Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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for the benefit of the scholars . Next came those with which he was more intimately connected , and for which their excellent P . M . and Treas ., Bro . Todd , had just served the Stewardship a second time . Through his kind exertions his list amounted to £ 40 , no mean sum . They had on that occasion seventy eight Stewards , and the amount announced at the Festival was £ 2 , 000 with seventeen lists to come in , ancl which he estimated
would produce a total of £ 2 , 500 . He looked upon such a state of things as an honour to the Craft , considering if it was able to contribute £ 2 , 000 a year and the benefits of an asylum , there would be an amount of good done that no other society could equal . But that was not all ,- the Fund of Benevolence administered by , Grand Lodge disposed of about £ 2 , 000 a year in relieving the brethren . Altogether he was proud of their charities , and he hoped they would not take umbrage at his
urging them to support every Steward who might offer himself , for any of the charities as the representative of their lodge . — The AV . M . had next to ' propose "The Healths of the P . Ms , of the Lodge , " for without them the lodge would go on very imperfectly . As some of them had left he should confine his remarks to the one present , Bro . Buss , P . M ., and Sec , who was always ready and willing to do whatever could be required of him , and to whom the lodge was very much indebted for his labours on
every occasion . He therefore proposed " The Absent P . Ms ., " coupling the toast with the name of their indefatigable Secretary Bro . Buss . —Bro . Buss , P . M ., and Sec , returned thanks for the very kind way in which he had heen spoken of . He knew nothing that gave him more sincere pleasure than to be useful to the Egyptian Lodge , and concluded by paying a handsome compliment to Bro . Todd , P . M ., and Treas . —The W . M . then proposed "The Healths of the Officers of the lodge , " which was responded to seriatim , and the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a happy conclusion .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 . )—This well known and prosperous lodge met at Bro . Roe's , Royal Albert Tavern , New Cross Road , Deptford , on AVednesday , February 12 th , under the able presidency of Bro . Cavell , W . M ., this being the first time of meeting since his installation . Bro . AA'illiamson was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . P . M . Bolton , in his usual superior style . The entire ceremony was gone through , and the tracing hoard given in such an impressive manner
which could not but be exceedingly gratifying to every brother who had the good fortune to be present at this raising . All business being ended , the lodge ivas closed according to ancient custom . The Visitors were Bros . AVrangham and Howes , 1067 ; and March , 588 .
HOTTED STKENGTII LODGE ( NO . 276 . )—The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , . Clerkenwell , and this being the night of installation , Bro . E . R . Cowdry was very ably installed into the chair of the lodge hy the retiring AV . M ., Bro . AVinsley , who appointed and invested the officer ; for the ensuin g year as follows : —Bros . Terry , S . W . ; Sunerway , J . AV . ; Allen , Treas . ; Crump , Sec . ; AVaterhouse , S . D . ; Dudley , J . D . ; Steward , I . G . After the above the new AV . M . initiated three gentlemen , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Foster .
WELLINGTON LODGE ( NO . 80 S . )—/ This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , February 11 th , at Bro . Hay's , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford . Bro . Bentley , assisted by his Officers , Bro . Bagshaw , S . AV .,- AVakefield , J . AV , ; Liddiard , S . D . ; Savage , J . D . ; Smith , I . G ., opened the lodge in due form . The only business of the evening was Bro . Gale being passed to the degree of F . C , which Bro . P . M . AA ^ elsford performed in an excellent manner . The Secretary a
gave notice of motion that at the next meeting of the lodge they should discuss the propriety of moving the lodge to some other house . There was not any banquet on this occasion , but the brethren spent a happy evening together . A isitors-. Bro . Houghton , P . M . 172 ; March , 588 .
