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Manchester Committee was established . Other complimentary toasts followed , especial reference being made by Bro . Kearne , P . M ., 294 , to the flourishing state of the Lodge of Instruction , in connection with this lodge , general regret being expressed that owing to serious indisposition , the worthy and esteemed preceptor , Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., 294 , was unable to be present . A most harmonious evening ,. was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . UXBEIDGE . —Royal "Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Monday 17 th inst . at Bro . Lines ' , the Chequers Hotel . The lodge was draped in mourning in consequence of the melancholy death of the respected S . D , of the lodge , the late Bro . Claisen ; the brethren also wore masonic mourning . Bro . Newall , AV . M ., was supported by Bros . AA atson ,
as S . AV . ; Carter , J . AV . ; Cobham , S . D . ; Coombs , J . D . ; Brown , I . G-. ; AVeedon , Sec . ; and Daley , Tyler . Seven gentlemen were ballotedfor initiation . Messrs . Canning , Byrne , and Hicks , were initiated , Bros . Comport and Chegwidden were passed , and Bros . Leidersdorf and Spier were raised to the degree of M . M . It was unanimously resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to Mrs . Claisen , assuring her of the sympathy of the brethren in her great bereavement . The sum of £ 4 4 * . was voted towards
the purchase of a P . M . ' s jewel to be presented to Bro . Newall . AVe understand that a subscription has been started amongst the members to increase the amount amount and present him with a very handsome jewel , to mark their appreciation of the untiring energy and zeal with which he has laboured to support the interests of the lodge during his year of o-fiee just expiring . There being no further business the brethren adjourned to refreshment . There was ( as had heen announced ) , no banquet in consequence of theafflicting circumstances under which the lodge met .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NOETHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 6 th inst ., under the Presidency of Bro . Beam , the AV . M . The minutes of the last lodge meeting having heen read and confirmee , the AV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Flcwitt , P . M ., who then passed Bros . Jones and AVhite from the First to the Second Degreeancl
, afterwards delivered a lecture on the Second Tracing Board with his accustomed ability . The AV . M . having resumed the chair , the Rev . Charles Phillips , Curate of St . Sepulchre's Church , Northampton , was proposed as a fit and proper person to be initiated into the mysteries of the Craft .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TXNE . —Newcastle Lodge ( No . 24 . )—Onthe 6 th inst . this lodge was opened hy the W . M ., Bro . Loades , assisted by the officers of the lodge , aud a full attendance of members ancl visitors , amongst whom were Bros . H . A . Hammerbom , P . Prov , G . D . C . of Durham ; D . Phillips , 298 ; T . Miller , 614 ; R . Hardcastle , 1092 ; J . Hall and R . Young , 985 ; A . T . Rodenberg , 614 ;
Thos . Smith , J . Robinson , A . Oliver , 793 ; James Gillat , 2 S 9 ; B . Hewgill , 56 ; J . Reed , 706 . The minutes of last meeting were read over and confirmed . Bro . Addy was passed to the second degree by the W . M . Bro . Hall was raised to the degree of M . M . by Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , P . M ., 128 aud 774 , giving the lecture on the tracing-board , and explaining the working tools . Business over , the lodge was closed in due form and with ' solemn prayer . At refreshment the loyal and Masonic
toasts were given and received in clue course . Bro . HaBimerbom returned thanks for the Province of Durham . Bro . Phillips for the visitors . —Bro . C . J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " who responded in a neat speech . The evening was enlivened by song and sentiment from the brethren , and the last toast brought the proceedings to a happy close .
St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 706 ) . — On the 10 th instant , this lodge was opened by P . M . Bro . Benjamin J . Thompson , in the temporary absence of the AV . M ., Bro . James Kelly , assisted by Bro . Geo . Thompson , S . W ., Bro . John Reed , J . AV ., and a full attendance of brethren . A'isitors , Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , and I . G . 24 . Bros . R . Hopper , 24 ; Blakey , 24 ; John Vaughan , 706 ; Geo . AVeatherhead , P . Prov . G . S . W ., 24 and 614 . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . Three gpntlemen were initiated into
the Order hy Bro . B . J . Thompson , Prov . G . S . AV ., and P . M . 24 , 706 , 985 , Bro . C . J . Banister , acting as J . D . Three brethren were advanced to the degree of F . C . by Bro . Saueter , P . M . of St . Peter's Lodge . Two brethren wishing to take the third degree , were examined by the AA . M ., who had now taken his seat in the lodge , and being satisfactory to the brethren , were presented to Bro . Thompson , and raised to the
sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . BAUISTEB called the attention of the AV . M . to the Festivals of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , he being a steward for both charities this year , and hoped that tho lodge would support those laudable institutions . Business over , the lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn . " prayer . At refreshment the brethren passed a very pleasant hour , which is the usual practice of this flourishing lodge .
