Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in prosperity . \ ou have my best and most sincere wishes for your success , and you may be sure I shall not fail to speak to the brethren of Calcutta about the lodge and all I have witnessed here this evening ; and if any brother of this lodge has occasion to come to Calcutta , I promise him ' a hearty welcome at Lodges True Friendship and Marine , of both of which I am a member . Again thanking you for your kindness , I drink to you , and continued prosperity to Lodge Phoamx . —The W . MASTER said ,
Brethren , I rise to propose our usual toast , " Success to Lodge Phcenix , and Unity and Brotherly Love among its Members . " On the present occasion , I am induced to add a few words to the toast , in consequence of very painful news that has reached me of serious dissensions in a neighbouring lodge—dissensions which , however they may have been caused , or however they may end , can do no good to the Craft ; and I attribute their existenceprincipallyto the absence of that degree of brotherly
, , love among its members which alone can keep them united . I , therefore , avail myself of the opportunity to address a few words to you on the love you owe one another . Remember , brethren , that " brotherly love is the sacred principle which combines and cements our fraternity . " It teaches us to " divest ourselves of every selfish consideration and narrow prejudice , " and reminds us that " we are united by a strong and endearing
relation as creatures of the same God , as children by the same first parents ; " and , brethren , by all those great and solemn tics which have kept the Craft united from the beginning of time , and which , if preserved in their integrity , will keep it united till time shall be no more . Brotherly love is the bond of social virtue , and peace , and harmony . It induces charity which is exhibited by the mere giving of alms , for alms-giving is not always charity . It is sometimes the result of a love of ostentation , and frequently the bad man ' s bribe for absolution of sins . He has , perhaps , heard or read somewhere
that charity covers a multitude of sins ; and believes , in the foolishness of his heart , that alms-giving alone is charity , and sufficient to obtain remission of sins . Dreadful mistake . True charity , which springs from pure brotherly love , consists of forbearance , gentleness , earnest , continuous desire to do acts of kindness , without display , and to render one ' s self useful to the happiness of mankind . Brotherly love is the loveliest and holiest emanation from Him whose last and greatest command
to us was , "love one another , as I have loved yon . " With the " example of brotherly love which lie set before us , love which led him to bear so much that they , whom he deigned to call brethren , might be saved ; with such an example before us , that man , and especially that Mason , who steels his heart against a brother , belies every good and noble gift with which the Great Architect of the Universe has endowed the being
formed after his own image . To you , therefore , my earnest brotherly exhortation is , open your hearts to your fellow-ereatures , and particularly to your brethren in the Craft . " Love one another . " As it was said of old , by the enemies of Christianity , " See how these Christians love one another , " so let the world and the enemies of the Craft be compelled to say of us— " See how these Masons love one another . " This love , if fostered , will lead you on from good to better ; and on that
great day , when we shall all have to appear and answer for the deeds done in this life , may our brotherly love so shine forth and bear witness for us , as to induce the great brother of ' man to say to each one of us , in his own delicious tones of brotherly love , " come and enter the dwelling prepared for you in the mansion of our Father . " And now , brethren , here is success to our lodge , and may the Most High grant continuous unity and brotherly love among its members . At half past eleven the last toast was given , and the brethren separated after having passed a most pleasant evening .