BELGEAVE LODGE ( NO . 1051 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., presided over by Bro . E . N . Grogan , AV . M ., who was supported by his officers . Bros . Durbin , Palmer , Warren , J . Moore , and R . Moore , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bros . Slade , Amato , and Price were passed to the P . O . degree , and Mr . Knight was initiated into the Order . The visitors were Bros . Halsey , W . M . 156 ; Jennings , 196 ; Corrick , 118 . Bro . Jones , of the Robert Burns LocVe ,
was unanimously elected a joining member . After ( lis despatch of tho foregoing business , the AV . M . called the brethren to refreshment . Tbo usual loyal and Masonic toasts having- been given , the AA . M . proposed " The Health of the A'isitors , " and said they were always happy to see them and to welcome them , and should at all times be glad to g ive them a hearty reception . ¦ —Bro . HALSEY replied on behalf of the visitors , and said they thanked the brethren of the lodfor the kind manner in which
ge they had been received . He was glad to see a young lodge in such a flourishing and prosperous condition , and was also glad to see the working so correctly and so efficiently performed . The Belgrave might well congratulate itself upon possessing good officers . He hoped to have the pleasure of vis-ting them again . —Bro . PLOTTING , P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the AA . M ., " said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , and one
which he would discharge cheerfully , he congratulated the lodge on possessing such a Master as Bro . Grogan , for not only did he discharge the duties devolving on him in the lodge with energy , but in his private capacity he was most zealous in promoting the prosperity of the lodge , he was continually striving for its welfare , and he was sure the brethren would join with him in drinking health and long life to Bro . Grogan . —The AV ' . Jf ., in replying , thanked the brethren , and said Bro . Bunting had been
pleased to enlarge upon his merits , and allude to his efforts to promote the welfare of the lodge , he could only say he felt great pride in seeing the brethren so unanimous , and assured them he should always use his influence in promoting their interests . —The " Health of the P . M . 's" was then proposed—Bros . Frond , P . M . and Treas . ; Hunting ; Garrod , Sec .,- W . AA atson , and McManus—the AV . M . said they were proud of them all , and derived the greatest assistance from them . —Bro .
BUNTINGreplied in a humorous speech , which was well received . — " The Officers ot the Lodge" was the next toast , in which toast , as time was short , the W . M . included the Secretary and Treasurer . The admirable manner in which each officer did his duty was enlarged upon by the AV . M ., and he said he hoped that the Belgrave Lodge would always possess such officers . —Br . o . EA * EXDEX , S . AV ., replied on behalf of the officers , and said they were all pleased to find their efforts so well appreciated , and had only to assure the W . M .., they would endeavour to discharge their various
duties to the entire satisfaction of himself and brethren . — The AV . M . next proposed in an eloquent speech , the " Masonic Press , " coupled with the health of Bro . Stewart , S . D ., he pointed out the value and usefulness of the FKEESIASOXS MAGAZINE , and hoped it would be well supported by the brethren . —Bro . STEWART made au appropriate replj ' . —The Health of "the Host , " Bro . Cleniow , was next proposed by the AV . M ., who spoke hihly of the manner in which the banquets were
g served , and the kindness and attention the brethren uniformly received at his hands . —Bro . CLEITOAV said he was glad to find the brethren so well satisfied , it had been his endeavour to give satisfaction to the brethren of the Belgrave Lodgo , and he was proud to find that his efforts to please them had been successful ; he should continue to do all in his power to administer to their comforts . —The AA ' . M . then said a duty
devolved upon him , of which any Master might be proud , it was to present to Bro . Garrod , the worthy Secretary , a testimonial from the lodge , to mark the esteem in which he was held ; of his great worth and assiduous attention to the welfare of the lodge and brethren , he need not speak ; the best evidence of the high estimation in which he was held by the brethren , was the unanimous manner in which the testimonial was voted . " Words" said the AV . M ., " are hut wind , and
language can hut faintly express the deep sense of your worth which the brethren entertain . " He concluded an eloquent address , which was frequently cheered , and presented to Bro . Garrod , a handsome silver salver , bearing the followinginscription . — "Presented by the Belgrave Lodge ( No . 1051 ) , to Bro . Henry Garrod , Secretary , as a testimonial ol' the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and as an acknowledgement of his valuable services , February 12 th , 1862 . "—Bro ,
