Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We would again remind the brethren that the Festival of the Boyal Benevolent Fund for Aged Freemasons and their Widows takes place next Wednesday .
ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Freematons' Tavern , when the business of the day was opened by Bro . Moutrie , P . M ., the I . P . M . As it was the installation of the new Master , Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . ( Secretary to the lodge for twenty-seven years , a service he has discharged with credit to himself and honour to No . 11 ) formed a Board of Past Masters to install Bro . N . Greave as W . M . of the lodge for
twelve months ensuing , or until a successor be appointed . The ceremony was admirably performed , and gave evident satisfaction to all present . The W . M . immediately went into harness , and at once most ably initiated Messrs . John Baptist Ciabatta and Henry Fleming Yelf into the mysteries of Freemasonry . He afterwards , with equal talent , raised Bros . Hennell , Light , and Cronin to the sublime degree of M . M . He then invested the following as his officers : —Bros . DaleS . W . Ferguson
, ; , J . W . ; Peter Matthews , Sec ; Jaquet , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . ; Jackson , I . G . ; Berger , M . C . ; F . Ledger , Steward ; Tenables , Org . ; who , with Bro . Watson , Treasurer , and Crawley , Tyler , were duly invested . After other minor business the brethren retired to a most recherche and liberal banquet , supplied in Messrs . Shrewsbury and Elkington's best style . Nearly sixty brethren sat down , who were presided over by the W . M ., Bro . W . Greaves . The visitors were numerousand included Bros
, . W . Scott , 140 ; Lambert , St . Patrick ' s , Ireland ( 8 ) ; Figg , 256 ; Lay , Bavarian Lodge , Truth and Friendship ; Hugham , 954 ; Ware , 12 ; Job Austin , late of 11 ; Muggridge , 192 ; Sloman , 25 ; Binckes , 10 ; Berry , 211 ; Greatrex , 22 ; Bollaert , of Bonaparte , Paris ; Jones , 60 ; Harvey , 194 ; O'Connor , 281 ; Statham , of Albany , Grahamstown , S . A ., & c . The vocal and instrumental display was very great , and gave every satisfaction ,
the artists being Miss Leffler , Miss Taylor , Bro . Donald King , & c . Bro . Berger also contributed much to the evening ' s comfort -with his admirable and artistic performance on the pianoforte .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —INSTALLATION MEETING . — This highly prosperous lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , January 11 th , at the White Swan Inn , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas . presided ( the W . M ., Bro . J . Hollins , having died some months ago ) , and was assisted b y Bros . J . Bavin , S . Wand , W . M . elect ; J . Lightfoot , J . W . ; C . Davis , P . M . and Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . ; J . PatteJ . D . BattI . Gj JAGreenJPorterHEllis
, ; , . . . , . , . , Ponder , Crombie , Ward , Bullock , and very many others , too numerous to mention . Amongst an extraordinary number of visitors we noticed—Bros . J . Donkin , P . M . 73 ; G . J . Lowe , 73 ; M . A . Loewenstark , 73 ; Vinten , J . W . 79 ; H . A . Collington , P . M . 140 , 79 , S . W . 871 ; G . Brown , W . M . 169 ; C . G . C . Sfcalir , W . M . 871 ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . 871 ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . 871 ; J . Rosenstock , I . G . 871 ; D . Barber , 871 ; B . Avery , 169 ; and others whose names we were unable to learn . The first
ceremony was raising two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The other candidates not attending punctually at the time specified in the summons the ceremonies were put oil until the next regular meeting . The next business was the installation . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., presented Bro . J . Bavin , S . W . and W . M . elect , to the W . M . to receive the benefit of installation . The Board of Installed Masters , consisting of seven , was then duly formed , and Bro . J . Bavin was duly installed as
W . M . for the ensuing year . The board was closed in due form . The brethren were admitted and the' W . M . proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees . He then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . Lightfoot , S . W . ; G . Chapman , J . W . ; G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas . ; C . Davis , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Patte , S . D . ; W . Andrews , J . Q . ; Batt , I . G . The addresses were then most ably and beautifull y given , and , when completed , a hearty burst of
apwas closed in due form . The brethren , nearly fifty in number s then sat down to a superior banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received . After spending a pleasant evening the brethren separated . It is our pleasing duty to notice that Bro . Porter opened bis new lodge room for the first time on this auspicious occasion . It is a splendidly furnished room , and regular in its shape for a lodge , being a parallel in length from E to W , in breadth from N to S . It is
well lighted by two tasteful and elegant cut glass jet chandeliers . Everything that could be thought of has been done to make things comfortable . Elegant paintings , lithographs , and engravings adorn the walls . A magnificent mirror hangs over the marble top mantlepiece . The well furnished , comfortable ante-room , with its cheerful fire , lends an additional charm to the comforts already enumerated . Carpets of elegant and chaste patterns enrich the flooring of both lodge and ante-rooms .
