Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Halsey , Martin , Evenden , Runting , & c , augmented the enjoyment of the evening by their vocal assistance . MERCHANT NAVT LODGE ( NO . 10 S 3 . )—This nautical lodge held its monthly meeting at the Jamaica Tavern , on Thursday the 13 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Yabsley , AV . M ., who initiated Captains AA ' arwick , Brostrnp , arid Ibsenpassed Bro . Cooper , of No . 1056 , and raised Bro Marsh . This
being die night for the election of AA . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . AA ' right was unanimously elected to that office , Bro . Blichfehlt , Treasurer , and Bro . Hoare , Tyler . The sum of £ 5 was voted to the aged Freemasons , and £ 5 to the aged widows , after which the brethren partook of refreshment . After the usual toasts , Bro . Yabsley , the AV . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech thanked the officers and members of the lodge for their kind assistance and attention during his year of office , and also begged leave to congratulate the members on the steady and increasing prosperity of the Merchant Navy Lodge .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO 1173 . )—This select ancl prosperous lodge held an emergency meeting at Bro . Stevens's , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday evening . In ¦ consequence of the W . M ., Dr . Dixon , behig absent through unavoidable circumstances , and there not being any Pasc Master who was a member of this lodge present , except P . M . Weir , of 25 ( I . C ) , who is only waiting for a certificate from Grand Lodge of Ireland , to take up his proper position in the
Craft as a Una fide P . M ., the S . W ., Bro . AVilliam Scott opened the lodge . There being three candidates , viz : — Messrs . Masson , O'Dwyer , and ICelsey in attendance , they were each seperately introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry in such a superior and impressiveiuanner . whichmustmakealasting impression on the minds of all the candidates . Bro . AValters gave the lecture on the 1 st tracing board , which was received with the best attention , and
elicted the spontaneous approbation of all the . brethren . AA e should like to see the tracing boards explained more frequently than they are in regular lodge meetings , as we consider it Avould tend to increase the prosperity of the Craft . If we are to judge from the admirable style our Bro . S . AV . Scott conducted the business of the lodge during the whole of the lodge meeting , we must congratulate the brethren on the very fortunate selection they have made in unanimously electing our S . AV . to fill the chair after our esteemed Bro . Dr . Dixon . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due -form . AVe were very glad to notice our esteemed P . M ., Bro . AVeir ,
with his usual urbanity of disposition gave way in favour of the S . AV . doing the business of the lodge meeting . For although there are some enthusiastic young P . Ms ., who were not even born when our worthy brother for two successive years occupied the . chair in his mother lodge , No . 25 ( I . C . ) who attempt to question the right of our Bro . AA'eir , to be entitled to rank as a P . M ., yet our brother has now such unquestionable documents and proof ' s which ' he prudently has placed before the Board of General Purposes of
Ireland for their inspection , before he takes up his rights and priviliges of Past Master . Bro . AVeir is one of the oldest . P . Ms , and Masons in Deptford , and we congratulate him on his now taking such active measures to secure his position and silence those young brethren ( compared with our veteran ) who so long have been allowed to raise an objection to it . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . The S . AA . being compelled to leave directly the lodge was closedBro . AValters b
, y the unanimous wish of the brethren , presided over the festive hoard . He gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In giving the health of the newly initiated , he dwelt for some length on Jthe priviliges of Freemasonry , and gave some good advice to . all respecting the' discrimination to be used in proposing any candidate for the Older . Bros . Masson and O'Dwyer returned thanks on behalf of themselves and their brother initiates in neat and appropriate speeches . The health of the absent
brethren being given and spontaneously responded to , brought this most agreeable re-union to a close , and the brethren separated after a well spent evening . Visitors : Bros . Cummins , 198 ; March , 588 .