GABEOD , said , AV . M . and brethren , X hardly know how to thank you sufficiently for this mark of your regard , T always have clone , and always will do , what I can to insure its prosperity . I trust that it will be many years before our connection will be severed This token of your esteem shall be preserved to shew in what respect you held your Secretary ; I shall continue to exert myself in the discharge of my duties , and hope always to merit your confidence and esteem . The Tyler ' s toast followed . The lodge was then called from refreshment , and was closed in ancient form . Bros . Slade ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
for the benefit of the scholars . Next came those with which he was more intimately connected , and for which their excellent P . M . and Treas ., Bro . Todd , had just served the Stewardship a second time . Through his kind exertions his list amounted to £ 40 , no mean sum . They had on that occasion seventy eight Stewards , and the amount announced at the Festival was £ 2 , 000 with seventeen lists to come in , ancl which he estimated
would produce a total of £ 2 , 500 . He looked upon such a state of things as an honour to the Craft , considering if it was able to contribute £ 2 , 000 a year and the benefits of an asylum , there would be an amount of good done that no other society could equal . But that was not all ,- the Fund of Benevolence administered by , Grand Lodge disposed of about £ 2 , 000 a year in relieving the brethren . Altogether he was proud of their charities , and he hoped they would not take umbrage at his
urging them to support every Steward who might offer himself , for any of the charities as the representative of their lodge . — The AV . M . had next to ' propose "The Healths of the P . Ms , of the Lodge , " for without them the lodge would go on very imperfectly . As some of them had left he should confine his remarks to the one present , Bro . Buss , P . M ., and Sec , who was always ready and willing to do whatever could be required of him , and to whom the lodge was very much indebted for his labours on
every occasion . He therefore proposed " The Absent P . Ms ., " coupling the toast with the name of their indefatigable Secretary Bro . Buss . —Bro . Buss , P . M ., and Sec , returned thanks for the very kind way in which he had heen spoken of . He knew nothing that gave him more sincere pleasure than to be useful to the Egyptian Lodge , and concluded by paying a handsome compliment to Bro . Todd , P . M ., and Treas . —The W . M . then proposed "The Healths of the Officers of the lodge , " which was responded to seriatim , and the Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to a happy conclusion .
LODGE OF JUSTICE ( NO . 172 . )—This well known and prosperous lodge met at Bro . Roe's , Royal Albert Tavern , New Cross Road , Deptford , on AVednesday , February 12 th , under the able presidency of Bro . Cavell , W . M ., this being the first time of meeting since his installation . Bro . AA'illiamson was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . P . M . Bolton , in his usual superior style . The entire ceremony was gone through , and the tracing hoard given in such an impressive manner
which could not but be exceedingly gratifying to every brother who had the good fortune to be present at this raising . All business being ended , the lodge ivas closed according to ancient custom . The Visitors were Bros . AVrangham and Howes , 1067 ; and March , 588 .
HOTTED STKENGTII LODGE ( NO . 276 . )—The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , . Clerkenwell , and this being the night of installation , Bro . E . R . Cowdry was very ably installed into the chair of the lodge hy the retiring AV . M ., Bro . AVinsley , who appointed and invested the officer ; for the ensuin g year as follows : —Bros . Terry , S . W . ; Sunerway , J . AV . ; Allen , Treas . ; Crump , Sec . ; AVaterhouse , S . D . ; Dudley , J . D . ; Steward , I . G . After the above the new AV . M . initiated three gentlemen , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Foster .
WELLINGTON LODGE ( NO . 80 S . )—/ This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , February 11 th , at Bro . Hay's , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford . Bro . Bentley , assisted by his Officers , Bro . Bagshaw , S . AV .,- AVakefield , J . AV , ; Liddiard , S . D . ; Savage , J . D . ; Smith , I . G ., opened the lodge in due form . The only business of the evening was Bro . Gale being passed to the degree of F . C , which Bro . P . M . AA ^ elsford performed in an excellent manner . The Secretary a
gave notice of motion that at the next meeting of the lodge they should discuss the propriety of moving the lodge to some other house . There was not any banquet on this occasion , but the brethren spent a happy evening together . A isitors-. Bro . Houghton , P . M . 172 ; March , 588 .