Every convenience for washing , & c , is on the same floor and in close proximity to the ante-room . AVe cannot conclude our remarks without wishing our esteemed Bro . Porter may receive a hearty appreciation both from lodge and chapter for the very liberal and extensive manner he has supplied a want long felt in the neighbourhood . Already there is a rumour that one old lodge intends moving there .
plause followed . Bro . G . Batton , although suffering from a severe cold , rendered every ceremony in his usual painstaking manner , more especially the installation , which was splendidly rendered and commanded universal admiration . The reportof the audit committee was received , and two of the auditors informed the brethren of the satisfactory state of the finances . The lodge was never iu a better position both for cash in hand and number of members en the booksIt was proposed and
. seconded "That a five guinea Treasurer's jewel be purchased from the lodge funds and presented to Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas ., as a slight recognition of the able services rendered to the lodge , both as the Treasurer for many years past , as also for his efficient services as P . M . " It was proposed as an amendment " That five guineas be taken from the lodge funds to purchase a testimonial for Bro . Bolton , P . M . and Treasurer , oriinal
allowing him to choose the form of testimonial . " The g motion was withdrawn and the amendment carried nem con . Bro . Bolton , P . M . and Treas ., in a feeling speech returned thanks , and selected a Life Governorship of the Boyal Benevolent Institution . Several candidates were then proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . A committee was appointed to revise the by-laws . Business being ended the lodge
DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , and was numerously attended by P . M . ' s , members ' , and visitors . Bro . John Benjamin Osborne , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Simpson , S . W , ; F . H . Smith , J . W . ; and the other officers . The lodge having been opened , the first business of the evening was to pass Bros . Knott and Chaplin to the second degree . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree ,
when the following gentlemen who were candidates were impressively initiated by the W . M . into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry—Messrs . J . D . Rutherford , Thos . Allen , William Edward George , John Biers , and Joseph Malcolm . Other candidates were in attendance , but the initiation of them was necessarily deferred until the next meeting . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . Henry ThompsonP . M . raised Bro . Harris to the sublime degree of
, , M . M . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation afc the next meeting . The minutes of the last lodge were confirmed , as was a portion of them that stood over for discussion , fixing the future meetings of the lodge for the second Friday in the month . Bro . James Low Edward , Journeyman Lodge ( No . 8 ) , Edinburgh , was admitted as a joining member of this lodge . All business being endedthe lodge was closedand the
, , brethren adjourned for refreshment , which was served up in Bro . Clemow ' s excellent style , and commanded unanimous satisfaction . After tho cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave the formal loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., responding for the Deputy Grand Master aud the rest of the Grand Officers . The W . M . said the next toast he had to propose was a very pleasing one to himand must be very
gratif-, y ing to the lodge in seeing such a large accession of new members to the lodge . He had that evening initiated five gentlemen into their Order , which was the utmost extent which the " Book of Constitutions" allowed them to go in one evening ; and several gentlemen had been compelled to go away and wait fo
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . We would again remind the brethren that the Festival of the Boyal Benevolent Fund for Aged Freemasons and their Widows takes place next Wednesday .