INSTRUCTION . ST . JAMES ' S UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 . )—The annual dinner in connection with this well-known lodge was held at Bro . Copus's , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , on Monday the 17 th inst ., Bro . . Simpson , AV . M . 211 , in the chair , supported by Bro . Stacey , JP . M ., 211 ; Allen , P . M ., 25 ; Hunting , P . M ., 1051 , and numerous distinguished brethren . After enjoying a most excellent
banquet , served up in first-rate style , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro ALLEN , P . M . 25 , then proposed " The Health of Bro . Simpson , " AA . M . of the parent lodge , and made some appropriate remarks . —Bro . SIMPSON made a suitable reply , and then proposed "The Health of Bro . Stacey , P . M . 211 . "—Bro . Stacey having made an effective reply , the W . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Allen , P .. VI . 25 , " and said that his well-known Masonic attainments , and willingness at
all times to impart his knowledge to the younger members ot the Craft made him a general favourite . —Bro . ALLEN 1 expressed the gratification he derived at being so highly honoured , and assured the brethren that at all times his services were at their command . " The Health of Bro . Runting , " the Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction , was proposed and responded to . " The Health of the Host , " proposed by Bro . Stewart , S . D . 1051 and ably responded to bBro . Copus . " The A isitors "
, y , responded to by Bro . Barnshaw , on behalf of the Zetland Lodge ; Bro . Potter on behalf of the Belgrave Lodge . After several other toasts , the brethren separated , having spent a most agreeable evening , their enjoyment being much increased by the harmony of Bros . Piatt , Allen , Archard , Runting , & c .
BERKSHIRE . AA iNDSOH— Castle Lodge ( No . 1073 ) . —On Tuesday the 11 th inst ., the installation of the AV . M . ancl annual banquet of this lodge took place at the Castle Hotel , when it was visited by the following distinguished members of this most ancient and honourable order , viz ., the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Alloa Lodge Scotland , Bro . AV . D . Bruce ; R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . for
AViltshire , Bro . Daniel Gooch ; Past Masters Dr . Nolan . LL . D ., Preston , Cockroft , Piatt , Wright , Rev . Dr . Richards , Tuner , Finch , & c . Among the members of the lodge there were present , Bros . Little , AA . M . ; Devereux , P . M . ; AVigginton , P . M . ; Holden , P . AI . ; E . A . Layton , S . AV . ; Capt . W . P . Farrer , J . AV . ; AA' . Vansittart , Esq ., M . P . ; G . AV . Hope , Esq ., M . P . ; Dr . Turrell , Chas . S . Voules , AV . Long , Finch , Goddavd , Martin , Crook , Tolley , Dyson , Marriot , Whitehouse , & c . The
lodge being opened in due form and with solemn prayer , with all the officers in attendance , Bro . Little AV . M . elect , was installed into the chair by Bro . Devereux , whose address , which followed , was distinguished by its eloquence and impressiveness , and the whole of the proceedings were increased in solemnity by the performance of music and anthems , which have been introduced into the lodge within the last two years by Bro . Devereux , through whose ability and earnestness the lodge had risen to
the perfection , by which it has become distinguished in the province . The appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , and other business being concluded , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting room , where a magnificent entertainment was provided by Mr . Pyecroffc , who has recently succeeded Bro . Cliater , the late respected host . After the cloth was removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were givenand responded to in suitable and
, appropriate terms , and the pleasure of the evening was greatly enhanced by the musical harmony , of the talented professional gentlemen Bros . Tolley , Dyson , and Marriott , of the Chapel Royal of St . George , and Bro . Whitehouse of the Chapel Royal , and AA estminster Abbey .
