Article BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1
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Boys' School.
LONDON , SATURDAY , JUNE 21 , 1865 .
OPENING OP THE NEW BUILDING . The inauguration ceremony and festival of this truly magnificent Institution will be celebrated on the 8 th of July , the programme appears in another column , and Are doubt not will attract a
large concourse of brethren . The special privileges offered to the brethren and their families to make this a memorable occasion will probably induce such a gathering * as has seldom been witnessed ; and we trust the result will reward the extraordinary labours of the Stewards . Great efforts have been
made to secure a large attendance , not only to assist in the ceremony , but to render that substantial provision so much needed to free the buildino- from o debt . The London lodges , ever alive to the noble work of charity , will , Ave are led to believe , have
such an accession of strength from the provinces as Avill tend to prove that a universal feeling is predominant of marking this period of Masonic charitable display , and of stamping it with the philanthropic spirit of the age .
In looking" back for the last few years , Ave notice many great and noble efforts Avhich have been made by the Craft toAvards rendering more perfect its system of charity , this being one of the greatest and noblest . The unremitting energies of the
Boys School Board commends itself as deserving the hearty sympathy and support of every brother , as Avell as enlisting the mucli-to-be-desired services of the ladies and the sons of Freemasons . All are invited to join on this occasion , and Ave shall look Avith more than ordinary anxiety to the announcement of the result . How great will be the
satisfaction of all present , nay of every one enrolled under our banner , to 'find that such a commodious and elegant structure has been opened clear of encumbrance—a noble work crowned with adequate results . The general plan of the
building , Ave are assured , has been highly approved of by all who have visited it during its progress , AA'hile the elevation conveys the impression of beauty combined with utility . Spirited Committee—energetic Stewards—indefatigable
Secretary—liberal supporters ! Ye are all deserving of success : may your opening festival rival the completion of the Temple itself . We were forcibly struck by the statement in the circular , extracts from which . Ave published last week , that out of 25 , 000 contributing members
of the Craft , less than 3 , 000 Avere contributors to this Institution ; and that if each lodge sent only ten guineas , the desired object of opening the School free from debt would be accomplished . We know many lodges that will not be content with
this minimum sum , and Ave are equally sure numbers of individual subscribers Avill help to SAvell the lists i while ladies and " Lewises" will add grace and countenance to this great undertaking . Did Ave feel it necessary to make an appeal , Ave could
point out many instances of brethren enjoying health and prosperity being smitten by adversity , sickness , or death , leaving their sons dependent on this Institution for that education and support which would otherwise be denied them . Such
instances are patent to every one , and are continually occurring . With respect to the project , Ave are satisfied that an addition to the former temporary building was absolutely necessary ; and we cannot withhold our admiration of the Board who so boldly determined on raisins- an endurine- structure in
every Avay suitable for the purpose , and Avorthy of the object . We are aware in an enterprise of this kind IIOAV difficnlt it is to please all ; diversity of opinion Avill naturally arise . Some may think that a building of more humble pretensions would
have answered the purpose , Avhile others would have wished a more elaborate outline , capable of extension . To the former Ave may say that the taste Avhich prevails at present would not be content with a work of . such a prominent character ,
devoid of architectural talent and progressive requirements ; to the latter Ave may add the satisfaction that , should it be required , Ave see no reason Avhy a greater number of boys than the committee name could not easily be accommodated ; to all
Ave would enjom that kindly and true Masonic accord Avhich overlooks its OAA ' peculiar A ieAvs in the general advancement of the benefits to be enjoyed by the brotherhood . In commending this inauguration ceremony and
festival to the brethren , and in anticipating a large gathering' , not only from the metropolis , but from every province in the country , Ave wish to express our sympathy with the undertaking - , with a heartfelt desire that the result of the day ' s proceedings
may far surpass the most sanguine expectations . It only requires that all should help in the true spirit of Freemasonry , resting on the assurance of the often verified injunction— " Cast thy bread upon the waters and thou shalt find it after many days . "
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Boys' School.