Newcastle Lodge of Instruction ( No 24 . )—The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at tha Freemasons' Hall , Blackett-street , on the 12 th inst . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock by Bro . H . Hotham as AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister as P . M . ; Reed , S . AA " . ; Janson , J . AV . ; Smith , Sec . The P . Ms , were Bros . A . Clapham , A . Gillespie , S . Bell , H . G . Ludwig , H . Saueter , J . Symington , A . LoadesAAfnterJ . HeawardStewardHUgalStewardand a
, , , , , , full attendance of brethren . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the auditors was received and passed . After many grants to the distressed , and establishing a very good library , the Treasurer held a good balance . Bro . P . Ball , P . M ., gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he would propose that part of the balance should be spent in a further purchase of books . Bro . C , J . Banister also gave notice that on that clay month he would propose that
a Life Governor of one of the Charities . Business over , that the Treasurer of that lodge of Instruction be made the lodge was closed in due form . The banquet provided by Bro . Bell , of the Neville Hotel , was served up in the lodge-room ,
under the presidency of Bro . H . Hotham , P . Prov . G . AV . Northumberland , and was well attended . On his right were Bros . A . Gillespie , Prov . G . Uleg . ; S . Bell , Prov . G . Supt . Works AValter , of Lodge No . 15 , New Jersey , U . S . ; Saneter , Smith , Evans , & c . On the left , Bros . C . J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham ; A . Loades , W . M . of 24 ; H . G . Ludwig , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Symington , P . G . S . B . ; Reed , S . AV . ; AA * inter , W . M . 793 , as J . AV ., and others
The W . M . gave in rotation " The Queen ; " " The Prince of AVales and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The M . AV . G . M . Earl Zetland , and his Deputy Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " The Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland ; " "The Prov . G . M . of Northumberland , also Durham , " & c The AA . M . called upon the brethren to charge bumpers for the toast of the evening . He said only a few years back he assisted the P . Ms , present to establish this Lodge of . Instruction ; indeedhe had the great
, pleasure of first proposing it , and now they numbered nearly 100 members , had an excellent library , and a capital balance in the Treasurer's hands , and if they kept on in their steady course would soon be a pattern to some of the old lodges to follow , and finished a most excellent speech by proposing" Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction , " which was drunk with acclamation . Bros . Grove , Haywood , AA alker , Banister , and Loades sang some excellent songs . The Treasurer's health
was proposed and responded to in a neat speech . Bro . S . Bell proposed " The Health of the AV . M . " in a truly Masonic speech , which was well responded to . Bro . AA alker , from America , responded to the health of the visitors in a spirited manner ; Bro . Reed responded to the officers' toast ; Bro . S . Bell for the P . Ms , present ,- Bro . Gillespie for the absent brethren ; Bro . Banister for the Charities , informing the brethren that he was again before thorn as a Steward . Bro . Bell returned
thanks for his health beiug proposed , and hoped that the brethren were pleased with the dinner , and the brethren separated , the last toast bringing a very harmonious evening to a lose .
