Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Railway Hotel . A few visitors were present , among whom we noticed Bros . Kirkman , P . M . 45 ancl 1106 ; Schutteslin , Haigh , Palmer , Holdaway , and about twenty members of the lodge who spent a very pleasant evening , the AV . M . ancl his officers all striving to promote harmony , and good fellowship . Bro . James Powell , the Installing Master , in proposing the health of the AV . M . said , he had peculiar pleasure in performing that ceremony on the present occasionas he initiated the worthy
, occupant of the chair into Freemasonry , and had since seen him with credit fill every office from I . G . to S . AA . Notwithstanding the AV . M . and his S . AA' . had six miles to come to Lodge , they set a good example to other brethren , neither of them having ever missed attending a lodge since their initiation . Bro . Powell ' s observations were loudly cheered , as both the AA ' . M . and Bro . Adams , S . AV ., are highly esteemed by the brethren . Bros . HaihR . SmithGoodeve and others materially enhanced
g , , the harmony of the evening by their vocal efforts , and the oratorical exhibitions of Bro . Gambling , P . M ., as usual , afforded much amusement . On February 6 th the usual monthly meetr ing was held in the council chamber , the AV . M . Bro . George Collins in the chair . A gentleman was initiated ; Bro . Pratt was passed to the second degree , and the master and officers worked well together . The lodge closed in harmony .
AVARAVICKSHIRE . BnrniNGliAjsr . —St . Paul ' s Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —This lodge held its Anniversaay Festival on the 27 th ult ., when Bro . Bill was duly installed into the chair by Bro . Thomas James , of AA'alsall . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : — Bros . Foster , SW . ; Sproston , J . AV . ; Empson , Treas . ; A . AV . Suckling , Secretary ; Fairfax and Blenkinsee , Deacons ; Thomas ,
I . G . After the business , the brethren proceeded to . the banquet , provided in Bro . Machin's best style . After the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , the AV . M . proposed " The Health of Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . "—Bro . Charles AV . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M ., thanked the brethren for their kind reception . It was always a pleasure to visit the St . Paul's Lodge ; with it he had many happy associations , and not the least amongst them was the almost first visit he paid when his highly-esteemed friendBro .
, James Motteram , had a splendid testimonial presented to him—Bro . Elkington then proposed "The Health of their excellent Chairman , Bro . Bill , " who was worthy of all that kindness could say of him . Bro . Elkington urged upon the brethren to stand firm to the Boy's Charity this year , not only by their presence on the 12 th March , but by a large and liberal subscription to support the Charity ancl their noble Prov . G . M .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , on Thursday evening , 13 th inst . Bro . Alexander Hay , AA . M ., presided , supported by Bros . AVm . Longden , P . M . ; Wm . AVhite , jun ., P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . Cers . AVest Yorkshire ; H . Webster , AV . M . 1206 ; Richard Norton , 1115 ; Henry Hindle ,
1125 ; F . AValker , Sec . 1206 ; E . Farrar , S . D . 1206 , and a very large number of other brethren . Several joining members and candidates were balloted for and elected . Mr . Henry Horncastle , of Edwinstowe , Nottinghamshire , was initiated by the AV . M . ; the working tools being explained by Bro . AVhite , P . M ., and the charge ably rendered by Bro . tho Rev . C . E . Camidge , M . A ., Chap . Bros . Henry Allan Spurr , and Edward Parker were duly passed to the degree of F . C . bBro . AA'hiteP . M .
y , , and Bros . Jenkinsoh and Hydes having been examined in the two first degrees , and proving very proficient , were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . by the AV . M ., who gave the explanation of the tracing board and the traditionary history of the degree , and Ih-o . AA'hite , P . M ., explained the working tools . On Saturday evening , 16 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held in accordance with clause 2 , page 78 of the Rook of Constitutions , at the request of two M . M . ' s for the purpose of initiating Mr .