BELGEAVE LODGE ( NO . 1051 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., presided over by Bro . E . N . Grogan , AV . M ., who was supported by his officers . Bros . Durbin , Palmer , Warren , J . Moore , and R . Moore , were raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons . Bros . Slade , Amato , and Price were passed to the P . O . degree , and Mr . Knight was initiated into the Order . The visitors were Bros . Halsey , W . M . 156 ; Jennings , 196 ; Corrick , 118 . Bro . Jones , of the Robert Burns LocVe ,
was unanimously elected a joining member . After ( lis despatch of tho foregoing business , the AV . M . called the brethren to refreshment . Tbo usual loyal and Masonic toasts having- been given , the AA . M . proposed " The Health of the A'isitors , " and said they were always happy to see them and to welcome them , and should at all times be glad to g ive them a hearty reception . ¦ —Bro . HALSEY replied on behalf of the visitors , and said they thanked the brethren of the lodfor the kind manner in which
ge they had been received . He was glad to see a young lodge in such a flourishing and prosperous condition , and was also glad to see the working so correctly and so efficiently performed . The Belgrave might well congratulate itself upon possessing good officers . He hoped to have the pleasure of vis-ting them again . —Bro . PLOTTING , P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the AA . M ., " said he had a very pleasing duty to perform , and one
which he would discharge cheerfully , he congratulated the lodge on possessing such a Master as Bro . Grogan , for not only did he discharge the duties devolving on him in the lodge with energy , but in his private capacity he was most zealous in promoting the prosperity of the lodge , he was continually striving for its welfare , and he was sure the brethren would join with him in drinking health and long life to Bro . Grogan . —The AV ' . Jf ., in replying , thanked the brethren , and said Bro . Bunting had been
pleased to enlarge upon his merits , and allude to his efforts to promote the welfare of the lodge , he could only say he felt great pride in seeing the brethren so unanimous , and assured them he should always use his influence in promoting their interests . —The " Health of the P . M . 's" was then proposed—Bros . Frond , P . M . and Treas . ; Hunting ; Garrod , Sec .,- W . AA atson , and McManus—the AV . M . said they were proud of them all , and derived the greatest assistance from them . —Bro .
BUNTINGreplied in a humorous speech , which was well received . — " The Officers ot the Lodge" was the next toast , in which toast , as time was short , the W . M . included the Secretary and Treasurer . The admirable manner in which each officer did his duty was enlarged upon by the AV . M ., and he said he hoped that the Belgrave Lodge would always possess such officers . —Br . o . EA * EXDEX , S . AV ., replied on behalf of the officers , and said they were all pleased to find their efforts so well appreciated , and had only to assure the W . M .., they would endeavour to discharge their various
duties to the entire satisfaction of himself and brethren . — The AV . M . next proposed in an eloquent speech , the " Masonic Press , " coupled with the health of Bro . Stewart , S . D ., he pointed out the value and usefulness of the FKEESIASOXS MAGAZINE , and hoped it would be well supported by the brethren . —Bro . STEWART made au appropriate replj ' . —The Health of "the Host , " Bro . Cleniow , was next proposed by the AV . M ., who spoke hihly of the manner in which the banquets were
g served , and the kindness and attention the brethren uniformly received at his hands . —Bro . CLEITOAV said he was glad to find the brethren so well satisfied , it had been his endeavour to give satisfaction to the brethren of the Belgrave Lodgo , and he was proud to find that his efforts to please them had been successful ; he should continue to do all in his power to administer to their comforts . —The AA ' . M . then said a duty
devolved upon him , of which any Master might be proud , it was to present to Bro . Garrod , the worthy Secretary , a testimonial from the lodge , to mark the esteem in which he was held ; of his great worth and assiduous attention to the welfare of the lodge and brethren , he need not speak ; the best evidence of the high estimation in which he was held by the brethren , was the unanimous manner in which the testimonial was voted . " Words" said the AV . M ., " are hut wind , and
language can hut faintly express the deep sense of your worth which the brethren entertain . " He concluded an eloquent address , which was frequently cheered , and presented to Bro . Garrod , a handsome silver salver , bearing the followinginscription . — "Presented by the Belgrave Lodge ( No . 1051 ) , to Bro . Henry Garrod , Secretary , as a testimonial ol' the esteem in which he is held by the brethren , and as an acknowledgement of his valuable services , February 12 th , 1862 . "—Bro ,
GABEOD , said , AV . M . and brethren , X hardly know how to thank you sufficiently for this mark of your regard , T always have clone , and always will do , what I can to insure its prosperity . I trust that it will be many years before our connection will be severed This token of your esteem shall be preserved to shew in what respect you held your Secretary ; I shall continue to exert myself in the discharge of my duties , and hope always to merit your confidence and esteem . The Tyler ' s toast followed . The lodge was then called from refreshment , and was closed in ancient form . Bros . Slade ,