LONDON , SATURDAY , JUNE 21 , 1865 .
OPENING OP THE NEW BUILDING . The inauguration ceremony and festival of this truly magnificent Institution will be celebrated on the 8 th of July , the programme appears in another column , and Are doubt not will attract a
large concourse of brethren . The special privileges offered to the brethren and their families to make this a memorable occasion will probably induce such a gathering * as has seldom been witnessed ; and we trust the result will reward the extraordinary labours of the Stewards . Great efforts have been
made to secure a large attendance , not only to assist in the ceremony , but to render that substantial provision so much needed to free the buildino- from o debt . The London lodges , ever alive to the noble work of charity , will , Ave are led to believe , have
such an accession of strength from the provinces as Avill tend to prove that a universal feeling is predominant of marking this period of Masonic charitable display , and of stamping it with the philanthropic spirit of the age .
In looking" back for the last few years , Ave notice many great and noble efforts Avhich have been made by the Craft toAvards rendering more perfect its system of charity , this being one of the greatest and noblest . The unremitting energies of the
Boys School Board commends itself as deserving the hearty sympathy and support of every brother , as Avell as enlisting the mucli-to-be-desired services of the ladies and the sons of Freemasons . All are invited to join on this occasion , and Ave shall look Avith more than ordinary anxiety to the announcement of the result . How great will be the
satisfaction of all present , nay of every one enrolled under our banner , to 'find that such a commodious and elegant structure has been opened clear of encumbrance—a noble work crowned with adequate results . The general plan of the
building , Ave are assured , has been highly approved of by all who have visited it during its progress , AA'hile the elevation conveys the impression of beauty combined with utility . Spirited Committee—energetic Stewards—indefatigable
Secretary—liberal supporters ! Ye are all deserving of success : may your opening festival rival the completion of the Temple itself . We were forcibly struck by the statement in the circular , extracts from which . Ave published last week , that out of 25 , 000 contributing members
of the Craft , less than 3 , 000 Avere contributors to this Institution ; and that if each lodge sent only ten guineas , the desired object of opening the School free from debt would be accomplished . We know many lodges that will not be content with
this minimum sum , and Ave are equally sure numbers of individual subscribers Avill help to SAvell the lists i while ladies and " Lewises" will add grace and countenance to this great undertaking . Did Ave feel it necessary to make an appeal , Ave could
point out many instances of brethren enjoying health and prosperity being smitten by adversity , sickness , or death , leaving their sons dependent on this Institution for that education and support which would otherwise be denied them . Such
instances are patent to every one , and are continually occurring . With respect to the project , Ave are satisfied that an addition to the former temporary building was absolutely necessary ; and we cannot withhold our admiration of the Board who so boldly determined on raisins- an endurine- structure in
every Avay suitable for the purpose , and Avorthy of the object . We are aware in an enterprise of this kind IIOAV difficnlt it is to please all ; diversity of opinion Avill naturally arise . Some may think that a building of more humble pretensions would
have answered the purpose , Avhile others would have wished a more elaborate outline , capable of extension . To the former Ave may say that the taste Avhich prevails at present would not be content with a work of . such a prominent character ,
devoid of architectural talent and progressive requirements ; to the latter Ave may add the satisfaction that , should it be required , Ave see no reason Avhy a greater number of boys than the committee name could not easily be accommodated ; to all
Ave would enjom that kindly and true Masonic accord Avhich overlooks its OAA ' peculiar A ieAvs in the general advancement of the benefits to be enjoyed by the brotherhood . In commending this inauguration ceremony and
festival to the brethren , and in anticipating a large gathering' , not only from the metropolis , but from every province in the country , Ave wish to express our sympathy with the undertaking - , with a heartfelt desire that the result of the day ' s proceedings
may far surpass the most sanguine expectations . It only requires that all should help in the true spirit of Freemasonry , resting on the assurance of the often verified injunction— " Cast thy bread upon the waters and thou shalt find it after many days . "