ENOCH LODGE ( NO . 11 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Freematons' Tavern , when the business of the day was opened by Bro . Moutrie , P . M ., the I . P . M . As it was the installation of the new Master , Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . ( Secretary to the lodge for twenty-seven years , a service he has discharged with credit to himself and honour to No . 11 ) formed a Board of Past Masters to install Bro . N . Greave as W . M . of the lodge for
twelve months ensuing , or until a successor be appointed . The ceremony was admirably performed , and gave evident satisfaction to all present . The W . M . immediately went into harness , and at once most ably initiated Messrs . John Baptist Ciabatta and Henry Fleming Yelf into the mysteries of Freemasonry . He afterwards , with equal talent , raised Bros . Hennell , Light , and Cronin to the sublime degree of M . M . He then invested the following as his officers : —Bros . DaleS . W . Ferguson
, ; , J . W . ; Peter Matthews , Sec ; Jaquet , S . D . ; Wallace , J . D . ; Jackson , I . G . ; Berger , M . C . ; F . Ledger , Steward ; Tenables , Org . ; who , with Bro . Watson , Treasurer , and Crawley , Tyler , were duly invested . After other minor business the brethren retired to a most recherche and liberal banquet , supplied in Messrs . Shrewsbury and Elkington's best style . Nearly sixty brethren sat down , who were presided over by the W . M ., Bro . W . Greaves . The visitors were numerousand included Bros
, . W . Scott , 140 ; Lambert , St . Patrick ' s , Ireland ( 8 ) ; Figg , 256 ; Lay , Bavarian Lodge , Truth and Friendship ; Hugham , 954 ; Ware , 12 ; Job Austin , late of 11 ; Muggridge , 192 ; Sloman , 25 ; Binckes , 10 ; Berry , 211 ; Greatrex , 22 ; Bollaert , of Bonaparte , Paris ; Jones , 60 ; Harvey , 194 ; O'Connor , 281 ; Statham , of Albany , Grahamstown , S . A ., & c . The vocal and instrumental display was very great , and gave every satisfaction ,
the artists being Miss Leffler , Miss Taylor , Bro . Donald King , & c . Bro . Berger also contributed much to the evening ' s comfort -with his admirable and artistic performance on the pianoforte .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) . —INSTALLATION MEETING . — This highly prosperous lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , January 11 th , at the White Swan Inn , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas . presided ( the W . M ., Bro . J . Hollins , having died some months ago ) , and was assisted b y Bros . J . Bavin , S . Wand , W . M . elect ; J . Lightfoot , J . W . ; C . Davis , P . M . and Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . ; J . PatteJ . D . BattI . Gj JAGreenJPorterHEllis
, ; , . . . , . , . , Ponder , Crombie , Ward , Bullock , and very many others , too numerous to mention . Amongst an extraordinary number of visitors we noticed—Bros . J . Donkin , P . M . 73 ; G . J . Lowe , 73 ; M . A . Loewenstark , 73 ; Vinten , J . W . 79 ; H . A . Collington , P . M . 140 , 79 , S . W . 871 ; G . Brown , W . M . 169 ; C . G . C . Sfcalir , W . M . 871 ; J . H . Pembroke , J . W . 871 ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . 871 ; J . Rosenstock , I . G . 871 ; D . Barber , 871 ; B . Avery , 169 ; and others whose names we were unable to learn . The first
ceremony was raising two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons . The other candidates not attending punctually at the time specified in the summons the ceremonies were put oil until the next regular meeting . The next business was the installation . Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., presented Bro . J . Bavin , S . W . and W . M . elect , to the W . M . to receive the benefit of installation . The Board of Installed Masters , consisting of seven , was then duly formed , and Bro . J . Bavin was duly installed as
W . M . for the ensuing year . The board was closed in due form . The brethren were admitted and the' W . M . proclaimed and saluted in the several degrees . He then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year , viz : —Bros . J . Lightfoot , S . W . ; G . Chapman , J . W . ; G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas . ; C . Davis , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Patte , S . D . ; W . Andrews , J . Q . ; Batt , I . G . The addresses were then most ably and beautifull y given , and , when completed , a hearty burst of
apwas closed in due form . The brethren , nearly fifty in number s then sat down to a superior banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and received . After spending a pleasant evening the brethren separated . It is our pleasing duty to notice that Bro . Porter opened bis new lodge room for the first time on this auspicious occasion . It is a splendidly furnished room , and regular in its shape for a lodge , being a parallel in length from E to W , in breadth from N to S . It is
well lighted by two tasteful and elegant cut glass jet chandeliers . Everything that could be thought of has been done to make things comfortable . Elegant paintings , lithographs , and engravings adorn the walls . A magnificent mirror hangs over the marble top mantlepiece . The well furnished , comfortable ante-room , with its cheerful fire , lends an additional charm to the comforts already enumerated . Carpets of elegant and chaste patterns enrich the flooring of both lodge and ante-rooms .
