass . The Masonic cortege was closed by Bros . Anthony Perrier , Hon . Moore Smyth , and Richard Meara , P . G . S . Wardens . During the passage of the procession the avenue was lined by the brethren of the private lodges , and
the Prince Masons in their varied splendid decorations gave a gorgeous effect to the procession of clergy and Masons as tuey slowly wended their way to the west gate . On the arrival of the Bishop , the procession moved to the platform in the reverse order , the choristers chanting the 122 nd Psalm , and followed by a special service for the occasion . At its conclusion tho Earl of Bandon , on behalf of the laity , and the Very Reverend the Dean of Cork , on behalf of the chapter , requested the bishop of the diocese to lay the foundation stone , and the following ranged themselves round it : —
Churchwardens . Architect and Builder . Six Masonic Officers . Dean , Chairman of Committee , Vicar-General . Bishop ' s Chaplain , and The Lord Bishop . The brethren who proceeded to the foundation stone were the Prov . G . Deacons , Prov . G . Chap ., and Prov . G . Wardens , with
the D . G . M ., and the memorials were placed in the chamber hollowed out in the stone . Among them was a scroll engrossed on vellum , as follows -. — " The foundation stone of this sacred edifice about to . be erected to the glory of the Most High God , was laid with Masonic honours by the Right Rev . John Gregg , D . D ., Lord Bishop of Cork , Cloyne , and Ross , assisted by the Provincial Grand Officers and Brethren of the Province of Munster , on the
12 th day of January , 1865 , and of Masonry , 5 , 865 . " The R . W . Sir JAJIES CHAELES CHATTEETON , Bart ., K . C . B ., K . H ., D . L ., LL . D ., Provincial Grand Master of Minister , " GEOEGE C HATTEETON , J . P . , Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Munster . "H ESM SITTTOX NOBLETT , Provincial Grand Secretary . "