CALCUTTA . LODGE ST . Jorra ( No . 4 S 6 ) . —At a regular meeting holden at Freemasons Hall , No . 43 , Cossitolhih , Bros . William Swinhoe , W . M ., presiding ; Frank Powell , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . Grand Master of Bengal , P . M . of the lodge . Bros , J . Obbard , S . W . ; J . B . Morewood , . T . W . ; I-I . Cockbni-n , as Sec ; 0 . B . Andrews , S . D . ; M . C . Smith , as J . D . ; E . M . Goodrickas I . G . ; D . J . DanielTler ; members and visitors to the
, , y lodge . Bro . Stephen , ( Barrister-at-Law ) , raised ; Bro . M . C . Smith , ( Lieutenant ) H . M . ' s Service , was appointed I . G ., and invested with the badge of his office . AVe missed an oldfamiliar face from the columns of our lodge—our esteemed Bro . W . G . Baxter , Sec . and Treas . of the lodge . Our sorrow was
ncrcased that his absence was caused by illness . Another meeting was holden at Freemasons Hall , Cossitolhih , on Friday , the 2-X'tli March , Win . Swinhoe , W . M ., presiding . Bro . Alder was raised . It was with deep regret we heard our Bro . Secretary mention the resignation of membership by Bro . George Cliisholm . This worthy brother held office during the past year . He is the Scribe E . and Treasurer of Chapter Hope ( No . 10 !)) of Englandand zealousldoes his work .
Com-, y paratively a junior in the Craft , nevertheless he has secured the esteem of those who fully appreciate his unceasing labour for the well-doing of Royal Arch Chapter Hope . Bro . Cliisholm has been admitted a subscribing member of the Sister Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No . 100 ) .
Obituary .
THE VERY EMINENT HENRY JAMES HLNXMAN , M . D ., PROVINCIAL GRAND COMMANDER FOR KENT . Authentic intelligence has reached England that our brother Dr . Hinxmau , Avho wont to Australia for the benefit of his health , by a long sea voyage , died at
Brisbane early in the present year . Dr . Hinxmau was a Freemason of many years standing , and had served all manner of offices in the Craft , Arch , Templars , & c . He was also a Avarm supporter of the Charities . Without knowing the exact dates of Iris several appointments , it may be mentioned that ho had been a Grand StcAvard , a P . M . and Sec . of the Castle Lodge of Harmony ; a Past
Z . of the Royal Arch ; P . M . of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge ; P . E . C . of the Observance Encampment ; V . E ., Prov . G . Com . for Kent ; and a member of the 31 ° . Some two years ago , and upwards , Avhen inspecting the repairs going on at his house , in ascending a ladder , outside , one of the rounds of the ladder broke Avith him , and he fell to the ground a distance of eighteen or
tAveuty feet , breaking one of his arms . He never got over this shock to his system , but continued to get more feeble daily , until a long sea voyage Avas suggested as his only moans of recovery . This , unfortunately , seems to haA-c done him no good , but , increasing his infirmities , terminated in his death , at Brisbane , Australia . A correspondent has forwarded us the folloAving copy of an announcement in a Brisbane paper , Avithout , however , giving us the date : — "The Masonic brethren of Brisbane are called upon
this day to pay a final mark of respect to departed merit by following to their last resting place the remains of Dr . H . J . Ifinxman , 21 . 1 ) ., M . B . G . B . L ., a distinguished brother , Avho has been called away from this Avorld of tribulation and toil to a happier sphere , Avhcre the bands Avhich unite brethren in this life Avill , AVC trust , be perfected . Sir Knight Dr . Hinxmau Avas the very
eminent Provincial Grand Commander for Kent . Although lie had for some time suffered from very severe indisposition , ho contrived , during his short residence here , to infuse such a spirit among the Masonic fraternity of Brisbane as will not easily be forgotten . He has been called away Avhilst in a distant land , and far from , those Avho Avere bound to him by natural ties of affection , but
it will be a pleasing balm to their sorrow to learn that in his last moments he Avas surrounded by sympathising brethren , and received every kindness from those in whoso bouse ho spent several Aveeks before bis death , and everything Avhich could be done to allay the sufferings attendant upon bis disease—aneurism of the heart —was done . The loss of so distinguished a man Avill , Ave