AVm . Edgar Allen , previous to his departure for Spain . The ballot proving unanimous , the ceremony was ably performed by the AV . M ., the working tools explained by Bro . Drurv , J . AA . 373 ; the charge delivered by Bro . AVebster , AV . M . 1206 ; " and an elaborate explanation of the tracing board given hy Bro . White , P . M . HUDDERSEIELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was regularly held at their hall in ifitz-
william-street , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., at 7 P . M . Bro . Joe AV . Tempest , AA' . M ., presiding . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree , and tbe minutes confirmed , when Bro . Gill ; was examined , and he answered satisfactorily . The lodge was then regularly opened in the second degree , when Bro . Lawton was examined , and answered in a very satisfactory manner . The lodge was duly opened in the third degree , and Bro . Lawton raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., tbe
AV . M . conducting the ceremony , which gave general satisfaction . The immediate P . M ., Bro . S . Hardy , gave the traditional history . The lodge was then closed in the third and resumed in the second degree , when Bro . Gill was admitted in due form , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . AA'illiam Smith , P . M ., conducted the ceremony in his usual masterly style . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , when one proposition of a joining member was made , and two
others for initiation . The lodge was duly closed in harmony and good-will about 9 p . 3 t ., after which the brethren adjourned to the supper-room , where ample justice was done to the good fare provided by the excellent purveyors . The rest of the evening « as spent in toasts , song , and sentiment , which was kept up with great zest till nearly twelve . A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 18 th inst . for the purpose of raising Bro . Ott to the sublime degree of a M . M ., preparatory to his leaving the country . The whole of this ceremony was ably conducted by our highly esteemed and much loved Bro . AA m . Geo . Dyson , P . AI . To the brethren present it was a rare treat .
GLASGOAV . LODGE ATIIOXE ( -113 ) . —This young and promising lodge held its usual fortnightly meeting on Tuesday evening , 11 th inst ., in the "* Masonic Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . After being opened in the first degree , the ceremony of initiation was proceeded with in due and ancient form , after which the fourth of the winter series of lectures was delivered by Bro . Taverner Knott ,
upon " Art as Indicative of National Character . " Bro . Knott glanced at the ancient Egyptian , Grecian , and Roman works of art , and at the modern European schools , more especially the German , French , and English , showing in an eloquent manner their varied indications of national character . At the conclusion of the lecture a cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Knott for his very interesting paper , and on the motion of Bro . Paterson , seconded by Bro . Schaw , Bro . Knott was affiliated as
an honorary member of the Lodge Athole . Bro . E . T . Smith presented tho lodge with a very interesting relic of the Indian campaign under the Duke of Wellington—then Lord Arthur , AA ellesley—in the shape of an Indian scimitar , the property of his late grandfather , who commanded a company of the 14 th Regiment , serving under AA ellesley , and who , no doubt , acquired possession of the weapon on the field of battle . The scimitar was received by the lodge through Bro . Paterson , with a keen tne value tne not reinemui
appreciation or or gift , oniy as a -ance of an episode in the career of Britain ' s greatest warrior , but also as a relic which must have had much personal interest to Bro . Smith through the memory of his gallant ancestor . On the motion ot Bro . Paterson , seconded by Bro . Porteous , a hearty vote of thanks was given to Bro . E . T . Smith for his present . Bro . JAMS HAEKNESS then in a brief but eloquent speech presented to the lodge in the name of their Tyler , Bro . James
Pollok , a handsome mallet for the R . W . M ., and two batons for the AVardens . These articles being invested with a truly national and historical interest , being made from part of the oak saved from the "Douglas" room in Stirling Castle , destroyed by fire a few years ago , and being in addition handsomely mounted with silver , were highly prized by the lodge , and they could not but deem it a special mark of favour that Bro . Pollok , himself an old and exemplary Masonshould have selected from among
, the many lodges with which he is connected , the youngest of them , the Lodge Athole , as the recipient of this very handsome gift . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . James Pollock . Bro . Harkness also , on his own account , presented two very handsome small silver-mounted mahogany mallets for the use ' of the Wardens , for which the R . AV . M . returned the thanks of the lodge . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form .