STAFFORDSHIRE . BtmT 0 > -uP 02 f-TEENT . —Alley Lodge ( No . 907 ) . —The Anniversary of this prosperous lodge , was celebrated oii Tuesday last , at the lodge room , Burton Brewery Company ' s Offices , Highstreet . The lodge was opened at one p . m ., when , after the dispatch of some formal business , it was closed in due form . The banquet , which was served up at three p . m ., was intrusted to Mr . AA m . AVmfield , of the Bowling-Gieen Inn .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Manchester Committee was established . Other complimentary toasts followed , especial reference being made by Bro . Kearne , P . M ., 294 , to the flourishing state of the Lodge of Instruction , in connection with this lodge , general regret being expressed that owing to serious indisposition , the worthy and esteemed preceptor , Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., 294 , was unable to be present . A most harmonious evening ,. was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . UXBEIDGE . —Royal "Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Monday 17 th inst . at Bro . Lines ' , the Chequers Hotel . The lodge was draped in mourning in consequence of the melancholy death of the respected S . D , of the lodge , the late Bro . Claisen ; the brethren also wore masonic mourning . Bro . Newall , AV . M ., was supported by Bros . AA atson ,
as S . AV . ; Carter , J . AV . ; Cobham , S . D . ; Coombs , J . D . ; Brown , I . G-. ; AVeedon , Sec . ; and Daley , Tyler . Seven gentlemen were ballotedfor initiation . Messrs . Canning , Byrne , and Hicks , were initiated , Bros . Comport and Chegwidden were passed , and Bros . Leidersdorf and Spier were raised to the degree of M . M . It was unanimously resolved that a letter of condolence be forwarded to Mrs . Claisen , assuring her of the sympathy of the brethren in her great bereavement . The sum of £ 4 4 * . was voted towards
the purchase of a P . M . ' s jewel to be presented to Bro . Newall . AVe understand that a subscription has been started amongst the members to increase the amount amount and present him with a very handsome jewel , to mark their appreciation of the untiring energy and zeal with which he has laboured to support the interests of the lodge during his year of o-fiee just expiring . There being no further business the brethren adjourned to refreshment . There was ( as had heen announced ) , no banquet in consequence of theafflicting circumstances under which the lodge met .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NOETHAMPTON . —Pomfret Lodge ( No . 463 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 6 th inst ., under the Presidency of Bro . Beam , the AV . M . The minutes of the last lodge meeting having heen read and confirmee , the AV . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Flcwitt , P . M ., who then passed Bros . Jones and AVhite from the First to the Second Degreeancl
, afterwards delivered a lecture on the Second Tracing Board with his accustomed ability . The AV . M . having resumed the chair , the Rev . Charles Phillips , Curate of St . Sepulchre's Church , Northampton , was proposed as a fit and proper person to be initiated into the mysteries of the Craft .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TXNE . —Newcastle Lodge ( No . 24 . )—Onthe 6 th inst . this lodge was opened hy the W . M ., Bro . Loades , assisted by the officers of the lodge , aud a full attendance of members ancl visitors , amongst whom were Bros . H . A . Hammerbom , P . Prov , G . D . C . of Durham ; D . Phillips , 298 ; T . Miller , 614 ; R . Hardcastle , 1092 ; J . Hall and R . Young , 985 ; A . T . Rodenberg , 614 ;
Thos . Smith , J . Robinson , A . Oliver , 793 ; James Gillat , 2 S 9 ; B . Hewgill , 56 ; J . Reed , 706 . The minutes of last meeting were read over and confirmed . Bro . Addy was passed to the second degree by the W . M . Bro . Hall was raised to the degree of M . M . by Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , P . M ., 128 aud 774 , giving the lecture on the tracing-board , and explaining the working tools . Business over , the lodge was closed in due form and with ' solemn prayer . At refreshment the loyal and Masonic
toasts were given and received in clue course . Bro . HaBimerbom returned thanks for the Province of Durham . Bro . Phillips for the visitors . —Bro . C . J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " who responded in a neat speech . The evening was enlivened by song and sentiment from the brethren , and the last toast brought the proceedings to a happy close .
St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 706 ) . — On the 10 th instant , this lodge was opened by P . M . Bro . Benjamin J . Thompson , in the temporary absence of the AV . M ., Bro . James Kelly , assisted by Bro . Geo . Thompson , S . W ., Bro . John Reed , J . AV ., and a full attendance of brethren . A'isitors , Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , and I . G . 24 . Bros . R . Hopper , 24 ; Blakey , 24 ; John Vaughan , 706 ; Geo . AVeatherhead , P . Prov . G . S . W ., 24 and 614 . The minutes of last lodge were read and confirmed . Three gpntlemen were initiated into
the Order hy Bro . B . J . Thompson , Prov . G . S . AV ., and P . M . 24 , 706 , 985 , Bro . C . J . Banister , acting as J . D . Three brethren were advanced to the degree of F . C . by Bro . Saueter , P . M . of St . Peter's Lodge . Two brethren wishing to take the third degree , were examined by the AA . M ., who had now taken his seat in the lodge , and being satisfactory to the brethren , were presented to Bro . Thompson , and raised to the
sublime degree of Master Masons . Bro . BAUISTEB called the attention of the AV . M . to the Festivals of the Boys' and Girls' Schools , he being a steward for both charities this year , and hoped that tho lodge would support those laudable institutions . Business over , the lodge was closed in due form , and with solemn . " prayer . At refreshment the brethren passed a very pleasant hour , which is the usual practice of this flourishing lodge .