doubt not , be felt in England , Avhci-e Dr . Hinxman Avas well known and greatly respected . It is to be hoped that although his funeral will bo of quite a private character , no brother Avho ' can by any possibility attend Avill absent himself . The funeral Avill leave the Royal Hotel this afternoon at four o ' clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in prosperity . \ ou have my best and most sincere wishes for your success , and you may be sure I shall not fail to speak to the brethren of Calcutta about the lodge and all I have witnessed here this evening ; and if any brother of this lodge has occasion to come to Calcutta , I promise him ' a hearty welcome at Lodges True Friendship and Marine , of both of which I am a member . Again thanking you for your kindness , I drink to you , and continued prosperity to Lodge Phoamx . —The W . MASTER said ,
Brethren , I rise to propose our usual toast , " Success to Lodge Phcenix , and Unity and Brotherly Love among its Members . " On the present occasion , I am induced to add a few words to the toast , in consequence of very painful news that has reached me of serious dissensions in a neighbouring lodge—dissensions which , however they may have been caused , or however they may end , can do no good to the Craft ; and I attribute their existenceprincipallyto the absence of that degree of brotherly
, , love among its members which alone can keep them united . I , therefore , avail myself of the opportunity to address a few words to you on the love you owe one another . Remember , brethren , that " brotherly love is the sacred principle which combines and cements our fraternity . " It teaches us to " divest ourselves of every selfish consideration and narrow prejudice , " and reminds us that " we are united by a strong and endearing
relation as creatures of the same God , as children by the same first parents ; " and , brethren , by all those great and solemn tics which have kept the Craft united from the beginning of time , and which , if preserved in their integrity , will keep it united till time shall be no more . Brotherly love is the bond of social virtue , and peace , and harmony . It induces charity which is exhibited by the mere giving of alms , for alms-giving is not always charity . It is sometimes the result of a love of ostentation , and frequently the bad man ' s bribe for absolution of sins . He has , perhaps , heard or read somewhere
that charity covers a multitude of sins ; and believes , in the foolishness of his heart , that alms-giving alone is charity , and sufficient to obtain remission of sins . Dreadful mistake . True charity , which springs from pure brotherly love , consists of forbearance , gentleness , earnest , continuous desire to do acts of kindness , without display , and to render one ' s self useful to the happiness of mankind . Brotherly love is the loveliest and holiest emanation from Him whose last and greatest command
to us was , "love one another , as I have loved yon . " With the " example of brotherly love which lie set before us , love which led him to bear so much that they , whom he deigned to call brethren , might be saved ; with such an example before us , that man , and especially that Mason , who steels his heart against a brother , belies every good and noble gift with which the Great Architect of the Universe has endowed the being
formed after his own image . To you , therefore , my earnest brotherly exhortation is , open your hearts to your fellow-ereatures , and particularly to your brethren in the Craft . " Love one another . " As it was said of old , by the enemies of Christianity , " See how these Christians love one another , " so let the world and the enemies of the Craft be compelled to say of us— " See how these Masons love one another . " This love , if fostered , will lead you on from good to better ; and on that
great day , when we shall all have to appear and answer for the deeds done in this life , may our brotherly love so shine forth and bear witness for us , as to induce the great brother of ' man to say to each one of us , in his own delicious tones of brotherly love , " come and enter the dwelling prepared for you in the mansion of our Father . " And now , brethren , here is success to our lodge , and may the Most High grant continuous unity and brotherly love among its members . At half past eleven the last toast was given , and the brethren separated after having passed a most pleasant evening .