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Railway Hotel . A few visitors were present , among whom we noticed Bros . Kirkman , P . M . 45 ancl 1106 ; Schutteslin , Haigh , Palmer , Holdaway , and about twenty members of the lodge who spent a very pleasant evening , the AV . M . ancl his officers all striving to promote harmony , and good fellowship . Bro . James Powell , the Installing Master , in proposing the health of the AV . M . said , he had peculiar pleasure in performing that ceremony on the present occasionas he initiated the worthy
, occupant of the chair into Freemasonry , and had since seen him with credit fill every office from I . G . to S . AA . Notwithstanding the AV . M . and his S . AA' . had six miles to come to Lodge , they set a good example to other brethren , neither of them having ever missed attending a lodge since their initiation . Bro . Powell ' s observations were loudly cheered , as both the AA ' . M . and Bro . Adams , S . AV ., are highly esteemed by the brethren . Bros . HaihR . SmithGoodeve and others materially enhanced
g , , the harmony of the evening by their vocal efforts , and the oratorical exhibitions of Bro . Gambling , P . M ., as usual , afforded much amusement . On February 6 th the usual monthly meetr ing was held in the council chamber , the AV . M . Bro . George Collins in the chair . A gentleman was initiated ; Bro . Pratt was passed to the second degree , and the master and officers worked well together . The lodge closed in harmony .
AVARAVICKSHIRE . BnrniNGliAjsr . —St . Paul ' s Lodge ( No . 51 ) . —This lodge held its Anniversaay Festival on the 27 th ult ., when Bro . Bill was duly installed into the chair by Bro . Thomas James , of AA'alsall . The W . M . then proceeded to appoint his officers as follows : — Bros . Foster , SW . ; Sproston , J . AV . ; Empson , Treas . ; A . AV . Suckling , Secretary ; Fairfax and Blenkinsee , Deacons ; Thomas ,
I . G . After the business , the brethren proceeded to . the banquet , provided in Bro . Machin's best style . After the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , the AV . M . proposed " The Health of Lord Leigh , Prov . G . M . "—Bro . Charles AV . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M ., thanked the brethren for their kind reception . It was always a pleasure to visit the St . Paul's Lodge ; with it he had many happy associations , and not the least amongst them was the almost first visit he paid when his highly-esteemed friendBro .
, James Motteram , had a splendid testimonial presented to him—Bro . Elkington then proposed "The Health of their excellent Chairman , Bro . Bill , " who was worthy of all that kindness could say of him . Bro . Elkington urged upon the brethren to stand firm to the Boy's Charity this year , not only by their presence on the 12 th March , but by a large and liberal subscription to support the Charity ancl their noble Prov . G . M .
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST . ) SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , on Thursday evening , 13 th inst . Bro . Alexander Hay , AA . M ., presided , supported by Bros . AVm . Longden , P . M . ; Wm . AVhite , jun ., P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . Cers . AVest Yorkshire ; H . Webster , AV . M . 1206 ; Richard Norton , 1115 ; Henry Hindle ,
1125 ; F . AValker , Sec . 1206 ; E . Farrar , S . D . 1206 , and a very large number of other brethren . Several joining members and candidates were balloted for and elected . Mr . Henry Horncastle , of Edwinstowe , Nottinghamshire , was initiated by the AV . M . ; the working tools being explained by Bro . AVhite , P . M ., and the charge ably rendered by Bro . tho Rev . C . E . Camidge , M . A ., Chap . Bros . Henry Allan Spurr , and Edward Parker were duly passed to the degree of F . C . bBro . AA'hiteP . M .
y , , and Bros . Jenkinsoh and Hydes having been examined in the two first degrees , and proving very proficient , were impressively raised to the degree of M . M . by the AV . M ., who gave the explanation of the tracing board and the traditionary history of the degree , and Ih-o . AA'hite , P . M ., explained the working tools . On Saturday evening , 16 th inst ., a lodge of emergency was held in accordance with clause 2 , page 78 of the Rook of Constitutions , at the request of two M . M . ' s for the purpose of initiating Mr .