Newcastle Lodge of Instruction ( No 24 . )—The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at tha Freemasons' Hall , Blackett-street , on the 12 th inst . The lodge was opened at seven o'clock by Bro . H . Hotham as AV . M ., assisted by Bros . C . J . Banister as P . M . ; Reed , S . AA " . ; Janson , J . AV . ; Smith , Sec . The P . Ms , were Bros . A . Clapham , A . Gillespie , S . Bell , H . G . Ludwig , H . Saueter , J . Symington , A . LoadesAAfnterJ . HeawardStewardHUgalStewardand a
, , , , , , full attendance of brethren . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The report of the auditors was received and passed . After many grants to the distressed , and establishing a very good library , the Treasurer held a good balance . Bro . P . Ball , P . M ., gave notice of motion that at the next meeting he would propose that part of the balance should be spent in a further purchase of books . Bro . C , J . Banister also gave notice that on that clay month he would propose that
a Life Governor of one of the Charities . Business over , that the Treasurer of that lodge of Instruction be made the lodge was closed in due form . The banquet provided by Bro . Bell , of the Neville Hotel , was served up in the lodge-room ,
under the presidency of Bro . H . Hotham , P . Prov . G . AV . Northumberland , and was well attended . On his right were Bros . A . Gillespie , Prov . G . Uleg . ; S . Bell , Prov . G . Supt . Works AValter , of Lodge No . 15 , New Jersey , U . S . ; Saneter , Smith , Evans , & c . On the left , Bros . C . J . Banister , P . Prov . G . P . Northumberland , P . Prov . G . S . D . Durham ; A . Loades , W . M . of 24 ; H . G . Ludwig , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Symington , P . G . S . B . ; Reed , S . AV . ; AA * inter , W . M . 793 , as J . AV ., and others
The W . M . gave in rotation " The Queen ; " " The Prince of AVales and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The M . AV . G . M . Earl Zetland , and his Deputy Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " The Grand Masters of Scotland and Ireland ; " "The Prov . G . M . of Northumberland , also Durham , " & c The AA . M . called upon the brethren to charge bumpers for the toast of the evening . He said only a few years back he assisted the P . Ms , present to establish this Lodge of . Instruction ; indeedhe had the great
, pleasure of first proposing it , and now they numbered nearly 100 members , had an excellent library , and a capital balance in the Treasurer's hands , and if they kept on in their steady course would soon be a pattern to some of the old lodges to follow , and finished a most excellent speech by proposing" Prosperity to the Lodge of Instruction , " which was drunk with acclamation . Bros . Grove , Haywood , AA alker , Banister , and Loades sang some excellent songs . The Treasurer's health
was proposed and responded to in a neat speech . Bro . S . Bell proposed " The Health of the AV . M . " in a truly Masonic speech , which was well responded to . Bro . AA alker , from America , responded to the health of the visitors in a spirited manner ; Bro . Reed responded to the officers' toast ; Bro . S . Bell for the P . Ms , present ,- Bro . Gillespie for the absent brethren ; Bro . Banister for the Charities , informing the brethren that he was again before thorn as a Steward . Bro . Bell returned
thanks for his health beiug proposed , and hoped that the brethren were pleased with the dinner , and the brethren separated , the last toast bringing a very harmonious evening to a lose .
STAFFORDSHIRE . BtmT 0 > -uP 02 f-TEENT . —Alley Lodge ( No . 907 ) . —The Anniversary of this prosperous lodge , was celebrated oii Tuesday last , at the lodge room , Burton Brewery Company ' s Offices , Highstreet . The lodge was opened at one p . m ., when , after the dispatch of some formal business , it was closed in due form . The banquet , which was served up at three p . m ., was intrusted to Mr . AA m . AVmfield , of the Bowling-Gieen Inn .