DEVON . EAST STONEHOUSE . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 122 ) . —One of the most interesting meetings that we have ever seen at this lodge was held on AA ednesday , the 12 th inst . ; there were four candU dates proposed for initiation , but owing to unfovseen circumstances two only were present , when the ballot being perfectly clear they were duly initiated . After the above ceremony had
been closed , Bro . Phillips , P . M ., rose and proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Pomeroy , P . M ., which being duly seconded by Bro . Jew , P . M ., was carried by acclamation Several of the brethren present bore strong testimony to the untiring zeal and energy of Bro . Pomeroy in time past , be * lieving that much of the present prosperity of the lodge was due to him . It was arranged that the presentation should take place on ihe next regular lodge night , March 12 th . The very handsome present of Bro . Chas . Easterbrook , three beautiful Tracing Boards , presented on last St . John's Day , have been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Halsey , Martin , Evenden , Runting , & c , augmented the enjoyment of the evening by their vocal assistance . MERCHANT NAVT LODGE ( NO . 10 S 3 . )—This nautical lodge held its monthly meeting at the Jamaica Tavern , on Thursday the 13 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Yabsley , AV . M ., who initiated Captains AA ' arwick , Brostrnp , arid Ibsenpassed Bro . Cooper , of No . 1056 , and raised Bro Marsh . This
being die night for the election of AA . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . J . AA ' right was unanimously elected to that office , Bro . Blichfehlt , Treasurer , and Bro . Hoare , Tyler . The sum of £ 5 was voted to the aged Freemasons , and £ 5 to the aged widows , after which the brethren partook of refreshment . After the usual toasts , Bro . Yabsley , the AV . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech thanked the officers and members of the lodge for their kind assistance and attention during his year of office , and also begged leave to congratulate the members on the steady and increasing prosperity of the Merchant Navy Lodge .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO 1173 . )—This select ancl prosperous lodge held an emergency meeting at Bro . Stevens's , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Thursday evening . In ¦ consequence of the W . M ., Dr . Dixon , behig absent through unavoidable circumstances , and there not being any Pasc Master who was a member of this lodge present , except P . M . Weir , of 25 ( I . C ) , who is only waiting for a certificate from Grand Lodge of Ireland , to take up his proper position in the
Craft as a Una fide P . M ., the S . W ., Bro . AVilliam Scott opened the lodge . There being three candidates , viz : — Messrs . Masson , O'Dwyer , and ICelsey in attendance , they were each seperately introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry in such a superior and impressiveiuanner . whichmustmakealasting impression on the minds of all the candidates . Bro . AValters gave the lecture on the 1 st tracing board , which was received with the best attention , and
elicted the spontaneous approbation of all the . brethren . AA e should like to see the tracing boards explained more frequently than they are in regular lodge meetings , as we consider it Avould tend to increase the prosperity of the Craft . If we are to judge from the admirable style our Bro . S . AV . Scott conducted the business of the lodge during the whole of the lodge meeting , we must congratulate the brethren on the very fortunate selection they have made in unanimously electing our S . AV . to fill the chair after our esteemed Bro . Dr . Dixon . The business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in due -form . AVe were very glad to notice our esteemed P . M ., Bro . AVeir ,
with his usual urbanity of disposition gave way in favour of the S . AV . doing the business of the lodge meeting . For although there are some enthusiastic young P . Ms ., who were not even born when our worthy brother for two successive years occupied the . chair in his mother lodge , No . 25 ( I . C . ) who attempt to question the right of our Bro . AA'eir , to be entitled to rank as a P . M ., yet our brother has now such unquestionable documents and proof ' s which ' he prudently has placed before the Board of General Purposes of
Ireland for their inspection , before he takes up his rights and priviliges of Past Master . Bro . AVeir is one of the oldest . P . Ms , and Masons in Deptford , and we congratulate him on his now taking such active measures to secure his position and silence those young brethren ( compared with our veteran ) who so long have been allowed to raise an objection to it . The brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshment . The S . AA . being compelled to leave directly the lodge was closedBro . AValters b
, y the unanimous wish of the brethren , presided over the festive hoard . He gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In giving the health of the newly initiated , he dwelt for some length on Jthe priviliges of Freemasonry , and gave some good advice to . all respecting the' discrimination to be used in proposing any candidate for the Older . Bros . Masson and O'Dwyer returned thanks on behalf of themselves and their brother initiates in neat and appropriate speeches . The health of the absent
brethren being given and spontaneously responded to , brought this most agreeable re-union to a close , and the brethren separated after a well spent evening . Visitors : Bros . Cummins , 198 ; March , 588 .
