Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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permanently fixed , and forms a very handsome addition to the furniture of the lodge . By command of the AA ' . M . an emergency meetm" - was ordered for Feby . 26 th , there being so much business before the lodge . In the visitors' book appeared the ¦ names of brethren from lodges Brunswick , Harmony , Friendship , -and Fidelity . DEVONPOJRT . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 280 ) . —In an early number we to give a sketch of the history of this lodgewhich
propose , we trust is now permanently settled in the town . Lodge Friendship ( No . 238 ) . —This lodge which has been located for so many years at the Lord Hood Inn , has at last determined to have suitable premises of its own ; for this purpose they have taken the school room , lately occupied by . Mr . AV'ise , in St . Stephen-street .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . XEWKESBUBY . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 1202 . )—At tho meeting of this lodge on Friday the 14 th instant , Bros . F . Moore , D . Baskerville , Edward Gillmann , J . Ti-indev , and J . II . Lake , were severally examined as to the proficiency they had attained in the work presented before them on the former meeting , and having fully satisfied the AV . M . of the progress
they had made , he conferred upon them the degree of F . C . in his usual perfect manner . The AV . M . explained the Tracing Board of this degree in a style which elicited the warmest expressions of admiration , making frequent reference to T . A . of S . L . The W . M . is considered rather severe in his working , but every brother of the lodge entertains the highest feeling of respect towards him , under the conviction that he is right in keeping strictly within the ancient land-marks of the order . Two
gentlemen were proposed by the AV . M ., and secondod by the J . W ., as candidates for initiation , and Bro . F . Moore proposed and Bro . the Rev . Charles Allen seconded Bro . Gregory of the Palladian Lodge , Hereford , as a joining member . Bro . AVm . H . Marks was approved as a joining member , entered and took his proper position in the lodge . It has been arranged that , on the day following the day of consecration of St . George's Lodge , a masonic ball shall take place in the Town Hall , under the most distinguished patronage , to commemorate the establishment of this lodge in the ancient borough .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BISHOP ' S SwRTecwD—Stortford Lodge ( No . 592 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual meeting at the George Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the 14 th inst ., under the direction of the worthy AV . M . The lodge business having been transacted ivith that beautiful solemnity known only to the honourable Craftthe brethren adjourned from "labour to refreshment "
, , where the customary loyal and masonic toasts were gone through ; and the consideration of all " poor and distressed masons" having met with that kind and generous response which at all times is the first noble object of the Order , the business concluded with the usual blessing from the AA . M .
KENT . ASHEOBD . —Invieta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge wns held at the Corn Exchange , Ashford , on the 7 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . B . K . Thorpe , who expressed his regret that from unavoidable circumstances , -no member of this lodge had been able to attend as a deputation at Grand Lodge , for the consideration of an address of
condolence , to be presented to Her Majesty the Queen , on the recent melancholy occasion of the decease of his late Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; ancl after passing a well merited -eulogium on the late Prince he requested , that it be recorded in the Minute Book : — " That the members of the Invieta Lodge deeply sympathise with Her Majesty in her bereavement , and deplore the great loss the nation has sustained by the death of so good and virtuous a man as the late Prince Consort . " The
W . M . having resigned the office of Treasurer , a ballot was taken for a successor which proved in favour of Bro . C . J . A . Goldberg , who was invested accordingly . A ballot was taken for T ? ro . Rev . A . H . Roxburgh as ajoining member , which proved unanimous , and he was invested as Chaplain to this lodge . Bro . John Perry was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Benson James , which proved unanimous , and he was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , the charge to the newly initiated brother being ably given by Bro . S . W . Greenhill . The Secretary read a letter from the D . Prov .