Every convenience for washing , & c , is on the same floor and in close proximity to the ante-room . AVe cannot conclude our remarks without wishing our esteemed Bro . Porter may receive a hearty appreciation both from lodge and chapter for the very liberal and extensive manner he has supplied a want long felt in the neighbourhood . Already there is a rumour that one old lodge intends moving there .
plause followed . Bro . G . Batton , although suffering from a severe cold , rendered every ceremony in his usual painstaking manner , more especially the installation , which was splendidly rendered and commanded universal admiration . The reportof the audit committee was received , and two of the auditors informed the brethren of the satisfactory state of the finances . The lodge was never iu a better position both for cash in hand and number of members en the booksIt was proposed and
. seconded "That a five guinea Treasurer's jewel be purchased from the lodge funds and presented to Bro . G . Bolton , P . M . and Treas ., as a slight recognition of the able services rendered to the lodge , both as the Treasurer for many years past , as also for his efficient services as P . M . " It was proposed as an amendment " That five guineas be taken from the lodge funds to purchase a testimonial for Bro . Bolton , P . M . and Treasurer , oriinal
allowing him to choose the form of testimonial . " The g motion was withdrawn and the amendment carried nem con . Bro . Bolton , P . M . and Treas ., in a feeling speech returned thanks , and selected a Life Governorship of the Boyal Benevolent Institution . Several candidates were then proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . A committee was appointed to revise the by-laws . Business being ended the lodge
DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , and was numerously attended by P . M . ' s , members ' , and visitors . Bro . John Benjamin Osborne , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Simpson , S . W , ; F . H . Smith , J . W . ; and the other officers . The lodge having been opened , the first business of the evening was to pass Bros . Knott and Chaplin to the second degree . The lodge was then resumed to the first degree ,
when the following gentlemen who were candidates were impressively initiated by the W . M . into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry—Messrs . J . D . Rutherford , Thos . Allen , William Edward George , John Biers , and Joseph Malcolm . Other candidates were in attendance , but the initiation of them was necessarily deferred until the next meeting . The lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . Henry ThompsonP . M . raised Bro . Harris to the sublime degree of
, , M . M . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation afc the next meeting . The minutes of the last lodge were confirmed , as was a portion of them that stood over for discussion , fixing the future meetings of the lodge for the second Friday in the month . Bro . James Low Edward , Journeyman Lodge ( No . 8 ) , Edinburgh , was admitted as a joining member of this lodge . All business being endedthe lodge was closedand the
, , brethren adjourned for refreshment , which was served up in Bro . Clemow ' s excellent style , and commanded unanimous satisfaction . After tho cloth was drawn , the W . M . gave the formal loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., responding for the Deputy Grand Master aud the rest of the Grand Officers . The W . M . said the next toast he had to propose was a very pleasing one to himand must be very
gratif-, y ing to the lodge in seeing such a large accession of new members to the lodge . He had that evening initiated five gentlemen into their Order , which was the utmost extent which the " Book of Constitutions" allowed them to go in one evening ; and several gentlemen had been compelled to go away and wait fo