INSTRUCTION . ST . JAMES ' S UNION LODGE ( NO . 211 . )—The annual dinner in connection with this well-known lodge was held at Bro . Copus's , Mount-street , Grosvenor-square , on Monday the 17 th inst ., Bro . . Simpson , AV . M . 211 , in the chair , supported by Bro . Stacey , JP . M ., 211 ; Allen , P . M ., 25 ; Hunting , P . M ., 1051 , and numerous distinguished brethren . After enjoying a most excellent
banquet , served up in first-rate style , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , Bro ALLEN , P . M . 25 , then proposed " The Health of Bro . Simpson , " AA . M . of the parent lodge , and made some appropriate remarks . —Bro . SIMPSON made a suitable reply , and then proposed "The Health of Bro . Stacey , P . M . 211 . "—Bro . Stacey having made an effective reply , the W . M . proposed "The Health of Bro . Allen , P .. VI . 25 , " and said that his well-known Masonic attainments , and willingness at
all times to impart his knowledge to the younger members ot the Craft made him a general favourite . —Bro . ALLEN 1 expressed the gratification he derived at being so highly honoured , and assured the brethren that at all times his services were at their command . " The Health of Bro . Runting , " the Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction , was proposed and responded to . " The Health of the Host , " proposed by Bro . Stewart , S . D . 1051 and ably responded to bBro . Copus . " The A isitors "
, y , responded to by Bro . Barnshaw , on behalf of the Zetland Lodge ; Bro . Potter on behalf of the Belgrave Lodge . After several other toasts , the brethren separated , having spent a most agreeable evening , their enjoyment being much increased by the harmony of Bros . Piatt , Allen , Archard , Runting , & c .
BERKSHIRE . AA iNDSOH— Castle Lodge ( No . 1073 ) . —On Tuesday the 11 th inst ., the installation of the AV . M . ancl annual banquet of this lodge took place at the Castle Hotel , when it was visited by the following distinguished members of this most ancient and honourable order , viz ., the R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Alloa Lodge Scotland , Bro . AV . D . Bruce ; R . W . Dep . Prov . G . M . for
AViltshire , Bro . Daniel Gooch ; Past Masters Dr . Nolan . LL . D ., Preston , Cockroft , Piatt , Wright , Rev . Dr . Richards , Tuner , Finch , & c . Among the members of the lodge there were present , Bros . Little , AA . M . ; Devereux , P . M . ; AVigginton , P . M . ; Holden , P . AI . ; E . A . Layton , S . AV . ; Capt . W . P . Farrer , J . AV . ; AA' . Vansittart , Esq ., M . P . ; G . AV . Hope , Esq ., M . P . ; Dr . Turrell , Chas . S . Voules , AV . Long , Finch , Goddavd , Martin , Crook , Tolley , Dyson , Marriot , Whitehouse , & c . The
lodge being opened in due form and with solemn prayer , with all the officers in attendance , Bro . Little AV . M . elect , was installed into the chair by Bro . Devereux , whose address , which followed , was distinguished by its eloquence and impressiveness , and the whole of the proceedings were increased in solemnity by the performance of music and anthems , which have been introduced into the lodge within the last two years by Bro . Devereux , through whose ability and earnestness the lodge had risen to
the perfection , by which it has become distinguished in the province . The appointment of Officers for the ensuing year , and other business being concluded , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting room , where a magnificent entertainment was provided by Mr . Pyecroffc , who has recently succeeded Bro . Cliater , the late respected host . After the cloth was removed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were givenand responded to in suitable and
, appropriate terms , and the pleasure of the evening was greatly enhanced by the musical harmony , of the talented professional gentlemen Bros . Tolley , Dyson , and Marriott , of the Chapel Royal of St . George , and Bro . Whitehouse of the Chapel Royal , and AA estminster Abbey .
DEVON . EAST STONEHOUSE . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 122 ) . —One of the most interesting meetings that we have ever seen at this lodge was held on AA ednesday , the 12 th inst . ; there were four candU dates proposed for initiation , but owing to unfovseen circumstances two only were present , when the ballot being perfectly clear they were duly initiated . After the above ceremony had
been closed , Bro . Phillips , P . M ., rose and proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel be presented to Bro . Pomeroy , P . M ., which being duly seconded by Bro . Jew , P . M ., was carried by acclamation Several of the brethren present bore strong testimony to the untiring zeal and energy of Bro . Pomeroy in time past , be * lieving that much of the present prosperity of the lodge was due to him . It was arranged that the presentation should take place on ihe next regular lodge night , March 12 th . The very handsome present of Bro . Chas . Easterbrook , three beautiful Tracing Boards , presented on last St . John's Day , have been