G . M ., Bro . Dobson , stating that he had consented to represent this province , at the next Festival of the Royal Masoniclnstitution for Boys , and urging the brethren of the province to assist him with subscriptions and donations . The W . M . expressed his gratification that the Invieta Lodge was in a position , individually and collectively , to give Bro . Dobson a liberal support . Bro . J . S . Eastes in a feeling and sympathising address , announced to the lodge the sad and sudden loss the worthy and' respected
brother Hallowes had sustained , by the death of his beloved partner in life : the sombre and sable appearance of the lodge testified how deeply the death of the Prince Consort was felt , and now the bereavemnt of their dear brother had increased the wound , and as Freemasons it was not only their duty , hut privilege to mourn with those that mourned ; he therefore proposed , which was seconded by Bro . B . Thorpe , that the Secretary , Bro . Goldberg , write a letter of condolence to their afilcted brother , and that the lodge continue in mourning for another month .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . GAESTOX 1 . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the AA ellington Hotel , on the 3 rd inst ., when it was opened by the AA . M ., Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., assisted hy Bro . Alch-ich , P . M ., as S . AV ., and the rest of the officers , and a full attendance of members . Visitors , Bros . H . AVyse , 391 ; J . D . Casson , 864 ; J . Whitehead , 864 ; T . North ,
245 . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson was raised to the degree of M . M . by the AV . M ., Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . Cers ., acting as S . D . Bro . Pilkington was passed to the degree of F . C . hy Bro . Edward Pierpoint , P . M . Capt . J . Jenkins was proposed for initiation . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form , ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister
advocated the cause of the Boys' School , which was responded to by the brethren and visitors . The " Health of the A isiting Brethren" was proposed hy Bro . Banister , and heartily responded to by the members of the lodge , each returning thanks in a truly Masonic spirit . The last toast brought a very harmonious evening to a close , with " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
LiA'EKPOOL . —Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 294 ) . — Tuesday evening last was the regular night of meeting , and after the ballot box had gone round for two new members , who were duly elected , Bro . Dr . McGeorge worked the ceremony of the first degree , Bros . Stanley and Murdoch acting as S . W . and J . W . ; Bro . AVilson as candidate . Seven new members were proposed . Bro . Tzsilio Johnson was appointed to act as AV . M . on Tuesday , 25 th inst ., and the lodge was closed in tbe usual manner .
LIVEEPOOL . —Merc 7 iant ' sLodge ( No 29 i ) -Theregnhrmonthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , on the 11 th inst ., when the lodge was duly opened , and two brethren were passed to the second degree . The business of the lodge having been concluded , the brethren were called off to refreshment , and about 40 sat down to tea , coffee & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Turner , Assistant Prov . G . Secretary , AA ' arwickshire , and P . M . 696 , Birmingham ; McEntee ,
696 , Birmingham ; Bvabner , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Mawdesley , Prov . G . Registrar ; Mm-dock , 1088 ; Marsh , Secretary , 245 ; Taylor , J . AV . 880 ; Clay , J . D ., 965 ; Cassartelli , 965 , & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the toast of "the Visiting Brethren " was proposed , and acknowledged by Bros . Turner and Brabner . —Bro . EDWIN ROBINSON , Organist , 294 , proposed the health of Bro . Captain Mott , J . AV ., 294 , complimenting him on the important services which he had rendered to the Relief
Committee in his position of Treasurer , and eulogising the zeal manifested by him in having procured situations for several distressed but deserving applicants . —Bro . MOTT , in responding , referred to the great advantages resulting from the establishment of a weekly communication with the Manchester Relief Committee , which had enabled them to detect several eases of imposition . In the course of his remarks , Bro . Mott acknowledged , in comlimentary termsthe assiduous services of Bro . Marshas
p , , Secretary to the Relief Committee , and also to Bro . Mawdesley , who ( in conjunction with the late Bro . AA almsley , P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . AVylie , P . G . Secretary ) had heen mainly instrumental in its formation on its present permanent basis , having also filled the office of Secretary for the first twelve months of its existence , during which period the correspondence with the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