CALCUTTA . LODGE ST . Jorra ( No . 4 S 6 ) . —At a regular meeting holden at Freemasons Hall , No . 43 , Cossitolhih , Bros . William Swinhoe , W . M ., presiding ; Frank Powell , P . M . ; John William Brown , P . D . Prov . Grand Master of Bengal , P . M . of the lodge . Bros , J . Obbard , S . W . ; J . B . Morewood , . T . W . ; I-I . Cockbni-n , as Sec ; 0 . B . Andrews , S . D . ; M . C . Smith , as J . D . ; E . M . Goodrickas I . G . ; D . J . DanielTler ; members and visitors to the
, , y lodge . Bro . Stephen , ( Barrister-at-Law ) , raised ; Bro . M . C . Smith , ( Lieutenant ) H . M . ' s Service , was appointed I . G ., and invested with the badge of his office . AVe missed an oldfamiliar face from the columns of our lodge—our esteemed Bro . W . G . Baxter , Sec . and Treas . of the lodge . Our sorrow was
ncrcased that his absence was caused by illness . Another meeting was holden at Freemasons Hall , Cossitolhih , on Friday , the 2-X'tli March , Win . Swinhoe , W . M ., presiding . Bro . Alder was raised . It was with deep regret we heard our Bro . Secretary mention the resignation of membership by Bro . George Cliisholm . This worthy brother held office during the past year . He is the Scribe E . and Treasurer of Chapter Hope ( No . 10 !)) of Englandand zealousldoes his work .
Com-, y paratively a junior in the Craft , nevertheless he has secured the esteem of those who fully appreciate his unceasing labour for the well-doing of Royal Arch Chapter Hope . Bro . Cliisholm has been admitted a subscribing member of the Sister Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No . 100 ) .
Obituary .
THE VERY EMINENT HENRY JAMES HLNXMAN , M . D ., PROVINCIAL GRAND COMMANDER FOR KENT . Authentic intelligence has reached England that our brother Dr . Hinxmau , Avho wont to Australia for the benefit of his health , by a long sea voyage , died at
Brisbane early in the present year . Dr . Hinxmau was a Freemason of many years standing , and had served all manner of offices in the Craft , Arch , Templars , & c . He was also a Avarm supporter of the Charities . Without knowing the exact dates of Iris several appointments , it may be mentioned that ho had been a Grand StcAvard , a P . M . and Sec . of the Castle Lodge of Harmony ; a Past
Z . of the Royal Arch ; P . M . of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge ; P . E . C . of the Observance Encampment ; V . E ., Prov . G . Com . for Kent ; and a member of the 31 ° . Some two years ago , and upwards , Avhen inspecting the repairs going on at his house , in ascending a ladder , outside , one of the rounds of the ladder broke Avith him , and he fell to the ground a distance of eighteen or
tAveuty feet , breaking one of his arms . He never got over this shock to his system , but continued to get more feeble daily , until a long sea voyage Avas suggested as his only moans of recovery . This , unfortunately , seems to haA-c done him no good , but , increasing his infirmities , terminated in his death , at Brisbane , Australia . A correspondent has forwarded us the folloAving copy of an announcement in a Brisbane paper , Avithout , however , giving us the date : — "The Masonic brethren of Brisbane are called upon
this day to pay a final mark of respect to departed merit by following to their last resting place the remains of Dr . H . J . Ifinxman , 21 . 1 ) ., M . B . G . B . L ., a distinguished brother , Avho has been called away from this Avorld of tribulation and toil to a happier sphere , Avhcre the bands Avhich unite brethren in this life Avill , AVC trust , be perfected . Sir Knight Dr . Hinxmau Avas the very
eminent Provincial Grand Commander for Kent . Although lie had for some time suffered from very severe indisposition , ho contrived , during his short residence here , to infuse such a spirit among the Masonic fraternity of Brisbane as will not easily be forgotten . He has been called away Avhilst in a distant land , and far from , those Avho Avere bound to him by natural ties of affection , but
it will be a pleasing balm to their sorrow to learn that in his last moments he Avas surrounded by sympathising brethren , and received every kindness from those in whoso bouse ho spent several Aveeks before bis death , and everything Avhich could be done to allay the sufferings attendant upon bis disease—aneurism of the heart —was done . The loss of so distinguished a man Avill , Ave
doubt not , be felt in England , Avhci-e Dr . Hinxman Avas well known and greatly respected . It is to be hoped that although his funeral will bo of quite a private character , no brother Avho ' can by any possibility attend Avill absent himself . The funeral Avill leave the Royal Hotel this afternoon at four o ' clock .