AVm . Edgar Allen , previous to his departure for Spain . The ballot proving unanimous , the ceremony was ably performed by the AV . M ., the working tools explained by Bro . Drurv , J . AA . 373 ; the charge delivered by Bro . AVebster , AV . M . 1206 ; " and an elaborate explanation of the tracing board given hy Bro . White , P . M . HUDDERSEIELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was regularly held at their hall in ifitz-
william-street , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., at 7 P . M . Bro . Joe AV . Tempest , AA' . M ., presiding . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree , and tbe minutes confirmed , when Bro . Gill ; was examined , and he answered satisfactorily . The lodge was then regularly opened in the second degree , when Bro . Lawton was examined , and answered in a very satisfactory manner . The lodge was duly opened in the third degree , and Bro . Lawton raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., tbe
AV . M . conducting the ceremony , which gave general satisfaction . The immediate P . M ., Bro . S . Hardy , gave the traditional history . The lodge was then closed in the third and resumed in the second degree , when Bro . Gill was admitted in due form , and duly passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . AA'illiam Smith , P . M ., conducted the ceremony in his usual masterly style . The lodge was then closed to the first degree , when one proposition of a joining member was made , and two
others for initiation . The lodge was duly closed in harmony and good-will about 9 p . 3 t ., after which the brethren adjourned to the supper-room , where ample justice was done to the good fare provided by the excellent purveyors . The rest of the evening « as spent in toasts , song , and sentiment , which was kept up with great zest till nearly twelve . A Lodge of Emergency was held on the 18 th inst . for the purpose of raising Bro . Ott to the sublime degree of a M . M ., preparatory to his leaving the country . The whole of this ceremony was ably conducted by our highly esteemed and much loved Bro . AA m . Geo . Dyson , P . AI . To the brethren present it was a rare treat .
GLASGOAV . LODGE ATIIOXE ( -113 ) . —This young and promising lodge held its usual fortnightly meeting on Tuesday evening , 11 th inst ., in the "* Masonic Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street . After being opened in the first degree , the ceremony of initiation was proceeded with in due and ancient form , after which the fourth of the winter series of lectures was delivered by Bro . Taverner Knott ,
upon " Art as Indicative of National Character . " Bro . Knott glanced at the ancient Egyptian , Grecian , and Roman works of art , and at the modern European schools , more especially the German , French , and English , showing in an eloquent manner their varied indications of national character . At the conclusion of the lecture a cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Knott for his very interesting paper , and on the motion of Bro . Paterson , seconded by Bro . Schaw , Bro . Knott was affiliated as
an honorary member of the Lodge Athole . Bro . E . T . Smith presented tho lodge with a very interesting relic of the Indian campaign under the Duke of Wellington—then Lord Arthur , AA ellesley—in the shape of an Indian scimitar , the property of his late grandfather , who commanded a company of the 14 th Regiment , serving under AA ellesley , and who , no doubt , acquired possession of the weapon on the field of battle . The scimitar was received by the lodge through Bro . Paterson , with a keen tne value tne not reinemui
appreciation or or gift , oniy as a -ance of an episode in the career of Britain ' s greatest warrior , but also as a relic which must have had much personal interest to Bro . Smith through the memory of his gallant ancestor . On the motion ot Bro . Paterson , seconded by Bro . Porteous , a hearty vote of thanks was given to Bro . E . T . Smith for his present . Bro . JAMS HAEKNESS then in a brief but eloquent speech presented to the lodge in the name of their Tyler , Bro . James
Pollok , a handsome mallet for the R . W . M ., and two batons for the AVardens . These articles being invested with a truly national and historical interest , being made from part of the oak saved from the "Douglas" room in Stirling Castle , destroyed by fire a few years ago , and being in addition handsomely mounted with silver , were highly prized by the lodge , and they could not but deem it a special mark of favour that Bro . Pollok , himself an old and exemplary Masonshould have selected from among
, the many lodges with which he is connected , the youngest of them , the Lodge Athole , as the recipient of this very handsome gift . A cordial vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . James Pollock . Bro . Harkness also , on his own account , presented two very handsome small silver-mounted mahogany mallets for the use ' of the Wardens , for which the R . AV . M . returned the thanks of the lodge . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form .