permanently fixed , and forms a very handsome addition to the furniture of the lodge . By command of the AA ' . M . an emergency meetm" - was ordered for Feby . 26 th , there being so much business before the lodge . In the visitors' book appeared the ¦ names of brethren from lodges Brunswick , Harmony , Friendship , -and Fidelity . DEVONPOJRT . —Fidelity Lodge ( No . 280 ) . —In an early number we to give a sketch of the history of this lodgewhich
propose , we trust is now permanently settled in the town . Lodge Friendship ( No . 238 ) . —This lodge which has been located for so many years at the Lord Hood Inn , has at last determined to have suitable premises of its own ; for this purpose they have taken the school room , lately occupied by . Mr . AV'ise , in St . Stephen-street .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . XEWKESBUBY . —St . George's Lodge ( No . 1202 . )—At tho meeting of this lodge on Friday the 14 th instant , Bros . F . Moore , D . Baskerville , Edward Gillmann , J . Ti-indev , and J . II . Lake , were severally examined as to the proficiency they had attained in the work presented before them on the former meeting , and having fully satisfied the AV . M . of the progress
they had made , he conferred upon them the degree of F . C . in his usual perfect manner . The AV . M . explained the Tracing Board of this degree in a style which elicited the warmest expressions of admiration , making frequent reference to T . A . of S . L . The W . M . is considered rather severe in his working , but every brother of the lodge entertains the highest feeling of respect towards him , under the conviction that he is right in keeping strictly within the ancient land-marks of the order . Two
gentlemen were proposed by the AV . M ., and secondod by the J . W ., as candidates for initiation , and Bro . F . Moore proposed and Bro . the Rev . Charles Allen seconded Bro . Gregory of the Palladian Lodge , Hereford , as a joining member . Bro . AVm . H . Marks was approved as a joining member , entered and took his proper position in the lodge . It has been arranged that , on the day following the day of consecration of St . George's Lodge , a masonic ball shall take place in the Town Hall , under the most distinguished patronage , to commemorate the establishment of this lodge in the ancient borough .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BISHOP ' S SwRTecwD—Stortford Lodge ( No . 592 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual meeting at the George Hotel , on Wednesday evening , the 14 th inst ., under the direction of the worthy AV . M . The lodge business having been transacted ivith that beautiful solemnity known only to the honourable Craftthe brethren adjourned from "labour to refreshment "
, , where the customary loyal and masonic toasts were gone through ; and the consideration of all " poor and distressed masons" having met with that kind and generous response which at all times is the first noble object of the Order , the business concluded with the usual blessing from the AA . M .
KENT . ASHEOBD . —Invieta Lodge ( No . 1011 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge wns held at the Corn Exchange , Ashford , on the 7 th inst ., under the presidency of the W . M . Bro . B . K . Thorpe , who expressed his regret that from unavoidable circumstances , -no member of this lodge had been able to attend as a deputation at Grand Lodge , for the consideration of an address of
condolence , to be presented to Her Majesty the Queen , on the recent melancholy occasion of the decease of his late Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; ancl after passing a well merited -eulogium on the late Prince he requested , that it be recorded in the Minute Book : — " That the members of the Invieta Lodge deeply sympathise with Her Majesty in her bereavement , and deplore the great loss the nation has sustained by the death of so good and virtuous a man as the late Prince Consort . " The
W . M . having resigned the office of Treasurer , a ballot was taken for a successor which proved in favour of Bro . C . J . A . Goldberg , who was invested accordingly . A ballot was taken for T ? ro . Rev . A . H . Roxburgh as ajoining member , which proved unanimous , and he was invested as Chaplain to this lodge . Bro . John Perry was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . A ballot was taken for Mr . Henry Benson James , which proved unanimous , and he was initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , the charge to the newly initiated brother being ably given by Bro . S . W . Greenhill . The Secretary read a letter from the D . Prov .
G . M ., Bro . Dobson , stating that he had consented to represent this province , at the next Festival of the Royal Masoniclnstitution for Boys , and urging the brethren of the province to assist him with subscriptions and donations . The W . M . expressed his gratification that the Invieta Lodge was in a position , individually and collectively , to give Bro . Dobson a liberal support . Bro . J . S . Eastes in a feeling and sympathising address , announced to the lodge the sad and sudden loss the worthy and' respected
brother Hallowes had sustained , by the death of his beloved partner in life : the sombre and sable appearance of the lodge testified how deeply the death of the Prince Consort was felt , and now the bereavemnt of their dear brother had increased the wound , and as Freemasons it was not only their duty , hut privilege to mourn with those that mourned ; he therefore proposed , which was seconded by Bro . B . Thorpe , that the Secretary , Bro . Goldberg , write a letter of condolence to their afilcted brother , and that the lodge continue in mourning for another month .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . GAESTOX 1 . — Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —The members of this lodge met at the AA ellington Hotel , on the 3 rd inst ., when it was opened by the AA . M ., Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., assisted hy Bro . Alch-ich , P . M ., as S . AV ., and the rest of the officers , and a full attendance of members . Visitors , Bros . H . AVyse , 391 ; J . D . Casson , 864 ; J . Whitehead , 864 ; T . North ,
245 . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Johnson was raised to the degree of M . M . by the AV . M ., Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . Dir . Cers ., acting as S . D . Bro . Pilkington was passed to the degree of F . C . hy Bro . Edward Pierpoint , P . M . Capt . J . Jenkins was proposed for initiation . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form , ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . C . J . Banister
advocated the cause of the Boys' School , which was responded to by the brethren and visitors . The " Health of the A isiting Brethren" was proposed hy Bro . Banister , and heartily responded to by the members of the lodge , each returning thanks in a truly Masonic spirit . The last toast brought a very harmonious evening to a close , with " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
LiA'EKPOOL . —Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( No . 294 ) . — Tuesday evening last was the regular night of meeting , and after the ballot box had gone round for two new members , who were duly elected , Bro . Dr . McGeorge worked the ceremony of the first degree , Bros . Stanley and Murdoch acting as S . W . and J . W . ; Bro . AVilson as candidate . Seven new members were proposed . Bro . Tzsilio Johnson was appointed to act as AV . M . on Tuesday , 25 th inst ., and the lodge was closed in tbe usual manner .
LIVEEPOOL . —Merc 7 iant ' sLodge ( No 29 i ) -Theregnhrmonthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , on the 11 th inst ., when the lodge was duly opened , and two brethren were passed to the second degree . The business of the lodge having been concluded , the brethren were called off to refreshment , and about 40 sat down to tea , coffee & c . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Turner , Assistant Prov . G . Secretary , AA ' arwickshire , and P . M . 696 , Birmingham ; McEntee ,
696 , Birmingham ; Bvabner , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Mawdesley , Prov . G . Registrar ; Mm-dock , 1088 ; Marsh , Secretary , 245 ; Taylor , J . AV . 880 ; Clay , J . D ., 965 ; Cassartelli , 965 , & c . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the toast of "the Visiting Brethren " was proposed , and acknowledged by Bros . Turner and Brabner . —Bro . EDWIN ROBINSON , Organist , 294 , proposed the health of Bro . Captain Mott , J . AV ., 294 , complimenting him on the important services which he had rendered to the Relief
Committee in his position of Treasurer , and eulogising the zeal manifested by him in having procured situations for several distressed but deserving applicants . —Bro . MOTT , in responding , referred to the great advantages resulting from the establishment of a weekly communication with the Manchester Relief Committee , which had enabled them to detect several eases of imposition . In the course of his remarks , Bro . Mott acknowledged , in comlimentary termsthe assiduous services of Bro . Marshas
p , , Secretary to the Relief Committee , and also to Bro . Mawdesley , who ( in conjunction with the late Bro . AA almsley , P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . AVylie , P . G . Secretary ) had heen mainly instrumental in its formation on its present permanent basis , having also filled the office of Secretary for the first twelve months of its existence , during which period the correspondence with the